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The Vertical Joy Ride!!

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I'll second that about canna's Rhizotonic. I use it as a supplement and for misting clones and seedlings. Nothing seems to root clones faster. Nice setup SQ. They don't make caps to seal those grow sites that aren't being used. If they don't, they should.

Good luck with the grow!



Cannabis Creeper
Sup Quick,
Looks like you are blowin up in that coli again... cant wait tyo see what the Cali-o yields in that.. can we say poundage.. :spank: Keep It Green and Stay Safe.. HE


Sq if i remember correctly you were doing a small 10 bucket grow of some strain(s?) to the side of your flat garden. One of the strains was cali-o and i wanted to know what height it stopped stretching at? Looked like it went in as a fresh cutting - no veg.


I hear good things about canna's Rhizotonic, but I suggest hygrozyme. It is the same sort of thing and has great results.

So Quick

I'll get to replies in a minute...lemme take this spare time to do a lil updating...

I'm gonna situate the pics...brb!!

So Quick

They're pretty much settling in and gettin established...this is my first time flowering these Cali O's in this system, so I really don't know what to expect at the end of the stretch. but we'll see shortly!!

Here we go at 9 days into flowering..

WoW!! That took awhile to upload...lemme resize my pics to quicken the upload..

So Quick

Here goes another set of root shots...Looks like that sub culture is workin!! Or maybe I just think it's workin...what do you guys think?? Trippin or not trippin??

Now that was better...I'm gonna resize the rest of the pics...brb!

So Quick

Nice to have someone up wit me 004!! This insomnia kills me!! I slept at a decent hour for the first time this sunday...I was out playin paintball wit the fellas..oh yea, a team like the way me and my brother ball, so they hit us up to join their rookie team...which was pretty neat!! But anyways, I was out scrimmaging all day sunday..that saturday night I didn't fall out till 5:30am and I had to get up at 7:00 to make it to the feild at 9am, so I was pretty beat down...once the day started I was good to go, especially after the first game...they had about 6 teams out there scrimmaging, so we had pleanty of action that day...so I get home at about 5pm and I go home and get cleaned up and run to my to visit my mom before I fell out...cuz now after the shower I'm friggin tired as shit!! So I go to my Mom's house to visit, she was cookin, so I stayed for about an hour and ate and just kicked back...finally get home at 7pm and I went upstairs and knocked the hell out!! I slept till about 8am the next day!! I was feelin great, but I noticed once I got out runnin around...I was tired again...I was more drained than gettin only 2-3 hours of sleep...and I just got about 13 hours!! Anyways, I forgot why the hell I'm tellin yall this...all I know is, gettin too much sleep is just as bad as not gettin enough!! Weird I tell ya??

Lemm get back to the stuff you guys are interested in...here's an aerial shot of 9 days in..



full time daddy
heres how they looked befor i put them in

then 3 days later....

now just for fyi....... this 3 days was when i had the pump prob and was only watering 1-2 times a day by hand.

i would not pull the roots out of the hydroton for any reason but i had 2 plants die on the bottem so when replanting new ones i had to take out sum droton and a few on top was exposed so i sanped pic's & replanted them...

im using the advanced nute 2+ program...

So Quick

aww man 004!! That sucks!! Yea, when using rocks you have to water more frequently...I run my timer for 45-50sec every 5 min...how do you like the AN nutes?? Is it the sensi part your usin?? I was lookin into their products, but they have to many friggn nutes!! Too dam confusing, if you ask me!! Maybe someone can give me a heads up on their nute program??
So Quick, Looks Great I have been waiting like a little kid for the update!! Looks killer!! Love the aerial shots. This thread has me itchin to start up some hydro again... 00 those roots are explosive!! Anyways Great Work!!
Cant wait to see the ride in a few weeks :yummy: Hum.

So Quick

Lemme throw in this lil project I'll be workin on...I recently got blessed by Bog...he shot me a handful of Sour B bx2.5...big ups to the Bogman for the generosity...I ended up germin about 10 of em...I got about 4 females, but only saved 2 of the ones that I felt looked the best...I ended up keepin 2 very nice lookin males, so I'll be playin wit these dudes for the next few months...when the time is right, I'll hook up wit DG and see if we can get a few out to you good folks that wanna give my next project a whack!!


So Quick

Fred: :)

Glad you liked the aerials humboldt!! I'll get some more shots up the next time I get a minute to sit down...oh and nice to see ya still hangin around :smile:

Well that's my time for tonight...I gotta drive home and get my ass in bed...hopefully the long drive will have me tired by the time I get home!! This reminds me...I had one of the most bestest sleep in the whole wide world last week...it was for only 45 minutes, but it was the best!! I was on the road all day.,..I was so friggin tired on the ride home...now this is a scary feelin, cuz it feels so good just to close your eyes for a second...fightin sleep doesn't feel so good!! anyways, I make it home and pop the garage, pulled in, turned off the car, and just sat there...it was soooooo quiet and relaxing, I just shut my eyes and dosed off...wow was that the most peacefullest sleep I've ever had...you'll never know what I'm talkin about till you try!! I wouldn't have woke up so soon, but my dam cell wrang!! Welp guys I'm out...hell I just might be sleepin in the garage tonight :D

Hang tight and I'll be right back at ya guys wit more pics! Happy sleepin everybody!!

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full time daddy
man i hear ya on not being able to sleep... then crashing for a day or so.... makes me fill like a crack head or sum shit.......

as far as the AN gos.... yeah theres a ton of shit thats on there menu.....

but if you lookin to it a lot of it is the same ones for soil one for dro ect.

to brake it down the only thing that i have used is whats on there nute calc..
i have found a few of there items to be either one bs or just to damn much money to be wasting for one the b-52 (aka supathrive i think) you use like 1 oz per gallon....... come on now dont give me that ****....... its not even a nute.
same with the sensizym you use way to much to make it worth it.... says its to brake down old roots and turn it in to humic acid of sumthing craze....

but on the real here what i use ( veg )

first off the 3 part grow micro bloom.... ( cheaper then gh )
i have all ways like 3 parts over one or 2 parts just for the control.

fulvic acid...... i used the gh diamand necter befor and loved it but you use a ton of it and very lil of the AN mix the 1 liter(an) to the gallon (gh) is about half the price but is used in the same time frame..... so i save money there

i have never used humic acid be for but am going to this go round
i am working with a unknowen strain so i may neva no the answer.

barricade.... i use this just cuz they say its good for your plants. and you use 10 mil per gallon and at 19 bux a liter that should last you 10 yrs y not

piranha & voodoo.... now this is where i think AN gets there unreal root growth there both some what pricy but i think well worth the cash flow
there only used in veg & the first 2 weeks of flower so really you dont use much if your going right in to flower like we are...
this is said to be the same as the sub your using just AN line 100 grams 24 bux ( ebay )

for flowering i use budblood ( 1st week only) then bigbud ( week 2,3,4 ) & overdrive (week 5,6, {7 if you have a 8 week strain}

then final phase for the last week

the reason theres so many items is you use them all in dif weeks of the plant so when you buy them there going to last 2-3 grows on most bottels i have used my bigbud for 3 grows...... but then again theres the others that u use in 1 week ( things i no longer buy).....

heres the first 2 pumps i went with the pro 275 then a pro 500..... both weak sauce for aero sprayers..........

so after spending 130 bux on them i went to home help you grow and got me a flo tec............ damn good pumps..... i got in on a sale ( open box) for 150 its a 3/4 horse pump and of corse i got it all hooked up and all that jazz..... and the fuger did not work.... so i take it all out return it willing to pay the extra cash for a new one the give me a newone with no probs even with out a sales tag........... but man let me tell you this thing can suck & spray....... right now im using a 5 gallon bucket for rez it last about 3-4 days

i think i might begetting the rez you got soon but this will work for this grow..
but no need for much more then 5 gallons on 1 mini coli..... maybe all go 2.

the other 5 gallon bucket i keep full of water to top off or for next weeks rez change...... the tree there...... no thats not a mom ;) shes going out side this yr.......

heres a few shots the first ones ( left side ) have been veging for 5 days ( why i had the pump prob..

then here is the right side 1 day veg

i put the left side in thinking i had a pump then found out i did not so i wanted to wait on the right... i will be flipping them prob in the morning....
we will see if veging 5 days will add to the yeild or not....
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