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The Vertical Joy Ride!!

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So Quick

Hey RJ...man you aint lyin!! I think the more we get smashed the harder it'll make us push...alot of folks are scared to scrimmage against teams...I personally love it even tho I'm still new to the Ball'n!! That runnin and shootin is somethin else isn't it!! It's soooo hard to get off an acurate shot!! But the snap shootin...I'm gettin better :smile: What gun are you shootin btw?? Timmy?? Shocker?? DM4-5?? or Autococker?? I have both a Ripper and a Mini Orracle...the timmy that was posted on my other thread was actually brothers...I have a silver w/red sleeves and I love it to death...the only complaint I have on these timmy's are how they handle balls...god dam are they ruff on balls!! Weird since they run at about 75psi...my cocker runs at about 230-260 or and it handles brittle shells nicely!! The first weekend I took my new ripper out...I tried to shoot the worr dominations thru it...and oh my god, was it choppin!!! i ended up having to buy a couple boxes of that zap spanks, but these balls bounce all over the place...not good for off the break..and only cracks on the mask or close range...on top of that they sting like hell...talk about strawberry patches on people :biglaugh: my bro grabbed a couple of boxes of that x ball bronse and only had 2 chops thru the whole day, so these seem to be the better choice for the timmy's..

now on to the communication part of the game...i know practice makes perfect, and I have the basic concept of the feild, as you said the football feild, 10, 20, 30 40, 50 being the center...I know the nacho, doghouse (home plate) snake, lay down (rollie) Stand up, stubbie and that's about it, but the names of these things don't come smoothly...sometimes I get tongue tied and call out wit a delay and this isn't kewl!! I wanna get to the point where it's second hand, so I could help orchestrate the feild!! and I also understand shootin in the lanes...off the break we let it rain and shoot in the gaps!! But communcation is my problem!!

Hey, I have an idea...how bout you be my special coach :D Next time I go out, I'll write down the location of all the bunkers and you help me come up wit names of the bunkers, so it'll make it easier for us to be on the same page and only we will know what the hell we're hollerin out...and a lil stragedy...sound kewl :smile: God I love this game!!!!


So Quick

Here's a couple of shots of my cage I also have runnin...this was used for my mamma system, but I recently stripped it to death, so I've decided to flower it!! :D I ripped out the original feeding system and customized it to my likings...I ran 1/2" on the inside of the columns and used 1/2" barbed Tee's to make a circle...

then I ran another strip of 1/2" up the columns and placed a 3/4" end cap in top to seal it and hold it in place...

And there ya go...a bonus for all you kind and motivated IC members :smile: So not only will you get to see a coli, but you get to catch the flat garden that is in the same room as the coli...and to top it off for the folks that's interested in this vertical stuff, but hate the plant #'s and the amount of watts you have to use...well here's the cage as a bonus, that only houses 72, still a lil high, but better...and it only uses a measly 1000w (4) 250W opossed to the more serious system that uses 3000w or what ever else you want to configure it :smile:

I'll see you guys shortly!!


So Quick

Oh forgot to mention that I punched a hole at the top of the columns just below the end cap and it sprays at the top and works it's way down the column and into the res...bye bye now!!



New member
Are you running a halo on your timmy? If so the problem with the chopping could be you need harder ball detents. Sometimes with the halos they put so much pressure on the paint stack going into your gun, that they can push balls past your detents causing the eyes not to read the ball and chopping it. I have been shooting an LCD angel for a long time, it has a WAS board,and eyes, same board and eyes in the timmys.(if you have a new JT catalog, im on pg. J41) Its an old gun, but it shoots darts. I really like the new shockers, and will probably play with one this year. Sounds like you are picking the game up very quickly, with naming the bunkers we would call out 11, 23, 34, 45 depending on their posistion. The reason being its quicker than calling out the dorito on the back left side, or something like that. If you draw the field out and use a system for naming the bunkers by number, instead of names, it made it easier for us to communicate quickly, while letting everyone know the posistions of the other team. I could definately be your online coach for paintball. (If I ever get growing I would love for you to be my grow coach)LOL. Just let me know what you need :joint:


Yeah, I've got the clone only ae77 calio, bubba kush, strawberry superfunk, trainwreck(which I don't think I like the growth at all), sour deisel, and many others. I also have sweet tooth #4, nebula, sensi star, silver blue, shiva skunk, chocolate trip, frostbite, and some others like LUI, ceratis_parabis's country fair which is eclipse x HDF and Grow Green's LUI#4. I have a blackberry widow, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting, as well as a slew of badass beans I haven't even been able to play with yet. I've got reeferman's crystal ship, strawberry cough f1's, and many many other cool crosses, and f1's, and all kinds of crap. Too many.

Growvertical has a phone number on there now on their contact page.

This coli I have some Chocolate trip, superfunk, sweet tooth #4, and shiva skunk. The shiva skunk finishes in like 45 days, and its good. The superfunk is awesome, and the chocolate trip makes you see things, the sweet tooth #4 is better than the #3 and it yeilds well too. I have another one thats a few weeks into flower thats got the frostbite #1 in it, silver blue #4, lots of nebula's 1,2,3,5. Shiva skunk, chocolate trip, bubba kush, trainwreck(2), calio, and sensi star A, as well as some other stuff I might have accidentally mislabeled and won't find out about. lol.


Perfect! Going to get some cali-o clones tommorrow AND i'll be running a coli at the beginning of april. This thread is win/win for me seeing as i've never ran the clone or the coli. Gonna have to subscribe to this.


Is it too late to grab a ticket for the ride this looks awesome man.
Original cali-o..mmmmmm


Count me in too...
The budz off the last SoQuick grow are Hall-of-Famers...this coli grow should kill
Good luck, bro

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Waching in awae. I would love to get one, I was thiking, looking at the cage, I bet it wouldnt be too muc trouble to put one together, for some1 who knows how to bodn plastics, and has the right kit. Usiong big PVC piep, Ibet it could be done. I Emailed gow-vertiacl for an idea on shipping to me, and I just got an e-mail saying they had a woute oif 1500 usd, thats almostt the same as the bloody cahe costs, lol.
Where did Cali-O come from? I here alot of people asking for the original Cali-O. Which seed company has it. I always thought that it was from Dutch Passion and was the Cali-Orange. Also I here alot about orange kush around me way but no one has had it in years, where can I get those seeds also. I have some Cali-Orange on the way from Dr.Chronic (as well as some more Sensi NL, Nirvana NLxBB, and Dutch Passon Strawberry Cough, should be here in a couple of days).

chodo, do you have any problems with all the different genetics in the same space, I would imagine that some grow tall, some short, some fat, and some skinny?


Aeric77 calio is a clone from '77 and has been passed along since then. Any dutch passion of that nature if you read about them have been selfed, and are clone only strains that they either crossed with another strain, or made it hermie for female seed pollen. Yes, I do have a lot of variation, but thats cool, cause it keeps it a variety. Others get a larger yeild, I get 31 flavors, lol.


Hey brudda Quickster, I would like to hear what you got to say about helping some of those who are NOT as fortunate as us.I to would like to help a special needs person or

That paintballing sounds like it takes some team work and comunications codes.LOL.
Thats funny!! About 4 years ago I was ALL gung hoe on getting this 40 acer's.I was gonna make it into a guerilla style paintball park.I like the bush,swamp,river ect.So I dont think I would do well in the city.

I cant wait to start my hydro projects.I know I will be learning from prolly one of the best.If not the Best Hydro grower in the world.That my freind is NO BS!!!.Seems like that cage thingy can be built purty easy?.SQ..Are you a scorpio? Your a thinker.We have ALOT in commen I think.Im wid ya about just cant get that sleep! Sword fishing,and Tuna fishing and crabbing with about 4 hours of sleep every 24 gets you tuned into it after awhile.LOL>>>I got you though.Hell,back in the day I used to tape
a >>>"45" colt commando to my >>Hand just so I could sleep!!!.Wasnt NOBODY gonna slip my ol gun up outta my hand wilst I was sleeping!!!

You gotcha a few strains huh?.. Wich do you think is the best?.
Peace yall!!..


This is gonna be one for the records. Big fan awesome gallery on OG! Love it!


I think each strain has its own qualities, thats why I keep them. Probably the superfunk and the chocolate trip as well as bubba kush are the best. The best yeild is the sweet tooth #4, sensi star and nebula probably. They win with density.
Hey So Quick,
I have a thread where I am trying to find some 2 gal buckets similar to yours. (http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=118433#post118433) It is urgent now since I have bought the lights for the new room. I remember a thread a while back where you were trying to locate them, any luck? I will most likely use bestcontainers.com but have you seen any of the buckets from there? I have heard good things about them. If they don't leave a 1-2" space I most likely will just place some 2"x2" blocks of wood between them. But before I get these buckets I will try ACE hardware.

How hard is it to find some buckets?????????
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