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The Trump Bomber

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I mean, you literally listed a bunch of reasons why it's good to raise children well, then said that it was primarily a woman's job to accomplish that, so.... you're kinda presuming that it's a woman's 'place' to do certain things and not others. Wouldn't you say?

no, i said nothing about what is a womans place. it's just a sad sign of the times that a thoughtful response that isn't exactly what you think it should be immediately makes me into the worst possible human being, one who wants to enslave woman in your eyes. it's nuts, i never said any such thing and partially quoting my post just showed that you didnt really consider what i was trying to say exactly. i have nothing against woman doing anything what so ever they want to do and would support making the field as even and fair as possible. equality of opportunity is something we can deal with now, we no longer need every woman to do the kid thing, but that doesn't nagate what i said above.


Active member
This is another one of those " backwards countries" when it comes to women.

Compare women's salaries to men for the same job.
Look at the number of women CEOs compared to men.
Look at the number of women in significant political positions.
A woman goes to a garage to get her car fixed, Guess what happens.
Women are supposed to just shut up when assaulted by a pussy grabber.

We have debunked all of your theories. Any disparity in pay is due to occupational choice, hours worked, physical nature and risk associated with occupation. No women are not supposed to be grabbed by the pussy. You may not be aware but their are laws about that kind of stuff. You may have a small point in the auto repair aspect, but plenty of men get taken at the mechanics. According to the Center for American Women in Politics at Rutgers university. 20-22% of political candidates are women. So statistically speaking their are many more men running for office. I think the stat quoted earlier was 19% of political office was held by women. So out 20% of candidates 19% are held by women. Statistically speaking women hold a porpotional amount of political office, to the amount of women who run. It's not like 50% of the candidates are women, and 80 % of those are elected are men.

CEOs are elected by the board members. Only in California do you have laws that mandate what the Male up of the Boards. No one is preventing women from becoming CEOS women fo into different fields. Their are many great female CEOS many that outperform men. It's not discrimination when women don't want to work 70 hours a week and travel constantly.


like i said, i don't have all the answers, but it seems to be a complex issue and i worry about the wisdom of having a new war of the sexes. Jordan Peterson makes some thoughtful points in this discussion/interview. seems to me in the west we have achieved a good level of equality of opportunity under the law. going much further might be counter productive.



snip snap paddywack, give a dog a bone. women can molest too i had a boss who liked to walk by and drag her knuckles across my ass and if i had said anything i know i wouldnt be taken as seriously as a chika..........so idk about equality.

Wendull C.

Active member
snip snap paddywack, give a dog a bone. women can molest too i had a boss who liked to walk by and drag her knuckles across my ass and if i had said anything i know i wouldnt be taken as seriously as a chika..........so idk about equality.

Well, was she hot enough for a go?? :biggrin:

White Beard

Active member


I never said anything like that and you know it. At this point I know that you're dishonest rather than stupid.

Believe it or not, it's possible to accept that women are systemically discriminated against and still believe that people should be elected democratically. We can eliminate the barriers that create systemic discrimination without threatening Democracy.

That's a real ground breaking idea, I know. I'm sure you've never heard of such a thing, otherwise you wouldn't have egregiously and dishonestly mis-represented what I'm clearly saying.
I’m still betting on ‘honestly rewired’. A former student of mine went through a phase where our conversations were like:

A - so, x (observably true thing/event/etc) is real/true?

B - yep

A - and y (another observably real action/phenomenon/intersecting factor) is true, too?

B - yep, both true

A - that can only mean the UN plans to turn us all into infinity fudge and STEAL OUR STUFF

B - what the flipping fuck?!

A - rant about how the liberals wrecked everything by making the brown people get turned loose because now they’re not happy being servants so we need to run the country like a business dammit...

Never could point to anything factual as proof, just, well, hate-radio talking points and in the same sort of stream-of-consciousness-style. Never a sound argument or even any rebuttal, just insults about people with views like mine and a change to another pointstream.

He was quite intelligent, and an excellent observer but was never able to convey his thoughts outside of some non-Euclidean process, and it made him miserable because he ended up alienating the people around him who saw him change and who in the end cared about him the most.

He wasn’t stupid, and he wasn’t a liar. He wasn’t down on his luck, he was well paid for things he loved doing, but he ended up dying at forty alone in a motel room. Cardiac arrest.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Generally women have never had it better in the west - and worldwide this positive trend of m/f equality has spread throughout the world over the past 100 years or so - but not been so readily accepted and practiced in many parts - since there are still many more patriarchal societies, ethnic/religious groups out there that do not allow women the same rights as men.

What I find particularly ridiculous is that if you happen to critique these nations/religious cults/societies about their doctrine which spouts inequality towards women, among many other atrocities - then you are called a bigot (among many other names) - as if you are supposed to accept that sort of behavior - because its coming from a religion/cult that billions of people follow.


Well-known member
:laughing:How's come all you tough guys be crying over neg rep? I guess those pink hats are really bugging you.

You are making stuff up. I didn't cry about. I commented on the topic. I didn't bother to give any neg rep back either. That is how much it doesn't matter to me.

Giaus was also explaining why people get a post deleted if it quoted a deleted post. I commented that they don't delete the rep insults so why do the other ones.


norms and deviance. and no, wendull, hell no. just not too obviously touchy and i would move a little and get out of the way. there were other perks like getting to take smoke breaks all day. this was catering and she was an alcholic so i was appreciated at loadup time when everyone else was tipsy.i would be ready to work after cooking stoned all day. catering was usually good fun


gypsy organized religion scares the hell out of me. those two words are like fire and water or something. religion is personal, crazy to think otherwise if you ask me. just people going with the norm and avoiding the wierd, odd,deviance.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
'Faith' in certain deities could be easily interpreted as brain-washing/mind-control - I have heard this about many cults/religions who get in the minds of very impressionable people - and at very impressionable ages - to convince them that if they don't behave a certain way in life, and follow the scriptures - then they will pay in hell in some afterlife - even though the teachings might go against common sense, conscience, morality and decency - they are still allowed to be taught - regardless if they are humane or not - and you don't need religion to have humanity.

gypsy organized religion scares the hell out of me. those two words are like fire and water or something. religion is personal, crazy to think otherwise if you ask me. just people going with the norm and avoiding the wierd, odd,deviance.


ICMag Donor
Ummmm, Excuse me.

You (plural must mean you and tarzan) haven't debunked anything.

And you obviously have no idea what I'm "aware" of.

50.8% of the US population are women. The occupational choice thing is bullshit. Maybe you've heard of Forbes? Check out the salary disparity.


This was a banner year for women in politics, but why do you think that 50.8% of the US population are women and so few have political jobs. How many female Captains or Admirals do you think there are. You need to pull your head out of the republican sand so you don't get kicked in the ass so much.

We have debunked all of your theories. Any disparity in pay is due to occupational choice, hours worked, physical nature and risk associated with occupation. No women are not supposed to be grabbed by the pussy. You may not be aware but their are laws about that kind of stuff. You may have a small point in the auto repair aspect, but plenty of men get taken at the mechanics. According to the Center for American Women in Politics at Rutgers university. 20-22% of political candidates are women. So statistically speaking their are many more men running for office. I think the stat quoted earlier was 19% of political office was held by women. So out 20% of candidates 19% are held by women. Statistically speaking women hold a porpotional amount of political office, to the amount of women who run. It's not like 50% of the candidates are women, and 80 % of those are elected are men.

CEOs are elected by the board members. Only in California do you have laws that mandate what the Male up of the Boards. No one is preventing women from becoming CEOS women fo into different fields. Their are many great female CEOS many that outperform men. It's not discrimination when women don't want to work 70 hours a week and travel constantly.

Wendull C.

Active member
norms and deviance. and no, wendull, hell no. just not too obviously touchy and i would move a little and get out of the way. there were other perks like getting to take smoke breaks all day. this was catering and she was an alcholic so i was appreciated at loadup time when everyone else was tipsy.i would be ready to work after cooking stoned all day. catering was usually good fun

Well, not hot kind of changes the deal...


ICMag Donor
Not all woman. Just the gold diggers and groupies that want it. The ones Trump and Gene Simmons talked about.

I generally try to ignore this nonsense, but this is sexual assault you are talking about and no it not ok. Nobody can tag a label on another and then say it's ok if I assault you because you're a "whatever". People go to jail for that and are labeled sex offenders for rest of their lives.

White Beard

Active member
Come on Gypsy, voluntary religious choices is hardly a lack of rights. Remember we haveseperation of church and state in the USA. .I expect better from someone I thought was a free thinker. Creating oppression where none exists, to further a political agenda is pretty weak.
The professional Christians of various sorts no longer believe in separation of church and state, and they have been eroding that wall of separation *actively* since the 70s.

They have been setting up mega churches as private psychic enclaves, and only do business with each other, and only socialize with each other, marry each other - being in church consumes their lives, and fitting in becomes paramount. Once you’ve come to depend on them, then you depend on them. Maintaining the connection becomes survival. Because if you break with *them* that threatens everything, and where would you go? Another church who would want to hear all about how you came to leave your previous church? Verify your spiritual records?

Surprisingly few choices are truly voluntary in such situations, all too often.

We have made in fact a religious test for office in the US, and the impact of professional and political Christianity shows up in the polls and elections. It is I believe the single largest voting bloc - certainly the largest bloc of like-minded high-turn-out voters. I put their numbers around 30-36 million.

There’s a LOT of pressure day to day to “get on board the bus to Jesus” - hell, there’s FIVE mega churches within a 15 minute drive of where I sit. ALL of them make sure ALL of their people VOTE. EVERY. TIME.

ALL of them Trumpy from the get-go.

It is pervasive, and if you’re born into that culture, it can take your whole life to really get it out of you. The perspective I’ve gained tells me that Christianity acts on coercion and not on persuasion. They typically prey on the grief-stricken, the homeless, the desperate, the destitute, the disowned, the victim of tragedy, those with nowhere to turn. We see that and we’re programmed to say that’s kind, charitable work, but having been as deep into it as I was, I can see its predatory nature.

Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuit Order and Confessor-General of the Church Militant and the patron saint of indoctrination, famously said “Give me the child ‘TIL he’s five, and he’s mine for life”. Impressions deeply made, intentionally made at such a young age group...to limit the range of all choices during this period has been shown repeatedly in modern research to have lasting effects on the ability to function and adapt to life as adults.

St. Ignacio was pretty tough on his charges, and he by all accounts did in fact mold these children fundamentally. Google it, maybe it sounds similar to things you’ve heard about raising children. Loyola lived in a time wealth and the might it could buy, when churches and kingdoms were carving up the maps to suit themselves.

Authoritarian as fuck for sure, and I wonder what “being free” meant to the boys under his training.

So, who’s been teaching what to our kids? Mostly it’s us, teaching them to be just like us. Maybe a little meaner, maybe a little friendlier, maybe less scary - or more. Maybe smarter. Maybe kinder. Maybe not.

Personally, I think the USA needs a new motto, since we can’t seem to make the conceptual leap to E Pluribus, Unum.

My suggestion for a new one:


White Beard

Active member
That, my friend is TRIGGERED. YOU’ve been triggered.

That, my friend is TRIGGERED. YOU’ve been triggered.

So much for no name calling. Triggered is what the pink pussy hat wearing idiots do. You know screaming and crying because a supreme court nominee was confirmed. It's the pussification of so-called MEN. I would love to see you storm the beaches of Normandy. You would be crying like a 2 year old who dropped his ice cream.
Right there


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
So much for no name calling. Triggered is what the pink pussy hat wearing idiots do. You know screaming and crying because a supreme court nominee was confirmed. It's the pussification of so-called MEN. I would love to see you storm the beaches of Normandy. You would be crying like a 2 year old who dropped his ice cream.

Oh shit...I'm a few pages behind...still getting caught up, but this post deserves a highlight!
LOVE hearing these tough guys talk about the pussification of men...hàaaaaaaaaaa oh man.
Just curious, what was your MOS?
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