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The Trump Bomber

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Oh man...I was way too quick. So much ammo, everytime you type, but I see there's no need need for me to jump on, everyone else took care of it. Mostly you, by typing. I leave you alone.


Well-known member
I generally try to ignore this nonsense, but this is sexual assault you are talking about and no it not ok. Nobody can tag a label on another and then say it's ok if I assault you because you're a "whatever". People go to jail for that and are labeled sex offenders for rest of their lives.

No, no, no!!!!!

Groupies throw their bra on the stage, groupies go back stage to get their pussies grabbed, fuck and suck. Nobody ever makes them do it because there are more volunteers than needed. That is who Donald and Gene talked about. Please get woke.


ICMag Donor
No, no, no!!!!!

Groupies throw their bra on the stage, groupies go back stage to get their pussies grabbed, fuck and suck. Nobody ever makes them do it because there are more volunteers than needed. That is who Donald and Gene talked about. Please get woke.

Right tarzan. That's what rapers and child molesters always say, "She wanted it". (and pussy grabbers)


Active member
Oh shit...I'm a few pages behind...still getting caught up, but this post deserves a highlight!
LOVE hearing these tough guys talk about the pussification of men...hàaaaaaaaaaa oh man.
Just curious, what was your MOS?

I never said I was in the military. However, I love my country, and if war comes to my country I am willing to fight . I get it you are intimidated by men who don't wear pink hats. I didn't know you were one of the screaming maniacs who lost their shit because your holy woman (Hillary Clinton) didn't receive her mandated term as President.

I wasn't speaking of you specifically but if the high heels fit, so be it.


Active member
Ummmm, Excuse me.

You (plural must mean you and tarzan) haven't debunked anything.

And you obviously have no idea what I'm "aware" of.

50.8% of the US population are women. The occupational choice thing is bullshit. Maybe you've heard of Forbes? Check out the salary disparity.


This was a banner year for women in politics, but why do you think that 50.8% of the US population are women and so few have political jobs. How many female Captains or Admirals do you think there are. You need to pull your head out of the republican sand so you don't get kicked in the ass so much.

What you are claiming is stupid. If what you are saying is true, no company would hire men. Why hire men if you can just higher women for less money. So, evil capitalists are paying men more than they could, why would you hire a man. It's bad business. This study is worldwide, we are speaking of the US specifically. I do acknowledge that their are places in the world where women are treated poorly.

So, your Forbes article is dealing with 1 industry. Way to cherry pick data to suit you needs. An article
In Fobes that cherry pick 1 industry is hardly a significant study. I have no doubt if you compare nursing, women make significantly more than Men.When you account for the different choices women make, the fictional wage gap disappears. Single women with no children make more money than their Male peers.

More women than men are graduating college. Men are more likely to work in extremely hot or cold environments. Men are many times more likely to be seriously injured, killed, and maimed on the job. Men work significantly more hours and are much more likely to travel for work. Men don't take as much time off when children are born. Their are many factors you completely dismiss, to suite your point of view. This is called confirmation bias. The only valid information is information that confirms what you believe.

But, yeah your single industry article is all encompassing. Your attempt to discredit, only discredits you. You wave a Forbes article as if it's a study of the inner workings of every aspect of our economy.


Active member


ICMag Donor
Women do get paid less than men.
I really don't know where you come up with some of this stuff. Take the blinders off.

Cherrypicking facts = I just gave you one example. How many do you need?

You've heard of Bloomberg, CNBC, Washington Post, Forbes, Huffington Post, Atlantic, USNews. Yup, You're right and they're wrong.







What you are claiming is stupid. If what you are saying is true, no company would hire men. Why hire men if you can just higher women for less money. So, evil capitalists are paying men more than they could, why would you hire a man. It's bad business. This study is worldwide, we are speaking of the US specifically. I do acknowledge that their are places in the world where women are treated poorly.

So, your Forbes article is dealing with 1 industry. Way to cherry pick data to suit you needs. An article
In Fobes that cherry pick 1 industry is hardly a significant study. I have no doubt if you compare nursing, women make significantly more than Men.When you account for the different choices women make, the fictional wage gap disappears. Single women with no children make more money than their Male peers.

More women than men are graduating college. Men are more likely to work in extremely hot or cold environments. Men are many times more likely to be seriously injured, killed, and maimed on the job. Men work significantly more hours and are much more likely to travel for work. Men don't take as much time off when children are born. Their are many factors you completely dismiss, to suite your point of view. This is called confirmation bias. The only valid information is information that confirms what you believe.

But, yeah your single industry article is all encompassing. Your attempt to discredit, only discredits you. You wave a Forbes article as if it's a study of the inner workings of every aspect of our economy.


Active member
Women do get paid less than men.
I really don't know where you come up with some of this stuff. Take the blinders off.

Cherrypicking facts = I just gave you one example. How many do you need?

You've heard of Bloomberg, CNBC, Washington Post, Forbes, Huffington Post, Atlantic, USNews. Yup, You're right and they're wrong.






https:// Yeah, you got me leftist...ecognize the plight of women without vaginas.


Active member
Women do get paid less than men.
I really don't know where you come up with some of this stuff. Take the blinders off.

Cherrypicking facts = I just gave you one example. How many do you need?

You've heard of Bloomberg, CNBC, Washington Post, Forbes, Huffington Post, Atlantic, USNews. Yup, You're right and they're wrong.






https:// Yeah, you got me leftist...ly WASP males can possibly be raycisssssssss.


ICMag Donor
Well I’m glad we were able to clear this up.

One reference is cherrypicking.
Many references are leftist rags.
Women get paid the same as men.
And pussy grabbing is ok because they want it.

All I can tell you is brother you have to wait. :laughing:


people might as well be talking different languages in here at times. no one much seems to actually try and understand what was meant and importantly what context it was meant in. rather finding fault and things to be outraged about seems to be more important. i hope such turning off of debate norms doesn't spread to my country, you guys will have a civil war if you go on like this. i used to see people looking for points of agreement and agreeing to disagree on the rest, but now people want to get people fired if they have a different opinion about even 1 detail.


ICMag Donor
We are actually speaking the same language. This is what the front line looks like. Depending on the people you associate with, this could be mild. Everyone knows that minds can not be changed so it is all about power. In six weeks the new House of Representatives will be like a teenager in a Tesla. Watch what happens.


Active member
rake the forests.....phuquing marvelous idea from a stable genius glad we got tRump to fix our problems ah?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Bigger issue in my opinion is Dem/Rep left/right are just two sides of the same fucking coin.

Wrong 100 pf.... what you fail to understand is leftist media and bias are mutually exclusive. Only the right has a ‘bias’ news source being Fox. When the propaganda machine collectively known as MSM is all parroting the WORD for WORD narrative, it must be true because multiple anonymous sources are confirming. The same way only WASP males can possibly be raycisssssssss.

I suppose calling a hypocrite a hypocrite would trigger you so I'll just say stick to one of your stories.


Active member
Hurr durr hurr durr understanding of basic shitposting ironically does not compute. -NPC



"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country."
Kurt Vonnegut
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