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The Trump Bomber

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I think that it would depend upon what political/religious ideology the woman was a party to - and within the USA there can be many - even within US government you have Federal, State, County and City laws - so when you add on whatever rules/laws the community or religion the woman belongs to adhere to - it can be quite confusing -

How do the Amish or Islamic or Hasidic Jewish communities within the USA get along with the m/f equality laws?

In the US. What right do women not have?

I acknowledged that many ass backwards countries are shitty for women. That's not ok. But pushing forced equality in america does nothing to change unfair treatment of women in other parts of the world, especially parts of the world where western culture is nonexistent. Western culture of individual rights is the most important part.


Active member
I think that it would depend upon what political/religious ideology the woman was a party to - and within the USA there can be many - even within US government you have Federal, State, County and City laws - so when you add on whatever rules/laws the community or religion the woman belongs to adhere to - it can be quite confusing -

How do the Amish or Islamic or Hasidic Jewish communities within the USA get along with the m/f equality laws?

Come on Gypsy, voluntary religious choices is hardly a lack of rights. Remember we haveseperation of church and state in the USA. .I expect better from someone I thought was a free thinker. Creating oppression where none exists, to further a political agenda is pretty weak.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well this is it old chap - is it really voluntary when a child is indoctrinated from birth to believe that women cannot be allowed to do certain things in life? - and are worth less than a man?

This multi-faith reasoning that women are inferior to men still pervades throughout many societies, even the USA - even to this day.

You may have separation of church and state - but that doesn't stop kids being raised to believe in inequality still because 'Faith Schools' are allowed to flourish, where children are taught that women are not equal to men.

It always made me wonder why feminists were not demonstrating outside mosques, churches and synagogues.

Come on Gypsy, voluntary religious choices is hardly a lack of rights. Remember we haveseperation of church and state in the USA. .I expect better from someone I thought was a free thinker. Creating oppression where none exists, to further a political agenda is pretty weak.


ICMag Donor


Invertebrata Inebriata
Jellyfish and stoner4life are always giving me neg reps. They probably are wearing pink pussy hats while typing them out.

:laughing:How's come all you tough guys be crying over neg rep? I guess those pink hats are really bugging you.

Are you scared of pussy as I suspect? Maybe you only like the kind that just lays there.:biggrin:


Active member
Well this is it old chap - is it really voluntary when a child is indoctrinated from birth to believe that women cannot be allowed to do certain things in life? - and are worth less than a man?

This multi-faith reasoning that women are inferior to men still pervades throughout many societies, even the USA - even to this day.

You may have separation of church and state - but that doesn't stop kids being raised to believe in inequality still because 'Faith Schools' are allowed to flourish, where children are taught that women are not equal to men.

It always made me wonder why feminists were not demonstrating outside mosques, churches and synagogues.

You still have not answered what right women In the US women don't have.

The sanctity of the individual that is enshrined in western culture, including women says otherwise.

I am losing respect for you Gypsy. You can't give me an answer. Name a single solitary law that oppresses women.

Wendull C.

Active member
:laughing:How's come all you tough guys be crying over neg rep? I guess those pink hats are really bugging you.

Are you scared of pussy as I suspect? Maybe you only like the kind that just lays there.:biggrin:

It wasn't crying on my part Jelly, just surprised at how juvenile you are.

But after the video I saw of you, wearing your hat of course, trying to claw open the supreme court doors I expected more from you. Btw how is Merit Garland doing? White beard, if I made any grammatical or spelling errors please lmk.

Off to run my support dogs, good day all.:biggrin:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So far as I can construe - I wasn't arguing any point specifically about what laws they have concerning women's rights in the USA - I was merely pointing out that humanity as a whole is still far away from what you might call equality of the sexes - The best nations for women to live in where equality is concerned are in the west - so if I was a woman - the west is where I would probably feel more comfortable.

And you are losing respect for me over what?

You still have not answered what right women In the US women don't have.

The sanctity of the individual that is enshrined in western culture, including women says otherwise.

I am losing respect for you Gypsy. You can't give me an answer. Name a single solitary law that oppresses women.


Active member
So far as I can construe - I wasn't arguing any point specifically about what laws they have concerning women's rights in the USA - I was merely pointing out that humanity as a whole is still far away from what you might call equality of the sexes - The best nations for women to live in where equality is concerned are in the west - so if I was a woman - the west is where I would probably feel more comfortable.

And you are losing respect for me over what?

It comes across that the US is oppressive to women. That's Beta's assertion.

I shouldn't assume his assertions to you. So, I apologize for that. I was to wrong to question my respect for you. I apologize for that also. I am not entitled to answers from anyone.

Being called mysoginyst because I believe women are capable of doing anything a man can do, without the left convincing them they are a victim. Is bullshit. I have a wife who is doing amazing things in her career, education and raising 3 children. I have a daughter who CAN be anything she wants to be. Anyone who stands in my daughter's way, will get run over. By her. The last thing young women need to hear is that no matter what they are a victim.

Wendull C.

Active member
I am all for women's rights, but these spanks things they wear to the bar should be outlawed! False advertising ladies!!!!


to me, it seems creating children and rearing them, is one, if not the most important job any human being could have. i find it sad that we are giving woman the idea that this job in the partnership of between a woman and a man, is some how less valuable, or less important, when in reality it's everything. it's the most important job for mankind it's self.

humanity depends on rearing children well and properly loving them, teaching them. this is a wonderful job too, seeing children develop and grow and learn etc, is an incredible part of a humans life, this is what gives happiness, not being a ceo, or a government rep, theses things are worse and hard choices for an average human. they are stressful and don't provide real happiness.

when woman are given the choice, they don't chose those jobs on average, it can be seen clearly in the Scandinavian nations who have more mandated equality of outcome then anyone else, still woman are becoming nurses way more then engineers, or joining the military.

so using those stats to say that all western civilisation was built on a system of enslaving woman is wrong. woman make different choices. most men love all the woman in their lives, they want the best for them, they want them to be happy. the most happiness statistically is found in people who are happily married. from our biology to our brains, men and woman are perfectly suited to go through life in partnership, each bringing different strengths and skills to the partnership.

this whole thing is just another way to split us up and set us against each other. they want us to see other groups as enemies, instead of being united for a better world we are supposed to unite to take men down a peg or something. will that help woman? men are husbands, brothers and sons too. when you hurt a man you hurt the woman in his life, just like when you hurt a woman you are hurting all the men in her life. it shouldn't be about sex, it should be about the action, bad or good. just like it shouldn't be about the group, but about the individual.

i don't have all the answers on this subject, but i worry about the way men are being made into a kind of green monster that has to be stopped, male qualities seem to be denigrated, when it's those very qualities that will have men stand in front of their woman when danger rears it head, for example.


Active member
to me, it seems creating children and rearing them, is one, if not the most important job any human being could have. i find it sad that we are giving woman the idea that this job in the partnership of between a woman and a man, is some how less valuable, or less important, when in reality it's everything. it's the most important job for mankind it's self.

humanity depends on rearing children well and properly loving them, teaching them. this is a wonderful job too, seeing children develop and grow and learn etc, is an incredible part of a humans life, this is what gives happiness, not being a ceo, or a government rep, theses things are worse and hard choices for an average human. they are stressful and don't provide real happiness.

when woman are given the choice, they don't chose those jobs on average, it can be seen clearly in the Scandinavian nations who have more mandated equality of outcome then anyone else, still woman are becoming nurses way more then engineers, or joining the military.

Yeah, ladies. Know your place, shut your face. Your position in society should be determined by your genitals, which is totally normal and good.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The general biological differences between men and women - does not make us all equal physically - since boys/men usually get the secondary sexual characteristic of increased muscular growth - and due to higher testosterone levels - are on average physically stronger than women are ...

Also men do not gestate (get pregnant/have babies) - so there is a distinct biological difference there too - should women be superior to men because they do gestate?

Or should men be superior to women because they are physically stronger and can bash a woman up, if she steps out of line?<certainly not>

....What it all comes down to is that we are all humans - we all have a brain - and should show respect to anyone else that has a brain and can communicate with us - equally - no matter what gender they may be.

It comes across that the US is oppressive to women. That's Beta's assertion.

I shouldn't assume his assertions to you. So, I apologize for that. I was to wrong to question my respect for you. I apologize for that also. I am not entitled to answers from anyone.

Being called mysoginyst because I believe women are capable of doing anything a man can do, without the left convincing them they are a victim. Is bullshit. I have a wife who is doing amazing things in her career, education and raising 3 children. I have a daughter who CAN be anything she wants to be. Anyone who stands in my daughter's way, will get run over. By her. The last thing young women need to hear is that no matter what they are a victim.


ICMag Donor
In the US. What right do women not have?

I acknowledged that many ass backwards countries are shitty for women. That's not ok. But pushing forced equality in america does nothing to change unfair treatment of women in other parts of the world, especially parts of the world where western culture is nonexistent. Western culture of individual rights is the most important part.

This is another one of those " backwards countries" when it comes to women.

Compare women's salaries to men for the same job.
Look at the number of women CEOs compared to men.
Look at the number of women in significant political positions.
A woman goes to a garage to get her car fixed, Guess what happens.
Women are supposed to just shut up when assaulted by a pussy grabber.


Active member
is that what i said? sigh....

I mean, you literally listed a bunch of reasons why it's good to raise children well, then said that it was primarily a woman's job to accomplish that, so.... you're kinda presuming that it's a woman's 'place' to do certain things and not others. Wouldn't you say?

White Beard

Active member
Also, please accept 4+ reps I’ve been unable to give

Also, please accept 4+ reps I’ve been unable to give

I really like this perspective. I'm fond of pointing out that there's nothing meaningful you can say about any individual based upon their genitals alone.

SO MANY people want human behavior to be easy to understand, and the fact is that it never will be. We are all individuals who need to be understood individually.

Sorry, mouth-breathers - there are no shortcuts.
If ya don’t understand people, it’s because you don’t understand yourself. If you don’t understand your self, or even pursue the effort, you’ll never see anything clearly. You’ll be deaf and blind, following an imaginary map and voices in your head that keep telling you the map is right and you MUST GO ON....
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