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The Trump Bomber

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Active member
Hurr durr hurr durr understanding of basic shitposting ironically does not compute. -NPC

"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past."

― Jean Paul-Sartre


Well-known member
Right tarzan. That's what rapers and child molesters always say, "She wanted it". (and pussy grabbers)

They are totally different zees and I am sure you know it. You can't rape the willing and groupies are willing.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I worked back-stage security - for several rock'n-roll bands back in the day - surrounded by groupies - and I can honestly say that most of the ladies I encountered - in that time and space appeared to be 'Up for it' - then again - who am I to speculate?


I worked back-stage security - for several rock'n-roll bands back in the day - and I can honestly say that most of the ladies I encountered - in that time and space appeared to be 'Up for it' - then again - who am I to speculate?

like i said context doesn't matter, it's all down to sides now apparently. sad really, no way to have a real discussion about anything in this type of atmosphere. no one is interested in seeing the other mans point of view, or even knowing what he really means.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Being an individual - I loath to 'take sides' - and have often been accused of 'sitting on the fence' - and yes I do sit on the fence - from there you can survey both sides of the debate/argument - taking in new knowledge, and researching for yourself to determine where your own opinion may sit - and if it falls on either side - then that's where it falls -

Best to be open - and listen to all sides - then comment, if we are to have positive and pro-active discussions -

like i said context doesn't matter, it's all down to sides now apparently. sad really, no way to have a real discussion about anything in this type of atmosphere. no one is interested in seeing the other mans point of view, or even knowing what he really means.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The title of the thread is 'The Trump Bomber' - and it did wander off course to arrive at this 'grab-a-pussy/groupie' place, where it is today - you could argue that these things are related to Trump - and so could be said to be on-topic -

But I do realize what gaius is saying about this never-ending-merry-go-round - of one side of the political divide bashing the other - and vice-versa - all to do with US politics mainly - because I don't see threads on politicians from any other countries here..

As for conclusions - I will leave that for you Americans to sort out for yourselves - all I would say is that a spot of unity would do you all some good.

5o pages in, you guys come to any conclusions yet?


Active member
But I do realize what gaius is saying about this never-ending-merry-go-round - of one side of the political divide bashing the other - and vice-versa - all to do with US politics mainly - because I don't see threads on politicians from any other countries here..

imo the reason political threads are so US centric is because the US has FAAAAAAR more english speakers than any other country in the world. Just in terms of pure numbers we make up the vast majority of people speaking English on the internet.



Active member

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I have learned that typing babble and acting like you have more screws loose than you do is a replacement for actual discussion.

And humans tend to be stuck in their ways and fight each other.

And debt has value.

And hiding under your desk with your hands behind your neck is the best thing to do when the bomb hits.

And we live in the best country in the world yet nobody knows why.

And Trump us going to make Mexico pay for a wall any day now.

And walls fix things.

Because people are bad.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes - I have had the figures given to me in the past - as to a break-down of what nations tune into ICMAG - and we have always had a quite a large percentage from over the pond - and the site is mainly in English - so yes, I guess that's why we see so many US centric threads..

Its just looks like, from a European's point of view - like a rather rude and bawdy mud slinging competition - with all the accompanying accouterments - slap-stick-schtick - so maybe that's where the attraction lies?

imo the reason political threads are so US centric is because the US has FAAAAAAR more english speakers than any other country in the world. Just in terms of pure numbers we make up the vast majority of people speaking English on the internet.



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
As for conclusions - I will leave that for you Americans to sort out for yourselves - all I would say is that a spot of unity would do you all some good.

That's not what the people in control want. They want us at each others throats so we don't pay attention to what they are doing.

Every damn day Czechia looks like a much better place to live.


Active member
Yes - I have had the figures given to me in the past - as to a break-down of what nations tune into ICMAG - and we have always had a quite a large percentage from over the pond - and the site is mainly in English - so yes, I guess that's why we see so many US centric threads..

Its just looks like, from a European's point of view - like a rather rude and bawdy mud slinging competition - with all the accompanying accouterments - slap-stick-schtick - so maybe that's where the attraction lies?

If the UK had 5x as many English speakers as the US, I can assure you that it'd be wall-to-wall Brexit conversations.

This isn't something about the character of America, it's simple math.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ahh - Brexit conversations - like the negotiations for Brexit or not to Brexit - will probably go on forever - maybe until the EEC falls apart even - eventually the money men will have their way - for every bull market - their must be a bear market.

If the UK had 5x as many English speakers as the US, I can assure you that it'd be wall-to-wall Brexit conversations.

This isn't something about the character of America, it's simple math.


Well-known member
The title of the thread is 'The Trump Bomber' - and it did wander off course to arrive at this 'grab-a-pussy/groupie' place, where it is today - you could argue that these things are related to Trump - and so could be said to be on-topic -

But I do realize what gaius is saying about this never-ending-merry-go-round - of one side of the political divide bashing the other - and vice-versa - all to do with US politics mainly - because I don't see threads on politicians from any other countries here..

As for conclusions - I will leave that for you Americans to sort out for yourselves - all I would say is that a spot of unity would do you all some good.
The concentrated effort being made by 'the money men' to keep that unity from from happening has been all too damn effective.

May they rot.

White Beard

Active member
A spot of unity would be just the thing, but divide and conquer is in full swing here. Given GOP control over all three rings of the circus, it should be clear to anyone that the status quo is prelude to far worse if 45 ends up calling out his brown shirts to keep himself in power. The new Dem house might not be a stake thru the heart of the New Confederacy, but will be at least a toothpick in the eye, and that will be something. At the very least, the Trump cadres will have a real tough time continuing their agenda, and I hope they make full use of the GOP’s bag of tricks in the senate...they will very much HAAAATE the tables being turned on them in kind


Active member
Not all women have a vagina. How can you quote a source that fails to recognize the plight of women without vaginas.


Sounds like someone wants Bad Orange Man to grab their "Pussy" ROTFLMO


Active member
:laughing:How's come all you tough guys be crying over neg rep? I guess those pink hats are really bugging you.

You are making stuff up. I didn't cry about. I commented on the topic. I didn't bother to give any neg rep back either. That is how much it doesn't matter to me.

Giaus was also explaining why people get a post deleted if it quoted a deleted post. I commented that they don't delete the rep insults so why do the other ones.

He's always leaving neg rep. It's just his MO.

but a really nice guy overall
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