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The traitor within?

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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Downer had asked Papadopoulos about Trump's prospects, should he get to a general election, and the American was optimistic about his chances.

But then he would be, wouldn't he?

He said the Russians might use some damaging material they had on Hillary Clinton, who was still some weeks from becoming the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee.

It was a remarkable tidbit of information to casually drop into conversation.
What happened when Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos sat down with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer


Comey, McCabe, Stroz, the hooker he was sleeping with - they're all Democrats.

They got caught red handing doing everything they could including manufacturing of fake warrants to overthrow the peoples' elected voice.

One of the things everyone notes is that the people were right There was something fishy and criminal as f** about Clinton, which is why she was seen shouting ''If that F*** Bast** gets elected we'll ALL hang from nooses!"

She meant that.

She had the Attorney General meeting her husband at airports reporting to him,

she had the FBI and DOJ's top people committing illegal activities and they tried their best to overthrow the election.

The only people who have been proven to be brainsless dupes are the ones whose side is trying to overthrow the election illegally.

And they're -you're - not even ashamed of it. You wish the constitution and electoral process had been overthrown.

It's disgusting is what it is and it reminds us all how much damage Democrats have done to the United States.

A nation with no Ku Klux Klan is a nation without Democrats.

A nation without illegal pot - they made it illegal in 1937, is a nation without Democrats.

A nation without the legal system being turned into nothing but a political persecution arm - it's what happened with pot,

it's what's happened when Clinton tried to overthrow the election-

that wouldn't be part of the American story -except for those Democrats.

Flooding the nation with immigrants driving the poor out of jobs, taking their places in colleges built to help American poor get ahead? Yeah that's thanks to the Democrats and their unrelenting zeal for destroying whatever country they're part of.

The Civil War that ended with hundreds of thousands dead? Democrats.

How did that get started?

Democrats said the country needed cheap labor and they didn't care what borders they had to disrespect they were gonna import that cheap labor. In 1864 it was millions of black slaves.

In 2018 it's millions of undocumented immigrants.

The deny deny deny, is happening tonight as Comey and Clinton and McCabe ans Stroz and that hooker try to stay out of jail.

Deny the fake warrants
Deny the fake leaks
Deny the fake investigations of their own
that never took place were as fake as their patriotism.




When you started the Civil War,
When you founded the Ku Klux Klan,
When you made pot illegal,
When you burned down cities over nothing
When you destroyed the Education system till the illiterates leaving it are openly mocked to their faces,

Deny deny deny is all you are able to do.

Exactly, they are balls deep and won't be able to admit they were conned, easier to deny, deny, deny...


Comey, McCabe, Stroz, the hooker he was sleeping with - they're all Democrats.

They got caught red handing doing everything they could including manufacturing of fake warrants to overthrow the peoples' elected voice.

One of the things everyone notes is that the people were right There was something fishy and criminal as f** about Clinton, which is why she was seen shouting ''If that F*** Bast** gets elected we'll ALL hang from nooses!"

She meant that.

She had the Attorney General meeting her husband at airports reporting to him,

she had the FBI and DOJ's top people committing illegal activities and they tried their best to overthrow the election.

The only people who have been proven to be brainsless dupes are the ones whose side is trying to overthrow the election illegally.

And they're -you're - not even ashamed of it. You wish the constitution and electoral process had been overthrown.

It's disgusting is what it is and it reminds us all how much damage Democrats have done to the United States.

A nation with no Ku Klux Klan is a nation without Democrats.

A nation without illegal pot - they made it illegal in 1937, is a nation without Democrats.

A nation without the legal system being turned into nothing but a political persecution arm - it's what happened with pot,

it's what's happened when Clinton tried to overthrow the election-

that wouldn't be part of the American story -except for those Democrats.

Flooding the nation with immigrants driving the poor out of jobs, taking their places in colleges built to help American poor get ahead? Yeah that's thanks to the Democrats and their unrelenting zeal for destroying whatever country they're part of.

The Civil War that ended with hundreds of thousands dead? Democrats.

How did that get started?

Democrats said the country needed cheap labor and they didn't care what borders they had to disrespect they were gonna import that cheap labor. In 1864 it was millions of black slaves.

In 2018 it's millions of undocumented immigrants.

The deny deny deny, is happening tonight as Comey and Clinton and McCabe ans Stroz and that hooker try to stay out of jail.

Deny the fake warrants
Deny the fake leaks
Deny the fake investigations of their own
that never took place were as fake as their patriotism.




When you started the Civil War,
When you founded the Ku Klux Klan,
When you made pot illegal,
When you burned down cities over nothing
When you destroyed the Education system till the illiterates leaving it are openly mocked to their faces,

Deny deny deny is all you are able to do.

I didn't do anything you jaded fool.... i'm not even American :comfort:
I have no political affiliation other than, when you see such an obvious careless, heartless schmuck, don't give them any fuel.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

gotta tell y'all about my fish fry's. I'm a pro, it was the life's blood of my catering business aside from a few scattered weddings, family reunions etc... single handedly I could bread & fry faster than the next 2 or 3 guys who'd try. Me & my catering partner would go to local resorts and do lakeside fish fry's, buffet style, everything was prepped in advance except for freshly fried fish, that was my job.

Quite often a curious diner would pop around the corner to see how we were frying (commercial Pitco fryer) and keeping up. They'd laugh and say how easy I made it look but I couldn't be distracted, while the fish were frying I'd furiously be breading the next 18-20 fillets to be dropped, a never ending process.

always hoped for a nice breeze to be blowin' off the lake, gets hot working over a 375° fryer.......


Active member
If I had a dime for every fool who thinks either the Democrats or Republicans will save us from the other one I would be a millionaire.

For every stupid ass list of shit that makes the Democrats bad, I can find a similar list about how the Republicans are bad; and both lists would mostly be true.

Wake up; your partisan bullshit is part of the problem. It is the leash by which the illusion of freedom is maintained.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Its a two party whack-a-mole sham of a mockery democracy.....One party comes up, gets in power then screws up and is whacked back while the other party gets a chance to do the same.......rinse and repeat, and so it goes and so it goes and so it goes and so it goes, where its going no-one knows. But if you really want to know, you just follow the money.


You can spin and spit and call names like the pedant you are, all night.

If it didn't hit home and make you ashamed of what your belief system is based in you wouldn't have gone on like someone who got caught shoplifting.

I didn't do anything you jaded fool.... i'm not even American :comfort:
I have no political affiliation other than, when you see such an obvious careless, heartless schmuck, don't give them any fuel.


Active member
No you can't which is why you didn't even attempt to start to try.

Nice try buddy. I'm not going to play your partisan game. You're being a sucker if you don't see the con.

Republicans push naked corporatism and Democrats secretly promote it. Its the exact same shit. They talk about how horrible Trump is and then vote to approve his judges and give him billions more dollars for war.

Dennis Hastert was the highest ranking Republican in the entire country, and he was also a pedophile. His old office mate of 20+ years was Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta, head of the Clinton Campaign. Its all a big freaky club and you ain't in it. You show loyalty to one side while they all laugh behind your back at how much of a sucker you are.

Clinton and Trump were both endorsed by Henry Kissinger. Wake up.
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You can spin and spit and call names like the pedant you are, all night.

If it didn't hit home and make you ashamed of what your belief system is based in you wouldn't have gone on like someone who got caught shoplifting.


Who p*ssed in your Wheaties man??
You always come across salty and with a bone to pick with anyone who doesn't appreciate your 'facts' or whatever as gospel.
I mostly just ignore you.
Like i said, I have no affiliation with either party.... and i do think that America was presented with 2 vile options in 2016 which is unfortunate.
I would think the same of Drumpf if he was Independent or Democrat just the same.... i thought he was a tasteless moron since whenever i first knew of him, and he only got worse with age.
Do you know he considered himself a Democrat not so long ago?
He just felt that the Republican party was easier to hijack, so on he went.


Well-known member
Nothing like inflammatory rhetoric. Let's insult everyone who didn't vote for the idiot Clinton. This how the democratic party reaches across the isle.

If you really want Obama held to account, their was plenty of scandals that could have had him impeached.

Shit Obama offered more flexibility on Russia sanctions after his re-election campaign. This is more collusion than anyone can show from Trump. Trump has increased sanctions on russia.

Their are many other scandals Benghazi, fast and furious, IRS targeting, Cash payments to Iran, spying on Fox news reporters.

If Trump broke the law then he should deal with the consequences.

there's plenty of inflammation going on at the moment, it's hard to avoid
but you did provide a straight answer to the question
because consequences look to be coming, just hoping the country holds itself together


Active member
Comey's a Republican. Didn't bother reading the rest, just scrolled. Just keep thinking about that old joke how opinions are like assholes. Every one's got one. And they ALL stink.


Well-known member
Do you know he considered himself a Democrat not so long ago?
He just felt that the Republican party was easier to hijack, so on he went.

To be fair, the Democrats haven't always been this bad. These days they just want to shred the constitution, they are completely against the 1rst and 2nd ammendment and want more Socialist programs.

Really I got a pretty good feeling Democrats will not take Congress and Trump will get 4 more years just because the left has gone insane.

To think Democrats where once against gay marriage. Lol, I'm kind of against gay marriage myself, it just makes no sense, not like they're going to start a family. Lol


Well-known member
Demacrookapublicans are all the same. As long you identify with one or the other it is alot like if you said your are a fan of pre 2017 Bill Cosby, but not the incarcerated one. Still the same Cosby.

Everyday I become more convinced this whole party and picking sides thing was an intentional joke on our intelligence from the first time they mentioned it. Just tell the people here are your choices. Jackass A or B. What about none of the above? They have most people convinced the crooked idiot of their favorite party might actually have a chance and they do not realize they are all the same crook. I do not recall an actual presidential candidate in my 42 years that seemed like someone I wanted around my home, let alone in charge. Well, Im sure burning one with Bill might have been fun. But he was still crooked.


Well-known member
To be fair, the Democrats haven't always been this bad. These days they just want to shred the constitution, they are completely against the 1rst and 2nd ammendment and want more Socialist programs.

Really I got a pretty good feeling Democrats will not take Congress and Trump will get 4 more years just because the left has gone insane.

To think Democrats where once against gay marriage. Lol, I'm kind of against gay marriage myself, it just makes no sense, not like they're going to start a family. Lol

left insanity, right insanity
it's all just insanity
when russia went crazy, the left won in the 1920's
when germany went crazy, the right won in the 1930's
who won? in the end they both lost


Well-known member
left insanity, right insanity
it's all just insanity
when russia went crazy, the left won in the 1920's
when germany went crazy, the right won in the 1930's
who won? in the end they both lost

The rich. aka the deckstackers.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
CaptainDankness said:
Lol, I'm kind of against gay marriage myself, it just makes no sense, not like they're going to start a family. Lol

That is a popular reason for getting married...

It happens a lot.

How old are you?
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