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The traitor within?

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The rich. aka the deckstackers.

Yeah, particularly the ones that can print and legally distribute as much money as they like. They can get great nations into debt virtually overnight, and then fiscally control them to their detriment or benefit, plus virtually all the population within those nations who will not only be under the national debt but a personal debt also.......as is seen and done today.

Money is power, and there is none more powerful than those that control and print money, and have done for many, many years.


You have a right to disagree with history all you want. Just don't brag you're gonna re-write it if you're not.


Who p*ssed in your Wheaties man??
You always come across salty and with a bone to pick with anyone who doesn't appreciate your 'facts' or whatever as gospel.
I mostly just ignore you.
Like i said, I have no affiliation with either party.... and i do think that America was presented with 2 vile options in 2016 which is unfortunate.
I would think the same of Drumpf if he was Independent or Democrat just the same.... i thought he was a tasteless moron since whenever i first knew of him, and he only got worse with age.
Do you know he considered himself a Democrat not so long ago?
He just felt that the Republican party was easier to hijack, so on he went.


Well-known member
To be fair, the Democrats haven't always been this bad. These days they just want to shred the constitution, they are completely against the 1rst and 2nd ammendment and want more Socialist programs.

Really I got a pretty good feeling Democrats will not take Congress and Trump will get 4 more years just because the left has gone insane.

To think Democrats where once against gay marriage. Lol, I'm kind of against gay marriage myself, it just makes no sense, not like they're going to start a family. Lol


Well-known member
No you can't which is why you didn't even attempt to start to try.

this is why i highly doubt you in the climate change thread. your posts about politics are hilariously hyper partisan straight outta Prager U.


Well-known member
Yeah, particularly the ones that can print and legally distribute as much money as they like. They can get great nations into debt virtually overnight, and then fiscally control them to their detriment or benefit, plus virtually all the population within those nations who will not only be under the national debt but a personal debt also.......as is seen and done today.

Money is power, and there is none more powerful than those that control and print money, and have done for many, many years.

Having such excellent values entitles you to a credit line tailored to your own needs...

White Beard

Active member
Nothing like inflammatory rhetoric. Let's insult everyone who didn't vote for the idiot Clinton. This how the democratic party reaches across the isle.
Pot, kettle, black

“packer fan” said:
If you really want Obama held to account, their was plenty of scandals that could have had him impeached.
Name one.

“packer fan” said:
Shit Obama offered more flexibility on Russia sanctions after his re-election campaign. This is more collusion than anyone can show from Trump. Trump has increased sanctions on russia.

Their are many other scandals Benghazi, fast and furious, IRS targeting, Cash payments to Iran, spying on Fox news reporters.
I said name one. None of these are scandals, unless you count the ongoing efforts by your handlers to pretend there’s ponies under all that shit, despite the ever-present nothingburger of zero results. None of them were even in the same building as impreachment-worthy misconduct.

I guarantee you, if they could have found *ANYTHING* - at ALL - that that they could even pretend was impeachable, they WOULD have impeached him - just as they would have charged HRC and thrown her in jail if they’d been able to build a case against her for any crime at all.

They have done neither, therefore, they could not build a case. QED.

“packer fan” said:
If Trump broke the law then he should deal with the consequences.
I completely agree!

(PS - look up “collusion”...)


Active member
Pot, kettle, black

Name one.

I said name one. None of these are scandals, unless you count the ongoing efforts by your handlers to pretend there’s ponies under all that shit, despite the ever-present nothingburger of zero results. None of them were even in the same building as impreachment-worthy misconduct.

I guarantee you, if they could have found *ANYTHING* - at ALL - that that they could even pretend was impeachable, they WOULD have impeached him - just as they would have charged HRC and thrown her in jail if they’d been able to build a case against her for any crime at all.

They have done neither, therefore, they could not build a case. QED.

I completely agree!

(PS - look up “collusion”...)

You can keep your head buried in the sand, it's pretty common these days. If one thing is clear now, their is one standard of justice for powerful Democrats and a different standard of everyone else.

The exoneration letter was written weeks before she was interviewed, in the presence of potential co defendants, without being put under oath. All highly unusual but then Comey literally rewrote the statute to require intent, and eliminating responsibility for gross negligence. Many people in the military for releasing much less sensitive information t, get years in prison.

So, the CIA security team, and surviving embassy staff, are just liying about a terrorist attack on an American embassy conveniently on the anniversary of 9-11. The delta force that was told to stand down are liying.

Their were record levels of corruption in the Obama administration. The difference is the media had their lips firmly planted on Obama's ass. The media failed to honestly report on the Obama administration.


His birth certificate turning up from the early 1960s, having layers.
Layered documents didn't exist until 1984.

He's not, legally, a citizen, even if he lied his way through.

Of course it's a scandal.

Then there was the attorney general meeting Clinton the Pedophile Express rider, on the tarmac about 'something.'

Then there was Clinton never even encrypting her emails and several nations reading her every word.

And then there was Obama not telling black people to stop burning down Missouri when one of their criminals was caught, after strong-arm robbing a local merchant, and was shot when he tried to murder the policeman by jumping into his car and trying to strip his handgun from the cop.

Obama sat around and let that shit burn because - that's Obama at heart. Burn baby burn.

Benghazi was an entire embassy begging for help all day long. Hillary Clinton and Obama decided ''freedom to disagree with Islam on youtube caused these people to be outraged.''

Youtube burned the embassy. That's the word from the world's smartest Democrats.

Youtube burned down the embassy.

Then there's Obama paying Al Nusra et al to burn Syria to the ground.

Then there's the wikileaks about the Obama administration wanting another chemical weapon in a G shell - ''like the ones Assad has"

Then there's the video of some Al Nusra/aka FSA guys talking with Obama's chemical weapons general somewhere in an orchard,

about ''they fired it'' ''did it go off?'' etc.

In other words there's little real question Obama supplied the FSA with the chemical weapons to murder their own people, then blame Assad.

Wasn't a lot of heavy duty journalism around much of that, was there. No there wasn't because Obama hated America except for what it could do to enrich him.

He and his wife - and, Clinton and HIS wife - both being contacted by the White House and told stop stealing the nation's furniture.

And to give it back.

How charming. Trailer park people from Kenya and Arkansas stealing the white house furniture.

Obama's the Democrats' latest efforts to degrade America.

Even Obama's handling of little hispanic children which Trump fixed, separating families, keeping children in cages. All those photos are from Obama's scandal ridden disaster of a presidency.

Jacking up the entire medical system for more ''what you own belongs to me'' socialist nation destroying, critical infrastructure destruction.

Just like FDR in 1937 another Democrat who disastrously led the country from one bumbling disaster after another. FDR decided to simply melt down the American medical and commodities system because he wanted America to seem more ''purgressive YaW!" so

"Evurbodie's gotta git on thim opioids cause we got purficktly good medi sin heeyur at thim hospitals we dun built. Evurbody in Yurup knows thim pots is jist devil wead."

Thanks for the concerns, Demonic Rat.

Obama insisting everyone keep believing in the stories about the magical gassiness what dun
made a cold light blocking nitrogen atmospheric bath,
uh HeeDuR.

How Signtsie Obama.

Less light into a rock makes more light come out if a
magical gassiness,
makes it not go in.

Encouraging that stupid sh**.

You're oblivious it was all great wasn't it.

Well now, we've uncovered that Obama the constitutional law purfessur was so stupid and or just plain criminal he had the entire DOJ and IRS and FBI punking everybody who loved this country they could catch trying to do it.

His slackass third world mentality had the entire FBI and DOJ leadership SHAMELESSLY trying to throw the entire election.

F**K the Constitution.

Yeah we get it.

F**K the Constitution.
F**K the rule of law.
F**K America.

Pot, kettle, black

Name one.

I said name one. None of these are scandals, unless you count the ongoing efforts by your handlers to pretend there’s ponies under all that shit, despite the ever-present nothingburger of zero results. None of them were even in the same building as impreachment-worthy misconduct.

I guarantee you, if they could have found *ANYTHING* - at ALL - that that they could even pretend was impeachable, they WOULD have impeached him - just as they would have charged HRC and thrown her in jail if they’d been able to build a case against her for any crime at all.

They have done neither, therefore, they could not build a case. QED.

I completely agree!

(PS - look up “collusion”...)


"Collusion" is when Hillary Clinton met those Russians to try to swing the election,

and being unable to,

making up the story Trump did it.

That's what we've all found out actually happened.


Oh yeah I just looked up at packers fan reminding us all how evil the Obama administration was,

with the leaders of the DOJ/FBI writing and assenting to reports written clearing Democrats before the investigation even began.

White Beard thinks this is how places are supposed to run. He's never heard of leaders who weren't kooks, quacks, assassins, dope peddlers, because all he's ever known are the trailer park Clintons and the 3rd world Kenyan con man.

He assumes the national character is supposed to be synonymous with founding the Klan, founding Antifa, making pot illegal and destroying the medical system, then years later Obama destroying it again to the best of is diptard 3rd world ability.

"Leadership and character" to him are cops writing up reports clearing their friends before they ever even start the investigations.

WtF's wrong with that? he asks. We gotta git us summa thim prag'RESS like ol' F.D.R. dun gave tha nayshun!

He's stunned to his sandal soles, we're not all on that bandwagon like we're too high on sugary snacks to tell right from wrong,
like he is.

"Look at the glory those Democrats have brought this country!" is his motto.

Making pot illegal,
founding the Klan,
founding Antifa,
Pearl Harbor,
The Bay of Pigs,
Al Nusra burning Syria to the ground,
FOUNDING I.S.I.S. - there's a good one,
Making kook deals for the Iranians to build nukes,
Burning the United States down in the 1960s,
Burning towns down around the U.S. in the 2010s
The entire DOJ, IRS, FBI, simply SHREDDING the law,
SHREDDING the Constitution,

White Beard is like, "Hey yaw, why yaw don't like that?! Whu- whas rawng?! Yaw don't like thayut?"

No we didn't like it when we had to send the MILITARY into the Democrat areas of the nation to let little brown kids go to school.

We also don't like it when, to get even, you just flood the entire nation with millions upon millions of - illegal brown kids, who you teach in the schools that - those bad old republicans are the ones who have been causing all this unhappiness.

"History's dun got Backurds YaW and it wuz thim mean ol' 'Publicuns. Thay always so mean, we ought to kill the President."

Yeah to White Beard this is all entirely the way things need to be run. He loves it and wishes he could have some more immigrants chasing his daughter home.

Till they break in her house and rape her.

How charming.

I don't know whether to thank Democrats for making pot illegal,

or to thank them for founding the Ku Klux Klan,

or to thank them for founding Antifa,

or to thank them for burning towns down in Missouri,

or to thank them for turning the IRS, DOJ and FBI into CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS,

or to thank them for trashing the entire school system to the point where the average graduate does so a 30% behind home schoolers from the Ozarks teaching themselves the 3Rs at grandma's table,

or to thank them for teaching people in universities that "The laws of physics don't work, one planet over on Venus, and a magical gassiness has made the cold light blocking nitrogen Atmospheric bath, uh HeeDuR!! Yaw made the sky hot, yewsin fire!"

or to thank them for giving chemical agents to Al Nusra to murder their own Syrian families in that country so they could blame an eye doctor who had become president.

Or to thank them for founding I.S.I.S.

Just imagine if we had a holiday for every great Democratic Achievement.

And these people are in here mocking the people who stare at them like ''W... the F... are you DoiNG to the entire planet?


And they're prowling around everybody like someone ELSE joined the party that did all those things to the U.S. and the world.


You doubt me in the climate change thread because you're so stupid somebody told you 29% less light into a rock

makes more than 100% come out, and you believed that sh**.

this is why i highly doubt you in the climate change thread. your posts about politics are hilariously hyper partisan straight outta Prager U.


Whenever you've got an alternate history you spill it Cannavore.

Some other party of the magical gaissiness what dun made uh coald bath uh heedur flunky

told me he had a better history of the accomplishments of the Demonic Rat Party,

and I told him he's a bluffing fake.

The two of you get together and construct the correct history of the Democrat Party in the United States.

And we'll all help you fill in the small stuff.


Well-known member
gun nuts use the 2nd amend. as a scapegoat.

they say they know the 'intentions' of the 'founders'

shit is so laughable, yet so sad


Active member
gun nuts use the 2nd amend. as a scapegoat.

they say they know the 'intentions' of the 'founders'

shit is so laughable, yet so sad

To be fair the founders thoughts on things are pretty clearly stated in the federalist papers.

The constitution is a binding document, the meaning is quite clear. Just because you failed to do further research, doesn't change a binding document into a "living document "

It would be refreshing if you actually said what you really mean. That you don't like the limits the constitution has set. So you feel that it should be changed to suit you. Funny that contracts don't work that way.


Active member
I guarantee you, if they could have found *ANYTHING* - at ALL - that that they could even pretend was impeachable, they WOULD have impeached him - just as they would have charged HRC and thrown her in jail if they’d been able to build a case against her for any crime at all.

You're absolutely wrong on this. They wouldn't impeach their own tool. Obama was there to appear to be the resistance all while he was actually their most powerful tool.


White Beard

Active member
You can keep your head buried in the sand, it's pretty common these days. If one thing is clear now, their is one standard of justice for powerful Democrats and a different standard of everyone else.

The exoneration letter was written weeks before she was interviewed, in the presence of potential co defendants, without being put under oath. All highly unusual but then Comey literally rewrote the statute to require intent, and eliminating responsibility for gross negligence. Many people in the military for releasing much less sensitive information t, get years in prison.

So, the CIA security team, and surviving embassy staff, are just liying about a terrorist attack on an American embassy conveniently on the anniversary of 9-11. The delta force that was told to stand down are liying.

Their were record levels of corruption in the Obama administration. The difference is the media had their lips firmly planted on Obama's ass. The media failed to honestly report on the Obama administration.
That is a wack sack o’ shit you got there, brother. I don’t care who you’ve been listening to, but either they’re liars or they’re buying lies, and you’re passing them on.

But please, don’t let me interrupt your ‘red pill/red hat’ hallucinations.

Seriously, you sound like a good guy, I believe you want to do the right thing, stop looking for trouble over your left shoulder: the trouble is coming up on the right.

I hate the use of ‘left’ and ‘right’ in politics. This isn’t the French Revolution, the layout of the French National Assembly meetingplace has no bearing on anything happening in this country...

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Oh yeah I just looked up at packers fan reminding us all how evil the Obama administration was,

with the leaders of the DOJ/FBI writing and assenting to reports written clearing Democrats before the investigation even began.

White Beard thinks this is how places are supposed to run. He's never heard of leaders who weren't kooks, quacks, assassins, dope peddlers, because all he's ever known are the trailer park Clintons and the 3rd world Kenyan con man.

He assumes the national character is supposed to be synonymous with founding the Klan, founding Antifa, making pot illegal and destroying the medical system, then years later Obama destroying it again to the best of is diptard 3rd world ability.

"Leadership and character" to him are cops writing up reports clearing their friends before they ever even start the investigations.

WtF's wrong with that? he asks. We gotta git us summa thim prag'RESS like ol' F.D.R. dun gave tha nayshun!

He's stunned to his sandal soles, we're not all on that bandwagon like we're too high on sugary snacks to tell right from wrong,
like he is.

"Look at the glory those Democrats have brought this country!" is his motto.

Making pot illegal,
founding the Klan,
founding Antifa,
Pearl Harbor,
The Bay of Pigs,
Al Nusra burning Syria to the ground,
FOUNDING I.S.I.S. - there's a good one,
Making kook deals for the Iranians to build nukes,
Burning the United States down in the 1960s,
Burning towns down around the U.S. in the 2010s
The entire DOJ, IRS, FBI, simply SHREDDING the law,
SHREDDING the Constitution,

White Beard is like, "Hey yaw, why yaw don't like that?! Whu- whas rawng?! Yaw don't like thayut?"

No we didn't like it when we had to send the MILITARY into the Democrat areas of the nation to let little brown kids go to school.

We also don't like it when, to get even, you just flood the entire nation with millions upon millions of - illegal brown kids, who you teach in the schools that - those bad old republicans are the ones who have been causing all this unhappiness.

"History's dun got Backurds YaW and it wuz thim mean ol' 'Publicuns. Thay always so mean, we ought to kill the President."

Yeah to White Beard this is all entirely the way things need to be run. He loves it and wishes he could have some more immigrants chasing his daughter home.

Till they break in her house and rape her.

How charming.

I don't know whether to thank Democrats for making pot illegal,

or to thank them for founding the Ku Klux Klan,

or to thank them for founding Antifa,

or to thank them for burning towns down in Missouri,

or to thank them for turning the IRS, DOJ and FBI into CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS,

or to thank them for trashing the entire school system to the point where the average graduate does so a 30% behind home schoolers from the Ozarks teaching themselves the 3Rs at grandma's table,

or to thank them for teaching people in universities that "The laws of physics don't work, one planet over on Venus, and a magical gassiness has made the cold light blocking nitrogen Atmospheric bath, uh HeeDuR!! Yaw made the sky hot, yewsin fire!"

or to thank them for giving chemical agents to Al Nusra to murder their own Syrian families in that country so they could blame an eye doctor who had become president.

Or to thank them for founding I.S.I.S.

Just imagine if we had a holiday for every great Democratic Achievement.

And these people are in here mocking the people who stare at them like ''W... the F... are you DoiNG to the entire planet?



Active member
That is a wack sack o’ shit you got there, brother. I don’t care who you’ve been listening to, but either they’re liars or they’re buying lies, and you’re passing them on.

But please, don’t let me interrupt your ‘red pill/red hat’ hallucinations.

Seriously, you sound like a good guy, I believe you want to do the right thing, stop looking for trouble over your left shoulder: the trouble is coming up on the right.

I hate the use of ‘left’ and ‘right’ in politics. This isn’t the French Revolution, the layout of the French National Assembly meetingplace has no bearing on anything happening in this country...

I never said right or left I just pointed out instances of criminality, or at minimum corruption in the Obama administration. I seriously thought it was a joke when people claim he had a scandal free administration.

I get that it hurts when you idols are insulted, but it's not l I'll ke these things aren't common knowledge. I will take the word of men who risked life, limb, and career to defy orders and save lives , over a politician.

Comey is an open and closed case of allowing a government official to get away with serious security violations. Many people go to jail for what Hillary did.

Lois Lerner, asked to keep the court transcript sealed for her safety. If you need facts sealed for your safety you did some pretty shady shit.

So their is no hallucination buddy. You really should open your eyes. These people wouldn't extend their special standards of justice to you. They would never know your name . While people rot in prison for doing less they make millions off of their political power.

Sticky Sat

Active member
"Sheeps go to the slaughterhouse. They say nothing to each other, and they don't expect anything. But at least they do not vote for the butcher who will kill them, and for the bourgeois who will eat them. More stupid than animals, more sheep than sheep, the elector appoints his butcher and chooses his bourgeois. He made Revolutions to conquer this right."

Octave Mirbeau (La grève des électeurs, 1888)

Peace brothers ! :)
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