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The traitor within?

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Active member
G `day PF

You ever been to an Islander community ?
They aint bustin their balls to get recognition for how hard they can work .

In Asia the tradition was plant the rice paddy .
Lay in a hammock for 3 months ,then harvest . No brownie points for being seen to be working .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

I think most asians and islanders would tell you to screw off. What you are saying is incredibly racist. By the way I have worked with asians and Samoans, who busted their ass just as much as me the white guy, the black guy, the Mexican, El Salvadorans, and guatemalans.

Even today with all the modern conveniences, it takes work to keep a home from turning into a pig stye. Again most evolutionary biologists would school you on your ignorance. You have no ability to understand how life was before, electricity, heating oil, or natural gas, modern farming and transportation. You probably don't even equate your food with the work that is involved in it's production.

You should stop trying to blame everything on religion. You can hate christ without using uninformed ideas to do so.


Well-known member

In Asia the tradition was plant the rice paddy .
Lay in a hammock for 3 months ,then harvest . No brownie points for being seen to be working .


Wikipedia ~ "Asia is the most populous continent, with its 4.54 billion inhabitants accounting for 60% of the world population"

that's a LOT of people to be pigeonholing.

Also, a LOT of Asia isn't anything like a good place to grow rice. Like the Gobi desert. :/


Active member

I odn't think you're getting what he's saying PF...

Then why don't you explain it to me.

I feel like he's trying to imply that people who have a work ethic do it because they think people are watching. Or maybe it's part of the dreaded patriarchy. Lol.


G `day PF

You ever been to an Islander community ?
They aint bustin their balls to get recognition for how hard they can work .

In Asia the tradition was plant the rice paddy .
Lay in a hammock for 3 months ,then harvest . No brownie points for being seen to be working .

Work ethic is UK , European and Scandinavian . Climate and culture are also factors in work ethic .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Angkor Wat...

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I think most asians and islanders would tell you to screw off. What you are saying is incredibly racist. By the way I have worked with asians and Samoans, who busted their ass just as much as me the white guy, the black guy, the Mexican, El Salvadorans, and guatemalans.

Even today with all the modern conveniences, it takes work to keep a home from turning into a pig stye. Again most evolutionary biologists would school you on your ignorance. You have no ability to understand how life was before, electricity, heating oil, or natural gas, modern farming and transportation. You probably don't even equate your food with the work that is involved in it's production.

You should stop trying to blame everything on religion. You can hate christ without using uninformed ideas to do so.

G `day PF

The people you worked with embraced the capitalist dream .
In the homeland of the capitalist dream ,where work ethic was over valued .

Distorted and uninformed .

Have you traveled outside the borders of the USA ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
G `day PF

You ever been to an Islander community ?
They aint bustin their balls to get recognition for how hard they can work .

In Asia the tradition was plant the rice paddy .
Lay in a hammock for 3 months ,then harvest . No brownie points for being seen to be working .

Work ethic is UK , European and Scandinavian . Climate and culture are also factors in work ethic .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
If our work ethic is what makes the West the best, what's the problem?

I certainly don't want to live off rice and fish.

White Beard

Active member
Even today with all the modern conveniences, it takes work to keep a home from turning into a pig stye.
I agree with this completely.

And thank you for spelling “pig style” correctly.
“packer fan” said:
You should stop trying to blame everything on religion. You can hate christ without using uninformed ideas to do so.
I don’t understand the seemingly-automatic assumption that if one is not a Christian, or one is negatively impressed with the way Christians implement “God’s plan”, then they *must* HATE Jesus.

Given the Christian hegemony ingrained in our culture even in this so-called irreligious age, it’s frequently hard to like Christians, but this insistence that non-Christians hate Jesus strikes me as paranoia by proxy.

Personally, I have no problem with Jesus or his teachings; I just find that Christianity seems to focus on Jesus as a brand, and leave out his teachings altogether.

Maybe someday I’ll tell you the story of how I came to not be a preacher, but that will involve more herb, less typing, and maybe some whisky

White Beard

Active member
G’day, Elmer!

G’day, Elmer!

Work ethic came over from England with religion .
Work ethic is a religious thing .

The Protestant work ethic, the Calvinist work ethic or the Puritan work ethic is a concept in theology, sociology, economics and history which emphasizes that hard work, discipline and frugality are a result of a person's subscription to the values espoused by the Protestant faith, particularly Calvinism.

This contrasts with the focus upon religious attendance, confession, and ceremonial sacrament in the Roman Catholic tradition. A person does not need to be a religious Calvinist in order to follow the Protestant work ethic, as it is a part of certain cultures impacted by the Protestant Reformation.

The harder you worked the more you worshiped god . And or hard workers were too busy to go to church .

More brain washing propaganda bro
It’s hardly a surprise that work-ethic is so prominent in nations resettled by Christian, and there are two reasons for this. One is that Constantine envisioned Christianity as a force to keep the public in line, the other is that the view of the world then (as now), with the wealthy and powerful on top, wanting all of their slaves to be diligent in their service.

Think about it: if you want a servant, the first thing you want is for them to step lively and be totally focused on you and on whatever other tasks you may have assigned them. But what’s in it for the servant?

These days we call a certain class of servant managers, or lawyers, or plumbers - “independent contractors”, “owner-operators”, servants lacking even the whim of a master’s loyalty, uncertain of payment, uncertain of prospects. In current situations, which are not new, the safe bet to is to promote your work ethic. We’ve all seen a million examples, even if we haven’t looked at them or thought about them.

This is how we get seniors working long past a decent retirement age, overwork from holding down two or three jobs, and all the medical, social, and legal dislocation that leads to, it’s how we get college graduates who can’t land jobs, and how we get new, desperately indebted new professionals urked out to the public, when they’re competing quite literally against EVERYONE. Add to that the fact that most people with good, well-paying, reasonably secure jobs either work for their family, work for a friend’s family, or just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

I believe in doing things efficiently and in not dawdling through tasks. I believe in not putting things off, especially necessary things. I believe in maintenance, self-care, and station-keeping, and keeping up with your own shit. My work ethic is gold-star, but it’s not for sale. People don’t pay me $120/hr for my work ethic but for what I can DO in that time.

I use my work ethic to keep from living in a pig stye.
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Active member
Getting back to the original topic, I've got a question for folks in here from the U.S. who are pro-Trump--If evidence from the Mueller investigation shows that Trump and the GOP conspired with Russia to undermine the democratic process in the United States and get himself elected, are you okay with that or would that be a deal-breaker?


Well-known member
Getting back to the original topic, I've got a question for folks in here from the U.S. who are pro-Trump--If evidence from the Mueller investigation shows that Trump and the GOP conspired with Russia to undermine the democratic process in the United States and get himself elected, are you okay with that or would that be a deal-breaker?

a great question, unfortunately i think 2 universes collide here
those that support Trump can not emotionally integrate such a thing
it can not happen, and this is a difference between sides
if Obama had been show to have done this, i would have been FINE with his ass dragged out of that oval office and tossed into the 'hole'
can a Trump supporter ever say that, or even contemplate it?


a great question, unfortunately i think 2 universes collide here
those that support Trump can not emotionally integrate such a thing
it can not happen, and this is a difference between sides
if Obama had been show to have done this, i would have been FINE with his ass dragged out of that oval office and tossed into the 'hole'
can a Trump supporter ever say that, or even contemplate it?

Exactly, they are balls deep and won't be able to admit they were conned, easier to deny, deny, deny...


Well-known member
Getting back to the original topic, I've got a question for folks in here from the U.S. who are pro-Trump--If evidence from the Mueller investigation shows that Trump and the GOP conspired with Russia to undermine the democratic process in the United States and get himself elected, are you okay with that or would that be a deal-breaker?

I highly doubt he conspired with Russia, it's almost been 2 years since the election. Of course if he's in fact guilty well fuck him he can't be trusted.

I'm not really pro Trump though, I haven't had a big issue with any of his policies, so far he seems better than Obama. If you really want me to hate Trump show me something he's actually done, that effects the nation, I don't want to hear about Stormy Daniels or tweets, but actual policies that make him worse than Obama. I didn't have a huge problem with Obama, but fuck Obamacare.

I just hope Trump actually tries to legalize cannabis. :biggrin:

I also can't see why Russia would want Trump. The Democrats are more pro Communism, while Republicans are straight up capitalists. Trump don't want Communism he's one of the biggest capitalists in the country, I truly believe he loves America.


Active member
Getting back to the original topic, I've got a question for folks in here from the U.S. who are pro-Trump--If evidence from the Mueller investigation shows that Trump and the GOP conspired with Russia to undermine the democratic process in the United States and get himself elected, are you okay with that or would that be a deal-breaker?

For me it would be a deal breaker.

Now my question. If it's proved that Hillary and Obama used the DOJ, FBI FISA COURTS, Fusion GPS to undermine a rightfully elected president. Would you support criminal prosecution?


For me it would be a deal breaker.

Now my question. If it's proved that Hillary and Obama used the DOJ, FBI FISA COURTS, Fusion GPS to undermine a rightfully elected president. Would you support criminal prosecution?

Is investigating 'undermning' though, especially as those in his campaign were known to have russian links ?

I think he already said his opinion on holding politicians accountable.


Active member
Is investigating 'undermning' though, especially as those in his campaign were known to have russian links ?

I think he already said his opinion on holding politicians accountable.

I see nothing in relation to your claim. He has said nothing about holding anyone accountable except Trump. He has said nothing about the corruption at The DOJ and FBI.

I have never seen so many pot heads wanting to stroke the proverbial dick of law enforcement. I find it entertaining at best.

I am referencing the use of the Steele dossier to get a warrant to spy on Carter page. The media leaks. The text back and forth about starting the investigation, and insurance policy. I don't expect you guys to admit it looks more and more like the Democrats were behind it.

No one has been prosecuted for colluding with the Russians. Some have pleaded to things. Anyone who has been prosecuted by a federal prosecutor can tell you they use many slick tricks to get people to plead out. Their is a reason 90% of federal cases never go to trial. Most competent lawyers will tell you what Flynn pleaded to isn't a crime. When people are threatened with millions in legal bills to fight a minor charge. You decide take a risk at trial and bankrupt your family, or plead out, you don't really have a choice.


Active member
a great question, unfortunately i think 2 universes collide here
those that support Trump can not emotionally integrate such a thing
it can not happen, and this is a difference between sides
if Obama had been show to have done this, i would have been FINE with his ass dragged out of that oval office and tossed into the 'hole'
can a Trump supporter ever say that, or even contemplate it?

Nothing like inflammatory rhetoric. Let's insult everyone who didn't vote for the idiot Clinton. This how the democratic party reaches across the isle.

If you really want Obama held to account, their was plenty of scandals that could have had him impeached.

Shit Obama offered more flexibility on Russia sanctions after his re-election campaign. This is more collusion than anyone can show from Trump. Trump has increased sanctions on russia.

Their are many other scandals Benghazi, fast and furious, IRS targeting, Cash payments to Iran, spying on Fox news reporters.

If Trump broke the law then he should deal with the consequences.


oops, i was referring to igrowone not stadanko.

but, of course all politicians should be held accountable, the greater the crimes the greater the accountability


Active member
Trump is a liar, a sex offender, and a whole slew of other bad things ranging from idiot to egomaniac, but one thing he is not is working with Russia. You would have to be completely ignorant of world affairs to think that what is happening right now is Russia getting their way with our government. Trump is just somewhat less rabid than Clinton when it comes to Russia, but he still represents the neoliberal(aka neoconservative) establishment. That establishment HATES Putin with a passion. They desperately wanted another Yeltsin and instead they got a relative nobody who ended up being shrewd and effective as a leader who actually puts Russian interests first.
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