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The traitor within?

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Someone already made post to say it was upsetting them and he was dismissed because he is a minority here.

I specifically invited him to stay around and enlighten the community here. How is that dismissal? The argument of the free speech crowd here is that such bad views should be corrected and that cannot happen if we can't see them and identify them.


Active member
I'm not going to get involved but I'll just say this. The statement that people with a certain skin colour commit more crime than another doesn't sit right with me (BTW I'm white). What people tend to gloss over is circumstance. Are the people making these statements suggesting that things would be the same if positions in society were reversed? What I mean is if black people held the majority of wealth and power would they still commit more crime? It's not the skin colour people it's the divide between the haves and have nots.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The closer people are to abject poverty, the more likely they are to become violently criminal minded, and revert back to being hunter/gatherers......often its an option desperate people take for survival reasons, to rob from others and take their lives even, just to get what they need to survive......a kill or be killed attitude, survival of the fittest scenario.....or post apocalyptic situation would trigger this attitude.

There again in the news I hear about people getting murdered and robbed for the style of trainers they wear, so all this violent criminality is not just about killing and robbing to survive, its about all the bling and trophies that go with it too.....all the BOOTY!

Here is what was a Sports Illustrated cover story about it from way back in 1990 with a Michael Jordan interview:

Criminality has often been linked to position within a society........The more wealthy and connected get away with far larger crimes because of their wealth, and the poor, uneducated and disenfranchised usually end up doing the time.


Well-known member
Again, anecdotal experience does not equal statistical fact. While that may be entirely true in that specific case, that does not mean its true of all small white towns. I live in one of the whitest states in the union and I have seen local cops go way out of their way to drive black people out of town and punish anyone who has any affiliation with them. I knew one girl who had a black boyfriend who didn't even live in that county, and the local sheriff arrested her several times when she'd come to visit her family over completely made-up charges and had to let her go every time. She needed me to come pick her up one time because they just decided she couldn't drive her own car just because they said so. On our way back we got stopped and searched repeatedly across several counties by friends of that sheriff. I've seen so much shit like this that your anecdotal experience doesn't convince me there isn't a problem.

Oh ok.you wanna play that game.well what you said is anecdotal too.convince ME that there's a problem
I'm not going to get involved but I'll just say this. The statement that people with a certain skin colour commit more crime than another doesn't sit right with me (BTW I'm white). What people tend to gloss over is circumstance. Are the people making these statements suggesting that things would be the same if positions in society were reversed? What I mean is if black people held the majority of wealth and power would they still commit more crime? It's not the skin colour people it's the divide between the haves and have nots.

More whites in poverty than blacks in America, yet the crime rate for blacks is higher per capital. Facts are facts. Once somebody uses them to put their race above another is when facts can become racism. IMO. :tiphat:

For the record, I don't approve racism. It's the lowest form of hate.


Active member
More whites in poverty than blacks in America, yet the crime rate for blacks is higher per capital. Facts are facts. Once somebody uses them to put their race above another is when facts can become racism. IMO. :tiphat:

For the record, I don't approve racism. It's the lowest form of hate.
What I think is racist is the premise that someone is genetically predisposed to crime because of their skin colour. Here are some reasons why that might appear to be the case:
-discrimination by law enforcement and the judicial system
-childhood exposure to violence
-inability to post bail
-economic deprivation
-social context
You'll never convince me someone is intrinsically bad due to their skin colour.
What I think is racist is the premise that someone is genetically predisposed to crime because of their skin colour. Here are some reasons why that might appear to be the case:
-discrimination by law enforcement and the judicial system
-childhood exposure to violence
-inability to post bail
-economic deprivation
-social context
You'll never convince me someone is intrinsically bad due to their skin colour.

Stating facts about crime rates is very different than giving the premise that someone is genetically predisposed to crime. For the record, all humans that have ever lived, and will ever live, are genetically predisposed to crime because we are all human. :tiphat:


Active member
Stating facts about crime rates is very different than giving the premise that someone is genetically predisposed to crime. For the record, all humans that have ever lived, and will ever live, are genetically predisposed to crime because we are all human. :tiphat:
I'm glad we made that clarification because it is important. :)
I am not black nor do I live in America but I do have empathy for their situation. Blacks may well be over represented in crime statistics but the reasons why need to be analysed. Have a read of this article about what it feels like to be black in a white world.
I'll leave you to it anyway. :tiphat:


Active member
It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with culture. Culture can be changed. Skin color is permenant, yet also irrelevant. Ultimately we should judge the individual for his/her actions.

I may have come across as uncaring, for that I am sorry. I have no belief that an individual should be judged by the actions of the group. I believe culture has been going down hill for decades. Work ethic, and honor are no longer important to most people, of any race. Some cultures value education, and career success, more than others. This may be a big part of the disparities between the races.

I hate when people here make references to me not living on the coast. Claiming I am some backwoods hick. So I shouldn't judge others I don't, at least those who haven't made those comments. By the way I live 70 miles from the coast, for now.

I have to say I have had more white people no pay their debts than any other race. It really pisses me off, not that they are white but because they don't uphold their word. To me my word is my bond, I will pay my debts on time and in full with out question.


Active member
This does not jive with what I've heard you say about Muslims as a whole.

I haven't really been critical of Muslim people. I do have concerns about the violence and the treatment of women, gays,Christians. I am sorry if you feel I have an animus towards muslims as a people, I don't. No one person is responsible for the actions of a group of people. Not muslims, blacks, Hispanics, asians, whites, men, women. And any one I inadvertently left out. I judge a person by their actions not by the actions of a group.

Even in the discussions about race and criminality, never have I said that any particular individual is responsible for the issue.


It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with culture. Culture can be changed. Skin color is permenant, yet also irrelevant. Ultimately we should judge the individual for his/her actions.

I may have come across as uncaring, for that I am sorry. I have no belief that an individual should be judged by the actions of the group. I believe culture has been going down hill for decades. Work ethic, and honor are no longer important to most people, of any race. Some cultures value education, and career success, more than others. This may be a big part of the disparities between the races.

I hate when people here make references to me not living on the coast. Claiming I am some backwoods hick. So I shouldn't judge others I don't, at least those who haven't made those comments. By the way I live 70 miles from the coast, for now.

I have to say I have had more white people no pay their debts than any other race. It really pisses me off, not that they are white but because they don't uphold their word. To me my word is my bond, I will pay my debts on time and in full with out question.

Sorry, I think I may have made the comment about distance from the coast. I wont do it again, it was a ignorant islander perspective I was expressing.

I agree that culture is the root of most of these issues.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with culture. Culture can be changed. Skin color is permenant, yet also irrelevant. Ultimately we should judge the individual for his/her actions.

I may have come across as uncaring, for that I am sorry. I have no belief that an individual should be judged by the actions of the group. I believe culture has been going down hill for decades. Work ethic, and honor are no longer important to most people, of any race. Some cultures value education, and career success, more than others. This may be a big part of the disparities between the races.

I hate when people here make references to me not living on the coast. Claiming I am some backwoods hick. So I shouldn't judge others I don't, at least those who haven't made those comments. By the way I live 70 miles from the coast, for now.

I have to say I have had more white people no pay their debts than any other race. It really pisses me off, not that they are white but because they don't uphold their word. To me my word is my bond, I will pay my debts on time and in full with out question.

G `day PF

Work ethic came over from England with religion .
Work ethic is a religious thing .

The Protestant work ethic, the Calvinist work ethic or the Puritan work ethic is a concept in theology, sociology, economics and history which emphasizes that hard work, discipline and frugality are a result of a person's subscription to the values espoused by the Protestant faith, particularly Calvinism.

This contrasts with the focus upon religious attendance, confession, and ceremonial sacrament in the Roman Catholic tradition. A person does not need to be a religious Calvinist in order to follow the Protestant work ethic, as it is a part of certain cultures impacted by the Protestant Reformation.

The harder you worked the more you worshiped god . And or hard workers were too busy to go to church .

More brain washing propaganda bro .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
G `day PF

Work ethic came over from England with religion .
Work ethic is a religious thing .

The Protestant work ethic, the Calvinist work ethic or the Puritan work ethic is a concept in theology, sociology, economics and history which emphasizes that hard work, discipline and frugality are a result of a person's subscription to the values espoused by the Protestant faith, particularly Calvinism.

The harder you worked the more you worshiped god . And or hard workers were too busy to go to church .

More brain washing propaganda bro .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Come on seriously, now hardwork is propaganda. I would say you are overlooking a very serious issue in your argument. In the past if you didn't work, your family didn't eat. Was that only an issue in protestant society? I could of sworn people had a biological necessity of hardwork back to the times before humans evolved. The necessity of hardwork predates human beings. I am sure evolutionary biologist would agree, that species who evolved into family structures. Were only able to evolve because they were able to procreate and provide for offspring.

The lack of work ethic is a recent problem. It very well could be related to the desire for equality of outcome. A couple of centuries ago, a lack of work ethic was a death sentence.


Active member
Oh ok.you wanna play that game.well what you said is anecdotal too.convince ME that there's a problem

A two-second Google search could yield you these results yourself, but if you really want me to point out the obvious.....







Oh and many of our police train in an apartheid state:


That's just a small sampling of the vast amount of background on the problem. You can willfully ignore the systemic issues because of personal, anecdotal issues all you want, but you're wrong according to the overwhelming amount of study done on the issue.

Does racism exist in the black community as well? Of course it does. Its ugly there too any should not be tolerated either. That still doesn't change the overall picture. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Active member
total numbers, or ratio within the population?

Overwhelmingly because of total numbers. Whites represent about 68% of the population in the USA while blacks represent less than 13%. Blacks are 2-3 times more likely to be living in poverty in a given state(Maine being one of the worst). So while there may be a 3-to-1 per capita ratio, there's 5 times more white people. So yes, there's more whites in poverty simply because there are more whites total.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Come on seriously, now hardwork is propaganda. I would say you are overlooking a very serious issue in your argument. In the past if you didn't work, your family didn't eat. Was that only an issue in protestant society? I could of sworn people had a biological necessity of hardwork back to the times before humans evolved. The necessity of hardwork predates human beings. I am sure evolutionary biologist would agree, that species who evolved into family structures. Were only able to evolve because they were able to procreate and provide for offspring.

The lack of work ethic is a recent problem. It very well could be related to the desire for equality of outcome. A couple of centuries ago, a lack of work ethic was a death sentence.

G `day PF

You ever been to an Islander community ?
They aint bustin their balls to get recognition for how hard they can work .

In Asia the tradition was plant the rice paddy .
Lay in a hammock for 3 months ,then harvest . No brownie points for being seen to be working .

Work ethic is UK , European and Scandinavian . Climate and culture are also factors in work ethic .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
Also when it comes to the issue of hard work; Over the years some of the hardest working workers that my dad ever hired were black. The biggest problem we had with black workers is that we could not send them to a job site alone or people would call the police. Folks saw a black man with a ladder and tools and the cops got called pretty much every time. Send them out with a white guy or two and nobody ever called the cops. We had a few workers leave because they were tired of the cops getting sent out to the job site.
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