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The traitor within?

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Their are criminals of every race. The facts that blacks commit more crime is unfortunate, but denying the fact doesn't help any race. We need to deal in facts. Not claims that because some crimes are not solved somehow changes the facts.

The biggest problem is the black culture encourages criminality. The economic factors are real, but I can't change it. We can try school vouchers so that kids who grow up in areas with poor schools can go to better schools, and get a decent education.

The democratic party has long dominated politics in the inner cities, why have they failed to make any tangible changes to said inner cities?

I am not "denying the fact"; I am arguing against the logical fallacy that higher conviction rates by necessity equal higher criminality. Black people are convicted more, but that does not mean they commit more crime. Those pushing that narrative are being intellectually dishonest at best and racist at worst. They MIGHT be committing more crime, but our system is extremely stacked against them so there's no way to get a truly objective view on the matter.

Consider the fact that in a given state on average about 50% of all murders are never solved. So lets make the absurd assumption that all black murder convictions are valid; that still leaves 50% of the entire category unresolved. So if blacks are something like 13% of the population but receive 40% of the convictions for murder that really means they are committing 20% of the murders total. That's of course assuming 100% actual guilt and no wrongful convictions. So if the system is 100% fair, they're committing murder slightly out of proportion to their population, not massively.

Furthermore, for lesser crimes the actual solve rate is much lower, and arrests for them are much more racially-disproportionate. Blacks are almost 4 times more likely to be arrested and convicted for cannabis possession for example. This throws them into the criminal system and makes living a legitimate lifestyle even harder; all over something that all of us here agree is not immoral.

So no, I do not know that blacks commit more crime. I know for a fact that you do not know it either. Not even the DOJ actually knows this for a fact. The entire system is stacked against truth on this matter, and its information is too incomplete to be useful in determining clear truth.


Active member
Ok, I guess we will just end the conversation now. Their is no point if you can't grasp reality. You claim I am using talking points while using factually erroneous talking points. If we can't deal in facts no point of discussion.


Active member
The taxes were cut. Minimum wage increases only cause further inflation, minimum wage increases hurt every American. Everything you buy will get more expensive.

This is a very well-studied issue and its simply not true that it will massively inflate the price of everything. In fact, it will stimulate the economy and help green the dollar. The current US economic model demands money continually be funneled upward, but that isn't sustainable. Nothing about our economic paradigm is sustainable. You can't continue to drink the blood of poor communities if you drink them dry.

Green technology can fund itself. Let them compete, competition leads to innovation.

The same could be said of oil. Oil is the most subsidized thing in this nation outside of banking. One field that is dooming us to catastrophic climate change and one that contributes absolutely nothing to the economy and both of which are parasitic in the extreme.


Well-known member
This is a very well-studied issue and its simply not true that it will massively inflate the price of everything. In fact, it will stimulate the economy and help green the dollar. The current US economic model demands money continually be funneled upward, but that isn't sustainable. Nothing about our economic paradigm is sustainable. You can't continue to drink the blood of poor communities if you drink them dry.

The same could be said of oil. Oil is the most subsidized thing in this nation outside of banking. One field that is dooming us to catastrophic climate change and one that contributes absolutely nothing to the economy and both of which are parasitic in the extreme.

You must be a special kinda special.how cute


Active member
I am not "denying the fact"; I am arguing against the logical fallacy that higher conviction rates by necessity equal higher criminality. Black people are convicted more, but that does not mean they commit more crime. Those pushing that narrative are being intellectually dishonest at best and racist at worst. They MIGHT be committing more crime, but our system is extremely stacked against them so there's no way to get a truly objective view on the matter.

Consider the fact that in a given state on average about 50% of all murders are never solved. So lets make the absurd assumption that all black murder convictions are valid; that still leaves 50% of the entire category unresolved. So if blacks are something like 13% of the population but receive 40% of the convictions for murder that really means they are committing 20% of the murders total. That's of course assuming 100% actual guilt and no wrongful convictions. So if the system is 100% fair, they're committing murder slightly out of proportion to their population, not massively.

Furthermore, for lesser crimes the actual solve rate is much lower, and arrests for them are much more racially-disproportionate. Blacks are almost 4 times more likely to be arrested and convicted for cannabis possession for example. This throws them into the criminal system and makes living a legitimate lifestyle even harder; all over something that all of us here agree is not immoral.

So no, I do not know that blacks commit more crime. I know for a fact that you do not know it either. Not even the DOJ actually knows this for a fact. The entire system is stacked against truth on this matter, and its information is too incomplete to be useful in determining clear truth.

You are biased. You don't trust the facts or you don't care. Facts don't care about feelings. You are tossing out the facts(many of which are from studies by left leaning institutions) in favor of your personal beliefs. Just because you believe that the government is purposely trying to convict every black person of crimes they didn't commit, doesn't make it fact. I would expect better of you Klompen.


Active member
You are biased. You don't trust the facts or you don't care. Facts don't care about feelings. You are tossing out the facts(many of which are from studies by left leaning institutions) in favor of your personal beliefs. Just because you believe that the government is purposely trying to convict every black person of crimes they didn't commit, doesn't make it fact. I would expect better of you Klompen.

Oh don't even go there man. You talk about facts and I am presenting you with the irrefutable fact that half or more of all major crimes are not even resolved and you just ignore it because of your own personal bias. I am telling you that your "facts" are not the whole picture. My statement that blacks are convicted for cannabis possession nearly 4 times as much as whites is not opinion. That is an established fact. I didn't get any of my information from "left-leaning institutions". The DOJ statistics show this very clearly. Blacks are far more likely to be convicted for the same crime than whites are. That's not a biased view on my part. Your desire to deny reality in favor of your biased view is very disappointing and I would expect better of you.


Well-known member
I'm on mobile and it barely even works.perhaps I was rude but I'm tired of this shit.if you want I will give you real life things that happened to me in South Chicago.i didn't do anything.i was 15 and I thought me and my dad were gonna die.just for being white.you don't know shit.when the blacks tell you to get out of there cause you gonna die cause your white,that's when you know it's serious


Active member
I'm on mobile and it barely even works.perhaps I was rude but I'm tired of this shit.if you want I will give you real life things that happened to me in South Chicago.i didn't do anything.i was 15 and I thought me and my dad were gonna die.just for being white.you don't know shit

That is anecdotal though. Its a valid experience and I have had some bad experiences myself with black people. I have also had a lot of bad experiences with white people. That does not mean black people as a whole are more violent than white people or commit more crime. South side of Chicago is one of the roughest places in the entire country and there's a lot of poverty there. Anywhere you see poverty there's lots of crime. If you've ever lived in a trailer park with a lot of meth issues you'd know how crazy white folks can get too. We can't conflate personal experiences with statistical facts.


Well-known member
most people in jail are christian/catholic

clearly that means theyre the most dangerous demographic



Well-known member
That is anecdotal though. Its a valid experience and I have had some bad experiences myself with black people. I have also had a lot of bad experiences with white people. That does not mean black people as a whole are more violent than white people or commit more crime. South side of Chicago is one of the roughest places in the entire country and there's a lot of poverty there. Anywhere you see poverty there's lots of crime. If you've ever lived in a trailer park with a lot of meth issues you'd know how crazy white folks can get too. We can't conflate personal experiences with statistical facts.
Bullshit.ive lived in Georgia for over 10 years.white people love blacks there cause they got most of the good drugs. My cousin is black.im not rascist the least bit.but I'll call it like I see it.walk the streets in ATL or Chitown see how far you get home boy.probably say Trump did it too


Well-known member
Or you can donate the money. You don't speak for me or the rest of America.

The money does not exist. Or does it. How many trillion does the US owe? Where do they get the money from? They people who make and control money have done a fine job keeping the public confused. It would cost a fraction of what it cost to run the military and every person on this planet could have sustainable produced food, power and healthcare. They put dollar signs all over it to scare people. A world running sustainably and caring for all its people does not require a complex economy based on abusing natural resources.


Well-known member
Bullshit.ive lived in Georgia for over 10 years.white people love blacks there cause they got most of the good drugs. My cousin is black.im not rascist the least bit.but I'll call it like I see it.walk the streets in ATL or Chitown see how far you get home boy.probably say Trump did it too

I guess things are different here. I never bought good drugs off of an african american. Around here the all have dumb powders, roccks or opiates. If you want good drugs it helps to know a few hippys, mycologists or a chemist.


Active member
Bullshit.ive lived in Georgia for over 10 years.white people love blacks there cause they got most of the good drugs. My cousin is black.im not rascist the least bit.but I'll call it like I see it.walk the streets in ATL or Chitown see how far you get home boy.probably say Trump did it too

I wasn't talking about Trump. Also, the fact that the blacks in Georgia feel the need to engage in contraband trade says a lot. Its ironic you don't see that. Of course there's places that aren't safe for outsiders. There's plenty of places it isn't safe to be black either. Again, anecdotal experience does not equal statistical fact.


Well-known member
Who the fuck buys drugs off chemists? Or is that new slang for drug dealers?

Those lucky few https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owsley_Stanley

Until psychedelics are legal it would be best if you do not infer something is wrong with those risking their lifes to do what is right.


Well-known member
A minimum wage worker works 77 hours to pay for a two bedroom apt. Then they start on the utilities food and health care. Where is the compassion in that system. How long before so many who have nothing to lose react?


Well-known member
So because what I say is anecdotal it doesn't count? Yeah I heard that before.shoe on the other foot an all.believe whatever you want.ive had a bad day.but don't say I didn't warn you.did you know black gangs were getting young kids to kill cops in the south side of Chicago? Oh, but that's ok.BLM


Active member
So because what I say is anecdotal it doesn't count? Yeah I heard that before.shoe on the other foot an all.believe whatever you want.ive had a bad day.but don't say I didn't warn you.did you know black gangs were getting young kids to kill cops in the south side of Chicago? Oh, but that's ok.BLM

I very specifically said that your experience is valid. That doesn't make it a statistical fact. Some black people are dangerous criminals. So are some white people. You keep citing anecdotal points as though they are statistical points and it leads me to believe you don't understand the difference.
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