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The traitor within?

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I know you’ve heard this before, but drop “lefty”, it makes you sound like a feeble-minded old crank, and as a feeble-minded old crank myself, I can’t allow you to do that without me giving you the high sign...:friends:

It does show that you don’t know much on the subject of “liberals”, but that’s okay, most of what you think you know about “leftys” came from liars. Lefty the Liberal is largely imaginary, and has been painted vividly in the minds of generations, none more so than the current.

Can you handle that as an arguable proposition? It’s okay if you can’t, it’s not a contest between us, but I’m willing to work with you on learning to see the other side and all that, and not be an asshole about it, but that won’t happen if we can’t challenge assumptions on matters at the heart of the divide.

Seems like others might be willing?

To me their is a big difference between a liberal and a leftist. That being said, the labels don't really help. If you can honestly look at my beliefs. I can honestly look at your beliefs. I have no desire to be an asshole. This partisan divide and dishonesty associated on both sides, isn't the way I want to leave this country for my children. So, if I can help change it even in my small circle I will.

I may disagree with you on many things, I do agree that you have every right to say things that offend me. I can only change myself and hope others follow suit.

I won't make outrageous claims, all I ask is that you stop with the outrageous claims .no real Republicans are trying to toss out every brown person. I am with you 100% sessions needs to go. We both have reasons to hate the troll. Like I said before their are plenty of legitimate reasons to want him gone without making blanket statements.



Well-known member
Hello Guys,
I don't identify either lefty or rightie just human being.

That said I feel strongly that health care. decent housing and access to healthy food and water are basic human rights and not just for the lucky ones born with correct skin pigmentation and parentage. I see a long history of abuse as in the banks redlining areas of color, the police locking up people of color more often and for longer time than whites who commit the same offense. Refusing VA benefits to returning black men after ww2 while low cost loans were available to all whites. The trump clan seems to admire that and suggests more is better. At this point in time I am ashamed of our current leaders and my fellow Americans for letting him happen to us. I remember the day I proudly displayed our flag and felt pride in America. Now not so much. I think of the faces of friends who died under that flag and wonder WTF


Well-known member
Hello Guys,
I don't identify either lefty or rightie just human being.

That said I feel strongly that health care. decent housing and access to healthy food and water are basic human rights and not just for the lucky ones born with correct skin pigmentation and parentage. I see a long history of abuse as in the banks redlining areas of color, the police locking up people of color more often and for longer time than whites who commit the same offense. Refusing VA benefits to returning black men after ww2 while low cost loans were available to all whites. The trump clan seems to admire that and suggests more is better. At this point in time I am ashamed of our current leaders and my fellow Americans for letting him happen to us. I remember the day I proudly displayed our flag and felt pride in America. Now not so much. I think of the faces of friends who died under that flag and wonder WTF

Black people have the same rights as whites, actually even more, they have affirmative action.

Sure more black people are locked up, but black people do infact commit more crime. Also judging from your post you are clearly left wing.


Well-known member
Im against labels. To me it is about looking at a situation or problem from the view of anyone affected. Anyone, anywhere. Some people are willing to learn how to improve life for all even if sacrificing some comfort for themselves. Others have some sort of us vs. them mentality and they would prefer to ignore we are all one for the benefit of their own comfort and economy.

So much science to back up the need for us to go toward a natural planet healing way of life, for the goof of all. Not saying we cannot have technology or use natural resources. We have just came to a time in our collective human consciousness that those more interested on only helping themselve, or their own family or own country have got to start seeing the flaw in thinking that way.

I wish I had a few million shirts to give out with a picture of the whole planet saying united we stand. The expression actually fails to make sense from the viewpoint of any one nation or group.


Black people have the same rights as whites, actually even more, they have affirmative action.

Sure more black people are locked up, but black people do infact commit more crime. Also judging from your post you are clearly left wing.

"Left wing, right wing, chicken wing, it don't make no difference to me."

― Woody Guthrie
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Active member
Black people have the same rights as whites, actually even more, they have affirmative action.

Sure more black people are locked up, but black people do infact commit more crime. Also judging from your post you are clearly left wing.

This isn't necessarily true. Black people get arrested disproportionately and convicted disproportionately, but there's also the fact that half of all major crimes are never even solved anyway. With all that factored in, its not realistic to say that blacks commit more crimes. For all we know, whites just get away with crimes a lot more often.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My old Mum used to play this record (45) all the time back in the 70's.......and here we are nearly 50 years later still going thru the 'Melting Pot' stage - so according to the song we have at least 50 years more to go before we are all 'coffee coloured'.....then what sorta suntan you have won't matter any more - if it ever did.

Yeah bigtacofarmer always good to walk a mile or two in someone else's shoes before making assumptions. Keep in mind that most all of humanity is still in the tribal/nationalist stage of social evolution, and that's not likely to change much within our lifetimes.

BLUE MINK - Melting Pot (RARE LIVE UK TV 1970) Ft Roger Cook & Madeline Bell


so for some 2 thousand years we have been programed to believe in the nation state, what makes anyone think you will get rid of nationalistic thinking inside a few years? its not realistic, the powers that be have been telling us that we have to be ready to fight kill and be killed all for the sake of the nation state, now they are saying forget all that it's totally fine to get rid of borders and become a big melting pot, except if you are Israel, then you are allowed to believe in borders, your religion and your superiority to everyone else meaning no mixing genes with non jews. but everyone else is supposed to be happy to see their genetic and cultural origins being wiped out.

the real joke is that as soon as the elite need us to go kill brown people, then they bring back nationalism and tell us to be patriotic and go kill for the nation in other countries, its prety fucking ironic really. no wonder it's not working out well so far.


Well-known member
Black people have the same rights as whites, actually even more, they have affirmative action.

Sure more black people are locked up, but black people do infact commit more crime. Also judging from your post you are clearly left wing.

Its almost as if there are socioeconomic factors at work lol.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
so for some 2 thousand years we have been programed to believe in the nation state, what makes anyone think you will get rid of nationalistic thinking inside a few years? its not realistic, the powers that be have been telling us that we have to be ready to fight kill and be killed all for the sake of the nation state, now they are saying forget all that it's totally fine to get rid of borders and become a big melting pot, except if you are Israel, then you are allowed to believe in borders, your religion and your superiority to everyone else meaning no mixing genes with non jews. but everyone else is supposed to be happy to see their genetic and cultural origins being wiped out.

the real joke is that as soon as the elite need us to go kill brown people, then they bring back nationalism and tell us to be patriotic and go kill for the nation in other countries, its prety fucking ironic really. no wonder it's not working out well so far.

It has worked out well for them in the past when they can control the spiritual side of things by putting the literal fear of god into people with the threats of damnation in the present and hereafter, if you don't adhere to some Abrahamic doctrine/ideology...

But since much of the western world is not drinking the religious koolaid any more, this method of control is slowly becoming redundant, people don't generally fear any god any more, since that is regarded as irrational thought to many, so the spiritual fear-hook they once had over most everyone in the past is no longer such a strong method of control, something else or more of the same has to be found to keep the same level of fear and control.


Well-known member
Here's your "liberal" party in America, lol. All of them voted to increase military spending. 6 Republicans including Rand Paul, and Bernie Sanders are the only ones to vote against it.

Boy the Democratic Resistance showing who's boss aint they lolol it's all a sham



Well-known member
"The Resistance"

"Trump Score" is how often they vote with Trump and the GOP


Active member
This isn't necessarily true. Black people get arrested disproportionately and convicted disproportionately, but there's also the fact that half of all major crimes are never even solved anyway. With all that factored in, its not realistic to say that blacks commit more crimes. For all we know, whites just get away with crimes a lot more often.

Their are criminals of every race. The facts that blacks commit more crime is unfortunate, but denying the fact doesn't help any race. We need to deal in facts. Not claims that because some crimes are not solved somehow changes the facts.

The biggest problem is the black culture encourages criminality. The economic factors are real, but I can't change it. We can try school vouchers so that kids who grow up in areas with poor schools can go to better schools, and get a decent education.

The democratic party has long dominated politics in the inner cities, why have they failed to make any tangible changes to said inner cities?


Well-known member
Trump cut Pell Grants which overwhelmingly affects minorities. He cut health care and student aid, raised people's taxes and won't do anything about the minimum wage.

These people need jobs and purchasing power, not further disenfranchisement.

Legalize all drugs, abolish private prisons, and support a Green New Deal and I bet things will start changing pretty quick.


Their are criminals of every race. The facts that blacks commit more crime is unfortunate, but denying the fact doesn't help any race. We need to deal in facts. Not claims that because some crimes are not solved somehow changes the facts.

The biggest problem is the black culture encourages criminality. The economic factors are real, but I can't change it. We can try school vouchers so that kids who grow up in areas with poor schools can go to better schools, and get a decent education.

The democratic party has long dominated politics in the inner cities, why have they failed to make any tangible changes to said inner cities?

the federal government could also spend less on bombs and more on education so that every one has the chance to start life on an equel playing field, regardless of who your parents were or what neighborhood you happen to live in.

Pay teachers more and get better quality teachers.

no school in a country as wealthy as America should be underfunded.

I think education is the answer to solving most problems with the choices people make...

whether it be having too many kids or robbing a store.

A good teacher can be more inspiring to a kid than a parent.
But you got to pay well if you want quality.


Active member
Trump cut Pell Grants which overwhelmingly affects minorities. He cut health care and student aid, raised people's taxes and won't do anything about the minimum wage.

These people need jobs and purchasing power, not further disenfranchisement.

Legalize all drugs, abolish private prisons, and support a Green New Deal and I bet things will start changing pretty quick.

The taxes were cut. Minimum wage increases only cause further inflation, minimum wage increases hurt every American. Everything you buy will get more expensive.

I am all for legalizing marijuana, but not hard drugs. Private prisons should be abolished. The original New Deal slowed the recover by years. Green technology can fund itself. Let them compete, competition leads to innovation.


Well-known member
The taxes were cut.
No they werent, the GOP conned people on this. 83% of the tax breaks go straight to the top 1% and are permanent. Everyone making $75,000 or less will have their taxes raised when the sunset clause on his tax breaks runs out. Not to mention it blew a $1.5 trillion dollar hole in the deficit.

Minimum wage increases only cause further inflation, minimum wage increases hurt every American. Everything you buy will get more expensive.
This is largely BS talking points. After adjusting for inflation, you find that workers havent had significant wage increases since the 80s. More money in middle class pockets means they spend more momey meaning it goes right back into the economy which creates more jobs.

I am all for legalizing marijuana, but not hard drugs. Private prisons should be abolished.
Drug use goes down when its legalized and normalized. Not only that but it hurts organized crime.

The original New Deal slowed the recover by years.
Which was caused by shitty right wing trickle down economics in the first place. All modern crashes and recessions are due to this. A Green New Deal is exsctly what this country needs right now.
People need to be put back to work. 50% of US workers make barely more than a poverty level wage while we got clown like bezos making an annual salary every couple of minutes.

Green technology can fund itself. Let them compete, competition leads to innovation.

Not when the government props up and is in bed with fossil fuels. You cant have a free market or competition in an oligopoly.
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