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The Search for Trip Weed

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
Yosemite Sam, none of my posts were actually directed towards you nor anyone who I’ve had beef with… I think you are missing the whole point and perspective by feeling pointed and trying to justify your decissions or anyone else’s as you try to discredit a personal opinion. Don’t bend the truth, you know what's my position and you also know very well that I know the difference between cashing in and trying to sustain your livelyhood in an honest way like you’ve said (which I highly support).

I believe all this Haze clone hype was started by Karma G indeed, right after he acquired the A5 Haze clone. That was when Nevil was still between us, in fact we’ve discussed about it several times, I'm not inventing it:

People know because I respect the plant and the community, I never bullshit or play with lies, obviously some don't want the truth to be aired. Believe me, Nevil wasn’t impressed nor pleased with all this moves, but he didn’t care much, as he always used to say: “even if you give the same ingredients to three different chefs, they always will come up with three different dishes”.

Karma was already taking control over the A5 in order to be the first releasing hybrids and take advantage on such elusive and tightly held clones. Did he actually had more right or legitimacy to do than anyone else? I don't think so. For those who don't know, Karma was only working making clones for Breda Crew from 2002 to 2004 and he always stayed away from the group, in his own words. And finally suddenly after Nevil passed away we see him selling A5 S1 and such? C'mon... And all this latest Southern Holland Haze crew thing? Same with the other companies chucking on the clones. Even some who never had an interest on Hazes and now chase those clones too like it happens with any hyped, awarded and highly shought after cut. I wonder why is that? Obviously because it’s great for marketing, it just attracts more customers, that’s what comercial seed makers rely on in order to sell, the new and most profitable clones from each season over having their own unique breeding projects. How that’s not cashing on then?? I think it’s pretty evident and blatant. Some people said recently all seems like an oportunistic and strategic move and I'm 100% sure about that. One thing is giving props or credit to the Breda crew for his involvement with Nevil (yet the timing and following events may appear oportunistic all of the sudden) and what I’m speaking about is another different one.

If Bonk or you decided to liberate those clones it must have been for a good reason, and the fact you’ve decided to share them with many people before all this speaks highly about you indeed. But you contradicted yourself too, because if everyone’s ultimate goal was only getting Nevil’s genetics reaching people as the gift they were, why not keep doing something like Joesy did with the GG#4 for example? Anyone could send thousands of seeds to the Seed Bay too or create an IG profile and become viral in just days, if that was really the goal. Instead of having an elite circle of seed makers trying to have certain control over those cuts and serve their own interest. That would make sense if they were holding their own cuts or work I guess. But obviously and despite you say you had a different goal, most of them have a different interest and just want to cash on Nevil's name and legacy, that's crystal clear, but let’s agree to disagree. No drama really, no need to discredit anyone or turn it into a fight. Just different points of view and a reminder that not everyone is so naive about it. But hey, we are all Haze lovers after all! :good:

The funny thing is that many amateur growers within the community have been growing and playing with the Haze for years. The recent example of Mac comes to mind… proving how even growers with very little resources but a lot of passion and motivation can do a very nice job, both preserving and trying to renew the Haze with fresh genes, as well as sharing gems with more people who have passion for the Haze legacy. Maybe this is the type of people we should be supporting instead of encouraging and providing tools for the industry sharks who just want to provide a response to a market demand, but without much substance or passion behind, only the desire to put seeds in the market and make the most of Nevil’s fame and name in this case and cash on stuff they don't even deserve. Proving they simply have more interest on taking advantage on the genetics name and status, than the genetics themselves.

Last but not least, I believe we need informed people with critical thinking within the community, people who stay independent or don’t have a commercial agenda and try to educate. Just like it happens within the film, wine, music industry or even politics, where critics, experts and experienced members analyze what’s going, the good, the bad and often provide insight to those who miss the details from the insiders. Cannabis scene shouldn’t be an exception and I truly believe the sooner we get an International Cannabis Breeder’s Association or something like that, providing guidelines and evaluating the seed market independently (as well as standard regulations for judging Cannabis cups, lab sampling and so on), the better.

Time to move on for me. :tiphat:


Hey Mustafunk,

Thanks again for taking the time to share your opinion which is based on hearing just 1 side of the story.
So this makes me feel obligated once more to add my own POV and speak my heart.
I don't blame you having this opinion cause you are not aware of the complexity, context and set and setting of many things at play simply because you weren't there.

Allow me to try and give you a deeper understanding of certain aspects.

When Nevil arrived in Holland he was in a miserable state, being a heroin addict. He was however fortunate to meet a group of friends that i refer to as "the old crew" because his aunties house where he lived while he was rehabilitating was next door to one of them.
This group of friends, all passionate hash lovers who had set the bar regarding top quality import hashish, advised and helped Nevil to start a business as seed maker and presented the idea to use state fundings to help recovering addicts reintegrate into society.

These people were what inspired him to start his breeding and supported him throughout his early years in Holland, so in fact these people were at the cradle of Nevils first breeding work and played a crucial part in what is still considered being his best work.

When Nevil later moved to the dam the relationship faded and they each moved in different directions.
Nevil being very ambitious making a name for himself and attracting much attention while the crews main focus remained sustaining their availability to their beloved hashish.
The cuts were made and kept in South Holland for flower and preserving Nevils early work and selections giving him acces to the when things got raided or stolen or lost by other elements at play which happened more than once.
In short the fact is that over time his growing status, ego and change of attitude towards his old friends was counter productive for the quality of the long term relationship without much drama between both parties.
So when after many years Nevil reappeared and heard some of the old cuts were still being preserved in South Holland it must have sparkled his enthousiasme to simply retrieve 'em once more.
However they seemed to be on different pages to make it happen.
I did my part helping Nevil getting them back by reestablishing the contact between him and his old friends, the rest was between them considering their old relationship preceding my own involvement.
I have my loyalty towards the people i cherish as my tribe. Each of them invaluable for the work they have done and the things they have accomplished even though they don't carrie names or titles or take something as someone status seriously.
The connection i feel with each of them is spiritual and transcends titles and/or status and ego.
Rest assured we do respect the plant and community, no need for monopoly's or other nonsense.
Because of this i feel that the people that preserved these cuts are exactly the ones who have earned it to do what they feel is right.
Without them Nevils legacy simply wouldn't be what it is.
Inter human relations are complex things let alone over this kind of time span, very complicated to fully grasp without hearing out all involved.
Premature judgment based on bias assumptions don't contribute to establish a deeper understanding of certain matters that each hold many layers of "truth", it merely carries negativity trying to achieve a false sense of superiority by the one who lowers himself doing so.
I'm sure opening up and try to comprehend people's true intentions more objectively will help you to get a better perception and understanding in the long run, the world is much more appealing in colour than just black and white.

Nevil never authenticated the clones as being the ones he selected i asked him if they were his and he said he did not think they were but thought they still be useful.

Dj9 was the southern Crew that worked with Nevil and who supplied Brenda what he posted got ignored.

Nevil was more excited about his new work than he was about any of his past work.

Hempy, did you actualy read Mustafunks post? If you did please read again and focus. To me it's clear Nevil was pretty sure about the cuts being from his hand. Of course he doubts this being factual after such a long period of time. He couldn't verify it himself in all absoluteness until he got to grow em again. Sadly that was't meant to be, it would have made all things clear.
However i rest assured that all proof is within the plants. Who ever grows them will conclude no other that these plants hold certain qualities that clearly came forth from Nevils early haze breeding.
And if they are not, well then so much to do about nothing would be utter foolishness... haha

Excuse me for going of topic once more.


The Haze Whisperer
Hey Mustafunk,

Thanks again for taking the time to share your opinion which is based on hearing just 1 side of the story.
So this makes me feel obligated once more to add my own POV and speak my heart.
I don't blame you having this opinion cause you are not aware of the complexity, context and set and setting of many things at play simply because you weren't there.

Allow me to try and give you a deeper understanding of certain aspects.

When Nevil arrived in Holland he was in a miserable state, being a heroin addict. He was however fortunate to meet a group of friends that i refer to as "the old crew" because his aunties house where he lived while he was rehabilitating was next door to one of them.
This group of friends, all passionate hash lovers who had set the bar regarding top quality import hashish, advised and helped Nevil to start a business as seed maker and presented the idea to use state fundings to help recovering addicts reintegrate into society.

These people were what inspired him to start his breeding and supported him throughout his early years in Holland, so in fact these people were at the cradle of Nevils first breeding work and played a crucial part in what is still considered being his best work.

When Nevil later moved to the dam the relationship faded and they each moved in different directions.
Nevil being very ambitious making a name for himself and attracting much attention while the crews main focus remained sustaining their availability to their beloved hashish.
The cuts were made and kept in South Holland for flower and preserving Nevils early work and selections giving him acces to the when things got raided or stolen or lost by other elements at play which happened more than once.
In short the fact is that over time his growing status, ego and change of attitude towards his old friends was counter productive for the quality of the long term relationship without much drama between both parties.
So when after many years Nevil reappeared and heard some of the old cuts were still being preserved in South Holland it must have sparkled his enthousiasme to simply retrieve 'em once more.
However they seemed to be on different pages to make it happen.
I did my part helping Nevil getting them back by reestablishing the contact between him and his old friends, the rest was between them considering their old relationship preceding my own involvement.
I have my loyalty towards the people i cherish as my tribe. Each of them invaluable for the work they have done and the things they have accomplished even though they don't carrie names or titles or take something as someone status seriously.
The connection i feel with each of them is spiritual and transcends titles and/or status and ego.
Rest assured we do respect the plant and community, no need for monopoly's or other nonsense.
Because of this i feel that the people that preserved these cuts are exactly the ones who have earned it to do what they feel is right.
Without them Nevils legacy simply wouldn't be what it is.
Inter human relations are complex things let alone over this kind of time span, very complicated to fully grasp without hearing out all involved.
Premature judgment based on bias assumptions don't contribute to establish a deeper understanding of certain matters that each hold many layers of "truth", it merely carries negativity trying to achieve a false sense of superiority by the one who lowers himself doing so.
I'm sure opening up and try to comprehend people's true intentions more objectively will help you to get a better perception and understanding in the long run, the world is much more appealing in colour than just black and white.

Hempy, did you actualy read Mustafunks post? If you did please read again and focus. To me it's clear Nevil was pretty sure about the cuts being from his hand. Of course he doubts this being factual after such a long period of time. He couldn't verify it himself in all absoluteness until he got to grow em again. Sadly that was't meant to be, it would have made all things clear.
However i rest assured that all proof is within the plants. Who ever grows them will conclude no other that these plants hold certain qualities that clearly came forth from Nevils early haze breeding.
And if they are not, well then so much to do about nothing would be utter foolishness... haha

Excuse me for going of topic once more.

I asked him Sammy and his response was he did not feel the clones were the ones he had selected but more the selections done of seed he had made and sold.

He also said he still felt they were useful and that is were the conversation on the clones ended.He then spoke about HazeC and how that was the only Clone he really wanted back.

Dj9 described the 5HzA and that is what it looked like.

I had not read the top part of that post Sammy until now and i was left socked and very surprised by what i read its clear to me now that the rubbishing of Nevil reputation and his work is n full swing.

hard rain

I think some of you have lost sight that this is the trip weed thread, not one of the Haze soap opera threads. I'd love to hear how hazes are trippy e.t.c. but don't see what Nevil did 30 years ago or whatever as relevant to this thread.
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The Haze Whisperer
I have a question for you Older smokers not sure if it has been covered in the thread if so sorry in advance.

In the 70s from say 76 until the early 80s in Australia we had cannabis strain called tripping weed that was what it was called.

Was their cannabis called tripping weed also found in the US or other country's.


Well-known member
My best friend and I scored a tiny bag of trip weed in 1974 or 1975 in South Jersey. That's what it was called. I don't recall anything special about the look, aroma or taste. It had been bricked, like everything else then. The effect was unlike anything I've had before or since. Full on visual hallucinations. Yet pleasant and funny and thought provoking, not racy. Its effects were so unlike the usual Mexican and Colombian that my best guess is it was African. That was the first time I thought I should save seeds because the herb was so good.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That ^^ is the craziest story on trip weed yet. Firstly they call it 'Trip Weed'. secondly it produced full on hallucinations, thirdly it is a gentle high, so untypical of the crazy varieties.

I wish I could go back in time for the '74 seeds I know were at the bottom of that bag of pot that tripped me out. I could have had them for the asking, almost no one saved seeds at that time.

hard rain

I also grew up in Australia, @hempy.

I remember people describing pot as "this is tripping weed, man!", but not a variety? Certainly could have bee though. Not much had names really. More of a description of where it came from, like Thai stick, Colombian compressed, mullumbimby madness etc.

The author John Birmingham talks of a strain from Brisbane called "elephant killer", a creeper too? Creepers were always the best. I want some.

Thai sticks were always trippy, as was a lot of home grown in the early days.

OldCoolSativa, what a great story. I am sure being bricked, or crammed together, cured some sativas and added something to the high. I have tried cobbing with good results, but it is still something I only do with a small quantity.

Yesum, if only....
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The Haze Whisperer
I also grew up in Australia, @hempy.

I remember people describing pot as "this is tripping weed, man!", but not a variety? Certainly could have bee though. Not much had names really. More of a description of where it came from, like Thai stick, Colombian compressed, mullumbimby madness etc.

The author John Birmingham talks of a strain from Brisbane called "elephant killer", a creeper too? Creepers were always the best. I want some.

Thai sticks were always trippy, as was a lot of home grown in the early days.

Yesum, if only....

In the late 70s and early 80s here you could get an oz for $30 Colombian African so on.

The tripping weed i saw was sold in small coin bags for $30 at the same time it looked like wet oily leaf squashed into the bag.

The smoke was like the best haze and as was Mullum.

I have asked so many older guys than me and have traced it back as far as 76 may go further back than that.


Well-known member
I have a question for you Older smokers not sure if it has been covered in the thread if so sorry in advance.

In the 70s from say 76 until the early 80s in Australia we had cannabis strain called tripping weed that was what it was called.

Was their cannabis called tripping weed also found in the US or other country's.

We had some coming here...roughly at the same time..although we wer usually a couple of yeaers behind most places..but about the same time.....here it was called Vietnamese tripping weed or Sumatran tripping weed....mostly just leaves with little tinny little bits that you could say wer little probably very immature flowers very oily.....proper strong though still.


The Haze Whisperer
We had some coming here...roughly at the same time..although we wer usually a couple of yeaers behind most places..but about the same time.....here it was called Vietnamese tripping weed or Sumatran tripping weed....mostly just leaves with little tinny little bits that you could say wer little probably very immature flowers very oily.....proper strong though still.

Hiya Dark we got Sumatran also i never heard it referd to as tripping weed tho.

The tripping weed was a very dark green almost black.


Well-known member
Hey Mustafunk,

Thanks again for taking the time to share your opinion which is based on hearing just 1 side of the story.
So this makes me feel obligated once more to add my own POV and speak my heart.
I don't blame you having this opinion cause you are not aware of the complexity, context and set and setting of many things at play simply because you weren't there.

Allow me to try and give you a deeper understanding of certain aspects.

When Nevil arrived in Holland he was in a miserable state, being a heroin addict. He was however fortunate to meet a group of friends that i refer to as "the old crew" because his aunties house where he lived while he was rehabilitating was next door to one of them.
This group of friends, all passionate hash lovers who had set the bar regarding top quality import hashish, advised and helped Nevil to start a business as seed maker and presented the idea to use state fundings to help recovering addicts reintegrate into society.

These people were what inspired him to start his breeding and supported him throughout his early years in Holland, so in fact these people were at the cradle of Nevils first breeding work and played a crucial part in what is still considered being his best work.

When Nevil later moved to the dam the relationship faded and they each moved in different directions.
Nevil being very ambitious making a name for himself and attracting much attention while the crews main focus remained sustaining their availability to their beloved hashish.
The cuts were made and kept in South Holland for flower and preserving Nevils early work and selections giving him acces to the when things got raided or stolen or lost by other elements at play which happened more than once.
In short the fact is that over time his growing status, ego and change of attitude towards his old friends was counter productive for the quality of the long term relationship without much drama between both parties.
So when after many years Nevil reappeared and heard some of the old cuts were still being preserved in South Holland it must have sparkled his enthousiasme to simply retrieve 'em once more.
However they seemed to be on different pages to make it happen.
I did my part helping Nevil getting them back by reestablishing the contact between him and his old friends, the rest was between them considering their old relationship preceding my own involvement.
I have my loyalty towards the people i cherish as my tribe. Each of them invaluable for the work they have done and the things they have accomplished even though they don't carrie names or titles or take something as someone status seriously.
The connection i feel with each of them is spiritual and transcends titles and/or status and ego.
Rest assured we do respect the plant and community, no need for monopoly's or other nonsense.
Because of this i feel that the people that preserved these cuts are exactly the ones who have earned it to do what they feel is right.
Without them Nevils legacy simply wouldn't be what it is.
Inter human relations are complex things let alone over this kind of time span, very complicated to fully grasp without hearing out all involved.
Premature judgment based on bias assumptions don't contribute to establish a deeper understanding of certain matters that each hold many layers of "truth", it merely carries negativity trying to achieve a false sense of superiority by the one who lowers himself doing so.
I'm sure opening up and try to comprehend people's true intentions more objectively will help you to get a better perception and understanding in the long run, the world is much more appealing in colour than just black and white.

Hempy, did you actualy read Mustafunks post? If you did please read again and focus. To me it's clear Nevil was pretty sure about the cuts being from his hand. Of course he doubts this being factual after such a long period of time. He couldn't verify it himself in all absoluteness until he got to grow em again. Sadly that was't meant to be, it would have made all things clear.
However i rest assured that all proof is within the plants. Who ever grows them will conclude no other that these plants hold certain qualities that clearly came forth from Nevils early haze breeding.
And if they are not, well then so much to do about nothing would be utter foolishness... haha

Excuse me for going of topic once more.

Just a question out of interest....are you sure the current clones are ALL nevils hand selected clones....the a5 seems different to the one I know.....it even looks slightly different to the one you guys yourselfs used to hold...more nl in the current one...wernt some of the clones selected by others after nevil had already left to move to the castle.?

Yeah hempy your description sounds similar ...only I rember it as a weird dark greeny grey colour....I cant be certain that it was actually Sumatran or Vietnamese tho.......but thats the tag it was coming to us with.


My best friend and I scored a tiny bag of trip weed in 1974 or 1975 in South Jersey. That's what it was called. I don't recall anything special about the look, aroma or taste. It had been bricked, like everything else then. The effect was unlike anything I've had before or since. Full on visual hallucinations. Yet pleasant and funny and thought provoking, not racy. Its effects were so unlike the usual Mexican and Colombian that my best guess is it was African. That was the first time I thought I should save seeds because the herb was so good.
hi OCS,

We had tripweed kind of like that when we were kids, a friend of mine used to steal it from his dad, he only got a tiny bit, so no one would notice. He would load us each a single decent hit, and we would hold it for as long we could. It was super fruity, very light green, like bright neon green, huge calyxes, Hawaiian in mid 80s. We used to call it cartoon bud, and referred to the high as "cartoonland".
It had the same effect on everybody, it made everything look like a cartoon, and you could literally piss your pants laughing just because people's face looked so goofy. It had the same effect on everyone who smoked it. Never smoked anything like it before or since. I would say it was literally like a visual hallucination.
How would you describe the visuals on the stuff you got in the 70s?
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atomizing haze essence

You mean defending my position from your initial attack?(gaslighting)
Sociopaths have a tendency to confuse the two things.

just cant find any initial attack in my post?

thanks. every breeder talks about his children very highly. I am happy for you, you found your holy grail, what is shit for one man, is gold for other. probably due to many circumstances, but mainly due to individual chemistry. so to me certain neville´s hz phenos seem more trippy, but it is subjective. also there are different imagines what the term trippy means..
but if I am allowed to express my opinion. any NL5hz cant provide multiple dimensionality like pure narrow leaf variety could.. and also not all narrow leafers can do it..

and I apologize for misinformation.. mother of jack herrer is C1..

if my opinion that "any NL5hz cant provide multiple dimensionality like pure narrow leaf variety could.." attacks you, then I know who is sociopath - also its clear you are ont of those trolls who signed to icmag every month with new nickname LOL, and I can assure you that there are more people who have same opinion about NL5hz..

I have nothing against Nevil. I just found out his words to be bullshit, thats all haha :D


atomizing haze essence
I think the trippy effect is subjective, like the strains that cause it, I have experienced episodes of synaesthesia with a mix of zamaldelica and sour diesel and strong auditory distortions with superskunk....

yeah thats what I am talking about, sour diesel + good sativa makes some trippy stuff..

sour diesel x bangi hz

sour diesel x neville´s haze, better than neville´s haze!!!

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
Just a question out of interest....are you sure the current clones are ALL nevils hand selected clones....the a5 seems different to the one I know.....it even looks slightly different to the one you guys yourselfs used to hold...more nl in the current one...wernt some of the clones selected by others after nevil had already left to move to the castle.?

Yeah hempy your description sounds similar ...only I rember it as a weird dark greeny grey colour....I cant be certain that it was actually Sumatran or Vietnamese tho.......but thats the tag it was coming to us with.

Yes all the old clones were selected by Nevil and crew.
The perception that Nevil did everything solo in early stage is whats causing most misconceptions regarding his first work and selections....
The difference you talk about could be due to many things like substrate, placement, grower, ferts, light, indoor/outdoor etc.
A5 (2) is still the same cutting as 30+ years ago. There were 4 other selected pheno's, A5 (5) is also still around but wasn't shared with many as it was the most Haze leaning and not practical to grow indoors.
Nevil also shared 5HzA seeds with some lucky few over time so who knows whats still around, for example the CubanBlackHaze/Piff/Uptown cut could be from Nevil sharing 5HzA seeds.
Take into account that over time a numerous number of cuts were shared around as A5 but were in fact fake ones causing many people to have wrong ideas about A5. It definitely didn't get any easier over time to distinguish the real deal from fake ones by people who were 100% sure to hold it but in fact was something else.
When i was in Barcelona a few months ago i was presented with some A5 bud coming from a "trusted" source so being 100% convinced it was A5 but was in fact C5 instead.
Goes to show how many misconceptions are still around.

Back to trip weed now, all things haze can be further discussed in hempy's discussion thread.


atomizing haze essence
Back to trip weed now

yeah :D I think that a5 crossed with zamal or vietnamese has to be some trippy stuff, and a5 can help with indoor adaptability.. I have to recommend these crosses from Doc D/Kiona, ACE and things from white buffalo seeds over tired and torn nlhazes from MNS. less northern lights, more trippy it gets. imho :D

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
hey Thaibliss dude, early flowering bshw View Image
MAHA KALA - is "bshw" an acronym or abbreviation of the strain? It looks like an abbreviation of "bush weed". If so, I'm wondering if that's the same as "Aussie Bush" - which was the first strain I ever grew. It grew enormous buds under my little 250 HPS - one was three inches thick and two feet long. I pulled eight ounces in five square feet under a 250 HPS in my first ever grow with Aussie Bush! At the time, I thought that all strains yielded that huge - lol.


atomizing haze essence
hi CC. no. it is big sur hollyweed. Thaibliss keeps sage cut, which is supposed to be bshw cross.. thats why I posted it here.. supposed to be mildly trippy. the name comes from Jerry Kamstra, writer and beatnik, who lives in Santa Cruz..

“Jerry Kamstra was born in a mining camp in a shack buried under thirty-five feet of snow. His father, a Dutch immigrant, made his living as a hard-rock miner. His mother was the daughter of a fruit tramp, Nettie Cody, a distant relative of Buffalo Bill Cody. By the time he was fourteen, Jerry had broken his arm eight times and had read every book in the Colton Public Library. Since then, he has worked as an abalone and salmon fisherman, construction worker, trucker and marijuana smuggler.”