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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member
Mildly Trippy, Energetic, and Euphoric

Mildly Trippy, Energetic, and Euphoric

Juvenile plants this year. They are heavily influenced by Thai and Haze. Fat leaves come from well selected VISC Burmese and ACE's Bangi Haze, both fat leaved strains that are the extremely rare exceptions when it comes to lack of any stony or couch-lock influence:





Just searching for a bit more kick, from more pure Thai/Laos lines.



Well-known member
To me trippy would have to remind me of mushrooms or LsD. The more trippy the better. As of now the zamal came the closest. But really needed a nice quiet space to really notice how trippy it actual was. Most of the visual portion could easily be interrupted away by just about anything from kids being loud to trying to think.


I just expressed my opinion. dont know why you have to attack me? ah I know you are Nevil´s boy..

You mean defending my position from your initial attack?(gaslighting)
Sociopaths have a tendency to confuse the two things.

You are one of those guys who likes to slap someone in the face first, but cries foul when you get slapped.

You sound like someone with a monetary interest, or perhaps your some kind of groupie, I don't know.

You insulted Nevil first to me suggesting he was a liar, may he rest in peace, then you suggested that "one man's gold is another man's Sh#t..." Nevil's haze being the Sh#t I suppose. Then you start stereotyping weed like some kind of freaking weed racist.

You obviously have a problem with those who love Nevil's haze, and with Nevil himself. You think it's a big football game, and I'm not wearing the right colors is that it?

You are downright nasty and disrespectful when it comes to discussing Nevil...

So please don't feel sorry for yourself, painting yourself as some kind of victim, it's really quite ludicrous.
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The Haze Whisperer
Lol, Like sometimes I get shadows out of the corner of my eye hear music dejavu, etc, but those folks were strait trippin.

You can try and put the trippy haze affect into wards but it kinda never dose it justice.

I had people even accuse me of lacing it after they smoked it.

Once you smoke it you know it and there is no way you can pull shit together to act straght if you had to its almost impossible.

I knew how much to smoke and never went past that point i only made that mistake once.

I have MAHA KALA on ignore mate you cant reason with him and he will just go on and on an on.Only way to deal with the his hate is to ignore him starve him of air.


You can try and put the trippy haze affect into wards but it kinda never dose it justice.

I had people even accuse me of lacing it after they smoked it.

Once you smoke it you know it and there is no way you can pull shit together to act straght if you had to its almost impossible.

I knew how much to smoke and never went past that point i only made that mistake once.

I have MAHA KALA on ignore mate you cant reason with him and he will just go on and on an on.Only way to deal with the his hate is to ignore him starve him of air.

Yeah, almost like you can't place it till you smoke it, and then you just know.
It's haze.

I'll keep that in mind about MAHA KALA,. seems like he has some kind of pschopathology which is being expressed towards Nevil. Respect and reverance for the dead is a form of Human decency so base, that it is found across all cultures, and is ingrained in the human psyche so much so that it's deficit is in fact considered a sign of character deviance, and contempt for such social norms is symptomatic and typically found across the full spectrum of the various types of Asocial Personality Disorders.


Well-known member
I was thinking about it in the garden today, it's something I notice when I visit other people's gardens and smoke other people's ganja. I mean ganja from people who know how to grow. Everyone has their own high.

Trading clones and seedlings around, you pay attention when someone is growing a strain they shared with you and you shared with them. The flavor and the effects are always different. I noticed this early on in my grow experience. The other day I brought a friend a couple seedlings that were uniform, looked the same as all my seedlings. We were looking at them in his patch, they stood out immediately, different color and structure then his plants. He told me a few days later after he'd doused them down with his tea they looked the same as the rest of his stuff.

When I'm dead and gone, or he's dead and gone, or you're dead and gone, that'll be it. The world won't ever have ganja with the same taste and effects again.

This effect is similar to but different then 'this stuff we're smoking now reminds me of...' I noticed 'everybody's ganja's different' when I was young but as I get older 'this stuff reminds me of...' is something I say more and more.

Finally tried some Zamaldelica the other day and I see why people like it. Had a trippy edge to it. To me trippy doesn't have to mean 'like acid' or 'like mushrooms' but those things are trippy. There's certainly head trippy. To me trippy means when you have a thought and then you can say in reply, 'Ah man, you're TRIPPING.'

For instance, 'I see colors' 'is that the music or is the phone ringing' 'why does your phone keep ringing' 'dude, turn off your phone it keeps ringing' You can say in reply, 'dude you're tripping' so that would be trippy ganja.

To me the more trippy effect is when you get scared. Too scared to go to the counter to order a cup of coffee. Too scared to talk on the phone. Or so scared you turn off all the lights and hide behind the couch or crawl into bed. Last summer I took a couple hash bong hits and I was scared to talk to my friend's brother. He was ten feet away and all I could do was lay on the grass and trip. I was scared if I went over and said hi I'd make a fool of myself.

I know people who don't like to smoke pot because they're scared they'll make fools of themselves. Probably a big reason more people don't smoke pot, fear of losing control of one's ego.


Well-known member
When I'm dead and gone, or he's dead and gone, or you're dead and gone, that'll be it. The world won't ever have ganja with the same taste and effects again.
This is so true, and yet I believe only to a certain extent. Genetics is 3/4 of it.
I know people who don't like to smoke pot because they're scared they'll make fools of themselves. Probably a big reason more people don't smoke pot, fear of losing control of one's ego.
Thanks for the great post Rev. I just highlighted a couple parts that especially ring true for me. I've heard of flashbacks. I've never really experienced them but, I recognize moments that remind me. They aren't full on trip, but just shadows of the tripping experience. Just reminders of alternate realities, one might say, or alternate perspectives that are there all along, constantly. Use these to remind yourself to be kind to others.


Finally tried some Zamaldelica the other day and I see why people like it. Had a trippy edge to it. To me trippy doesn't have to mean 'like acid' or 'like mushrooms' but those things are trippy. There's certainly head trippy. To me trippy means when you have a thought and then you can say in reply, 'Ah man, you're TRIPPING.'

For instance, 'I see colors' 'is that the music or is the phone ringing' 'why does your phone keep ringing' 'dude, turn off your phone it keeps ringing' You can say in reply, 'dude you're tripping' so that would be trippy ganja.

To me the more trippy effect is when you get scared. Too scared to go to the counter to order a cup of coffee. Too scared to talk on the phone. Or so scared you turn off all the lights and hide behind the couch or crawl into bed. Last summer I took a couple hash bong hits and I was scared to talk to my friend's brother. He was ten feet away and all I could do was lay on the grass and trip. I was scared if I went over and said hi I'd make a fool of myself.

I know people who don't like to smoke pot because they're scared they'll make fools of themselves. Probably a big reason more people don't smoke pot, fear of losing control of one's ego.
Hi Rev,

That's right, I have seen people react in a violent way lash out against my herb, and me because the alternative would be just to much for them to bear, the idea that something too strong for their weak psyche was actually out there.
That's a very good point, rev...
maybe that's why some people act so personal, and weird about certain varieties...


There is all kind of trips with haze, head trips body trips, paranoid thoughts , bizarre visions, following an idea far beyond it's foregone conclusion,

This is some stuff I just cracked after a 3 month cure: it's a cross between my 5hz and Grandaddy Purple, and OG Purple OG Kush, crossed with Ghost train haze#1. Not sure how trippy it is but it definitely rips your head off. Going to take a pull of this right after this post...
Will let you know. :biggrin:


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Active member
someone on strain. ly had a haze with c4? in it
im assuming not the explosive material... anyone know of this? also what is bandaid haze? any opinions on blue orca?


The Haze Whisperer
someone on strain. ly had a haze with c4? in it
im assuming not the explosive material... anyone know of this? also what is bandaid haze? any opinions on blue orca?

C4 is from Chimera Seeds
C4 is a hybrid that leans slightly indica but has overall balanced effects. It is a cross between Afghani-descended indica Shiskaberry and the sweetly-scented Cotton Candy Kush.


Well-known member
it's a cross between my 5hz and Grandaddy Purple, and OG Purple OG Kush, crossed with Ghost train haze#1... it definitely rips your head off. Going to take a pull of this right after this post...
Will let you know.
Looking very good Hazenacious.

On of my favorite plants this year is standing out a bit more lately in the aroma department. It's still not as strong as the most cat pissy one, but it is getting a bit pissy (pine/lemon) itself. Peppery is more dominant. It's the most vigorous and most Thai looking with it's long and jagged leaves:



I think it will be the one to get the Laos pollen due to the Colombian Gold in it's lineage. The Laos is a distinctly gold strain.

This got me thinking about other gold strains I have grown. The Neville's freak pheno was golden. My Hawaiian Haze selection was golden, as was the mother of the plant pictured above though I don't see it in the children. Here is the mother cut in late December or Early January. The gold glow has faded, but very little purpling despite the months of near freezing temperatures it endured. I'm so pleased the seeds were viable despite the late ripening:

Here is the offspring of the Neville's Haze freak pheno after crossing with Hawaiian Haze and Burmese. The gold color seemed dominate in this example. I've set these seeds aside until I find something worthy of bringing these back:

The more I think about it, I have grown much more Haze than previously estimated. I have grown:

Willy Jack Haze
Original Haze
Neville's Haze
Old Timers Purple Haze x Thai
Hawaiian Haze
NL x Haze
Bangi Haze (arguably)
SAGE (arguably)

I probably have grown others that I'm forgetting about... again. I've grown these for good reasons. Real winners can be found.



Brand new oldschool
If I had access to all the fantastic genetics that you do, I would explore those until I dropped Musta. Most of us don't. Most of us have to go off of others work. Most people don't have the connections or the resources to travel the world looking for genetics.

I understand your point but I certainly disagree, never ever in the last 20 years there has been so much diversity of exotic seeds available to the growers as is today. Anyone with interest or curiosity can have access to dozens of different Haze, Thai, Mexican, African, Pakistan or you just name it type of genetics to play with! Actually it was much more difficult back then, even less variety... you really needed to travel, or get connected, prove yourself and get respected both in order to know the right people and have access to certain genetics and so on.

Now it's totally the opposite, I could get many of this amazing seeds almost from the scratch... there are even African, Indian or South American growers having IG account and trading local seeds no one would have access to otherwise, or people scouting for rare kush seeds all ove Pakistan and Afghanistan in order to sell them. This would sound ridiculous about 10 years ago. It may have been elitist back then, now just not anymore! Even travelling became more affordable for anyone nowadays, no longer an elite thing to travel to Mexico or Thailand and score some bagseeds. Information and networking is also readily available, there are more resources than ever at people’s hands, you don’t even need to move from your sofa now. ;)

I believe that what and why it is that you call laziness is in fact your own lack of empathy and understanding what it took from all people involved to help preserve these cuts made by Nevil back in the day.

You don’t have any notion of set & setting but do point fingers to anyone involved sustaining their livelihood by the means of working these plants as being a form of “selling out” or “cashing in”. That’s a very shortsighted view to say the least.

I decided to send these cuts wide and far without asking anything in return because they were gifts, the recipients my friends.

Getting these genes into the world in a different nld format so many more people could acces them either to just smoke and enjoy or to further work with. Never was money the main goal brother Mustafunk, not for me. But making money on something that carries all the right energy would not be something i appose to either. Cashing in however is a very negative narrative to use and is insulting.

I still am just a small time grower and thats what i love most, i flower Haze Hybrids and other NLD varieties and i’m proud of my work.

Never did i do any wrong to anyone in this world because that simply is not my way about.
So rest assured brother Mustafunk that what you refer to as “cashing in” or “laziness” is factual just because you perceive it like this. Its always way more complex then just one point of view from the sideline.

Yosemite Sam, none of my posts were actually directed towards you nor anyone who I’ve had beef with… I think you are missing the whole point and perspective by feeling pointed and trying to justify your decissions or anyone else’s as you try to discredit a personal opinion. Don’t bend the truth, you know what's my position and you also know very well that I know the difference between cashing in and trying to sustain your livelyhood in an honest way like you’ve said (which I highly support).

I believe all this Haze clone hype was started by Karma G indeed, right after he acquired the A5 Haze clone. That was when Nevil was still between us, in fact we’ve discussed about it several times:

[1:33:16] Nevil S: The guy who has them (Yosemite Sam) is not responding to my emails. It seems he has done a deal with Karma seeds and doesn't want to give them to me
[1:33:32] Me: really? that sucks
[1:33:44] Nevil S: there are others who have them
[1:33:44] Me: yeah I've seen Karma's projects with the A5
[1:34:37] Nevil S: I thought he was one of the good guys
[1:35:19] Nevil S: a disappointment
[1:35:32] Me: he has been online yesterday
[1:35:46] Nevil S: sure, send him a PM and ask why he is not responding
[1:37:48] Me: ok I'll do
[1:38:47] Nevil S: he gave them to me before, but my friend got busted and lost them
[1:42:36] Me: it seems he lost the cut actually
[1:42:52] Me: so maybe Karma got it from someone else in Holland
[1:43:04] Nevil S: I'm sure
[1:43:20] Nevil S: they were in Maastricht
[1:45:36] Me: I'm sure you won't have problems to get her back
[1:49:13] Nevil S: they are still winning cups with them
[1:54:54] Nevil S: I don't care what Y Sam does with them, but I do care that he's trying to cut me out.

Nevil wasn’t impressed nor pleased with all this moves, but he didn’t care much, as he always used to say: “even if you give the same ingredients to three different chefs, they always will come up with three different dishes”.

Karma was already taking control over the A5 in order to be the first releasing hybrids and take advantage on such elusive and tightly held clones. Did he actually had more right or legitimacy to do than anyone else? I don't think so. Karma was only working making clones for Breda Crew from 2002 to 2004 and he always stayed away from the group, in his very own words. And finally suddenly after Nevil passed away we see him selling A5 S1 and such? And all this latest Southern Holland Haze crew thing? Same with the other companies cashing on the clones. Even some who never had an interest on Hazes and suddenly now chase those clones too like it happens with any hyped, awarded and highly shought after cut. I wonder why is that? Obviously because it’s great for marketing, it just attracts more customers, that’s what comercial seed makers rely on in order to sell, the new and most profitable clones from each season over having their own unique breeding projects. How that’s not cashing on then?? I think it’s pretty evident and blatant. Some people said recently all seems like an oportunistic and strategic move and I kinda agree about that. One thing is giving props or credit to the Breda crew for his involvement with Nevil (yet the timing and following events may appear oportunistic all of the sudden) and what I’m speaking about is another different one.

If Bonk or you decided to liberate those clones it must have been for a good reason, and the fact you’ve decided to share them with many people before all this speaks highly about you indeed. But you contradicted yourself too, because if everyone’s ultimate goal was only getting Nevil’s genetics reaching people as the gift they were, why not keep doing something like Joesy did with the GG#4 for example? Or get the seeds to get shared around the community, if that was really the goal. Instead of having an elite circle of seed makers having certain control/hoarding over those cuts and serve their own interest. That would make sense if they were holding their own cuts or work I guess. But obviously and despite you seem to had a different goal, most of them have a different interest and just want to cash on Nevil's name and legacy, that's crystal clear. Anyway no drama really, no need to discredit anyone or turn it into a fight. Just different points of view, since everyone has his own perspective depending on his experience too. But hey, we are all Haze lovers after all!

The funny thing is that many amateur growers within the community have been growing and playing with the Haze for years. The recent example of Johnny Chicago, who did great work breeding his fav Hazes throug the years, and more recently Mac comes to mind… proving how even growers with very little resources but a lot of passion and motivation can do a very nice job, both preserving and trying to renew the Haze with fresh genes, as well as sharing gems with more people who have passion for the Haze legacy. Maybe this is the type of people we should be supporting instead of encouraging and providing tools for the industry sharks who just want to provide a response to a market demand, but without much substance or passion behind, only the desire to put seeds in the market and make the most of Nevil’s fame and name in this case and cash on stuff they don't even deserve. Proving they simply have more interest on taking advantage on the genetics name and status, than the genetics themselves.

Last but not least, I believe we need informed people with critical thinking within the community, people who stay independent or don’t have a commercial agenda and try to educate. Just like it happens within the film, wine, music industry or even politics, where critics, experts and experienced members analyze what’s going, the good, the bad and often provide insight to those who miss the details from the insiders. Cannabis scene shouldn’t be an exception and I truly believe the sooner we get an International Cannabis Breeder’s Association or something like that, providing guidelines and evaluating the seed market independently (as well as standard regulations for judging Cannabis cups, lab sampling and so on), the better.

Time to move on for me. :tiphat:



Active member
someone on strain. ly had a haze with c4? in it
im assuming not the explosive material... anyone know of this? also what is bandaid haze? any opinions on blue orca?
i was gifted something the African buzz. anyone tellme

what'sit like? or why they didn't like it

so... some one named a strain c4 not a nevil plant obviously
a certain Duke said one of his skunk strajns was the same as robitrippin... i have no. idea if he was telling the truth but it sounds fun
any one fried like that????


Nice post Mustafunk. It has been almost exactly 10 years since I did an in depth seed market review. I appreciate the great advice.

I agree about the independent critical thinkers. I try to be as honest and detailed as possible when I report here and believe it's important for everyone to try their best too. When I don't post here, it's usually because I'm going through plants that don't impress me. Maybe that's the wrong mindset. People should know about the mediocre ones too. Thank you.


The Haze Whisperer
I believe all this Haze clone hype was started by Karma G indeed, right after he acquired the A5 Haze clone. That was when Nevil was still between us, in fact we’ve discussed about it several times. Karma was already taking control over the A5 in order to be the first releasing hybrids and take advantage on such elusive and tightly held clones. Did he actually had more right or legitimacy to do than anyone else? Believe me, Nevil wasn’t impressed nor pleased with all this moves, but he didn’t care much, as he always used to say: “even if you give the same ingredients to three different chefs, they always will come up with three different dishes”.



Nevil never authenticated the clones as being the ones he selected i asked him if they were his and he said he did not think they were but thought they still be useful.

Dj9 was the southern Crew that worked with Nevil and who supplied Brenda what he posted got ignored.

Nevil was more excited about his new work than he was about any of his past work.


Looking very good Hazenacious.

On of my favorite plants this year is standing out a bit more lately in the aroma department. It's still not as strong as the most cat pissy one, but it is getting a bit pissy (pine/lemon) itself. Peppery is more dominant. It's the most vigorous and most Thai looking with it's long and jagged leaves:
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I think it will be the one to get the Laos pollen due to the Colombian Gold in it's lineage. The Laos is a distinctly gold strain.

This got me thinking about other gold strains I have grown. The Neville's freak pheno was golden. My Hawaiian Haze selection was golden, as was the mother of the plant pictured above though I don't see it in the children. Here is the mother cut in late December or Early January. The gold glow has faded, but very little purpling despite the months of near freezing temperatures it endured. I'm so pleased the seeds were viable despite the late ripening:
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Here is the offspring of the Neville's Haze freak pheno after crossing with Hawaiian Haze and Burmese. The gold color seemed dominate in this example. I've set these seeds aside until I find something worthy of bringing these back:
View Image

The more I think about it, I have grown much more Haze than previously estimated. I have grown:

Willy Jack Haze
Original Haze
Neville's Haze
Old Timers Purple Haze x Thai
Hawaiian Haze
NL x Haze
Bangi Haze (arguably)
SAGE (arguably)

I probably have grown others that I'm forgetting about... again. I've grown these for good reasons. Real winners can be found.


Hi Thai,
That Nevil's haze looks familiar, I have some phenos that look somewhat similar to that in my 5hzC varieties.
I have some hybrids that lean towards a golden color as well.

That bud is beautiful, thanks. Would love to try some of that. Some of the strongest weed I have tried has been Hawaiian. Also, the Heirloom California strain I crossed with my Cut, which is my main strain, had Hawaiian in it. I have found it to cross very well with haze. How would you describe the high?

PS: That GDP etc hybrid above benifitted from the cure, It was a much trippier high this time around, the haze is coming out more in the cure, spacy day dreamy type stuff. Had one of those trippy type visions, watching the wind blow through the trees I had this vision of some kind jungle storm like I was deep in a rain forest...Snap back to reality, just the trees in my yard blowing in the wind, and my imagination running wild...
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