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The Search for Trip Weed


atomizing haze essence
Same with the crosses, the Bandaid Haze is an excellent cross if it's done well, with a great amount of A5 influence. A5 crosses well in everything I've seen from the A5Tmale.

hey Randy, in my eyes bandaid haze is huge improvement of A5, I mean cerebral qualities..

ace malawi is some strong smoke.. I really liked golden tiger 1st version, it floored me few times, but not like indica. once it was done, I jumped back on my feet.. the effect I would describe as trance.. seems to me different than trip. A5panama was some strong strong smoke.. some trippy hazy vision for sure.. very strong. again reminds me jack herrer I smoked 20 years ago.. trippy drunkenness, but not so cerebral..


atomizing haze essence
Cheers for your description re ACE KA5, good to know. Some phenotypes sure will be devastatingly powerfull. Ive never enjoyed smoking A5 (2) as every day smoke, much to overpowering leaving you pretty exhausted after. Its very narcotic when you indulge. Smoke only 1 and your off on a strong mental trip like feeling. That’s exactly why A5 got its almost mythical status. There wasn’t anything like it back in the day and hardly anything like it in the present.
These old hybrids are a league of their own.

nice description of it Sammy bro. very devastating..

like I said, different people understand the term trippy differently. for me this smoke is never trippy. I associate trip with mental opening, opening of doors of perception and thinking. that mind can divide itself to many reversible vectors of molecular streaming.. getting on higher frequency than usual human brain can do, paranormal frequency. narcotic mental crippling is right opposite of it for me.. because in the end it decreases mental ability. on the other hand trip weed for me it boosts mental and mainly cognitive abilities.

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
nice description of it Sammy bro. very devastating..

like I said, different people understand the term trippy differently. for me this smoke is never trippy. I associate trip with mental opening, opening of doors of perception and thinking. that mind can divide itself to many reversible vectors of molecular streaming.. getting on higher frequency than usual human brain can do, paranormal frequency. narcotic mental crippling is right opposite of it for me.. because in the end it decreases mental ability. on the other hand trip weed for me it boosts mental and mainly cognitive abilities.

I agree partially MK, I wouldn’t choose to smoke A5 unless i need to sample a new crop, to much better balanced sat hybrids to indulge compared to it.
But when i was younger i had a blast toking A5. We smoked lots of the old hybrids flowers for many years concluding C5 was most loved by us haze heads but only if it was grown proper which counts for all of em actually, but overall for daytime usage, C5 was considered best balanced.
Proper grown A5 flowers will take you on a dark ride like defo like the start of a trip under severe anxiety, aiming to take one to shadow land where things are obscured and the fear is lurking whilst C5 carries a much more playful potency, nice and strong but way more friendly and open, much more creative.
Another quality these hybrids carry is they are incredible rewarding plants compared to straight up sativa’s. Once dialed in these plants were unmatchable in terms of yield and overall potential and still are.
These traits is a treasure for most growers that are able to grow them to full potential, its only then that they shine, not many other plants are able to put out like the old cuts.
Thats why i love to grow them so much, tricky but o boy, such a delightful thing to have as hobby :biggrin:


thanks. every breeder talks about his children very highly. I am happy for you, you found your holy grail, what is shit for one man, is gold for other. probably due to many circumstances, but mainly due to individual chemistry. so to me certain neville´s hz phenos seem more trippy, but it is subjective. also there are different imagines what the term trippy means..
but if I am allowed to express my opinion. any NL5hz cant provide multiple dimensionality like pure narrow leaf variety could.. and also not all narrow leafers can do it..

and I apologize for misinformation.. mother of jack herrer is C1..
No Problem.

Lol! Not my grail, and wasn't Nevil's either. It's the strongest, trippiest, yes,
But that doesn't make it the "Grail".

I've heard of a white supremacist, but my friend, you sound like a weed supremecist... No offence, but you are missing out on so much, the world is not black and white. And this idea that you have that all narrow leafs are up happy coffee high and all wide leafs are burn out downer narcotic?
What you are saying is true of the 99%
But my primary interest is in the exceptions.

When I say trippy? Examples: woman getting so high she starts taking her clothes off for no reason. Dude thinks he's dying wants us to call 911. ... Other dude takes one hit locks himself in house for 3 days thinks his family has been recriuted by FBI, gets fired from job for missing work.... The list goes on and on.


Here is a C5 hybrid, for your viewing pleasure. she is a trippy gal...



Brand new oldschool
Nevil never got these clones that he arranged to be collected that he was also unsure of their Authenticity.

Bonk told Nevil he had kept the clones for him, Michka too... but Bonk wanted me to get the clones off him in Holland and refused to send them by mail. It sounded like a nice road trip but it never really happened. ;)

I do enjoy the C5 NL5HazeC. She's good, she's clean, most people will enjoy her and obviously she's a great representation of the "commercial sativa standard" that reigned during the past three decades, to the point the Haze really became the archetype of a NLD plant and this clones where the plants to use during the 90s and 2000s when people wanted to release Haze or NLD hybrids (and were too lazy to explore and make their own NLD or O.Haze selections themselves). On the other hand, she's not really the best NLD plant I ever tried. It's the overall moderate flowering time, production, decent potency and reasonable clean high what makes her special IMO. Also the fact they are cropper Hazes, which really made those clones famous all over the coffe shops too. You wouldn't find many good Nevil's Haze or Original Hazes in Amsterdam really, perhaps some schwaggy import African and Thai, but this NL5Haze based buds like C5, A5, S5, Mexican Haze and so on were just in every corner and commercial garden.

I also see a lot of hype nowadays, mostly fed by those who certainly have an interest around those clones. Be it cashing on them like all the people craving to sell S1s from those or simply using them for their own projects and cash on them indirectly too. But people in Holland have been using those clones for decades already, they really became the standard... Yet most seem still super stuck on the Hazes and also Sam & Nevil's legacy nowadays, when there are hundreds of nice NLD types out there with way different palettes of terpenes and effects. Most are perhaps just lazy to explore and dedicate time to the craft if they can just chuck on already proven and long time awarded clones. But with those Haze clones it's happening exactly the same that happened already with the NL5, Big Bud, Chemdog, Sour Diesel, OG Kush, GSC and so on. Eventually everything points back to those in the end, which ultimately turns into a poor, inbred and boring genepool and seed availability.

PS: BTW what's the fun of breeding your own stuff with another breeder's personal clones? How is that going to represent your own ideas, taste, quest or something unique and new? I'm missing the interest aside from the obvious marketing or breeding shortcut advantages. But maybe it's just my opinion :biggrin:.

My own trip weed search:



Zamal x Jamaican:


Dread & Alive
@mustafunk, i quite agree with you, I love landraces, in particular nld, however I don't disdain a good Nl5hz, or an original old kali mist (to find it) ...
The problem (in my opinion) arises when the strain is idiolated, it becomes a must, a fetish, like a bag or designer shoes...
PS lovely sativa, the Oaxaca is the famous oaxaca 79 or other? Thanks


Vintage C5Hz by Nevil
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A5/2 is the one Karma brought back to the community after he received it from one of the members of Nevils first crew, South Holland.
Actually Nevil refered to this one as being the “bladder loss control” and “shit pants” plant.
C5 or more correct 5HzC is what he considered as the overal best hybrid he created, C5 (1-5) were 5 specific pheno’s he selected, same as with A5 (1-5).
So rather refer to Nevils seedline as NL#5xHzC or 5HzC instead of C5 IMHO...
Hi Sammy,
Thanks for the pics, looks outstanding.
That's what I got. 5hzc. I've heard him refer to my line as C5 line, that's why I am calling it C5, but to be sure, my line comes from a pack of seeds I purchased from the seedbank in '89, and not from any of Nevil's selected cuts. Thank you for clarifying, I Wouldn't want to give anyone the wrong impression.
Nevil told me once that the 5hzc seeds he sold me were exact same seeds he was working with himself.

5hzC Hybrids:



The stripy high i found from Nevil's work if you were lucky to find it was best scribed as a roller coaster ride.It comes at you in waves and then hours later when you think its over it comes at you one last time possibly harder than the rest.

The other haze intense type affect some plants had was closer to what you would describe as a strong old school Colombian type high with a mix of stone but not a NL type of stone.

The euphoric high i found was clean walking on clouds nothing mattered type of high clean no trip no stone just one with the world in a positive vibe.

lastly the only other type of high i found was what i call the dirty high a sativa high with the NL stone mix not something i enjoy.

Hi Hempy,
That sums it up pretty good. My favorite are the ones that are a perfect combination between trippy and euphoric. I look for the phenos that are super strong like the trippy pheno you described, but with a strong euphoric element, and no crash.


PS: BTW what's the fun of breeding your own stuff with another breeder's personal clones? How is that going to represent your own ideas, taste, quest or something unique and new? I'm missing the interest aside from the obvious marketing or breeding shortcut advantages. But maybe it's just my opinion :biggrin:.

If I had access to all the fantastic genetics that you do, I would explore those until I dropped Musta. Most of us don't. Most of us have to go off of others work. Most people don't have the connections or the resources to travel the world looking for genetics. Sure, there are some genetics put out by companies like RSC that can be gone through but then, most people don't have the space or environmental requirements to host a real tropical sativa breeding program. So, the Haze hybrids do indeed become a great tool or "shortcut" to expand the ever limited NLD market that exists now. We can't all be purists. There must be some pragmatism too.

I've been waiting very patiently for you to release something Mustafunk. I'll be the first in line when you do :)

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
Bonk told Nevil he had kept the clones for him, Michka too... but Bonk wanted me to get the clones off him in Holland and refused to send them by mail. It sounded like a nice road trip but it never really happened. ;)

I do enjoy the C5 NL5HazeC. She's good, she's clean, most people will enjoy her and obviously she's a great representation of the "commercial sativa standard" that reigned during the past three decades, to the point the Haze really became the archetype of a NLD plant and this clones where the plants to use during the 90s and 2000s when people wanted to release Haze or NLD hybrids (and were too lazy to explore and make their own NLD or O.Haze selections themselves). On the other hand, she's not really the best NLD plant I ever tried. It's the overall moderate flowering time, production, decent potency and reasonable clean high what makes her special IMO. Also the fact they are cropper Hazes, which really made those clones famous all over the coffe shops too. You wouldn't find many good Nevil's Haze or Original Hazes in Amsterdam really, perhaps some schwaggy import African and Thai, but this NL5Haze based buds like C5, A5, S5, Mexican Haze and so on were just in every corner and commercial garden.

I also see a lot of hype nowadays, mostly fed by those who certainly have an interest around those clones. Be it cashing on them like all the people craving to sell S1s from those or simply using them for their own projects and cash on them indirectly too. But people in Holland have been using those clones for decades already, they really became the standard... Yet most seem still super stuck on the Hazes and also Sam & Nevil's legacy nowadays, when there are hundreds of nice NLD types out there with way different palettes of terpenes and effects. Most are perhaps just lazy to explore and dedicate time to the craft if they can just chuck on already proven and long time awarded clones. But with those Haze clones it's happening exactly the same that happened already with the NL5, Big Bud, Chemdog, Sour Diesel, OG Kush, GSC and so on. Eventually everything points back to those in the end, which ultimately turns into a poor, inbred and boring genepool and seed availability.

PS: BTW what's the fun of breeding your own stuff with another breeder's personal clones? How is that going to represent your own ideas, taste, quest or something unique and new? I'm missing the interest aside from the obvious marketing or breeding shortcut advantages. But maybe it's just my opinion :biggrin:.

My own trip weed search:

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Zamal x Jamaican:
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Hello Mustafunk,

Love the pictures of these beautiful plants.
I can understand your POV completely and i agree with you on certain aspects of the matters you are referring to.
So thanks for your opinion, I appreciate your take on things.

I believe that what and why it is that you call laziness is in fact your own lack of empathy and understanding what it took from all people involved to help preserve these cuts made by Nevil back in the day. Therefor these cuts were from the very start of their creation surrounded by rather heavy karma in a country that allows selling the flowers regulated via only coffeeshop while at the very same time fights growing and growers big and small relentlessly.

You don’t have any notion of set & setting but do point fingers to anyone involved sustaining their livelihood by the means of working these plants as being a form of “selling out” or “cashing in”.
That’s a very shortsighted view to say the least.

Did it ever occur to you that it took a lot of care, effort, determination and undeniable love to help preserve these old precious cuts over all these years in such a climate?

I am sure you are aware of the kind of connection one builds preserving something special and unique. Over time this connection deepens further, evolves and transforms so over time i have enjoyed sharing them with many passionate small timers like myself.
I decided to send these cuts wide and far without asking anything in return because they were gifts, the recipients my friends.
I absolutely love to share these kind of things with my friends, my tribe.
However things took a whole different angle after sharing them with dubi from ACE.

I know you were more referring to using the cuts for breeding purposes in your finger pointing and i also know its mainly due to old beef you have with dubi.
I know you feel like he has let you down over time but don’t know the details nor am I interested in em.

I definitely do know that i am no breeder myself but i always felt that certain aspects of these cuts are unmistaken and need to be made available to the broader public. It would be a shame to let the potential that reside in these plants go to waste.

When i started experimenting myself chucking pollen using other nld varieties i came to the conclusion that there were amazing possibilities creating new fantastic nld dom hybrids but not being a breeder myseld and having rather limited breeding knowledge let alone the means and possibilities to do so.

That put me on a quest trying to find the right man in the right place with the right means to do so and in my search i came across ACE seeds and i liked their work with nld varieties, especially their Africans such as Malawi to merge to the Haze genes.

So i try to get in touch with dubi but wasn’t successful until some years after my first initiative we got together after all via a mutual connection who gifted Dubi with some of my flowers which made an impression and sparkled his enthousiasme.
So we had a chat and decided to give things a try.

To be honest, to this day it hasn't provide me with much but believe it or not, that was never my main goal or focus.

Getting these genes into the world in a different nld format so many more people could acces them either to just smoke and enjoy or to further work with. Never was money the main goal brother Mustafunk, not for me. But making money on something that carries all the right energy would not be something i appose to either. Cashing in however is a very negative narrative to use and is insulting.

I still am just a small time grower and thats what i love most, i flower Haze Hybrids and other NLD varieties and i’m proud of my work.
Never did i do any wrong to anyone in this world because that simply is not my way about.
So rest assured brother Mustafunk that what you refer to as “cashing in” or “laziness” is factual just because you perceive it like this. Its always way more complex then just one point of view from the sideline.

Being over conclusive and determinative can be tricky things.
Ive learned its always better to focus on yr own actions and leave other things as they be instead of trying to discredit others out of wrong assumptions...

And of course there are better plants in the world, no doubt about this. Idolising anyone or anything is a waste of energy.

This all IMHO of course.


The Haze Whisperer
No Problem.

Lol! Not my grail, and wasn't Nevil's either. It's the strongest, trippiest, yes,
But that doesn't make it the "Grail".

I've heard of a white supremacist, but my friend, you sound like a weed supremecist... No offence, but you are missing out on so much, the world is not black and white. And this idea that you have that all narrow leafs are up happy coffee high and all wide leafs are burn out downer narcotic?
What you are saying is true of the 99%
But my primary interest is in the exceptions.

When I say trippy? Examples: woman getting so high she starts taking her clothes off for no reason. Dude thinks he's dying wants us to call 911. ... Other dude takes one hit locks himself in house for 3 days thinks his family has been recriuted by FBI, gets fired from job for missing work.... The list goes on and on.

You have me now questioning if i my self am a weed supremecist best line i have read in years :biggrin:


The Haze Whisperer
Bonk told Nevil he had kept the clones for him, Michka too... but Bonk wanted me to get the clones off him in Holland and refused to send them by mail. It sounded like a nice road trip but it never really happened. ;)

I do enjoy the C5 NL5HazeC. She's good, she's clean, most people will enjoy her and obviously she's a great representation of the "commercial sativa standard" that reigned during the past three decades, to the point the Haze really became the archetype of a NLD plant and this clones where the plants to use during the 90s and 2000s when people wanted to release Haze or NLD hybrids (and were too lazy to explore and make their own NLD or O.Haze selections themselves). On the other hand, she's not really the best NLD plant I ever tried. It's the overall moderate flowering time, production, decent potency and reasonable clean high what makes her special IMO. Also the fact they are cropper Hazes, which really made those clones famous all over the coffe shops too. You wouldn't find many good Nevil's Haze or Original Hazes in Amsterdam really, perhaps some schwaggy import African and Thai, but this NL5Haze based buds like C5, A5, S5, Mexican Haze and so on were just in every corner and commercial garden.

I also see a lot of hype nowadays, mostly fed by those who certainly have an interest around those clones. Be it cashing on them like all the people craving to sell S1s from those or simply using them for their own projects and cash on them indirectly too. But people in Holland have been using those clones for decades already, they really became the standard... Yet most seem still super stuck on the Hazes and also Sam & Nevil's legacy nowadays, when there are hundreds of nice NLD types out there with way different palettes of terpenes and effects. Most are perhaps just lazy to explore and dedicate time to the craft if they can just chuck on already proven and long time awarded clones. But with those Haze clones it's happening exactly the same that happened already with the NL5, Big Bud, Chemdog, Sour Diesel, OG Kush, GSC and so on. Eventually everything points back to those in the end, which ultimately turns into a poor, inbred and boring genepool and seed availability.

PS: BTW what's the fun of breeding your own stuff with another breeder's personal clones? How is that going to represent your own ideas, taste, quest or something unique and new? I'm missing the interest aside from the obvious marketing or breeding shortcut advantages. But maybe it's just my opinion :biggrin:.

My own trip weed search:

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Zamal x Jamaican:
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Hiya Mustafunk Nevil thought me to understand what he called the different colors of breeding cannabis.How it related to mixing a high to a stone or a high to a different high.

I always understood the different complex affects a given sativa had smells so on but Nevil always thought about mixing them creating new and better affects. Like wine making i guess you get set grape lines and blend.

Both Nevil and Sam have told people how they should go forward with the haze work that they have done but few seam to take any notice and are more about inbreeding or selfing.

I get what they both have tried to tell people and that will be the road i go with.

Nevil was more excited about his new work than he was about the things he had done in the past and even tho i never got try them i can at a later date re produce most for my self or reach out and get work Nevil did in his last projects.

Nevil smoked some MH i sent him that was no were near as good as Queeny one of the test seed selections i made and it surprised him.

Shanti smoked both of the plants and he was surprised also the point i am making is people can find as good or better than the parent plants (set Clones ) with selection and effort and a little luck thrown in.

Nice plants Mustafunk and great post.


atomizing haze essence
I agree partially MK, I wouldn’t choose to smoke A5 unless i need to sample a new crop, to much better balanced sat hybrids to indulge compared to it.
But when i was younger i had a blast toking A5. We smoked lots of the old hybrids flowers for many years concluding C5 was most loved by us haze heads but only if it was grown proper which counts for all of em actually, but overall for daytime usage, C5 was considered best balanced.
Proper grown A5 flowers will take you on a dark ride like defo like the start of a trip under severe anxiety, aiming to take one to shadow land where things are obscured and the fear is lurking whilst C5 carries a much more playful potency, nice and strong but way more friendly and open, much more creative.
Another quality these hybrids carry is they are incredible rewarding plants compared to straight up sativa’s. Once dialed in these plants were unmatchable in terms of yield and overall potential and still are.
These traits is a treasure for most growers that are able to grow them to full potential, its only then that they shine, not many other plants are able to put out like the old cuts.
Thats why i love to grow them so much, tricky but o boy, such a delightful thing to have as hobby :biggrin:

sure man, its the same with me. I grew hybrids indoor, not pure nlds.. yield is shitty for those and I am not able to bring them to full potential

but if we should talk strictly about the effect.. NL5hz looses something compared to tom hill haze acid pheno or good zamal(everytime when Thaibliss talks about acid pheno of NH, I want to shout that tom hill acid is better haha).. so thats why I am fan of crossing those cuts, you preserved - fantastic job!!!, to some nlds.. just make it more psychoactive in right direction. I really like bandaid haze. thank you very much for this cut, I will do something with it :D.. and I really like this work guys in usa made with a5thai male. especially zang sounds good to me.. and their work is big inspiration for me..

Mustafunk has purple colombian x a5t from them, I am sure he will enjoy it :D

if everything is fully legal. we can grow thousands of original haze, and make F1 hybrids again with better parents than northern lights.. I am sure. but till you can get 6 years for 30 plants, its great we have those cuts you preserved and we can try to improve it and try to eliminate northern lights influence - bandaid haze is nice example of this improvement imo.. on the other hand big company, and that is what Mustafunk means, like Karma genetics can do huge selection and do not have to jump on cuts, like us little growers.. it is a little bit unfortunate you are associated with these big commercial guys..

but I know who you are - just big haze enthusiast, that you are not in it for money.

again I have to say its great you are preserving it, and I am not fan of NL5hz.. it is standard for haze hybrids, and any new F1 can be compared to it. and thats great. for example every little grower can compare A5 and old timers haze as parents with crosses with malawi, and see what works better.. priceless!


atomizing haze essence
I also see a lot of hype nowadays

sure man, according to NL5hze, it comes all from your friend Nevil, who told people that original haze is all crap and only his males A and C are good... :D if we should criticize somebody for that hype of NL5hz, its not ACE and its not Karma, not MNS or any other seedbank selling Nevil´s gear. its Nevil and his fanboys.. and I have to say Sammy was always honest in this, and always stated that pure haze is something different than these hybrids, and thats why big thumbs to him! never saw him repeating Nevil´s bulshit

I do enjoy the C5 NL5HazeC. She's good, she's clean, most people will enjoy her and obviously she's a great representation of the commercial sativa standard

this is exactly what is it.. commercial plant. not the trippiest the strongest blah blah blah Nevil´s bullshit.. we can both laught at this bullshit, as we both know more trippy weed..


Well-known member
I turned my back for a minute...
Boy, we have some passionate posters. There are lots of great tidbits of knowledge and wisdom from all. Very enjoyable reading.

It's so hard to be on the same page. Just the definition of trippy is all over the place, I think. No one is right, and no one is wrong. It's just perspective.

When I grew those Tom Hill's Haze, I really thought I found THE SHIT. Tom Hill = Original Haze, correct? The buds were so small, yet so resinous and hairy. Incredible aroma also. I'd say they were more like quality Colombian weed I've smoked so much of. Good stuff, but not my passion.

I really don't know how anyone could possibly be confident that the best Haze they grew was anything like the best Haze I grew, even if it was from the same breeder and same batch of seeds. Like what was said by others, growing conditions, curing conditions, genetic variability, individual brain chemistry all has to be factors.

I rave about that Neville's Haze I once grew. I just stumbled on the right plant, and accidentally grew it well. I was so fortunate to experience smoking that weed. Of all the great weed I have smoked since 1969, I was crazy lucky to smoke the best from a plant I grew. Holy crap! That is an amazing thing, because I have smoked so much great weed in my life. Lightning in a bottle.

I either didn't grow the Tom Hill's correctly, or didn't stumble on the right pheno. I'm not done with it. I have some Tom Hill's Haze x Neville's Haze waiting in the wings. Just waiting for my most Thai related genetics I have to play out for at least few more years.

I'm a lot more loose with my trip definition than most everyone. I agree with another poster that I like the trip combined with energy and euphoria. Too damn lazy to give props to who it was, but you know who you are. But about that high I prefer, I do want it so strong that I would definitely not want to smoke it every day. That's just nuts. It is way, way, more nuts to not like weed that is too intense to smoke every day. No offense. It's my perspective. That stuff is so rare and precious. To each their own. B.T.W., euphoria is another definition. I swear some people think euphoria is sitting on a couch totally content without any desire to do anything else. To me, that's just taking a break after a long day at work. Euphoria makes me want to eat up life. Get off the couch, into nature, or be around fun people. Maybe I confuse euphoria with bliss.

Thanks for all your contributions every one! I'm actually pretty proud of all keeping it relatively civil. We have great passion for our plants, and our favorite highs. Let's keep those good vibes in mind, and appreciate the different perspectives. I probably accidentally offended several with this post, but it was not intended. I doubt others are intending to do so also.


Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
Herbenacious said: When I say trippy? Examples: woman getting so high she starts taking her clothes off for no reason. Dude thinks he's dying wants us to call 911. ... Other dude takes one hit locks himself in house for 3 days thinks his family has been recriuted by FBI, gets fired from job for missing work.... The list goes on and on.

Thats the funniest thing I've seen written all week. Made me laugh out loud. There but for the Grace of God...? This why these forums can be such a blast. Respect Mr H. Lj

Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
Mr Bliss Said:
I turned my back for a minute... Boy, we have some passionate posters. There are lots of great tidbits of knowledge and wisdom from all. Very enjoyable reading.

It's so hard to be on the same page. Just the definition of trippy is all over the place, I think. No one is right, and no one is wrong. It's just perspective.

When I grew those Tom Hill's Haze, I really thought I found THE SHIT. Tom Hill = Original Haze, correct? The buds were so small, yet so resinous and hairy. Incredible aroma also. I'd say they were more like quality Colombian weed I've smoked so much of. Good stuff, but not my passion.

I really don't know how anyone could possibly be confident that the best Haze they grew was anything like the best Haze I grew, even if it was from the same breeder and same batch of seeds. Like what was said by others, growing conditions, curing conditions, genetic variability, individual brain chemistry all has to be factors.

I rave about that Neville's Haze I once grew. I just stumbled on the right plant, and accidentally grew it well. I was so fortunate to experience smoking that weed. Of all the great weed I have smoked since 1969, I was crazy lucky to smoke the best from a plant I grew. Holy crap! That is an amazing thing, because I have smoked so much great weed in my life. Lightning in a bottle.

I either didn't grow the Tom Hill's correctly, or didn't stumble on the right pheno. I'm not done with it. I have some Tom Hill's Haze x Neville's Haze waiting in the wings. Just waiting for my most Thai related genetics I have to play out for at least few more years.

I'm a lot more loose with my trip definition than most everyone. I agree with another poster that I like the trip combined with energy and euphoria. Too damn lazy to give props to who it was, but you know who you are. But about that high I prefer, I do want it so strong that I would definitely not want to smoke it every day. That's just nuts. It is way, way, more nuts to not like weed that is too intense to smoke every day. No offense. It's my perspective. That stuff is so rare and precious. To each their own. B.T.W., euphoria is another definition. I swear some people think euphoria is sitting on a couch totally content without any desire to do anything else. To me, that's just taking a break after a long day at work. Euphoria makes me want to eat up life. Get off the couch, into nature, or be around fun people. Maybe I confuse euphoria with bliss.

Thanks for all your contributions every one! I'm actually pretty proud of all keeping it relatively civil. We have great passion for our plants, and our favorite highs. Let's keep those good vibes in mind, and appreciate the different perspectives. I probably accidentally offended several with this post, but it was not intended. I doubt others are intending to do so also. ThaiBliss

The euphoria part you riffed on has become quite a large component of what I'm looking for now these days. My taste has shifted a little. Was interesting to read your take. This post was a pleasure to read btw. Thanks. Lj.


Dread & Alive
I think the trippy effect is subjective, like the strains that cause it, I have experienced episodes of synaesthesia with a mix of zamaldelica and sour diesel and strong auditory distortions with superskunk....