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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member

I'm going Thai wild. Hmmm... that's nothing new. I sprouted some seeds that are my Bangi Wicked crossed to something with 50% Thai. I think they might be from Chaing Mai, but I don't remember for sure. I'll say they are Thai x (Colombian Gold x C99). This one is my best example:


I'm bringing all my Thai genetics together. Again, nothing new. Peat, and repeat... I saved pollen from my predominantly Thai males from last year so I can cross to these.


Crazy Chester

Well-known member

I'm going Thai wild. Hmmm... that's nothing new. I sprouted some seeds that are my Bangi Wicked crossed to something with 50% Thai. I think they might be from Chaing Mai, but I don't remember for sure. I'll say they are Thai x (Colombian Gold x C99). This one is my best example:
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I'm bringing all my Thai genetics together. Again, nothing new. Peat, and repeat... I saved pollen from my predominantly Thai males from last year so I can cross to these.


I'm going to love watching this one develop, ThaiBliss - its got two of my favorites in it - C99 and Colombian Gold!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Good to see you back ThaiBliss. Wondering where Vermontman is now...

Been smoking some Zapotec/Colombian Gold x Oaxacan, and so far so good. At a few tokes, like 3, it comes on slow and builds. Bright colors and lights are bright, so visual. Kind of choppy vision, as if watching a movie from 1915, this is subtle and I expect at full dose will increase. It remains to be seen what a full dose will do. Full being 6 or so tokes.

Have just smoked one female and have 3 others to chop today. That one female totaled one joint. You read that right. A runt and the other normal ones are maybe 3 joints each. I run tiny pots and dirt so the yields can be mini.

Good euphoria on this one plant from Zapotec, slightly edgy at times. Overall really good high. Each plant is unique. The plant was so small there was no way to clone or reveg it. I chopped the one I am smoking, at 42 days and this will be 50 days today and all the rest come down. Must lean to the Oaxacan side to be so quick and also they look quite broadleaf. I take them when I see at least a third amber pistils and some cloudy resin. No amber resin at all but that suits me fine.

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
I chopped the one I am smoking, at 42 days and this will be 50 days today and all the rest come down. Must lean to the Oaxacan side to be so quick and also they look quite broadleaf. I take them when I see at least a third amber pistils and some cloudy resin. No amber resin at all but that suits me fine.

Wow - that's so fast!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ To be truthful, one of them was not ready with no or few cloudy trichomes, but I wanted to be done with it and move on. Took down a Jack Herer that could have gone another week as well.

The C99 I chopped, should have been taken down a week ago, but it went 50 days. Not too bad, I did not see any amber resin.


Well-known member
I'm going to love watching this one develop, ThaiBliss - its got two of my favorites in it - C99 and Colombian Gold!
Chet - I like your handle. One of my favorite country guitar players was Chet Atkins. The albums he made with Les Paul were incredible. Such contrasting styles that worked magic together. Les was the crazy/inventive/genius one, but both were at the top of their field. If I remember correctly, Les invented electric guitar pickups and multi-track recording as well as being a jazz great.

It's great to hear about your favorites. I have not found a good C99, but the people that have make it sound so good. I have not tried any Colombian Gold since the mid 70s, but back then it was very highly regarded. To me, the plants I started have to S.E. Asian look to them. Which makes me like this:
My friend who shared a cutting that these genetics come from also gave me a really good Kali Mist. The Kali Mist didn't breed well for me the first time I tried, but I highly respect his opinion on quality weed.

I hope everyone stays safe and has a great season. Hang in there everyone and keep the faith.


Crazy Chester

Well-known member
Chet - I like your handle. One of my favorite country guitar players was Chet Atkins.

Of course I've heard of Chet Atkins - but, I owe him more of a listen to, since I know he was a prolific songwriter, but I haven't listened to very much of his music. I'm more familiar with Les Paul - the creator of the iconic Gibson Les Paul model of guitar - and have appreciated a lot of his work as a musician. He's famous because he created the best electric guitar in history at the same time they were first invented - it's a really impressive accomplishment. But, unfortunately, it made him really under-rated as a musician - the guy had major serious chops!

But, my handle is actually from the song "The Weight" by the band called "The Band". The line was "Crazy Chester followed me and he caught me in the fog. He said 'I'll fix your rack, if you take Jack, my dog.' I said 'wait a minute, Chester, you know I'm a peaceful man. He said 'that's ok, boy, won't you feed him when you can?'"

It's great to hear about your favorites. I have not found a good C99, but the people that have make it sound so good.

Unfortunately, the C99 that was consistently good apparently didn't make it past the mid- 2000s - when all the original Brothers Grimm F1s and the original F2s made from them by Joey Weed, Wally Duck and Gypsy were all gone. I find it hard to believe there are not any clones out there of the good stuff - but, nobody seems to be releasing them - and from the reviews of the new Bros Grimm C99, they are not even sharing them with the creator of C99 - Mr. Soul!

I had a typical original issue F1 cut that I lost around that time to broad mites - it surely was special, especially from a sativa grower's perspective - strong sativa high with tasty terps harvested in 45 days!

I have not tried any Colombian Gold since the mid 70s, but back then it was very highly regarded. To me, the plants I started have to S.E. Asian look to them. Which makes me like this:
My last Colombian Gold was also my first - a "dime" bag (1/4 ounce) I bought in 1982. I like to think of it as the last bag of commercially available Colombian Gold in the US!

My friend who shared a cutting that these genetics come from also gave me a really good Kali Mist. The Kali Mist didn't breed well for me the first time I tried, but I highly respect his opinion on quality weed.

Kali Mist - yet another solid sativa dominant strain I have yet to try.

I hope everyone stays safe and has a great season. Hang in there everyone and keep the faith.

Thanks for the well wishes - I think we're going to emerge from the current affairs better than ever!


Active member
Good to see you back ThaiBliss. Wondering where Vermontman is now...

Been smoking some Zapotec/Colombian Gold x Oaxacan, and so far so good. At a few tokes, like 3, it comes on slow and builds. Bright colors and lights are bright, so visual. Kind of choppy vision, as if watching a movie from 1915, this is subtle and I expect at full dose will increase. It remains to be seen what a full dose will do. Full being 6 or so tokes.

Have just smoked one female and have 3 others to chop today. That one female totaled one joint. You read that right. A runt and the other normal ones are maybe 3 joints each. I run tiny pots and dirt so the yields can be mini.

Good euphoria on this one plant from Zapotec, slightly edgy at times. Overall really good high. Each plant is unique. The plant was so small there was no way to clone or reveg it. I chopped the one I am smoking, at 42 days and this will be 50 days today and all the rest come down. Must lean to the Oaxacan side to be so quick and also they look quite broadleaf. I take them when I see at least a third amber pistils and some cloudy resin. No amber resin at all but that suits me fine.

Yesum good to see you again! I considered the Zapotec but didnt pull the trigger. I did get the Zacateca tribute and several others, aluna from Bodhi, some acalpulco gold and lots of manipuri.

Right now im practicing cloning with a bubba hash and a romulan grapefruit.

I have a new neighbor and am kind of looking him over before growing sarivas in my backyard.


Well-known member
Greetings All,

Yesum - The Zapotec/Colombian Gold x Oaxacan sounds really nice. I'm not one that minds the edginess of a strong sativa as long as it brings the bliss.

This summer's starts are now showing their individual traits. In this picture the Thai Colombo Gold x C99 x Bangi Wicked in the foreground is by far the most vigorous and is starting out with some fat leaves. They do have the long middle finger and the crocodile tail serrations. The more delicate and male looking ones in the background have the cat pissy aroma. All of them have a powerful woody smell when the stems are rubbed:


I'm really liking one of the SAGE x Bangi Wicked plants. It smells like cat piss (piney/lemon fuel) also with sweet yet dry wood aromas:

Best Vibes,



Hi Thaibliss,

Love your story about the pale green Nevil's Haze pheno.

First time posting on here, am current on this thread. Have been smoking trip weed since '89. Been lonely since Nevil Passed, always thought I would get a chance to finally meet him in person. (RIP Nevil, you will never be forgotten, and your Haze lives on!)Been holding onto my unique C5 line since I acquired it from the Holland Seedbank in 1989. Love that wicked weed my friend!


Active member
Glad you're doing ok over there ThaiBliss, I've shared some tripweed hopefuls with a few folks, and at the same time working on getting a female I really like to cross with my favorite zamaldelica stud. here's my hopefuls right now, the bigger one is C5 haze x Kalichina from Ace, and the other is Zapotec from norstar, which is Santa Marta Colombian Gold x 81 highland Oaxacan gold. I am loving the leaf structure of these, and the heavy serrations remind me a bit of the ones you just posted, that wild and evil look.

Im hopeful that these will make for some tripweed seeds to sort through.


OK, Got a chance to figure out how to post pics on here... This is some of my trip weed, descended from Holland Seedbank 89 Nl5 Haze release:



Well-known member
Breadwizard - I do see some resemblance. Looking good.

Hazenacious - Welcome! Wow, that is a long time to keep a line alive, almost as long as my wicked line. Crazy, but a good sign. Love to see more pictures and stories. Can you explain the Nl5 acronym? Is that Northern Lights C5? Forgive my ignorance.

About my garden. I started killing off some of my starts. After my experience with the Laos and that one Gypsy Thai x (Neville's Haze 21 x Mullumbimby Madness) that had the aroma and look that rang my memory bell from the good ole days, I'm sniffing the apical meristem of my starts for clues. I'm looking for the pinene, limonene, and caryophyllene combination, listed in order of importance, that makes me rear my head back, but wanting to stick my nose right back in.

Of all the plants I've grown in the last couple of decades, the one that had the most distinct pinene was my SAGE cutting. It was also very sweet while growing. When grown in cool temps, low nitrogen, and after a nice long cure, it was pure turpentine in the head stash jar. The high is so profound and blissful. I just love that stuff. The S.E. Asian twist on that would be less sweet, more citric and peppery. All smell flammable.

One of my Wicked Weed x Thai x Colombian Gold x C99 plants is standing out dramatically. In the early morning, when the air is still, I can smell that plant from a few feet away. It may be wishful thinking, but it looks like it might be female. A couple others have a trace of that aroma.

A few of the SAGE x Bangi Wicked plants have a bit of that turpentine flammable quality but not as strong as that one Wicked Thai lumbo C99. They also have less lime but more pepper. I am thrilled with the Wicked Thai lumbo C99 plant because that combination of pine and lime is so striking. Some say it's cat piss.

Again, my main plan is to pollenate these with the Gypsy Thai x Neville's Haze x Mullumbimby Madness or Laos pollen that I saved in my freezer. In case it doesn't work, I'd like to have one of those SAGE x Bangi Wicked plants to be male and pollinate the special pungent Wicked Thai Colombian Gold C99 plant.

Stay safe everyone,



What's up TB? Glad to see you here! I still regret not being able to meet up when I was in your neck of the woods a while ago. One day for sure.

Wanted to stop by and post a little about my recent experience with some trippy bud. It's a Dalat pheno from Snowhighs Vietnamese Laughing Grass (Dalat x Congo Black). I wasn't a fan of the Congo phenos but this one is nice. Wants to go at least 14 weeks when done right indoors, longer if you mess up. Smells of blueberry, cherry, camphor, rotten veggies and potpourri. It's a creeper with a nice amount of visual static and some surreal feelings when you're outdoors. The type of feeling where you might be in your regular neighborhood, but the trees and plants seem to have a certain energy to them that you couldn't feel or see before (have experienced this in other SE Asians and believe we've discussed before). It also works very well with entheogens :biggrin: Physically, it's not so much of an uplifting or euphoric feeling like I like. It seems to mostly just leave the body alone for the most part. Could be due to my tolerance being high right now though. Tough to get outside opinions at the moment.

A few pics:

49 days flower from a sexually mature clone



100 days



Hazenacious, nice work keeping those genetics around all these years! Looks very nice. What kind of trippy feelings do you get from those gals?

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
...[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]my Wicked Weed x Thai x Colombian Gold x C99 plants is standing out dramatically. In the early morning, when the air is still, I can smell that plant from a few feet away....I am thrilled with the Wicked Thai lumbo C99 plant because that combination of pine and lime is so striking. Some say it's cat piss.[/FONT]

Oh, wow, that sounds good! :tiphat:


Breadwizard - I do see some resemblance. Looking good.

Hazenacious - Welcome! Wow, that is a long time to keep a line alive, almost as long as my wicked line. Crazy, but a good sign. Love to see more pictures and stories. Can you explain the Nl5 acronym? Is that Northern Lights C5? Forgive my ignorance.

About my garden. I started killing off some of my starts. After my experience with the Laos and that one Gypsy Thai x (Neville's Haze 21 x Mullumbimby Madness) that had the aroma and look that rang my memory bell from the good ole days, I'm sniffing the apical meristem of my starts for clues. I'm looking for the pinene, limonene, and caryophyllene combination, listed in order of importance, that makes me rear my head back, but wanting to stick my nose right back in.

Of all the plants I've grown in the last couple of decades, the one that had the most distinct pinene was my SAGE cutting. It was also very sweet while growing. When grown in cool temps, low nitrogen, and after a nice long cure, it was pure turpentine in the head stash jar. The high is so profound and blissful. I just love that stuff. The S.E. Asian twist on that would be less sweet, more citric and peppery. All smell flammable.

One of my Wicked Weed x Thai x Colombian Gold x C99 plants is standing out dramatically. In the early morning, when the air is still, I can smell that plant from a few feet away. It may be wishful thinking, but it looks like it might be female. A couple others have a trace of that aroma.

A few of the SAGE x Bangi Wicked plants have a bit of that turpentine flammable quality but not as strong as that one Wicked Thai lumbo C99. They also have less lime but more pepper. I am thrilled with the Wicked Thai lumbo C99 plant because that combination of pine and lime is so striking. Some say it's cat piss.

Again, my main plan is to pollenate these with the Gypsy Thai x Neville's Haze x Mullumbimby Madness or Laos pollen that I saved in my freezer. In case it doesn't work, I'd like to have one of those SAGE x Bangi Wicked plants to be male and pollinate the special pungent Wicked Thai Colombian Gold C99 plant.

Stay safe everyone,


Hi Thaibliss,

C5 is short for Haze C male crossed to Northern Lights #5. This was the only stuff Nevil put a warning on. Nevil told me himself it was by far the most potent weed he ever bred. It was only offered in the 89-90 Seedbank Catalogue. I had a cut of this that I was crossing with all different varieties of outdoor California, in the early 90s.

Here are some pics





PS: We always just called it the Holland Haze, didn't learn all the details until I talked to Nevil about it many years later. I actually stopped growing for around 15 years, started up again under license by state around 10 years ago, and had success reviving many of my old lines.


Crazy Chester

Well-known member
What's up TB? Glad to see you here! I still regret not being able to meet up when I was in your neck of the woods a while ago. One day for sure.

Wanted to stop by and post a little about my recent experience with some trippy bud. It's a Dalat pheno from Snowhighs Vietnamese Laughing Grass (Dalat x Congo Black). I wasn't a fan of the Congo phenos but this one is nice. Wants to go at least 14 weeks when done right indoors, longer if you mess up. Smells of blueberry, cherry, camphor, rotten veggies and potpourri. It's a creeper with a nice amount of visual static and some surreal feelings when you're outdoors. The type of feeling where you might be in your regular neighborhood, but the trees and plants seem to have a certain energy to them that you couldn't feel or see before (have experienced this in other SE Asians and believe we've discussed before). It also works very well with entheogens :biggrin: Physically, it's not so much of an uplifting or euphoric feeling like I like. It seems to mostly just leave the body alone for the most part. Could be due to my tolerance being high right now though. Tough to get outside opinions at the moment.

A few pics:

49 days flower from a sexually mature clone

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100 days

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Hazenacious, nice work keeping those genetics around all these years! Looks very nice. What kind of trippy feelings do you get from those gals?

Holy, what the, wow - :tiphat: