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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member
For me, the biggest disadvantage of all the classic dutch Haze hybrids (no experience with C99 in particular) is the tolerance buildup. Some feel very "sativa" (be it speedy or kind), but the indica is working inside, making the comedown heavier, so you can't stay high in the same good way all day long, and after a week the tolerance is there and you are smoking a few times more than in the beginning and not enjoying it as much.
Maybe this is not a problem to occasional smokers, but to the regular ones it is.
For shorting the flowering time, I would cross to something like Bangi Haze, which too seems to have some indica in it, but the high is more pure and there's very little tolerance buildup. And do selection from then on...


Well-known member

Yoss - I agree. In fact, my last two outcrosses were Bangi Haze and SAGE. They both have proven to be good breeders. In fact, I've backcrossed to the Bangi Haze so it is a high percentage of what I'm breeding. Bringing in the Thai to my outdoor line is not a one step process. It needs a cross just to be able to cross into my line.

Good point on the tolerance. I gave up a cut that could destroy me, in a good way, because it had severe tolerance issues. I had to move on from it.

Pinkus and Mr D - I lean to the rushy speedy types. The profundity trippy moments that I love, for me, comes from the soaring acceleration. It's not a direct correlation. SAGE gives me the profound/religious feeling, but is far from the speediest. My Bangi Haze selection is the speediest and clearest of the Bangi, but brings the feeling of love towards the world, always a core of the profound.

D - Thanks for your kind offer. I looked through a dozen Skunk #1s before finding a really good one. It does not have the soaring/rushy feeling. It was very much like great old school Colombian, floaty, narcotic (not tiring but a slow motion feeling) and trippy, but it was too good and too easy to grow not to breed into my Wicked Weed.

Unfortunately, my strain has the flop. It's so bad, that the main stem flops over:

I need to correct myself. I back crossed to this flop plant below which is a cross between Bangi Haze and my line (Train wreck x Burmese x ... 30+ years mapped as best as I can remember in my Wicked Weed photo album)

^^^ This plant's main stem is propped up, but all the branches flopped down the hill.

Yesum - I love your input. We need various perspectives. Don't feel bad about your 2 cents. We love it. I don't act on everything or even explain coherently why I do what I do. I use my gut plenty.

LossTribe - "Classic Cindy should be a thrill ride IMHO" Thrill ride is a good description of what I lean towards. You SHOULD have to be very, very, careful how you use it so it is not too uncomfortable. I get the feeling people give up on a strain if they have a bad trip. It is a beautiful thing when you can tame the tiger by taking the right sized toke. You can never attain the beautiful heights if what you are using cannot seriously f**k you up, and put the hurt on you.



Well-known member
First puffs off the nevils/Oaxaca x headbanger. Soft and smooth smoke with kinda a fuel metallic grape in the sinus. Was tripping on L at the time. So hard to say if it was trippy. Seem like it though.

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
"This plant's main stem is propped up, but all the branches flopped down the hill."

It's your fault, ThaiBliss - that's what you get for being such a good grower - gigantic weed trees![FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Well-known member
The Laos Experiment:

Amazingly, the third Laos plant finally showed it's gender. I found pistils on the gathering and tightening meristems. I went out in the greenhouse today, saw the pistils, and smelled a nice cat piss (turpentine/citric) aroma that I associate with Thai. This plant is incredibly late to start flowering. One could certainly argue that under better conditions, it would have shown it's gender earlier. It's hard to tell.

The tall and lanky male in the greenhouse got a big growth spurt. It grew about a foot in the last two weeks. Some of its male flowers look close to opening up. I loved this male because it was the only one that had a distinct menthol aroma that reminds me of Hawaiian weed. Unfortunately, it is also showing widespread hermaphroditic flowers. The other male and the Thai male showed some pistils just before petering out. This only occurred after significant photoperiod inconsistencies due to them being in my living room. The fact that this male is so much later, so lanky, heavily hermaphroditic, and doesn't smell as much like Thai to me, has caused me to believe I should cull this plant.

I can't wait to see if the Laos female continues to flower. Given that daylight hours are now increasing, I would expect abnormalities to occur, such as hermaphroditic flowering. Wouldn't it be something if resin started piling on at some point. Every year I lean more and more about these wonderful plants.

I'm so grateful for the chance to grow these plants. Thank you for responding to my call for help in my quest for what I consider the best type of weed ever, S.E. Asian. Thank you my friend.



Well-known member
The Laos Experiment:

Amazingly, the third Laos plant finally showed it's gender. I found pistils on the gathering and tightening meristems. I went out in the greenhouse today, saw the pistils, and smelled a nice cat piss (turpentine/citric) aroma that I associate with Thai. This plant is incredibly late to start flowering. One could certainly argue that under better conditions, it would have shown it's gender earlier. It's hard to tell.

The tall and lanky male in the greenhouse got a big growth spurt. It grew about a foot in the last two weeks. Some of its male flowers look close to opening up. I loved this male because it was the only one that had a distinct menthol aroma that reminds me of Hawaiian weed. Unfortunately, it is also showing widespread hermaphroditic flowers. The other male and the Thai male showed some pistils just before petering out. This only occurred after significant photoperiod inconsistencies due to them being in my living room. The fact that this male is so much later, so lanky, heavily hermaphroditic, and doesn't smell as much like Thai to me, has caused me to believe I should cull this plant.

I can't wait to see if the Laos female continues to flower. Given that daylight hours are now increasing, I would expect abnormalities to occur, such as hermaphroditic flowering. Wouldn't it be something if resin started piling on at some point. Every year I lean more and more about these wonderful plants.

I'm so grateful for the chance to grow these plants. Thank you for responding to my call for help in my quest for what I consider the best type of weed ever, S.E. Asian. Thank you my friend.


Did you get some S1 seeds form that Lao menthol intersexed male?

They would be interesting!


atomizing haze essence
bangi is speedy weed indeed. 8 years ago I crossed it with some sour diesel and chemdogsourdiesel cuts,, simply skunkweed that is not necessarily couchlock, its kind of dynamic, but with heavy head and dirty burnout. bangi made it speedy. some pot friends visited me, I saw them coming slowly in car, really carefully driving. they were coming on kush. slow animals. we smoked this bangi haze cross, they left me like racecar drivers, burning the rubber. :D


Well-known member
bangi is speedy weed indeed... bangi made it speedy. some pot friends visited me, I saw them coming slowly in car, really carefully driving. they were coming on kush. slow animals. we smoked this bangi haze cross, they left me like racecar drivers, burning the rubber. :D
:laughing: Sounds like I would have liked that one. LOL

In all honesty, I didn't think Bangi Haze was that speedy. My breeder choice was more mentally exhilarating than muscularly twitchy, or nervous system electric. To be fair, I usually plan to get so much done every day. I usually fall short. On my Bangi Haze, I get done twice as much as I plan, and then, this part is key, I want to go out and find out how everyone else is doing. It's the perfect genetics to make exotic tropical strains earlier ripening. Thanks Dubi!!! This strain got my breeding program to the next level. It blended so incredibly well with what I had already established.

With all the stupid, petty, immature, infantile, crap going on in the world, everybody needs to smoke a good selection of Bangi Haze, chill out on the hatred and blame, wear a condom, and do twice as much as planned to reduce carbon output. I have to move away from this place I love to avoid getting caught in a fire-tornado. Our brothers and sisters in Australia, and certainly elsewhere, are getting a taste of what we've been dealing with here every damned summer now. Being near or in a fire evacuation zone used to occur once a decade, at most.

I'm willing to take the wrath of derailing this discussion into global responsible citizenship. I like this thread and am reluctant to mess it up, but our local leader over here is killing me with the insanity and stupidity. I cannot remain silent. We cannot afford to be distracted from the real global threats. These ruthless diversionary tactics are obvious and reveal a stupendous level of corruption and greed by the rich and powerful who currently lead the panicked, and ill-informed.




Well-known member
Unheated and no light supplemented greenhouse did not allow for creations of any seed. None would develop.

It's a pity! A mint smelling pure NLD must be gorgeous! Please, can you keep at least some pollen, if you cannot keep a clone?

It would be great to cross it with a very late GN Thai Stick female!


Active member
:laughing: Sounds like I would have liked that one. LOL

In all honesty, I didn't think Bangi Haze was that speedy. My breeder choice was more mentally exhilarating than muscularly twitchy, or nervous system electric. To be fair, I usually plan to get so much done every day. I usually fall short. On my Bangi Haze, I get done twice as much as I plan, and then, this part is key, I want to go out and find out how everyone else is doing. It's the perfect genetics to make exotic tropical strains earlier ripening. Thanks Dubi!!! This strain got my breeding program to the next level. It blended so incredibly well with what I had already established.

With all the stupid, petty, immature, infantile, crap going on in the world, everybody needs to smoke a good selection of Bangi Haze, chill out on the hatred and blame, wear a condom, and do twice as much as planned to reduce carbon output. I have to move away from this place I love to avoid getting caught in a fire-tornado. Our brothers and sisters in Australia, and certainly elsewhere, are getting a taste of what we've been dealing with here every damned summer now. Being near or in a fire evacuation zone used to occur once a decade, at most.

I'm willing to take the wrath of derailing this discussion into global responsible citizenship. I like this thread and am reluctant to mess it up, but our local leader over here is killing me with the insanity and stupidity. I cannot remain silent. We cannot afford to be distracted from the real global threats. These ruthless diversionary tactics are obvious and reveal a stupendous level of corruption and greed by the rich and powerful who currently lead the panicked, and ill-informed.



I have some F2 of Bangi Haze F9 x Chernobyl “Slymer cut” from dragonflamegenetics that is supposed to be killer im wanting to run when i get to it.


Well-known member
I finally got to sample my Bangi, at least what I saved from mold. I have another problem, I've got little tidbits of different strains I salvaged from the boytritis attack. It's easy to remember the primary plants but it takes a lot of thinking to remember what's what. I hope I'm able to keep all the Bangi separated but it's also fun to have a jar of mystery buds to sample from. Playing the game of Guess Your High is fun.

It's good stuff, has that exotic fruit salad quality that makes it fun to smoke. It's not speedy, it's interesting how cannabis effects different people differently. It's not super strong, I can have a conversation after a joint, but the conversation is memorable. I like this kind of ganja, although there's something to be said for a strain that causes the room to fall silent. When I was young I'd enjoy bringing that sort of stuff at a party, pass a huge joint around . Ten people becoming painfully awkwardly quiet..

You really want to smoke that kind of stuff with someone who's tripped before, who knows when it's the right time to shut up. Or talk in an awed whisper. Last summer I made rosin for the first time, took bong hits at my buddy's place, out at his garden. His brother came home, who I'd recently met, was talking to my friend 10 feet away. All I could do was sit there self-consciously on the ground, my legs didn't work properly and I was sweating. I knew trying to talk to the guy would be painful and there'd be a high probability of making an ass of myself. I just looked the other way at the pretty fruit trees and flowers and spent ten minutes with myself. I knew I'd recover and be able to communicate with other humans if I chilled for a bit.

Yeah Thai Bliss it's crazy watching the world burn around you while the powers that be stand idle. I enjoyed the Australian Prime Minister saying that the money they make from coal exports is more important then the havoc wrecked on the environment by the burning of the coal. Ask the people without fire insurance who were burned out of their homes which is more important. It's very strange, Russia in a nuclear arms race, spending ridiculous sums on various doomsday weapons acquired from it's fossil fuel sales. Racing towards the finish line, extinction, doing everything we can to get there quicker.

I was looking at pictures of the troops loading up for the Middle East to fight the next war. I was impressed by how water fat beefy they were. Going to the other side of the world to kill hungry people. Different then the troops for WW2, those guys were scrawny and a bit hungry themselves. They'd survived the Depression, they knew something. They stated in the article that the poor kids had to leave their video games and cell phones behind! No wonder they're fat. They think they're going off to play another video game. When they come back killers God help us.


Well-known member
I finally got to sample my Bangi... It's good stuff, has that exotic fruit salad quality that makes it fun to smoke. It's not speedy, it's interesting how cannabis effects different people differently. It's not super strong, I can have a conversation after a joint, but the conversation is memorable. I like this kind of ganja..
Thanks for posting Rev. I'm surprised I don't hear much disagreement with Bangi Haze. I found that the plants I sampled were significantly different. I found most were decent, by way of lacking any couch-lock or blasé indica high traits, but there were a couple that had that great, energetic, clear, irie high that I love. One or two out of 20 were also quite strong. I would strongly suggest that people look through a good number of them to find what they want.

Here are a few pictures of the strongest ones.

This was the latest ripening one I found, had skinny leaves, and was quite strong. In fact, the strongest:

Here is one I wish I had tested more. It had really nice fat clean buds, was spicy armpit (licorice?), and might have been the speediest one. It was strong. The thing I didn't like was the taste. Judging by the results of the offspring of the one I chose to breed, I made the right selection. This is one I should have tested more thoroughly:

The one that got away, that had the best combination of high and productivity was this:

This is the one that I bred. LMAO!!!! Hahahahahaha! It was the scrawniest, sickly, susceptible to overwatering, small leafy buds, but had a great high, and was the earliest, by far. It did work out for me, spectacularly, so you never know:

So much for yet another Bangi Haze retrospective,



atomizing haze essence
hmm thats maybe that problem with reworked version ACE sells today. but I remember bangi to be racy and electric. it was also listed as 100% sativa, now its listed as 70%sativa. too bad. it was on same level as excellent durban. licorice speedy weed. maybe ethiopian highland x bangi can make the trick these days.. dunno.


Well-known member
I was looking at the 'what is an Og, what is a Haze' thread and the subject of Bangi Haze came up. Someone mentioned Silver Haze in it's breeding; I hadn't heard that before. Kalki stopped by and had this to say:

Efectivamente, conoces la historia bien. La Congo utilizada en la BangiHaze es también la #3, con un toque inicial de macho SSH de la epoca bien regordete y vuelta a congo, fue cruzado ya con las primeras nepal. Luego la jungla :cool: pero se encontro rapidamente un estupendo perfil y de ahi hasta la generacion actual que si no me vuelvo a equivocar son otra vez F6 o F7 (me pierdo jeje) hecho sobre lotes anteriores de Estai que fue quien domo el hibrido original paso a paso hacia tiempos rapidos y excelentes potencias... ya que es su humo preferido :mrgreen:

If you're Spanish isn't great, like mine, I ran it through google translate:

No mention of the Pakistan Chitral Kush. We've had this discussion a few times before. Having grown this strain out a couple times I'm certain that one of the component part(s) contains a Dutch strain that had an amount of Afghan. Shortened the flowering time and increased the tendency to mold a bit. I'm also certain that the strain contains tropical narrow leaf component(s). In what ratios and types, no idea.

One thing that's plain is that there are not enough non-Afghan strains that finish in a short enough time to mature in the world's temperate zones. I am greatly, greatly frustrated that my attempt at breeding on an early finishing Thai dominate Vietnam Black x Meao Thai last year were thwarted. Have you tried Ace's Meao Thai containing strains Thai Bliss? I still haven't sampled the smoke from the plant, next time I visit my buddy I should see if he has any. I was very very excited by the smell and shape of the plant, seemed to be authentic.

Another one I'd recommend you try is Mextiza. Very nice early Mexican Oaxacan x Nepal. The guess is that it might contain a bit of Dutch Afghan to shorten the flowering time, because the resin glands are large and distinct. I'm still on the fence, the mold resistance, smell, and shape all say Oaxacan to me. It's too bad there's no more seed available, at least from Cannabiogen. It's tasty, has great sweet fruity and ranky aromas.

As far as my stuff from last year I've sampled so far. What I consider 'Trip Weed', powerful cannabis that produces psychedelic effects the Ancient OG is the closest. There's something about Bodhi's Snow Lotus male, I've felt it in a couple other hybrids I've tried, that has a human catnip effect. The taste, the smell, the effects are euphoric and addictive. It makes you want to smoke more of it for the sheer pleasure of smoking. I'm not sure if it's for you Thai Bliss. It's not couch lock at all but after several bowls it'll turn you red eyed and drunk below the neck. Strong body high. 2 or 3 hits of a joint are equal to smoking an entire joint of other stuff, as far as potency and psychedelic mind and time warping effects.

One thing I'm certain. I know the effects you're looking for Thai Bliss and I'll keep a lung out. We both know how rare it is to find something that's crystal clear in the mind but also potent enough to cause strong psychedelic effects. Nigerian Haze came the closest but after 20 minutes the effects wore off. I was wanting to smoke another joint. Definitely calls for more experimentation. Maybe if it had been homestone or bred with something else. If you see seeds or cuts you may want to try it. I got the flowers from a recreational firm in Washington state, they use light deprivation to market tropical heirloom quality strains that most commercial rec growers won't touch.



Active member
The NepJam used in mextiza (which I've been hunting as well) certainly has a little Dutch genetics added, on the nepal side: the highland nepal came from Reeferman, and his site listed the highland nepal as containing some Northern lights if I remember correctly.

For more of that Oaxaca 79 magic that is in mextiza, dubi has put out a Oaxaca x Panama cross in the R+D section, the Oaxaca is from the same line as Mextiza, as well as the Purple Mexican (which is crossed with PCK). Unfortunately these are both fems.

CBG has released Red Snake though, which is Colombian x Oaxaca (the other half of their Destroyer line). Not sure if it's the same Oaxaca, but I believe it is a regular line at least.

Destroyer has been on my wishlist for a while.


Active member
The NepJam used in mextiza (which I've been hunting as well) certainly has a little Dutch genetics added, on the nepal side: the highland nepal came from Reeferman, and his site listed the highland nepal as containing some Northern lights if I remember correctly.

That description is from the new/fake reeferman site

reeferman aka charles scott is back around here

I dont think the original highland nepalese has any NL