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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member
Here's an interesting photo I took last summer comparing 2 different Golden Tiger harvests. The sample on the left was harvested early in June at 9 weeks flower. The sample on the right is Golden Tiger harvested in March at 7 weeks. Pretty clear difference and shows how sativas haven't flowered nearly as aggressive for me in the late spring/summer compared to winter/early spring. Funny thing is the effects of the sample on the left were more uplifting and trippy.

Greetings friend,
Those GT flowers look nice. To me, I would think that the flower on the right had a higher RH in the curing jar than the one on the left. With a higher RH, you will get a nice brown (especially on Malawi and malawi crosses), little spicier taste and smoother do to the fermentation in a moister cure. It also mellows the high as well. Have you seen Tangwena's Cob thread? Very interesting, once you try it you may prefer it. I ferment my Mexican sativa in the jar that way, it's the only way I get that same spicy taste I used to remember.


Good job. BTW, wish I had some of that red soil I grew in when I lived in Honolulu. Steroids in that soil I tell you:tiphat:
Peace, God bless
Greetings The Witchdoctor,
Thank you friend.Yes they are. Out of 5 seeds, I got 3 males and 2 females. Pretty good luck considering both females turned out to be purple haze and of the 3 males, I have a green, a lime green and purple. Kept all the clones. The lime green will pollinate my Colombian Gold.:tiphat:
Peace, God bless

That sounds like it has some amazing psychedelic potential. I still have some Colombian Gold and Colombian Black in the fridge waiting for the right time🤙
Greetings friend,
Those GT flowers look nice. To me, I would think that the flower on the right had a higher RH in the curing jar than the one on the left. With a higher RH, you will get a nice brown (especially on Malawi and malawi crosses), little spicier taste and smoother do to the fermentation in a moister cure. It also mellows the high as well. Have you seen Tangwena's Cob thread? Very interesting, once you try it you may prefer it. I ferment my Mexican sativa in the jar that way, it's the only way I get that same spicy taste I used to remember.


Good job. BTW, wish I had some of that red soil I grew in when I lived in Honolulu. Steroids in that soil I tell you:tiphat:
Peace, God bless

Thanks brother. Great info there and you are exactly correct about the sample on the right curing in a jar for several months. I've noticed the extra cure brings out the tropical sweetness that smells like a blend of pineapple and luau punch. It definitely feels more mellow and sedative with the longer cure. When made into buddha sticks the fermentation seems to really bring out the incense notes. It also seems to intensify the cerebral aspect and almost feels more concentrated, possibly because of all the trichomes compressed tightly together.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Greetings friend,
Those GT flowers look nice. To me, I would think that the flower on the right had a higher RH in the curing jar than the one on the left. With a higher RH, you will get a nice brown (especially on Malawi and malawi crosses), little spicier taste and smoother do to the fermentation in a moister cure. It also mellows the high as well. Have you seen Tangwena's Cob thread? Very interesting, once you try it you may prefer it. I ferment my Mexican sativa in the jar that way, it's the only way I get that same spicy taste I used to remember.


Good job. BTW, wish I had some of that red soil I grew in when I lived in Honolulu. Steroids in that soil I tell you:tiphat:
Peace, God bless
certainly some magic happens when the red volcanic soil and the tropics is combined sl ,
some of the best stuff gets grow with that combo i reckon .

glad to see you follow the malawi cob cure thread too ,
ive tried that a few times and like you its the only way ive come close to having erb that reminded me of what once was ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
re the cob cure , slight fermantion ,

i wonder if research might reveal a higher chance of tripping weed after such a cure , if done right ,
i know the thai stick could make folks trip ,
maybe partially the variety and location grown , and partially the cure ,
ive always thought those thai sticks underwent some slight fermentation ,

anyhow heres my shot at it with some zamal and some laos ,
note how golden the laos was even before the cure began ...




Well-known member
certainly some magic happens when the red volcanic soil and the tropics is combined sl ,
some of the best stuff gets grow with that combo i reckon .

glad to see you follow the malawi cob cure thread too ,
ive tried that a few times and like you its the only way ive come close to having erb that reminded me of what once was ...
Wont let me vote any more all day:shucks:
My NevHaze x Panama was very haze pheno. Very narrow leaves, but their was too high of a leaf to calyx ratio for me to sit and trim it all. I trimmed some tops, then stripped branches, leaves and all. Fermenting now, then I'll make extracts from it.

For my Central and South Americans, I do the same process, but I put them in jars and vacuum sealed the lid so they ferment and cure without being compact. Being compact though, makes it a lot easier to cure and takes up so much less space.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
re the cob cure , slight fermantion ,

i wonder if research might reveal a higher chance of tripping weed after such a cure , if done right ,
i know the thai stick could make folks trip ,
maybe partially the variety and location grown , and partially the cure ,
ive always thought those thai sticks underwent some slight fermentation ,

anyhow heres my shot at it with some zamal and some laos ,
note how golden the laos was even before the cure began ...

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That laos looks great! I have a test running now. I have 6 equal samples of 2 oz each. First 3 I ran at 130F: 6hrs, 12hrs, 18 hrs respectively

Second 3 samples were run at 150F: 6hrs, 12hrs, 18hrs. Each took on distinct changes in color and smells.

After another 3 month cure, I will compare the 6 samples and see how each differs in the effect and quality of the herb/high.

Donald Mallard

el duck
That laos looks great! I have a test running now. I have 6 equal samples of 2 oz each. First 3 I ran at 130F: 6hrs, 12hrs, 18 hrs respectively

Second 3 samples were run at 150F: 6hrs, 12hrs, 18hrs. Each took on distinct changes in color and smells.

After another 3 month cure, I will compare the 6 samples and see how each differs in the effect and quality of the herb/high.
sounds like a good experiment sl ,
i hope you report back what you find ,

its of interest to all us that like to play around a bit with curing , fermentation , etc ,
also i see you dont use the corn cob hust ,
which i m glad of also ,
its ok for guys that eat it , no problem at all and adds that authenticity ,
but i found it affected the taste so i do without it ,

taste is important if your smoking it ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Wow nice. I've been wanting to try pure Zamal for sometime. Is the buzz as trippy as they say?

Hope you can find a way to get the rest of your seeds to pop🤞
i liked it man ,
but my tolerance was pretty high so i didnt find it to be tripping weed,
but for pure sativa a really good solid hit and disorientating high ,
not as clear as some ,
but still it was enjoyed in the pipe ,

i made a cross with ecsd that was super strong ,
would probably grow well for you in your dry season ,,
well both actually wet and dry seasons ,, zamal and sour d didnt seem to mind the rain too much ,
i was pretty surprised to be honest on the diesel tolerating rain ,
a bit oily i sposed and almost rain resistant ,, lol ..

have you found that at all since im sure you ve tried similar types??


Well-known member

This thread blew up since I was here last. LOL By that I mean several more pages of posts. Ha! I crack myself up. I'm glad to see it all working out well in the end. Thanks for all the great posts. I'm having a blast.

I was going to post my two cents a while ago, but didn't. I actually hate to put any kind of damper on lively conversation so it worked out really well, but... I want to say a couple of things.

I have a small amount of scientific academic and practical experience, and I know it is vey difficult isolate variables effectively so that the one variable that you are interested in is teased out. In fact, it's practically impossible. I have significant experience as an analyst, and misunderstandings to some degree are inevitable. 98.9% of the time when two people think they are talking about the same thing, they are actually "comparing apples to oranges", as they say. I see this repeatedly every day. It can be maddening or hilarious or some combination in between.

The other point I'd like to make, and I'm not sure if I've already posted this because I know I thought about it, is that different strains from nearly the same latitude can behave very differently. I have grown plants from southern Oaxaca Mexico, Hawaii, Thailand, and now Laos. These locations are within just a few degrees latitude of each other, but the plants varied dramatically with regard to their behavior when grown indoors or outdoors where I am now. Thai Stick and Laos are the most challenging I've ever come across. It's actually part of how I know I am holding some very good genetics now.

Speaking of which, I have great news. It warmed up outside. The greenhouse gets hot in the day, but near freezing every night. My house stays a constant cool temperature, around 50 degrees. I'm gone most days and it seems I only sleep here. Because of that, I don't bother heating it much. I noticed that the Gypsy Thai Stick cross and the Laos males started making more progress as soon as I brought them inside. Instead of returning them to the greenhouse, I just left them inside by a window, and they are both dropping pollen.

I'm hitting the Baglung Nepali hard with them. Mostly it's the Thai, but I think both are making seeds. I hope to notice that golden color of the Laos in the plants I grow from these seeds. That's likely to be the only way I'll know the difference between them. The pollen sacs don't look healthy. I'm highly allergic to those pollen grains and I'm not even sneezing much. It's barely working, by the skin of my teeth, but I do occasionally I see some pollen grains, and the pistils are turning brown on the Nepali, so I'm ecstatic.
:dance013: :woohoo:

At some point soon, I'll do my first attempt at preserving pollen. I'll shake each of the males separately onto some paper, then screen the plant material out. I'll make a few small paper pouches for each strain. I'll pour the pollen into them and place them into a jar of dry rice and put them into the refrigerator for a couple of days hoping to dry the pollen out. Then I'll put the jar into the freezer until I have plants flowering next summer.

What do you guys think? I hope this works. I want this pollen on proven plants. I want these genetics everywhere!!!!

Donald Mallard - You are KILLING me with those pictures of the Laos. Good gosh, I ache to test the Laos genetics in my crosses. I want to smoke those gorgeous golden buds. You are the man!



I've smoked weed that looked like this before. Colombian Gold looked this golden. I also had some skinny Thai Sticks that were this bright golden yellow, but I only saw that one time. Most were a much darker shade of golden or chocolate brown and green. They didn't look green at all until you looked really closely. The fat Thai Sticks, when people started calling them Buddha Sticks, were also golden brown, but not nearly as pure golden yellow as the pictures you posted of your Laos.

I ache to smoke those buds you got. Oh lordy, lordy!!! Those golden buds from the 1970s were all phenomenally supreme quality. They were rare back then, and almost impossible to find today. I hope you are Johnny Apple seeding the cr@p out of those. If I get crosses of them to flower here, and they have the vibe I'm expecting, I know I will.

i liked it man ,
but my tolerance was pretty high so i didnt find it to be tripping weed,
but for pure sativa a really good solid hit and disorientating high ,
not as clear as some ,
but still it was enjoyed in the pipe ,

i made a cross with ecsd that was super strong ,
would probably grow well for you in your dry season ,,
well both actually wet and dry seasons ,, zamal and sour d didnt seem to mind the rain too much ,
i was pretty surprised to be honest on the diesel tolerating rain ,
a bit oily i sposed and almost rain resistant ,, lol ..

have you found that at all since im sure you ve tried similar types??

Yeah I was actually really surprised to see how well the plants do in rainy conditions here. Mold hasn't ever been an issue due to the elevation I live at. As long as it doesn't rain all day, every day for weeks the plants will do fine, even some of my denser varieties that are more prone to mold. We had a long stretch of rain last winter and it definitely affected my yield quite a bit.


Well-known member
I just cut down the Fett's 303 plant pollinated with the very early flowering (Sage x Bangi Wicked) x Bangi Wicked. I easily found 5 or 6 black/brown seeds peaking out from the calyx. Trying to reduce the footprint of plants around here. I rearranged the plants so that the Laos male was right next to the Baglung Nepali and the early flowering Zamaldelica grown in the garden. Of course, the one in the house was from a cutting that I started flowering later. I still have another cutting in my veg cabinet.

Now to go buy a big clean piece of paper for collecting pollen from the Gypsy Thai Stick cross male. From now on, only male Laos plants around. I hope the one in the greenhouse will ripen enough to get some pollen from that. It has menthol aromas and is much lankier. It reminds me of old school Hawaiian. I think that might be an exceptionally special one.


Donald Mallard

el duck

This thread blew up since I was here last. LOL By that I mean several more pages of posts. Ha! I crack myself up. I'm glad to see it all working out well in the end. Thanks for all the great posts. I'm having a blast.

I was going to post my two cents a while ago, but didn't. I actually hate to put any kind of damper on lively conversation so it worked out really well, but... I want to say a couple of things.

I have a small amount of scientific academic and practical experience, and I know it is vey difficult isolate variables effectively so that the one variable that you are interested in is teased out. In fact, it's practically impossible. I have significant experience as an analyst, and misunderstandings to some degree are inevitable. 98.9% of the time when two people think they are talking about the same thing, they are actually "comparing apples to oranges", as they say. I see this repeatedly every day. It can be maddening or hilarious or some combination in between.

The other point I'd like to make, and I'm not sure if I've already posted this because I know I thought about it, is that different strains from nearly the same latitude can behave very differently. I have grown plants from southern Oaxaca Mexico, Hawaii, Thailand, and now Laos. These locations are within just a few degrees latitude of each other, but the plants varied dramatically with regard to their behavior when grown indoors or outdoors where I am now. Thai Stick and Laos are the most challenging I've ever come across. It's actually part of how I know I am holding some very good genetics now.

Speaking of which, I have great news. It warmed up outside. The greenhouse gets hot in the day, but near freezing every night. My house stays a constant cool temperature, around 50 degrees. I'm gone most days and it seems I only sleep here. Because of that, I don't bother heating it much. I noticed that the Gypsy Thai Stick cross and the Laos males started making more progress as soon as I brought them inside. Instead of returning them to the greenhouse, I just left them inside by a window, and they are both dropping pollen.

I'm hitting the Baglung Nepali hard with them. Mostly it's the Thai, but I think both are making seeds. I hope to notice that golden color of the Laos in the plants I grow from these seeds. That's likely to be the only way I'll know the difference between them. The pollen sacs don't look healthy. I'm highly allergic to those pollen grains and I'm not even sneezing much. It's barely working, by the skin of my teeth, but I do occasionally I see some pollen grains, and the pistils are turning brown on the Nepali, so I'm ecstatic.
:dance013: :woohoo:

At some point soon, I'll do my first attempt at preserving pollen. I'll shake each of the males separately onto some paper, then screen the plant material out. I'll make a few small paper pouches for each strain. I'll pour the pollen into them and place them into a jar of dry rice and put them into the refrigerator for a couple of days hoping to dry the pollen out. Then I'll put the jar into the freezer until I have plants flowering next summer.

What do you guys think? I hope this works. I want this pollen on proven plants. I want these genetics everywhere!!!!

Donald Mallard - You are KILLING me with those pictures of the Laos. Good gosh, I ache to test the Laos genetics in my crosses. I want to smoke those gorgeous golden buds. You are the man!

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I've smoked weed that looked like this before. Colombian Gold looked this golden. I also had some skinny Thai Sticks that were this bright golden yellow, but I only saw that one time. Most were a much darker shade of golden or chocolate brown and green. They didn't look green at all until you looked really closely. The fat Thai Sticks, when people started calling them Buddha Sticks, were also golden brown, but not nearly as pure golden yellow as the pictures you posted of your Laos.

I ache to smoke those buds you got. Oh lordy, lordy!!! Those golden buds from the 1970s were all phenomenally supreme quality. They were rare back then, and almost impossible to find today. I hope you are Johnny Apple seeding the cr@p out of those. If I get crosses of them to flower here, and they have the vibe I'm expecting, I know I will.

i was a bit concerned i/we might upset you and the thread tb ,
im glad you found it amusing instead ,

and your right about apples and oranges ,
i m sure now we were just getting our wires crossed and in fact we have many common experiences to share with one another,
its hard sometimes not to be passionate about something that almost consumes ones life ..

great new about the males dropping some pollen man ,
i hope its viable and you get something usable from the pollination,
it would be great to see you growing hybrids of those in the future and particularly finding something you like among them..

i noted on further grows of that laos that it took just the right amount of feeding , or lack of it , to produce the golden buds ,
the cuts i grew were fed quite well in comparison to the original mum and as a result didnt go golden ,
id say they were picked a little earlier too as i had issues with the rain ,
seasons have to be just right in order to replicate something done the year before , and that doesnt always happen sadly ... well not where i live anyhow...

im adding pictures of the mum i saved ,

first pic is the first grow of her ,
the following ones are examples of a few i did this year ,

same plant ..





Well-known member
Hey Donald,

I don't mean to make light of anyone's particular aggravation or pain, just humans in general. LOL That stuff happens to me all the time. Besides, there is always valuable information to be gleaned in any conversation.

I'd like to pepper you with a few questions:

1.) Did you notice any differences in quality or potency between the year it got golden and the other times it had more fertilizer. I'm curious because I generally like to diminish the nitrogen once flowering starts. Seems to be less leafy and sometimes I notice a difference in potency.

2.) What strain is more clear, Zamal or Mango Haze?

3.) What strain is more clear between Mango Haze and Laos?

4.) Did you notice significant differences in potency or quality in different Laos plants?

Thanks for putting up with me,


Donald Mallard

el duck
good to look at the positives of any situation tb ,
its great you can do that ,, not everyone can of course ,

without a side by side , it was hard to tell if the green laos vs the golden laos were any different in potency to be honest ,
both were enjoyed ,, but i think the golden stuff tasted the best and id like to think the overall high was nicer , but as i said without a side by side i cant be 100% sure ..

i think mango haze is more clear than zamal ,
i felt disorientated and confused on zamal ,
i wouldnt rate is as very clear at all , though it was fun nevertheless ,
i could see it may be difficult to, say go to work on it , or do something where you had to concentrate , unlike some other sativas that accentuate the ability to focus on things ..

the laos was certainly clearer than the mh though , smoother also in every aspect ,
such a comfortable and easy high man , gliding upwards rather than soaring ,
still reaching the same pinnacle .. and a gentle glide down with no ill after affects or burn out , very much appreciated indeed ...

i think one of the more feathery laos was slightly more potent than the one i kept ,
but not by much , it was more leafy and didnt have as good a growth profile as the keeper also , which i think was the heaviest yielding and most compact buds of the laos

i had to make a decision whether that tiny bit of potency was worth it for the plant that didnt perform as well ,,

it wasnt a hard choice really as the potency difference wasnt enough to convince me the poorer yielding plant was worth keeping over the fatter more chunky girl ..

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