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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member

Of the Zamaldelicas that I selected from the seedlings, the big one in the garden was by far the earliest. It isn't early enough. The good news is, it is one cross away from being early enough for this climate.

She has been taking a beating. Four nights in a row of frost, then intermittent rain with a few cool sunny days interspersed, and she is still alive. Many bud tips are brown. I can't tell if it was the frost or mold. I lean towards the frost. It looks like the frost killed about 1/3 of the plant. That third is yellowed out and the leaves look almost dead.

Through all of this, it looks like the remaining buds have made some small progress. We have a 70 degree day in the near forecast. If we were to get a few of those, and a miracle 80 degree day, I'd think we might have something worth trying a sample of.



Not likely.

The good news is that I got two cuttings. I put one in the greenhouse, and it is perking up and looking like buds are about to form. I'll make seeds of this. Seedlings, plant, and buds of this Zamaldelica look about as tropical and sativa looking as any Zamaldelica I've seen. Not as Thai looking, but boy oh boy, I want to smoke some of these buds.



Well-known member
It's close but still not there. Smelling much stronger. We've been pounded by rain for the last few days, it had to get it's share of broken limbs and grey mold. Took in a few of the worst ones, no sense in trying to tie them back up so I got a good look. Can't believe all the hairs are still white except for the storm damaged ones. It's suppose to clear up for a few days starting Tuesday. I'm going to let it dry out, put on some new resin, and cut it by Friday whether the hairs turn or not.

My last volunteer, Mextiza hybrid, is finishing up too. The cross came out great, improved flower structure and sturdier frame. Kept a lot of the fruity tropical type notes with an added light skunky smell. A lot like the old North Cali Mexi/hashplant hybrids I remember from the early 90s. Light purple coloring and kept the fine thin leaves around the flowers. Hopefully the high keeps the euphoric head effects of the Mextiza with an added bit of warm body glow. Here's what she looked like.



versus the Mextiza mother from last year:



I miss the golden Mextiza color, the reddish-purple is nice but not the same. Taking pictures is a great tool, it's awesome to have a record of the evolution of a strain. Didn't seed this plant but I seeded it's big sister that was closer to the Mextiza and a week earlier to harvest. Looking at the pictures I think I made the right choice. But I love the tall upright structure that can almost maintain it's own weight vs the Mextiza that's falling all over the place even though it has smaller flowers.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hi guys... :)

Impressive plants TB and The Rev... i wish you a better weather for the finish... :)

Week 7 for the Silver pearls... Weather has been pretty bad here too and there's mold spots on some plants... Conditions should get worse this coming week so i'm gonna cut them, even if only some of the seeds are ripe...
This dissapointing finish makes it unlikely that i run this strain again, especially here... Pics were taken 6 days ago, during a "nice" day... didn't take new ones as it rained almost all day long...







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Sticky Sat

Active member
More silver pearls...





O and Bango clones at day 11

Cheers all :)


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Well-known member
Rev - Anything that has survived this season isn't half bad. Hopefully, this next week helps to finish them. Other than the morning fog, the forecast isn't too bad considering the time of year.

Sticky Sat - Sorry for your disappointment. Not sure why. It looks to me like a couple of them finished nicely. Maybe the smoke test will change your mind.

I got really lucky with my plant genetics, and the timing of the weather. The buds were thin, wet weather resistant, frost resistant, and started filling out late after the early really bad weather had passed.

I gave a bud to a friend, and got very rewarding feedback. He wrote me "Great smoke ya brought btw!!...smells, hits, tastes and gets ya' baked awesome!!...good job my man, kudos!"

I got to wrap things up and get my own smoke reports done.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Sticky Sat - Sorry for your disappointment. Not sure why. It looks to me like a couple of them finished nicely. Maybe the smoke test will change your mind.

Hi TB :)

Not much doubts about the quality of the weed and just picking the yellow leaves brings out interesting terps... :)
Plants were quite early too, between 7 and 9 weeks...

Although a few plants are still mold free, my disappointment only concerns the general lack of resistance to mold... It may seem secondary under other latitudes but it is of foremost importance here... The last run in 96 had no mold at all but weather conditions have definitely changed since...
Not blaming any strain... plants bravely do their best despite viruses and pests proliferations, clouded skies and crazy rh all year long...
It's just that very few can take such adverse conditions...

Maybe if i had kept breeding the silver pearls all these years they'd have adapted better to the new conditions... The O has been pollinated by the sp males and has not one mold spot... if rats allow seeds to reach maturity, it will be interesting to see if some of the O's resistance passed to the offsprings... :)

It's that kind of plans that make our lives seem too short... :)

Cheers all :)


Well-known member


ok heres the two alleged 303 s one total mold fest other not a spot pretty sure it aint what its supposed to be will post ill again if the smoke remotely sativa like


Well-known member
forgot to mention the mold factory was the one i took a cut from lol also a i missed a male so have f2s and crosses to gi3 hz x hunknn,nb x oaxacan an lemon tangie sure hope it aint hemp lol


Well-known member
Oh, No!...:cry:

that spot terrible for growing low light damp cold i just use it as as a test zone anything that survives there will survive pretty much anywere at my lat so the pheno that was mold free im impressed with in that respect and yes mother nature makes the rules we just play the game :tiphat:

Sticky Sat

Active member
that spot terrible for growing low light damp cold i just use it as as a test zone anything that survives there will survive pretty much anywere at my lat so the pheno that was mold free im impressed with in that respect and yes mother nature makes the rules we just play the game :tiphat:

Sorry about that and much respect for taking it so well.... :)


Well-known member

We had a really nice week here in So. Oregon. There were a couple of days in the lower 70s and a couple in the upper 70 degrees. The only shocking/negative observation today was that I have two Laos plants that still have not shown their gender! I love the look and smell of the Laos, but that 1 of 12 selection I made of the Gypsy Thai Stick cross has won the preflower trait watch, hands down. More below. Overall, things have gone really well lately, so on to some positive news:

1.) I went out into the greenhouse today for the first time in quite a while since it has been really hot in there. Today's high temperature is much cooler than the last 4 days, but it is very sunny so the midday temperature in the greenhouse is at least 85 degrees. It's clear the plants are loving the heat, especially the S.E. Asians. I'm thinking more and more highly of that male Gypsy Thai Stick x Neville's Haze x Mullumbimby Madness cross. The smell is downright metal shop today with a very tiny touch of fishiness. This plant has rung all the bells of my memory of Thai Sticks from back in the 70s. I only have room for two males going forward. This Gypsy Thai Stick cross male I have selected has won me over hands down compared to all other plants I've grown in the last 15+ years. To be fair to the Laos, if the 3 Laos were included, they would have come in second, third, and fourth of all 15 Thai and Laos together.

2.) I sprouted a couple of Baglung Neplali a month ago. I wanted one to be available to take some S.E. Asian pollen so those Thai or Laos genetics could go straight to the outside garden for testing next summer. I also wanted to observe the flowering behavior with regard to auto-flowering. I'm very happy to report that the only survivor has thrown a pistil, it looks healthy, and seems to be starting to flower. So, despite flowering starting before the summer solstice last June, it does react to shortening daylight. I expect to have Nepalese x Thai plants next summer, authentic real deal Thai Stick cross from Thai that looks and smells like no other supposed Thai I have seen!!!!! To bear clear, I don't doubt that other seed sources have genetics from Thailand. I'm just saying that this plant looks and smells like the Thai Stick I was smoking in the 70s. I know because I tried to grow seeds from those sticks many times.

3.) My "tip of the spear" Wicked Weed strain mother plant (SAGE x Bangi Haze x Trainwreck x Burmese x ...) that my friends love has seeds that are now getting ripe. The morning frosts are coming back the next few days. I'll harvest tomorrow afternoon. So far the seeds even look old school, brown without a stripe to be seen.


Well-known member
The week before last there were 4 or 5 days in a row of light frost that significantly damaged the Zamaldelica. We have frost in the forecast for the foreseeable future, so I decided to take some bud for testing in case they get killed.

The aromas at today's harvest were leather and floral. My fingers smelled like pepper.

Here is the last picture of the full plant:

Here is a close-up of a branch:

These pictures can be deceiving. This plant my be tall, 10 feet, but the leaves and flowers are small and delicate:



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I have a good feeling on your harvest this year. May it be--- The Year of the Trip!!!! I seem to remember saying this last year, well it was a pretty good year as I remember.
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Well-known member
I have a good feeling on your harvest this year. May it be--- The Year of the Trip!!!! I seem to remember saying this last year, well it was a pretty good year as I remember.

:tiphat: Thank you Yesum. Things are turning out very interesting.

I got another report, unsolicited, from a friend of a friend on the especially beautiful looking Baglung Nepali. "...good reviews... good taste, lasts long, makes you do things". Considering how early that stuff is, it seems to be a stunning success.

Hard freezes are forecast. I took more off of the Zamaldelica. It didn't get as ripe as I had hoped, but it got just ripe enough to start showing that it is resinous enough. The buds are gorgeous if you remember how good ganja looks like from the old days. It reminds me of Jamaican ganja, fluffy, green, and "funny" smelling.

It doesn't seem pungent. I have a bud sitting on my table next to my computer. I don't smell it when I come into the room. I love looking at it, and when I lift it to my nose... wow! It's very complex. Above all, it's peppery. It's got smells I just can't describe. It's got this floral leather aroma. I'm also detecting what others have been describing as mango carrot, mango carrot that has been doused in turpentine and rolled in black peppercorns. It's attractive yet nauseating at the same time. You couldn't pay me enough to eat it, but I'd try smoking some. LOL

It frosted hard enough last night that it looks to have damaged my exotics in the greenhouse. I don't know how the Zamaldelica outside survived. I'm so happy to have harvested some more of the Zamaldelica buds. I'm really hoping the greenhouse works. I want seeds from the Zamaldelica and the Thai and Laos. I put a heater out there and pulled the plastic over the doorway down to the ground. Not sure it will work, since forecasts are in the low 20s.



Well-known member

well heres the latest on the maybe 303 experiment ,,just had a flu so my taste smell not good ,,i also have high tolerance ,,,earthy spicey sticky pretty strong sativa smoke and yes mildly trippy maybe its genuine maybe its a cross i dont know but its good enough were ill try a few more of the beans indoors if i get a chance, i think the cross to my g13haxe x thunk 8 that happned accidentally could produce some interesting plants to will post again after a little cure


Well-known member

i didnt expect that you would call it something like : pretty strong Sativa. I shure believe you that its not just hemp. But i wanna inform People, i ever heard at multiple Places that These Seedseller is fake. But probably People say something they just read.. It may also be that they really sold Hemp once, (thats what the People reportet) but after all that bad Reports everyhere they probably decided to sell some atleast related Genetics. I Kind of doubt this is 303, but actually the Taste Description sonds Kind of legit. I also read there is some assumed Indicagenetic in the 303 in their Descripition. hä? Yeah but not that amount of Indica, no?

.. yours look pretty fat. Actually it doesent look that Hybridisized, rather Landraceish.. Kind of Indian probably?
And i dont recall real 303s would flower only assumed 12 Weeks, right?

I did a Gamble this Year myselve, and i decided that it isnt, what it sounded to me when i read Description. I made seeds, but i dont Need them nomore
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Active member
If you have the time and the resources, you could wrap the greenhouse plants in burlap or something similar, and insulate the pots by putting them all up against each other or wrapping/covering them in mulch.

Fingers crossed they make it through the cold long enough for mature seeds!