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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member

I'm loving all the nice looking bud shots from plants that sound like they are great choices for trip weed. Good job peeps.

My big Zamaldelica in the outdoor garden is finally starting to flower. With the weather the way it's been here, it is going to have a heck of a time getting ripe enough to be good. Hoping for a rebound to summer. The vibrant green color of that plant is quite the contrast to the rest of the foliage around here, including the other two big plants in the garden.

Because of the weather, I put my extreme exotics into my simple hillbilly greenhouse to prevent rain and dew from landing on them and causing mold. I left one male, 50% SAGE, outside because it started dropping pollen. I didn't want to pollinate plants that already have the seeds from the 25% SAGE male plant still ripening. The deer promptly ate half the 50% SAGE male plant. I found a safer spot for it, if not from the rain and dew, from the deer.

I have to be very careful with the plants in the greenhouse now. The sun is still very strong. If the sum comes out on a warm day, it will get burning hot in there and the plants can dry out quickly. While I was cutting them back to make them less likely dry out and keep them small, I discovered two things.

One plant has started flowering. At first I thought it was the other Zamaldelica, given that the Zam in the garden is flowering. After inspecting the tag, I found it is the Fett's 303, and it's female! I'm so glad I'll get to sample some smoke from it. I cut that plant severely back, as it will be the last time. I'll leave it alone now to flower, make seeds, and smoke samples.

The other thing I noticed is quite alarming. I think I might have found an infection on one of the Laos plants. I'm not sure if an insect nibbled on the stalk slightly and discolored it, or if it is the beginning of a mold infection. My heart sank. Of all the exotics, the Laos are the ones I believe the most in. Now I'm afraid they won't survive the cool foggy conditions that will become more and more frequent as the fall progresses. I guess we'll see.



Well-known member
Zamaldelica, barely just starting to flower:




Such a delicate, fine, graceful, lady.



Well-known member



paid a flyin visit to the canadian claimed 303s,, two females and a male they do look a llil like pn plant pics i seen with that upward short spikey looking leaves same as some of the nb but that about iit ,,any thoughts ???


Well-known member
harvestreaper: Im quiet shure its hemp.. The look is similar. Im not just caling it looking like that, no its that actually quiet beautiful curly-voluminous-hair -Leaf-look. Thats the closest relation i can make out. i could call it turkish look but turkish is also Abit hempy sometimes i guess, so its the same Thing i see. hemp. Im thankfull someone did the test of this seeds, im not enjoying seeing hemp.. And dont let you fool, there is actualy a very nice smelling hemp-strain that i know, unlike most astringent smelling hemp, but the smoke is just bit cbd.. keep us updated.
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Well-known member
Harvestreaper - I have a purported Fett's 303 growing right now. Here is a picture in veg:

Here are a couple of pictures of others who have grown it:


Looks like you are close to finding out if what you have is good. I'd suggest the goal is to not let names, looks, or the opinion of others affect your smoke test. In the end, it's all that counts. Easier said than done as countless behavioral studies have suggested. LOL

I grew hemp, Baglung Nepali, this summer. It's drying right now. It is going to be difficult to try and be objective. It has early traits I really need. It ripened at the same time as the thousands of acres of hemp growing in my area now. I suspect another plant I once had was Nepalese hemp. To be fair, Nepalese is famous for the best hash in the world and cerebral effect. It's very happy euphoric hash. I liked Lebanese Blonde also. The strain is noted in my signature, and while it didn't have what I consider a world class high, it was very good. That and because of the early ripening, it is one of the strains I most regret having lost because of the overall breeding potential. In fact, I logged on this morning to join a discussion of pepper terpenes, caryophyllene, in the "Zamaldelica - The Search for Trip Weed" thread. The "Seeing God" Nepalese (hemp) strain was very peppery after it dried.


Sticky Sat

Active member
Beautiful Zamaldelica and 303 TB and HR ! :)

I'd suggest the goal is to not let names, looks, or the opinion of others affect your smoke test. In the end, it's all that counts. Easier said than done as countless behavioral studies have suggested. LOL

Amen... :)


Well-known member
harvestreaper: Im quiet shure its hemp.. The look is similar. Im not just caling it looking like that, no its that actually quiet beautiful curly-voluminous-hair -Leaf-look. Thats the closest relation i can make out. i could call it turkish look but turkish is also Abit hempy sometimes i guess, so its the same Thing i see. hemp. Im thankfull someone did the test of this seeds, im not enjoying seeing hemp.. And dont let you fool, there is actualy a very nice smelling hemp-strain that i know, unlike most astringent smelling hemp, but the smoke is just bit cbd.. keep us updated.
never quite understood the whole hemp thing as it was all called hemp back in the day ,,,i have no experiance of modrern hemp strains to know one way or the other interesting that you think its hemp tho its got quite a spicey smell i bought the seeds knowing they were reported as fakes so happy to let the chips fall were they may,il for sure post any updates


Well-known member
Harvestreaper - I have a purported Fett's 303 growing right now. Here is a picture in veg:
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Here are a couple of pictures of others who have grown it:
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Looks like you are close to finding out if what you have is good. I'd suggest the goal is to not let names, looks, or the opinion of others affect your smoke test. In the end, it's all that counts. Easier said than done as countless behavioral studies have suggested. LOL

I grew hemp, Baglung Nepali, this summer. It's drying right now. It is going to be difficult to try and be objective. It has early traits I really need. It ripened at the same time as the thousands of acres of hemp growing in my area now. I suspect another plant I once had was Nepalese hemp. To be fair, Nepalese is famous for the best hash in the world and cerebral effect. It's very happy euphoric hash. I liked Lebanese Blonde also. The strain is noted in my signature, and while it didn't have what I consider a world class high, it was very good. That and because of the early ripening, it is one of the strains I most regret having lost because of the overall breeding potential. In fact, I logged on this morning to join a discussion of pepper terpenes, caryophyllene, in the "Zamaldelica - The Search for Trip Weed" thread. The "Seeing God" Nepalese (hemp) strain was very peppery after it dried.


hey thai,,thanks for the pic comparison mine dont look anything like the pics you posted looks ike we can rule that out just gotta wait an see what i do have if it reaches maturity


Well-known member
Probably you mean it is confusing that often wild species, or degenerated/unselected strains are called hemp aswell. Atleast thats what confuses me, cause the actual hemp is a strain bread for other purposes then getting high, like say making ropes, or seedproduction(oil/Food).
So when People say per example: my strong thaiweed was open pollinated many generations, and therefore lost power and became hempy.. Then they actualy mean it reverted to a wild Strain , right?
So, to my understanding People call unselected(wild/degenerated) AND actual Hemp bouth : Hempy. Why that is i dont know. Probably cause bout doesent get you high. ((Funny CBD-Weed isnt called Hemp even it doesent really get you high too.. ))

But what i see in your Strain (curled-hair-look) is something i saw in CBD-Strains, but also Birdseed . Bouth i see often here in my country. I didnt see it that much in industrial Hemp.. So i think it might be linked to a higher CBD Count, eventually? So i in truth i should have called it: it Looks like eventual CBD-Trait but followed suit did it same wrong. Infact all Species: Industrial Hemp, Wild Strain, degenerated Strain, CbdStrain have all completely different characteristics...

One interesting Thing: There were some Industrial Hemp Strains aswell as Birdseedstrains that had quiet delicious Taste. So: Hemp isnt just the "Bad", lower Species, like beeing a different one. Its just different selected for Fibre/Seed (can be even wild do to some wild Chinese species bare good Fibre/Seed-Traits suitable as Hemp).

Many People wrongly call selectionpoor(wild/degenerated) Strains Hempy, and that makes one assume the common Ground for wild and Hemp is weakness.. right? they give weakness/wild`ish-ness the Name: Hempy. Aswell as the Hemp they "give" the Name : Hempy
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Well-known member
ACTUALLY OFFTOPIC but i wanna clarify the Hemp unclearness:
OK all Strains in Pictureform:

1. Wild Strain: Features: Elongated bases, Small Leafes/Seeds ((wrongly called Hemp))


2. Hemp Strain: Features: often Smell not so nice, but sometimes also nice smell SINCE its rather often a domesticated Strain, selected for Rope/Seeds


3: CBD Strain: Features: just fits into Laws. Often hardcore selected from actuall Highmaking THC-Strains, just backwardselected afterwords


4: Degenerated Highmaking THC-Strain: Features: degenerated (Just assume it is) high making Strain, cause many Generation open pollinated, therefore reverted to wild. (Wrongly called Hemp)


So what are These Hemp thingys? not like a different species. Just different selected Strains (2) than for getting a Highfeeling, for industrial purposes like Rope, Seed . They are differently selected, therefore dont get you very high, ocasionally in some cases have quiet high cbd. Even more rarely may contain an almost enjoyable amount THC (Michoigan?).
Or they are wrongly called Hemp Strains (1) (4) , but they are actually not in truth . And that is causing all that missconceptions
((((Ok IF a wild Species is used AS Hemp, then it actually is right to call it Hemp too, cause it serves industrial purposes))))

(and Birdfood is industrial Hemp i think)
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Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello guys :)

The silver pearls have been pollinated this morning... would've preferred to wait for more hair but they've been showing some signs of reveging these last 2 days... i knew it would happen but not that early... Guess the mostly rainy and cloudy days didn't helped but there could be something else cause even bangos and Os are unusually long to show hair, like they're not sure it's woth it... ;-) No big deal though... when i soaked the seeds i was just hoping for a male so i can't complain although i'd have liked to see them ripe for better assessment... i hope the pollination worked as a strong relentless wind started blowing just when i began dusting...

Between september and january i usually only run the O which is a kind of natural automatic as long as she gets less than 15 hours of light... During the long days season she gets leafier and has smaller nugs but still good enough for cookies... :)

Silver pearls 2 days ago... the wind was too strong to take nice pics today...






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Sticky Sat

Active member
And a few more... they're pretty homogenous and there's 3 distinctive phenos... so far at least, as there could be differences in buds development...





Cheers all :)


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Well-known member
romanoweed thanks for the detailed hemp explanation makes it a lil clearer thanks for taking the time to explain,,if they manage to produce rot free bud ill try it out i did take cut so if its decent i can keep it but its not looking too promising lol
nice work @ sticky sat looking good


Active member
Hi Sticky Sat can't see the pics on your last post, is it just me? Cool that you're doing a repro, got found memories of the old silver pearl. When your talking fast Sativa this one is one of the best imo


Well-known member
Yeah the demand for dense bud is great for growers, whoever came up with that one is a genius. Got to love it when an ounce looks like a quarter, a branch weighs several ounces. Two of my favorites, Grape Ape and Purple Louie, come out very heavy. It's great in one way, but the broken limbs and waterlogged flowers are the down side.

The problem is that density does not equal quality, that has to be judged by it's own merit. I've tried to smoke flowers that people were excited about and they don't burn, turn into a nasty lump of charcoal clogging up the pipe. To me it's a flag that it's another poorly grown commercial indoor monstrosity.

On the other hand a nice airy bud burns evenly, in the joint or in the pipe. You can get a nice first hit that tastes great. It's also fun when you can barely cram an ounce in a ziplock, or need two bags. In the days of wet pot a huge ounce like that were enjoyed, times have changed.

As a grower the mold resistance is appreciated. When an airy flower gets boytritis it doesn't spread along the stem like in a dense flower. It tends to get segmented off from the rest of the flower, easy to remove. The down side is airy flowers can be a nightmare to trim and the yield can be a letdown if the flowers are mostly leaf.

I stuck this picture in the Ace Section but it's worth posting here. Hopefully my friend will send me a newer picture, this one's from two weeks ago. Black Vietnamese x Meao Thai, the Thai is dominate. Best Thai plant I've seen in ages.


I topped it a couple times because I wasn't sure what to do with it. I was worried it wasn't going to finish on time. When the opportunity arose to send it east of the mountains in June I knew that would be it's best chances. The grower culled the male, didn't understand how precious it was.

The smell is already great, some fruity and lemony notes with an underlying skanky skunky type smell. Even in early flowering it's noticeably Thai. The frost is already coming on. The buds are deceptive, actually very airy and Thai looking. I'm excited because it looks to finish on time as long as an early frost doesn't get to it.

Set seeds on it, wish I'd had some narrow leaf genetics to cross it with. On the other hand I crossed it with early stuff, hopefully there's a Thai dominate type that finishes fast. My friend set some Strawberry Cough/Big Strawberry pollen on it that could produce something special.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hi Sticky Sat can't see the pics on your last post, is it just me? Cool that you're doing a repro, got found memories of the old silver pearl. When your talking fast Sativa this one is one of the best imo

Hi Baduy, for some reason the pics disappeared from attachments... i hope they'll stay now... ;)
Thanks for the supporting words... :) Although most SP phenos i had in the past were sativa dominant, there's a good share of WLD in the genetics... :)

Yeah the demand for dense bud is great for growers, whoever came up with that one is a genius. Got to love it when an ounce looks like a quarter, a branch weighs several ounces. Two of my favorites, Grape Ape and Purple Louie, come out very heavy. It's great in one way, but the broken limbs and waterlogged flowers are the down side.

The problem is that density does not equal quality, that has to be judged by it's own merit. I've tried to smoke flowers that people were excited about and they don't burn, turn into a nasty lump of charcoal clogging up the pipe. To me it's a flag that it's another poorly grown commercial indoor monstrosity.

On the other hand a nice airy bud burns evenly, in the joint or in the pipe. You can get a nice first hit that tastes great. It's also fun when you can barely cram an ounce in a ziplock, or need two bags. In the days of wet pot a huge ounce like that were enjoyed, times have changed.

As a grower the mold resistance is appreciated. When an airy flower gets boytritis it doesn't spread along the stem like in a dense flower. It tends to get segmented off from the rest of the flower, easy to remove. The down side is airy flowers can be a nightmare to trim and the yield can be a letdown if the flowers are mostly leaf.

I stuck this picture in the Ace Section but it's worth posting here. Hopefully my friend will send me a newer picture, this one's from two weeks ago. Black Vietnamese x Meao Thai, the Thai is dominate. Best Thai plant I've seen in ages.

View Image

I topped it a couple times because I wasn't sure what to do with it. I was worried it wasn't going to finish on time. When the opportunity arose to send it east of the mountains in June I knew that would be it's best chances. The grower culled the male, didn't understand how precious it was.

The smell is already great, some fruity and lemony notes with an underlying skanky skunky type smell. Even in early flowering it's noticeably Thai. The frost is already coming on. The buds are deceptive, actually very airy and Thai looking. I'm excited because it looks to finish on time as long as an early frost doesn't get to it.

Set seeds on it, wish I'd had some narrow leaf genetics to cross it with. On the other hand I crossed it with early stuff, hopefully there's a Thai dominate type that finishes fast. My friend set some Strawberry Cough/Big Strawberry pollen on it that could produce something special.

Really gorgeous plant Therevverend ! :peacock:
Sorry i can't vote on anymore thread today but i'll be back...
Thanks all for sharing :)


Well-known member
What a great bunch of plants flowering outdoors So nice to see the sativa/trip enthusiasm, even under tough conditions.

I have a preliminary report of the Baglung Nepali. I gave a friend a wet bud last week. He dried it up and smoked some. When I asked him about it, he said it was "decent". Translation: He thought it sucked. So I put him in the uncomfortable position of explaining himself.

So many people are reluctant to give their honest opinion. No matter how many times I tell them that a bad review is as valuable to me as a good review, they still are reluctant. I have no such qualms, which makes me wonder just how far I am along the spectrum of autism. I'm not joking around. I know how serious this disease is. I know a guy who is a victim of autism, but is high functioning, very smart. It is very noticeable. I've had to step in to prevent someone from freaking out and calling the cops. It is sad how people are unnerved by someone different. The dude is essentially a good guy. Anyway this friend tells me he can see it in me. Maybe I'm just an asshole. LOL. But I digress...

My friend that sampled the bud tells me he likes sativa, but in my opinion, I think he likes it only if it tastes good and has bag appeal. Fair enough. This makes him more of a sativa lover than most. While trying not to lead him while prompting for detail, he tells me that the high is "good", but it hits harsh. This may explain why I've never heard anything good about Nepalese ganja, but that the hash is so cerebral and highly regarded. If this checks out, I'm still going to use it for breeding my ganja, particularly if the high is a nice cerebral happy high. It is the earliness that is so valuable to me. If he had said anything derogatory about the high, I would have been sadly disappointed. I'm actually encouraged. How much so will depend on my own test.

I love Bangi Haze, but a lot of people don't see it. The ones I have grown do not taste great, IMO, but others seem to comment on it's good flavor. Some of them are not especially powerful, but the ones I like have an exceptionally good high, so clean, energetic, and positive. For the life of me, I don't know how people cannot love it. I believe they are just expecting something else instead of enjoying what it its.

Even though I think it is valuable to get the reality check of other people's opinions, I'm breeding for me. The Burmese I have bred into my ganja was excellent tasting and a great high, so flavor has been enhanced while keeping the quality of the high as the most important. I need to pay attention to secondary considerations, without compromising on the reason I'm smoking in the first place, to get a high that feels good!

My Baglung buds are still drying.


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