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The Search for Trip Weed

Hello guys :)

Few more shots of the girls at 34 days in flo...

O (Agent Orange x Congo) Almost done enough for my taste...
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Bango (O x Bangi Haze) She'll take a bit longer but her super clean energizing high is worth the wait...
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O 88 (O x (O x Bango)) Haven't tried this pheno yet as the plant from seed broke during a tropical storm when hardly 4 weeks in flo...
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Silver Pearls sprouts. Not a vigorous strain from the beginning, and years of inbreeding didn't improve that... It would help to have some sun instead of the grey days stretch we're having at the moment... Can't wait to see them start growing...
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Cheers all :)

So jealous! Early Pearl was one of my first ever grows and it’s really what made me fall in love with the plant. It was just so different to what I thought weed could be and made buds that looked like a Rob C Clarke illustration. What I wouldn’t give to go back to being that stupid kid that couldn’t stop smiling, just for a day. I always wanted to try Silver Pearl. Enjoy!


Well-known member
A couple more pics of the male. The more I let it grow without hacking it back, the nicer it looks. Go figure:


This is that Gypsy Thai Stick cross that I have. I can't wait to see it start to flower. I don't even know if it is male or female. I'll probably have to wait 6 more weeks:



Sticky Sat

Active member
Thanks a lot for the interest Pandy... :)

If all goes well there should be seeds at one point... :)

i also fell in love with the Early Pearl back in late 80s... very well balanced hybrid and, imho, more stable than the Silver Pearl... Unfortunately the seeded EP plants were stolen on the first run and the others were too far in bloom to clone... they were beauties though...

the SPs today...

several have strange leaf tips or indentations...

Cheers all :)


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Well-known member



heres a few of the alleged 303s unfortuatley deers been at em was hoping to show the braaching of the largest one it did remind me of nanan bouclou in that sense hard to se now tho lol smells are spicey leaves seem to show some indica influence
Thanks a lot for the interest Pandy... :)

If all goes well there should be seeds at one point... :)

I would give my first born! Really looking forward to seeing how they turn out.

All your gear looks great btw mate. Really interesting that you find that after a couple of gens they are getting your tropical mango terroir. I heard something similar from a Hawaiian grower once.


Well-known member
Baglung Nepali update:

I have one in a pot for possible breeding. This one has the fattest leaves and looks very resinous. The bud organization is very poor, but could be due to me cutting it back repeatedly during flowering in the hopes of delaying it until a male from another line starts dropping pollen. I was able to rub a small leaf to smear some fresh resin and it smells powerfully minty fresh:


The big one in my outdoor garden has buds that are much more organized, including the resin being limited to only the calyxes. However, the resin coverage looks really bad. The calyxes have not swelled at all, yet. I had to roughly crush a whole bud to get a whiff of aroma. It was also minty but didn't smell as strong as the plant with visually reassuring resin coverage. One has to look really closely to see that there is resin:


I have one more plant at a friend's house. It seems to have the best combination of resin and bud structure, but I have not seen it in a while. Here is an old previously posted picture from almost a month ago. I'll go get a picture to update it soon:


Sticky Sat

Active member
I would give my first born! Really looking forward to seeing how they turn out.

Let's just cross fingers... if all goes well, being able to share will be its own reward... :)

i also can't wait to see what they'll do but try not to have too high expectations as the plants seeds come from were pleasantly potent but not really good looking... From F3s, most Silver pearls plants had sparse budding sites like some hazes do... some very trippy ones though... :)

All your gear looks great btw mate. Really interesting that you find that after a couple of gens they are getting your tropical mango terroir. I heard something similar from a Hawaiian grower once.

Thanks for the kind words man... :) Seems to me that outdoor plants are adapting much faster to their environment than they used to... Could be because the environment changes faster... Been growing all year long for years but every run (even with well known clones) holds new surprises... i'm more and more convinced there's more communication between plants than we think... but for every open door there's a hundred closed ones so all i know is that i know nothing, and that, at least, is not about to change... ;-)

Baglung Nepali update:

I have one in a pot for possible breeding. This one has the fattest leaves and looks very resinous. The bud organization is very poor, but could be due to me cutting it back repeatedly during flowering in the hopes of delaying it until a male from another line starts dropping pollen. I was able to rub a small leaf to smear some fresh resin and it smells powerfully minty fresh:
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The big one in my outdoor garden has buds that are much more organized, including the resin being limited to only the calyxes. However, the resin coverage looks really bad. The calyxes have not swelled at all, yet. I had to roughly crush a whole bud to get a whiff of aroma. It was also minty but didn't smell as strong as the plant with visually reassuring resin coverage. One has to look really closely to see that there is resin:
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I have one more plant at a friend's house. It seems to have the best combination of resin and bud structure, but I have not seen it in a while. Here is an old previously posted picture from almost a month ago. I'll go get a picture to update it soon:
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Very healthy plants TB... :)

Actually, many of the Silver Pearls F9 plants had bud formation like the Baglung Nepali bud on 2 first pics.

A great weel end to all :tiphat:
all i know is that i know nothing, and that, at least, is not about to change... ;-)

A wise man once said...:tiphat:

Thaibliss - that baglung looks super crazy but also very lovely. I haven’t grown a minty plant in I don’t know how long!

This is an amazing thread. I’m working my way through it. Very interesting stuff.


Well-known member
Zamaldelica Update:

I don't have any barn burner plants this year, and the Zamaldelica is the scrawniest. I don't care if it is very good smoke. It does seem that my garden is lacking somewhat compared to how it used to be. I'll be sure to add some amendments to it this fall. The Zamaldelica is a beauty none the less, and I always say that dynamite comes in small packages:




It is really cool having a plant where you can find leaves with 9 and 11 leaflets. You know that is old school.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Nice old time look to it. ^^ Have you run the Original Haze or Tom Hill Haze? I have both going now. The THH is crossed to Thai with mine.


Well-known member
Here is my biggest plant. It's a SAGE-Ified Bangi Wicked Weed. I'd sure like to see some flowering by next week. That SAGE plant is a real late ripener. I hope I haven't screwed it up by being greedy for improved quality. If I have, hopefully the Baglung Nepali will get me back on track. For scale, those are 10 foot posts about 6 inches in the ground and 8 feet apart:




Here is the Durban I'm testing. Seems to have a lot of indica in it, but it does have that spicy licorice and lemon aromas:



Well-known member
Nice old time look to it. ^^ Have you run the Original Haze or Tom Hill Haze? I have both going now. The THH is crossed to Thai with mine.
I have a long time ago. That was the same batch when I found the Neville's Haze that was what I was looking for. Ha! Now I'm looking again. I have some THH x Neville's Haze that I will get to eventually. This year is Zamaldelica, Gypsy Thai, Fett's 303, and Laos. I know, I'm such a slacker.

Post pictures and let us know how it's going!




Well-known member
thai... all i can say is...fuk...fuk...fuk....i'd kill or give my left gonad... or my 1st born.... even my first 2 born to be able to grow outside ....


Well-known member
Baddenof - It's not like I'm in Hawaii and all my plants are going to fully ripen before frost kills them. Yes, I am pretty spoiled though.
Where have you been? It's been a long while since I've seen a post from you.



Well-known member
She's a Brick... House...

She's a Brick... House...

My third Baglung smells better than that whole field, for now. It's minty also. As noted earlier, it is well organized and resinous. Hopefully it will get even more resin as time goes on. Actually, it is more well organized than the one I'm growing in my outdoor garden. I love it when a skinny girl is stacked:



Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
My third Baglung smells better than that whole field, for now. It's minty also. As noted earlier, it is well organized and resinous. Hopefully it will get even more resin as time goes on. Actually, it is more well organized than the one I'm growing in my outdoor garden. I love it when a skinny girl is stacked:


wish I could experience her in person and get a good nose full, she looks amazing!