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The Search for Trip Weed


Active member
Mauritania? I assume it comes from the banks of Senegal river. When I was there weed was grown on the Senegalese side nobody would dare growing on the Mauritanian side, much simpler and safer in Senegal and water is not as scarce. I really doubt a strain have been cultivated for long enough on the Mauritanian side to be called Mauritanian. I can believe some people at a point found an opportunity to grow in Mauritania and brought Senegalese seeds


Dread & Alive
Mauritania? I assume it comes from the banks of Senegal river. When I was there weed was grown o n the Senegalese side nobody would dare growing on the Mauritanian side, much simpler and safer in Senegal and water is not as scarce. I really doubt a strain have been cultivated for long enough on the Mauritanian side to be called Mauritanian. I can believe some people at a point found an opportunity to grow in Mauritania and brought Senegalese seeds

I think he talk about Mauritius x ethiopia from ace seeds....


Active member
Yup, it's an ace seeds offering. As far as I understand it, the Mauritius is sourced from not from Mauritius in east Africa, but from the island off Madagascar, near Reunion.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello friends :)

Keeps raining here so i cut last plants today despite a few white hair left... More uplifting high at this stage anyway... ;-)

Bango bud, pic taken 3 days ago

New batch (3 Os, 1 O88 and a Sage) is at week 1.

O (Agent orange x Congo)

O88 (O x (O x (O x Bangi Haze) a rather storky girl... ;-)

Silver pearls F10, about 2 weeks old... doing incredibly well for sprouts coming from seeds that age, especially considering this strain's seeds were always hard to crack, even when fresh...
Gave them a seaweed and LAB spray (3 days apart...) and feed them very diluted fresh chicken shit every 3 days... but it's my usual routine and doesn't explain the vigor...
Saw new growth on most plants and trees around so it could be a special moon... Sure wish i knew...

Have a great week end guys :)


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    Dry season... 2-08.jpg
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    O 88 2-08.jpg
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    silver, 02-08.jpg
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Well-known member

Exactly one week ago I noticed the Durban Poison males flowering. Today, the earliest SAGE-ified Bangi Wicked Weed male started to flower. I culled the other males. Two were not vigorous, and the earliest one had the strongest and best aromas. From my notes of the two vigorous ones:

#10(5) - The keeper. Vigorous. Best aroma. Floral, Lemon, Pine. Leaf traits that remind me of the SAGE. Relatively wide leaflets that narrow up dramatically just before the focus/attachment.

#14(4) - Culled. Vigorous. Most normal/common (hybrid) look. Strong aroma somewhat similar to 10(5), but less pine.

Since 10(5) is only a week behind the Durban Poison, and I think there will be time to use it's pollen to make seeds on the Baglung Nepali plants, I decided to cull the Durban Poison males. I'm confident of genetics from my line, but the Durbans have not been tested. I have a Durban female. Later this winter I'll know if those genetics are worth cross breeding experimentation.

Perhaps I can get a good picture of the SAGE-Ified Bangi Wicked Weed male tomorrow morning.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Who is your Durban from ^ I am running the Afropips version. I already smoked some male leaves and the high is electric and strong with potential for trips at higher doses like actual buds being smoked.

Did the same with Tom Hill Haze which holds promise. Strong stuff to get me well stoned from male leaves but it did happen.

I wood

Well-known member
Has anyone tried growing the Mauritania x Ethiopia F1 from ace yet? I see loads of tripweed potential there, especially seeing that the Mauritius shares character with the Zamal.

Yes, only one. It was a big octopus bush flowered 15 weeks under 11/13 metal halide. Sample branch was trippy without being overpowering. It produced so much i thought I was stocked well and killed the clone. Then a few days into hanging it developed mold in just about every visible branch in the bud structure. Very unusual, never had anything like that happen before. It was so mold resistant growing i even skipped spraying it with the normal ipm regimen in late stages. This overconfidence cost me most of the plants yeild, it was composted.
f2s were made and will be exploerd one day with the rest of the original seeds.
I highly recommended this cross for any sativa enthusiast.


Well-known member
Oh my gosh. I just wrote a long response and a description of the history and future of this male plant. Then I accidentally lost it. Ugh. You all have been spared. LOL In short, this will pollinate the Kali Mist cross and the Baglung Nepali.

Source of the Durban Poison is unknown. I hear good things about Afropips. Does it give you a hang-over?

Here are some pictures of the male:




Maybe I'll write details later.


Sticky Sat

Active member
Who is your Durban from ^ I am running the Afropips version. I already smoked some male leaves and the high is electric and strong with potential for trips at higher doses like actual buds being smoked.

Did the same with Tom Hill Haze which holds promise. Strong stuff to get me well stoned from male leaves but it did happen.

Sounds very good Yesum ! :) Have you tried to clone them yet...?
i read some Durbans were tricky to root...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ Not yet, am gonna have to study up on cloning. Using the rapid rooter plugs has resulted in stunted plants for some reason. Tried putting clones into soil here lately and that failed. Gonna try perlite next I guess. Hole in the cup bottom third, put the clone in just above the hole. Thread here on it.

Sticky Sat

Active member
^^ Not yet, am gonna have to study up on cloning. Using the rapid rooter plugs has resulted in stunted plants for some reason. Tried putting clones into soil here lately and that failed. Gonna try perlite next I guess. Hole in the cup bottom third, put the clone in just above the hole. Thread here on it.

Fwiw, i leave clones' stems soaking in unchlorinated water (in glasses) during 3 to 5 days at about 15 cm under an 18 W, 6500 K fluo, stick them in 200 ml white plastic cups filled with a light mix (at least 20 % peat or coco) and put the cups about 1 meter away from the fluo. i leave them sitting there for about a week or until i see a new growth then progressively bring them back under the light, in about 2 to 3 days, depending on the strain etc... No hormones needed, haven't lost one in years... :) Not sure it would work with the Durban though... ;)
Has anyone tried growing the Mauritania x Ethiopia F1 from ace yet? I see loads of tripweed potential there, especially seeing that the Mauritius shares character with the Zamal.

Grown out 4 females 12/12 for 4 weeks and after that 11/13 for another 15 to 16 weeks. Had to harvest them too early.

The high is ... interessting? No stone at all but also no real bliss or happy feeling. A slight shift in the color reception, colors get more pronounced. It probably needs a really Long cure.
With the wrong mindset it can get terroriffic or a little bit of a cold high, but not as strong as Zamaldelica.


Active member
No particular problem cloning my Afropips DP. Not spectacular but they cloned without rooting hormones in a less than desirable set-up.


Well-known member
Grown out 4 females 12/12 for 4 weeks and after that 11/13 for another 15 to 16 weeks. Had to harvest them too early.

The high is ... interessting? No stone at all but also no real bliss or happy feeling. A slight shift in the color reception, colors get more pronounced. It probably needs a really Long cure.
With the wrong mindset it can get terroriffic or a little bit of a cold high, but not as strong as Zamaldelica.

Welcome Sarayidoja, and thanks for the smoke report on this thread. I think I have some seeds of Mauritius crossed with something else. I think you just moved it a little higher on my list of to-dos. I can think of highs I really like that others describe as cold, especially if it increases one or more sensory perceptions.

I have another smoke report of my Kali Mist x Bangi Wicked cross. After a cure of about 9 months, I see no improvement compared to a few months ago. I was a bit disappointed. The Kali Mist really lost something when crossed to my Wicked Weed. It has more thrill to it than smoking my friend's Afghani Goo, but that isn't saying much. The latest smoke session changed my mind about using it to breed the next generation of seed. I'm going to explore the SAGE-Ification (SAGE x Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed) generation before leaping to something else that makes the ripening date worse for my climate. I will grow another Kali Mist x Bangi Wicked or two before giving up on that branch of the lineage tree. For now, I got my hands full, and don't want to make too many changes too fast.

So the male that I posted pictures of the other day will pollinate Baglung Nepali, and Durban Poison, two new testers of importance for me. The male is actually SAGE x Bangi Wicked backcrossed to a good Bangi Wicked. I don't want to go too far off course of that very successful Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed generation. Judging by the two big females in my garden, I haven't. They look almost just like the original Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed generation despite the addition of 25% SAGE. The original SAGE by Bangi Wicked (before the backcross) will pollinate my new S.E. Asian testers, Gypsy cross, Laos, Zamaldelica, and Fett's. SAGE proved itself by being such a good cutting for so long, I want to do very thorough testing with the 50% SAGE male cutting I've saved. I never got tired of the high from that pure SAGE cutting.



Well-known member
My thinking is that SAGE is hard to improve on. I feel like crossing it to almost any other strain would just drag it down.

I found some seeds I'd forgotten about last spring, SAGE x Sweet Diesel a friend had given me 8 or 9 years ago. I was excited to find them, my buddy that grew the Sweet Diesel mother plant still raves about it. Not Diesel at all, super sweet candy type flavor plus great effects.

I already had too many seedlings so I gave some of the seeds back to my buddy, not a one came up. Probably weren't refrigerated until they were 2 or 3 years old, it reduces the chances of germination success. I'll be sure to try again next year, see if I can coax a few into sprouting. I wish I hadn't forgot about, if anything could have improved on SAGE the Sweet D might have.


Well-known member
Rev... - I need it to be earlier so I can grow it outside. Thai from back in the day was seriously better. SAGE is great. It may be a world class high, but I don't consider it world class potency for my lifetime experience, or even the last 15 years. It is one of the best hybrids I've had, without a doubt. Thanks for validating my opinion of how good it can be.

Oh gosh. I'm not polite enough to do the same. LOL I stink.

Rude Boy,



K+ vibes
Whats more incensey, and sandalwood from your Experience {reading doesnt count because of course kali mist is labeled as sandalwood incense}??

Kali Mist
Super Lemon Haze
Jack Herer
Durban Poison

Also wondering about SSH vs Mango Haze?

Theres all kinds of strains I wanna get Im just not sure what i wanna do.... Ghost Train Haze is suppose to be super haze terp....
I wanna get pure stuff like Panama, Panama Haze, Honduras, etc.... but I'm also interested in the more finished product strains with high terps already worked....

Whats your "Haziest" of the hazes basically..


Well-known member
Whats more incensey, and sandalwood from your Experience {reading doesnt count because of course kali mist is labeled as sandalwood incense}??
Kali Mist
Super Lemon Haze
Jack Herer
Durban Poison
The Kali Mist cut I grew didn't remind me of incense or sandalwood at all. However, I grew a Western Winds that was very sandalwood and had an enjoyable high. Nice smoke.

My SAGE cut was maybe a little incense, but was pure turpentine after a good long cure. It started out honey and spice/pine. On the other hand, when I crossed it to ACE's Purple Haze Thai, it came out frankincense. Best incense aroma ever.

Also wondering about SSH vs Mango Haze?
Never tried them.

Theres all kinds of strains I wanna get Im just not sure what i wanna do.... Ghost Train Haze is suppose to be super haze terp....
I wanna get pure stuff like Panama, Panama Haze, Honduras, etc.... but I'm also interested in the more finished product strains with high terps already worked....

Whats your "Haziest" of the hazes basically..

I grew about 30 different Haze phenos from 3 different companies. The aromas were all over the board. The best plant, by far, smelled like Thai, which was citric, pine, oily metal shop.