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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member
Oh no the dreaded cat piss! One of my favorite strains has a cat piss pheno, other people like it and it's stoney as hell but I don't know. The ammonia smell is off putting, it winds up stashed in the back of my closet. From strain to strain when I've smelled it, it's usually a marker of potency.

My plants are recovering, hopefully, from the fungus gnat onslaught.

I played with the fungus gnats a bit this year. After most of my seeds sprouted I kept the no shows on the heat mat indoors, just in case. (I stick the seeds in soil in containers, not sprouted on paper towels) After a week they were swarming in fungus gnats. I'd get pissed off, put the containers outside. The gnats would disappear. Then it would get cold, I'd move them inside along with some of my smaller, less hardened-off seedlings. Over night the soil would start writhing with gnats and they'd start spreading to my seedlings so I moved them outdoors again.

This went on for a couple of days until I got sick of it and put them all outside permanently. No more soil gnats. One of the containers had bad drainage, the soil was starting to rot. I dumped it into a pepper container and found a single seed in the process of sprouting.

It's interesting how a plant can swarm with pests indoors, move it outside and they disappear over night. There's a hint there about how nature works.


New member
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, I've great experiences with Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis. The best natural stuff against mosquitoes and fungus gnats in all mediums and - fertilized - water, so long you use the bacillus regularly.


Well-known member
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, I've great experiences with Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis. The best natural stuff against mosquitoes and fungus gnats in all mediums and - fertilized - water, so long you use the bacillus regularly.

yes I
microbe lift is a great product... i add to a res and then water everytime from this res... is a constant supply of Bti... and is a higher concentration than the mosquito dunks..


Well-known member
Thanks for the recommendations. I forgot I have some bacteriological warfare stuff. I should go dig that up and remind myself. I think the nematodes are working though. Plus I have one more dose of live critters in the fridge. I made dang sure about arresting the population explosion by buying 10 times more body snatchers than I needed. I also see more spiders taking up residence in the leaves. Only have another week or two in the greenhouse, possibly. They go out in more natural conditions in the next heat wave.

Thanks for the post Rev. Cat piss:
...From strain to strain when I've smelled it, it's usually a marker of potency...

That's my experience also, but I don't have it for this particular line. I want to make sure. Due to limitations, I'll probably only carry 2 out of the 6 Gypsy cross plants to maturity. Hopefully, my observations, intuition, and input from others will help guide me righteously.

Speaking of which, the cat piss aroma seems stronger today. The plant is not the most Thai-ish looking, but something about it struck me today. It reminds me of the Neville's Haze freak pheno because of the narrower angle serrations. Neville's Haze male 21 is in this cross. These two traits, N.H. serrations and aroma, are ganging up to make me really like this plant. But there is more. It now has new leaves coming out with 9 leaflets. This is the first plant in this springs starts that I've noticed with that many. Again, not especially Thai-like, but narrow leaves... good. Lots of leaflets... good (old school)! I don't remember if the Neville's freak had that. It's been too long.

It's interesting how a plant can swarm with pests indoors, move it outside and they disappear over night. There's a hint there about how nature works.
So true!




My plants are recovering, hopefully, from the fungus gnat onslaught. I gave it right back to them by applying a million body snatching nematodes. It is nice greenhouse weather, in the low 70s with a breeze. The breeze allows me to keep the greenhouse in the mid to upper 80s with both ends wide open.

This is, at the moment, my favorite Zamaldelica out of 12. If I'm not mistaken, it is leaning towards the Zamal and Thai side of the gene pool. I think this because of the way that the leaflets on the newer leaves look like they are trying to get as far apart from each other as possible. I'd prefer to have an expression just like what Yoss33 grew, but this one looks pretty nice:
View Image

I see a bit of the leaflet big personal space on the Fett's 303. Notice the third set with 5 leaflets. The newer leaf has that long middle finger leaflet look I've seen on other Thai and pictures of Fett's 303:
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I'd post more pictures, but I'm embarrassed of all the deformed leaves from the gnat attack. I will comment on one of the Gypsy Thai Stick x Mullumbimby Madness x Neville's Haze 21. The strongest smelling one has the cat piss aroma. Could it be that aroma comes from an equal balance of limonene and Pinene? Those are my 2 favorite terpenes based on my association with the effect it might have on my high.

I grew one of these Gypsy cross seeds indoors, and it didn't have the cat piss. It was orange marmalade and incense. I was disappointed in it, but it was an extreme experiment where I tried to keep flowering it until it would stop throwing fresh pistils. It never did, even with extremely low fertilizer and 11/13 light cycle. I gave up after 9 months of flowering. The high was surprisingly pleasant and good quality for how late I let it go, but lacked the trippy and electric fire I'm searching for.

I have to get with Dave Collier and ask him if he experienced any cat piss phenos in pure Gypsy Thai Stick, and how it compared to the others he has grown. I know he likes growing it and has a good deal of experience growing it well indoors.


here you go mate , pic for you
GN thai x mm/nev21 ... starting her thing now . as I mentioned I have a few these , so glad I found someone who will enjoy the pics of them .theres a bigger one on the left I,ll get a pic of next few days .
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Well-known member
Thanks Beanz. I drool at pictures of your plants almost every day. Props to you for your skills and interesting selections.
Spent quite a bit of time with my girls this morning. Out of my 6 Gypsy Thai Stick x Mullumbimby Madness x Neville's Haze 21 cross, they are breaking down into basically 2 groups. One group is the skinnier leaf, lighter color, cat piss phenos. The other group is slightly fatter leaf, darker green, woody incense phenos. The aroma of the later remind me of good Colombian. The former remind me of Thai, so I'm just waiting for pre-flower pistils to cull the Colombian types.

Here's a pic of my favorite:



Well-known member

I'm having trouble sleeping and revelations (internal rants). The weather here lately, and especially in the greenhouse, is doing wonders for my plants and my assessments of them. You see, we get these ultra clear skies because of the dry season. In the spring and fall it is especially interesting because it can get really cool at night. I believe this high radiation and cool nights is one of the reasons that this is a good herb growing area. In the greenhouse, it is in the low 30s at night, and near 100 in the day. This happens outside in the fall, and is the weather I pray for as the plants are piling on resin. It's like the volatile oils get produced in the day, and preserved at night. Another reason for the good growing conditions is the somewhat marginal soil. The local red dirt is low in nitrogen and high in magnesium. All together, these are the reasons that the biggest local crops are Cannabis and wine grapes. 100 years ago it was hops and mint.

Anyway, the plants are especially pungent now, and I'm getting a window into their future. I am also getting a window into the genetic past because of all the various weed strains I have smoked in the last 50 years. I have quite the spread of genetics in the garden this year, which is great news for interesting gardening/breeding. There are some problems, as always. Due to the late rainy weather and the fungus gnats, the plants are not in top condition, and I lost my Neville's Haze freak descendants. I wish I had planted more of my "tip of the spear" genetics, the SAGE-ifiied Bangi Wicked Weed. I want a male to cross with these exotics and I'm not seeing an exceptional example right now. I do have a few Baglung Nepalese and I found a pungent Durban Poison female, so I have options.

The good news is this cat piss pheno of Gypsy Nirvana Thai Stick x Mullumbimby Madness x Neville's Haze. The more I smell it, the more I love it. It is bizarre though. This poly hybrid is supposed to be mostly Thai, but I'm smelling mostly Colombian. It would make sense because Haze is supposed to be based on 3 kinds of Colombian strains. The funny thing is that from my experience of Neville's Haze, I see (smell and high) the dominant component is Thai. This Mullumbimby (Colombimby) stuff is supposed to be almost pure Thai, but I see (smell / high) Colombian. This is certainly not coming from the Gypsy Thai Stick component. That stuff really looks like Thai. I've read a few comments about Mullum looking like Colombian. I'm smelling it. No biggie. As long as this cross throws one of these extreme cat piss smelling and Thai looking phenos once in a while, I'm more than happy. So far, it's about 1 in 7. Luckily, I have enough seeds that theoretically, I might find one again. Thanks again BW.

This is part of what gives me confidence to start culling now. That, and the fact that I have some other really nice genetics in my lineup. The Super Laos (gigantor Thai) is really something. I see one of the reasons for the moniker. I used to think a theory that Thai weed is some kind of polyploidy genetics was stupid. Well, I've never seen anything like this before. This stuff is bizarre. Looks like Thai, but Jurassic-like. It is especially slow to morph into maturity, like some advanced being that needs an extra long time for it's brain to grow, and it spends months in an infant state. I'm not culling any of these. I'm riding them to the end, or until extreme hermaphroditism.

I also have that one Fett's 303 which is Thai-like, perhaps lemon grass Thai, a name I've heard but a strain I never experienced. 303 has a very good reputation and is really quite the special all around specimen in my garden.

The strain with the most numbers this year is Zamaldelica. This is because I know I'm looking for a Thai leaning pheno, or an "anything but the killer Malawi" pheno. So far, it is looking like I might have 3 out of 12 worth bringing to maturity for testing.

Between all these options, I'm building up the courage to cull 5 of the 6 Gypsy Thai crosses. It's not that the Colombian phenos are not valuable and nice. I love the woody incense aromas. I deeply inhale them and moan "mmmmmm"! I just don't associate them with the Thai/S.E. Asian potency and quality I'm looking for. I don't know anyone who would appreciate those Colombian phenos and grows indoors or in light-dep greenhouses. I do know people who will love the Zamaldelicas cast-offs because they are so strong. Most people don't mind the relative muddiness in the high that comes with the killer Malawi influence. I'm just too sensitive to it. I need all the clarity I can get. LOL

I have really come to treasure the especially clear highs since finding the special Bangi Haze phenos, SAGE, and my own Wicked Weed line. If they were as strong as Thai, it would be perfect. Thai is not as clear as Bangi Haze. I wouldn't describe Thai weed as muddy, but the power is really something special. It is worth the future culling of late ripening phenos to try and pick up some of the potency in my line.

Maybe now I can get back to sleep, and bring out the pruning shears tomorrow morning without hesitation.



you got quiet the nose there mr bliss ....I tend to agree with you on the MM ""not"" due to any sort of superior sativa knowledge though . it totally makes sense columbian in there and running some other columbian crosses atm I can see similarities too those . the mould tolerance in particular . last season I grew 15 MM crosses and got bit of a handle on what there about( 40 MM/thia 78 before those ) ...defiantly and mixture of sorts in the MM ...not too mention knowing Aussies back in those days of suppression and lack of strain knowledge ...shit most aussies were limited to a book on how to grow cannabis .

your also helped me gage which is more thai leaning of my flock due too 3 being in flower and one still in veg not even throwing pistils yet . its even more restricted in root space than the others ,which would typically hurry flower time along a little bit .

though I,m not seeding any and mainly growing for some fun cause old bushy made them ,


Altruistic Hazeist
Remember This Panama Haze?

Remember This Panama Haze?

After my first period of total abstinence for one month after years, I return to try this beauty, Panama Haze, who had cured for months.


This one had a sickly sweet very noticeable catpiss aroma in flower. Became even stinky like the real thing during drying! Musky Wild Herbal aromas with a slight hint of very refined haze touch when smoked.

I had to post my experience regarding a remarkable "trip", with her and couldn't be a better thread I think :tiphat:

I was deep into the music (Wait Until Tomorrow, Jimmy) wearing headphones. Music and the right smoke usually induces synestesia into me, but in this case music started to trigger high quality pictures of past experiences, pictures than impressed me somehow in the past, etc...

Suddenly this stopped, and I saw a kid in the bush. Music dissapeared totally from my mind. This time wasn't still pictures but really high quality video like.

He was reclined on a tree eating an apple, a 9 year old or alike. When I saw his face (all this in 8K quality) it instantly looked familiar, but it was actually when looking at his eyes when I realized it was ME.

And that me from the past was actually making eye contact with me, it felt almost lifelike, really cool and unique feeling coming straight from 40 years ago. I felt his joy from eating the apple, and how he couldn't care less who I was. It was an incredible feeling. Incredible AND Powerful, cause it came from a nine year old soul, mine at that age.

I think having the proper herb is just half the equation, setting, mood, experiences... play definitely a role. I guess I just left my mind to wander absolutely free. You need to somehow "pilot" the high cause this one can be startling, until you focus it the right way.

Needless to say I absolutely love her, and I feel it is still green somehow.

But definitiely a trip :) I want to make!


Well-known member
Repuk - Great post. Thanks. Setting affecting the high IS in itself a trip weed trait. Congrats.

....I tend to agree with you on the MM ""not"" due to any sort of superior sativa knowledge though.. running some other columbian crosses atm I can see similarities too those.. . last season I grew 15 MM crosses and got bit of a handle on what there about...
There you go. Experience IS the superior knowledge.

I'm just old and have seen some stuff. Your knowledge is more specific to these genetics and more extensive to Mullum. I just smoked A LOT of Colombian and Thai back in the 1970s. It was just a big part of my life back then. I was a total head.
Thanks for the confirmation of my observations.

Here is another view of the most cat pissy pheno:

The second most cat pissy. There is quite the difference between the #1 and this #2. I'll only keep this if the #1 is male:

An intermediate cat piss vs. woody and incense pheno. I'm posting this partly to assure Organik that I'm trying to do this grow naturally. In addition to nematodes, I've enlisted lady bugs:



Well-known member
Yikes! I forgot my most healthy and vigorous SAGE-Ified Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed. It is actually a backcross to the grandmother Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed favorite. It seems to be a throwback to the great, great grandparent when Burmese was dominant:

Had a phenomenon pheno of Johnny blaze that I called moon light Rocket �� fuel
As you can imagine by the name. At the rite time the rite place she sure did take you to the moon and back


Well-known member
Had a phenomenon pheno of Johnny blaze that I called moon light Rocket �� fuel
As you can imagine by the name. At the rite time the rite place she sure did take you to the moon and back
Yes, my friend turned me on to a really nice Johnny Blaze. I loved it. I couldn't get it to re-veg.
I wonder why those disappear. Maybe they don't breed well in successive generations, or just plain bad circumstantial luck. I can't understand why something that good wouldn't be loved by all.



Well-known member
After my first period of total abstinence for one month after years, I return to try this beauty, Panama Haze, who had cured for months.

View Image View Image

This one had a sickly sweet very noticeable catpiss aroma in flower. Became even stinky like the real thing during drying! Musky Wild Herbal aromas with a slight hint of very refined haze touch when smoked.

I had to post my experience regarding a remarkable "trip", with her and couldn't be a better thread I think :tiphat:

I was deep into the music (Wait Until Tomorrow, Jimmy) wearing headphones. Music and the right smoke usually induces synestesia into me, but in this case music started to trigger high quality pictures of past experiences, pictures than impressed me somehow in the past, etc...

Suddenly this stopped, and I saw a kid in the bush. Music dissapeared totally from my mind. This time wasn't still pictures but really high quality video like.

He was reclined on a tree eating an apple, a 9 year old or alike. When I saw his face (all this in 8K quality) it instantly looked familiar, but it was actually when looking at his eyes when I realized it was ME.

And that me from the past was actually making eye contact with me, it felt almost lifelike, really cool and unique feeling coming straight from 40 years ago. I felt his joy from eating the apple, and how he couldn't care less who I was. It was an incredible feeling. Incredible AND Powerful, cause it came from a nine year old soul, mine at that age.

I think having the proper herb is just half the equation, setting, mood, experiences... play definitely a role. I guess I just left my mind to wander absolutely free. You need to somehow "pilot" the high cause this one can be startling, until you focus it the right way.

Needless to say I absolutely love her, and I feel it is still green somehow.

But definitiely a trip :) I want to make!
wow! This strain sounds amazing!


Well-known member
I’m about to try to start some gypsy Thai Stick if it germs I’ll cross it to White x A5 Haze peace sdd


Well-known member

Super Laos is starting to get pissy. When I rub the stem and smell my fingers, I smell lemon. When I walk by the plant and get a whiff of what it is throwing off, I'm starting to smell the cat piss (citric pine) type of aroma. The biggest Laos, is getting close to 2.5 feet tall:

Gigantor strain.



Well-known member
I am completely enamored with the acerbic citric pine (cat piss) smelling pheno of the Gypsy Thai Stick x Mullumbimby Madness x Neville's Haze 21 cross. It is also starting to remind me of the Neville's Haze freak (acid) pheno I once had. It is the only one that smells very much like the Thai Sticks I grew up smoking. I culled all but that and one another plant. I think I may wind up using only the cat piss pheno for breeding, male or female. I'm breeding this plant. It slays me because it triggers my memories of the best smoke.

I've loosely linked the Neville's Haze freak pheno and Super Laos to Golden Thai because of the incredible gold color both have. This is in addition to a story told that Golden Thai was crossed with the original Colombian only Haze. I'm not seeing an exceptional amount of the striking gold color in my fav Gypsy cross, but it is the lightest color of all 6 I started. I reread a Mullumbimby x Neville's Haze 21 thread that Bushweed authored, and he mentioned that the cross cures gold. He also posted a picture.

I'm now seeing another link. The serrations of my favorite Gypsy cross, the Neville's Haze freak, and Super Laos. Here is the Neville's Haze looking pheno of the Gypsy cross. What I'm looking at is the gnarly band saw blade looking serrations and double serrations:

Here is a picture of the serrations on Super Laos that I pilfered from Donald Mallard. My Laos plants are not mature enough to start throwing these types of leaves. I edited Donald's picture to show a close-up:

It's not one thing. It is a number of little things that start to add up.



Well-known member
Premium user
Yes thats it. The nevils haze x mango haze Im smoking doesn't help :) My quest for trip weed here is over :p

In and around equator its around 11.5 shortest /12.5 highest. So equatorial sativas will start to build up veg hormones after 22 march. Remember when the plant is fully flowering , it would take lots of days for the veg hormones to come up and the flowering hormones to come down, so as I said I would expect a sativa to reveg around mid April. It also heavily depends on the maturity of the plant, if you put a plant out in March , it won't flower at all, it will veg normally and it will continue veg until Aug/Sep. There is no equatorial sativa that needs 11/13 to flower as far as I know, there is no place near the equator that reaches 11 hours

EDIT : Some indicas on the other hand will be ok flowering with 13 hours in mid /late August.

How does the NHxMango compare to your old NH?


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