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The Search for Trip Weed


atomizing haze essence
maos, well I didnt get many laos phenos, one or two out of 10 females, but laos took mango haze on the whole different level, its like best neville´s haze I grew.. very leathery, like chewing leather for hours :D eucalyptic citric, some had candy mango in the background. with something like pissy toilet on lost petrol station, amonia.. the effect is,.. trippy. yeah! it opened forgotten haze genes of mango haze. so I think it can open some ancient mekong genes in your kalimist :D Thaibliss.



Well-known member
I am curious about how you have the confidence to begin selection so early?
Back to this. Let's see the comparisons of the same plants now, just days later.
Which two pictures look more alike?

Gypsy Thai. To be fair it was crossed with Mullum (mostly Thai). The Mullum had been crossed with Neville's Haze. I still maintain it is highly likely Neville's Haze has significant Thai genetics in it.:

Zamaldelica with fat first leaves:

Zamaldelica with skinny first leaves. The first time I think I grew 3 Zamaldelicas. None of them looked anything like this, though they did get much more NLD as they matured. This is the most NLD Thai looking of all 12 I have this time. I'm really hoping this one is a female without hermies:

That's right. This may be the last picture you see of the plant in the second picture.

Fett's 303 is also looking quite Thai-like. I'm gaining confidence that this little plant is Fett's, and there was no mix-up:

So much Thai bliss.


Well-known member
So what is the consensus regarding indoor vs outdoor in growing potent trip weed?
The is no consensus. There was a time that you could never have convinced me that indoor grown weed could even come close to outdoor. Now, I'm sure I was wrong. To Romanoweed's point, a lot depends on bulbs. A lot also depends on variety, and a whole lot of other factors. I've only flowered using a mix of lamps. Cool white and warm fluorescents, or HPS and MH. Just a side note, I visited a number of commercial operations, and the most impressive factory I've seen was one that used those plasma bulbs. Extremely impressive light. If I ever grow indoors again and needed new fixtures, I'd use those, no doubt in my mind.

Back on point. I've been growing a very long time. Not that I know what I'm doing. In fact, it is downright embarrassing how few times I've pulled off growing world class weed compared to how many times I've attempted. I've gotten lucky and grown what I consider world class weed a with a dozen strains or so, most often indoors under artificial light. My gold standard is Thai Stick from the 70s and very early 80s. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just saying that my experience is that artificial light works very well. You may have to do it differently than what you would do outside. I'd say intimacy with a strain and timing of harvest are far bigger factors. So is heat, light cycle, fertilization (restraint), and more than I know about. Anyone can grow decent indica, sativas are challenging as heck. I'm positive people cull many plants that could be great given the right conditions.

The first Bangi Haze I grew was the best of all I tried, and that one was the only one I did indoors. That high was soooo dang clear and clean, it was a revelation. Also, that Neville's Haze freak pheno that I grew indoors was THE BEST weed I have ever smoked in my life. It was like taking acid, then doing some hits of Thai Stick. B.T.W., I capitalize Thai Stick because of my reverence of it. Acid and Thai Stick sounds like a reckless combination, but judging by that Neville's freak pheno, it turns out to be a really, really good idea.
Interesting strains btw Thaibliss! The Lao and Cambodian especially piqued my interest. Any background on those?
I believe the Laos was collected in country, and got passed to me by a very generous soul. It has also been referred to as BLB Laos or Super Laos. I sometimes refer to Kali Mist as Cambodian, because I think that Cambodian is the essential ingredient that makes it good. A selected cut was shared with me, and it is one of a very few strains that gave me the Thai buzzing in my nervous system. It feels like going numb, hitting your funny bone, getting injected with cocaine to get your teeth worked on, or a mild electric shock. It is not painful (LOL), and it is a much higher frequency.

The Neville's Haze freak pheno gave me that buzz as much as Thai Stick. Speaking of which, here is a seedling whose mother, great great grandmother, and great great great great grandmother was the Neville's Haze freak pheno:

As expected, it is insanely slow growing. These were the first to sprout!! It is also golden colored, and already starting alternate branching. You think I'm kidding? Look closely at how one leaf is coming out faster than the other side. I mean the tiny second set of true leaves.

Speaking of freaks, the SAGE-ified male I used on my line was the same way. One of the sprouts from this spring is doing the same thing. Remember this:

It has grown a bit, and this is a close-up of one of the leaves:

Check out the hairs and sessile resin gland coverage! I read somewhere that sativas have hairs that leak resin out all over the plant. Resin is not just in the trichomes.

I hope this plant is male. :dance013:

B.T.W., there are some old dried out weeds in my greenhouse. Every time I brush by them, fibers fill the air. You can see those fibers all over my plants. That's what those long white fibers are.


Well-known member
Crocodile Tails

Crocodile Tails

Laos (second set of true leaves are the croc tails);

Gypsy Thai...

I feel I should apologize for posting so much, and only showing tiny seedlings. I've been waiting for the right time to sprout these great strains, 15 years for the Neville's Haze freaks, and I simply cannot contain myself. I'm actually having trouble sleeping at night from my excitement.



Well-known member
i just wanna point out that our assumably tripweed experienced thaibliss found the results of plasma lamps the most promising, and lowfalutin was impressed by skylights(wholes in roof,sunlight) was better than indoor, aswell as a banghi haze of thaibliss indors toped a bunch of supossedly much more tripweed-genetics he grow outdoors in clearness, same description by lowfalutin the exact same strain was having amuch more clear effect under skylights.. I hear the same difference in effect described by bouth, bout icmagers here, but thats my suggestion. I just come to conclusion that the full spectrum aswell as the intensity are important.. And also dont forget warmth /heat and humidity... cause why is weed in greenhouse that different in vigour, getting so fat, smelling so full compared to outdoor, shurely not cause of sun-intensity, no cause of warmth, humidity eventually

I dont wanna fill the whole site, but dont know how to minimize.. found a new led-based, flat specrum lamp from Kyocera, dont know if this is good for cannabis:
(left graphic is kyoceras) notice the sunlight-line is also shown


And the missing bits in the red and violet i would bring in with thwo other lamps, if needed, im not too shure tho if needed

Incandescent lamp(low efficieny):


solarsystem uvb : (ATTENTION dangerous for health)



New member
I've been reading this thread for the last an hour and a half and just found out it's currently 405 pages long.. My chances of catching up are rather slim. Although been retired (or was it retarded, I don't remember now) helps.

Now I really wonder if it's just me or there are others like myself who don't understand all the buzz about ganja been trippy. I've lived and travelled all around the world including Sub Saharan Africa, smoked it in every country from Somalia to Western Sahara and never felt lsd like effects. In my experience African pot is mostly not too potent and is smoked pure in fat joints - you've got to smoke a lot of it - perhaps "no ceiling" concept is due to this? China, Thailand, etc. - no country ever surprised me with that psychedelic factor so much discussed here. I know for a fact some varieties are more potent or cutting-through than others but the whole trippiness thing sounds so exaggerated to me..

Well, I still enjoy the thread, it's never late to start dreaming :) Only want to tell others who too never ever tripped on pot: you're not alone in being so unforchunate. Could be my tolerance though because first thing I buy arriving in Beijing, Lagos or Helsinki is weed.

For what is worth, the trippiest I've ever smoked was in Congo, local herb, sweat dried/cured as usually. Although it could be the local brew that modulated.

Peace all
Laos (second set of true leaves are the croc tails);
View Image

Gypsy Thai...
View Image

I feel I should apologize for posting so much, and only showing tiny seedlings. I've been waiting for the right time to sprout these great strains, 15 years for the Neville's Haze freaks, and I simply cannot contain myself. I'm actually having trouble sleeping at night from my excitement.



Bardo Eagle

Active member
I don't remember who, but someone says:"it's not what you smoke but who you are",this is real. Set and setting + strong weed with trippy features can give psychedelic experiences,once without tolerance I smoked hemp and tripped a little bit,strange for sure,but also in a sober state I'm always altered,I have hppd .


Well-known member
you've got to smoke a lot of it - perhaps "no ceiling" concept is due to this? China, Thailand, etc.
It's too bad you missed out. I'm guessing you never smoked Thai Stick from the 70s. I think Yoss experienced it recently:

...The main (early) harvest is pure rocket fuel. In small doses (one hit) it's energetic, well-focused, positive and bright, sometimes truly euphoric, and if you smoke more, it can be devastating in an indescribable way, still positive but so mind-bending....Very mental and trippy!
This is the best plant of the Thai / African type I've smoked, and is the closest to the described effect of the mythical Thai of the 70's that I've only read about.

This stuff is extremely rare these days, but it wasn't always this way. Once you know what you are looking for, you can see traces of it in some strains. If I could have gone back in time and got you blasted on Thai Stick, or have shared that Neville's Haze freak pheno with you, then I think you might understand better.

I think this is a case of overly high expectations. People say that Cannabis indica is narcotic. It's not anything like any opioids I have taken, but I get what they mean. Frankly, many old school Colombian strains (sativas) were way more similar to opioids than any hash plants I've smoked.

I work in an industry that requires cross communication with different groups of people, business executives and technical groups. It blows my mind how difficult it is to communicate with people because of different perspectives. I've spent a lot of my life judging people from the mind set that they understand the meaning of my words. I have found that this is most often not the case. It is better for me to assume others don't know WTF I'm talking about. It's less judgmental and way more comical for me now.

Rio - Thanks for the post. I think it is important to regularly talk about the meaning of "trippy".



Well-known member
Rio - If you tried to start reading this thread, you probably have already recently read this second post. I'm reposting it here for others. These are quotes that make me think that these people "get it". I hope it helps some:

I collected a bunch of descriptions of Zamal and Zamal derived strains like Zamaldelica and others to start my "Zamaldelica - The Search for Trip Weed" thread. I'm posting them here because they encapsulate the spirit of the type of high that I am looking for, and I'd like to share what I'm really going for here:

Dubi - "I remember walking with a friend in the city, totally disoriented. We were walking in streets we know since we are children but we almost coudnt recognize them. It looked like a different place or city for us. We neither knew what we were doing or going, walking without direction around the old streets of my city."

British Hempire – "wow, what a smoke, very very potent, all in the head, a clear, electric, euphoric racing high, I'm a very experienced, hardcore smoker, I smoke all day every day yet this stuff had me higher that I think I've ever been before and positively messed up my friends who tried some. I took a walk to my friends house, a place I have been many many times and couldn't find it, walked up and down the street looking for the house, then had to ring him on my mobile phone as I got really confused, just awesome stuff. I have been in a satate ot total euphoria on this stuff, makes you talk a lot about mad ideas, sing silly little songs to yourself and wander about looking very baked but grinning insanely, just as close to herbal acid as I've ever experienced, straight to the number one slot on my list of best smokes."

Terpene - "...all I can say is HOLY S***. If you are looking for the terror ridden, thai clarity..." "First two hours were INTENSE, scary to the point anyone who wasn't a seasoned smoker would not want to be high anymore..." "...you see at 2 frames per second and there are a lot of "whoa, how long have I been here...... wait, did that just happen?" moments."

Xinox - "...first time i try it, i just look at the street through the window and i literally bug on it..." "you have some kind of slight stroboscopic effect. Then you feel some waves in your body, like you are carry in a wave. We also try this weed at 5 on my vaporizer and the conclusion of the assembly was clear that this weed is heavy shit..." "The high is strong but also very clear, it's indeed very psychedelic and long lasting. This pheno is almost hallucinatory, with some very visuel kind of effects. I'm quiet sure that this weed could easily paralyze a beiginner."

Dubi - "Zamal has a unique kind of high, it's crazy, psychedelic and out of control, especially i have found extremely powerful and crazy plants crossing zamal with other sats and sat/ind hybrids. It has huge breeding potential to get incredible sativa experiences in the hybrids..." "...with a terrorific electric high. It can produce serious paranoia and anxiety when correctly grown..." "...some phenos produced some of the most powerful sativa high i've ever smoked. A mix between anphetamine and LSD." "It was an overpowering accelerated, psychedelic, disorienting crazy high." "Zamal lemon produced one of the closest experience to LSD i've had smoking cannabis."

VanVulpen – "...added a totally new dimension to the musical experience, and gave me the true meaning of "rollercoaster weed""

DeadM -"...another one was terrorific..many friend after one can't smoke anymore of it ..they were unable to speak and move..."

Chamba – "...it was very intelligent and trippy in a way that I often felt like (if I smoked enough of it) of watching myself from above which gave a new perspective of things..at the same time it took ages to put my shoes on!"

BongHitter99 - "…walking back to my room and WHAM! I’m fucking high now!....electric fiery energy courses through my body…heat felt in chest and face…my hearts pounding hard now, I know im in for a ride....feeling extreme euphoria, almost like I want to love the whole world…this is some serious love weed for sure!...very UPBEAT! And motivating …..clear, no couchlock or heavy body load, ….this shit is great for club hopping, partying, socializing….this high just takes your breath away in awe..."

Unknown Guest - "No doubt the very best weed I smoked in my life was Zamal. It only happened to me a couple of times to find some stash that reminded of zamal's quality in holland. The best weed is the one that was not touched nor fertilized by man during its whole life. When they hear about our HPSs and fertilizers stuff, they laugh a lot."

Laugan Gaucher - I love Haze! I don't like most of powered zamal/haze hybrids. psychotic and hallucinogenic. Like Lsd or psilocybine you can have good time and bad time at the same time."

Mosca Negra - "Gerrit's Zamal is some SUPER FINE SMOKE!!!"

Happy Hunting,




New member
ThaiBliss, I am well seasoned, my experience is vaaaast and opinion long established. I understand those people commenting on zamal but I think (based on my experience) their comments are rather emotional. Also don't forget they are connoseurs and that breed tends to exhaggerate things - you know like wine lovers can talk of some rare wine for hours and I dont even know where they get all those descriptive lexicon lol - I say this is hood, thats too sour, sweet isnt my thing. I envy such people in a good way and pity them at the same time - human mind is a real fuck up. Ive smoked sticks including those laced with god knows what and memories are good. But let me remind you one thing - never asume if you get the same ice cream you loved in your childhood that it will taste the same now. Hope you understand what I am saying. Sone of the best smokes I had I know were real crap but yhe timing, mood, my age and shape, surroundings - all made it the greatest memory. Now as I said I hope you find it and share it then but although not disregarding such possibility - my mind tells me its very probable the wonderful memories you have are made by your mind. I hsve them too but finding more and more each day the substances we consume are far from being the whole story. This realization is tough and this is why our human nature makes us ignore them and live in dreams. I dont think you will ever find that tasty sunny hapy icd cream again - its all in hour mind. And yet not all black and white and I wish you find at least a close representation.

Want that stroboscope effect from ganja? Puff on good herb in northern winter outside when dark and lots of snow, freezing temperatutre, streets empty and street lights drop their yellow shadows on the road and pavements. You walk and snow makes that khrrroom sound under your steps. You will have the strobo and more. This is one of many example settings and yet not a guarantee cos maybe your mileage is totally different.

In short, i share my perspective and maybe it would be a great idea to nit just look for a holy grail but actually make your mind travel back in time, replicate the setting, become that person for a moment again. Almost imoosssible. Theres people who have mastered inducibg these states through meditation - adding their wisdom to your arsenal may greatly help you on your search.

Peace and good vibes all


Well-known member
Rio - I get your points in generalities, but... I have to quibble, because I'm not sure you are getting mine.

ThaiBliss, I am well seasoned, my experience is vaaaast and opinion long established.
I understand those people commenting on zamal but I think (based on my experience) their comments are rather emotional. Also don't forget they are connoseurs and that breed tends to exhaggerate things - you know like wine lovers can talk of some rare wine for hours and I dont even know where they get all those descriptive lexicon lol - I say this is hood, thats too sour, sweet isnt my thing. I envy such people in a good way and pity them at the same time... - human mind is a real fuck up.
"that breed tends to exhaggerate things" - Yes. Zamal is Trip Weed!

O.K., I think what I'm hearing is that some people have a finer acuity for certain things than others, but you may be interpreting that by limiting this observation to your perspective, which warps it. This is not about you, it is about humans. Just like what you said about one person's past experience warping current experience, your personal experience is warping your interpretation of other people's experience. It's like you are making my point for me. Yes, minds do mess things up.

Ive smoked sticks including those laced with god knows what...
Ah ha! I got you! I'm exaggerating, cause it's funny, at least to me. I crack myself up. Sorry. Again, you are making my point repeatedly in your post. I always fight this notion of it being laced. Yes, I believe some people had Thai Sticks laced with opioids. I'm telling you I doubt I ever had. I'll expand on this in the section below about good memories warping my mind.

...and memories are good. But let me remind you one thing - never asume if you get the same ice cream you loved in your childhood that it will taste the same now.
I agree to some extent, but in so many things I find "it" again. I'm not that rigid, that a 400 post thread may make it seem. LOL. When that ice cream flavor is just close enough, only then the memories are triggered. But it has to be close. So, I think the last time I smoked really good Thai was back in about 1981 or there abouts. For DECADES I was yearning to find something similar. Then I did!!!! That Neville's Haze freak pheno was so very similar. It was not an exaggerated memory, at least not more than it does for everything in every day experiences. I found it again (my it is not your it, for so many reasons including our past and current experience)!!! :dance013: Well of course there was some memory warping going on, but compare to the difference between common weed and that trip weed, whose difference is extraordinary, the memory warping part is trivial. Now here is the point about lacing from above. The Neville's Haze I grew personally was not "laced with God knows what". Again, I grew it, and it was mind blowing, just like back in the day. Wouldn't you like to smoke a Thai Stick brought back to the future just to see how much of it was fond memories and how much was great weed? In that Neville's Haze experience, believe it or not, I essentially have. That re-discovery experience was why I started this thread. I believe skepticism is to some extent jealousy in a different form.

Hope you understand what I am saying. Sone of the best smokes I had I know were real crap...
Here it comes... making my point again.

but yhe timing, mood, my age and shape, surroundings - all made it the greatest...
Classic hallucinogenic trait. Experience is strongly affected by state of your mind.

How do you know it was "real crap"? Sounds like you are doing the same thing that you are accusing me of doing except in a negative way. I grew that Neville's Haze several times. For reasons I don't completely understand, sometimes it turned out to be hay, and sometimes it was mind bendingly phenomenal. This is not the only strain I've had experiences like that. Some strains are very touchy to conditions (experience). LOL. See what I did there?

... memory. Now as I said I hope you find it and share it then but although not disregarding such possibility - my mind tells me its very probable the wonderful memories you have are made by your mind. I hsve them too but finding more and more each day the substances we consume are far from being the whole story. This realization is tough and this is why our human nature makes us ignore them and live in dreams. I dont think you will ever find that tasty sunny hapy icd cream again - its all in hour mind.
Again, I already have, in spades with Neville's Haze. But to a lessor extent in certain selections of Bangi Haze, SAGE, Kali Mist, etc. May I emphasize "certain selections". Your experience with Bangi Haze is likely NOT my experience, because of genetic variety, growing conditions, timing of harvest, and YES... state of mind.
...And yet not all black and white and I wish you find at least a close representation.

Want that stroboscope effect from ganja? Puff on good herb in northern winter outside when dark and lots of snow, freezing temperatutre, streets empty and street lights drop their yellow shadows on the road and pavements. You walk and snow makes that khrrroom sound under your steps. You will have the strobo and more.
See! We actually agree, and you are making my point. You just described my definition of trip weed. "Puff on good herb"... (not just any herb). Classic hallucinogenic qualities.

This is one of many example settings and yet not a guarantee cos maybe your mileage is totally different.

In short, i share my perspective and maybe it would be a great idea to nit just look for a holy grail but actually make your mind travel back in time, replicate the setting, become that person for a moment again. Almost imoosssible. Theres people who have mastered inducibg these states through meditation - adding their wisdom to your arsenal may greatly help you on your search.

Peace and good vibes all
I still have the Neville's Haze genetics. I'm looking for earlier strains, and strains that reinforce these trippy effects. The search is not over by finding one grail. It continues even past being able to breed it so it is consistent. The great thing about the sacred herb is the variety of it's effects. Variety of effect not just based on state of mind, but also by the hallucinogenic substance. Is acid different than psilocybin? Are effects different from one species of magic mushroom than another? Yes, and yes. Different varieties of Cannabis have different effects. If they weren't, we all wouldn't be attracted to it so much. It would get boring.

Now that I finished responding, I am interpreting the overall post as completely agreeing with me. LOL! It's a funny thing. I think acid and psilocybin might not affect me the same way it affects you. This may be part of perceived differences of opinion. Ha! Did that ever occur to you? On these other hallucinogens, I have never had the walls in the room warp, or get other "visuals". I have overdosed on mushrooms to the point of seizures, muscle contractions to the point of tearing muscle and ligaments, but I still didn't experience it in those ways that seem so common to others. Sensation of time certainly was warped. My visual, tactile, and auditory perceptions were enhanced considerably, but not to the point that things looked so different as to be unrecognizable or not existing (hallucinating). Perceptions were not out of the range of what happens when one meditates, in certain states due to lack of food, etc. One time my state of mind made everything look better when I found out my tumor was not malignant. "Oh, I'm not going to die a horrible death, at least not imminently that I know of." I was tripping out in a good way for days after that. LOL

Thanks again for your post. This if fun because, pity me, I'm a pot snob.

P.S. - This post still needs lots of editing because of my ramblings. We are dealing with subject matter that is difficult to convey. I got tired, for now, of re-hashing all of this... again. Got to go.


Dread & Alive
If I can share my experience, I had a very overwhelming experience with zamaldelica ...
First of all I admit that often when trying to remember experiences of many years ago, the brain does not always follow the reality, however that experience is different from a vague memory of 40 years ago, I was at home, in peace, nothing better for a great smoke, I mixed 2 parts of zamaldelica and 1 of amerst sour diesel, and immediately after smoking I noticed the powerful effect, I had difficulty moving with balance, like being drunk, after which strong waves of synaesthesia arrived, for about 5 minutes...
If you have never taken lsd you cannot understand "the scent of yellow", or "the taste of blue", or "the color of the sound of water" ...


Dread & Alive
Sativa are like that, sometimes people underestimate cannabis, often they hear exaggerated stories, but sometimes they find really psychedelic plants
(not only sativa, years ago we found a really trippy superskunk, like having a cinema in mind, the turbo to thoughts) :)


Well-known member
Good Morning,

Thanks for the posts Willydread. And thanks for the good vibes from everyone.

I can't help my enthusiasm. I'm posting on every little observation. It has been storming here. We have what we call on the west coast, a pineapple express setting up. That's when a stream of moisture and a long frontal boundary stretching from near Hawaii to where we live. It has been getting very windy and rainy. It is a bit unusual for this time of year, although topping off our rainy season water total is a good thing. At some point, we go into the dry season and we get no rain for months at a time. Good climate for growing the weed, but every year is an extended drought. The only bad thing is that we are going to lose a lot of our snowpack in the mountains really early. Flooding is likely.

Since we have trees that can get up to 300 feet tall, branches can break off and fly a long distance in the wind. It is not uncommon for people to get impaled and killed by what are called "widow makers". A few years back, my greenhouse film got ruined by a couple of branches from trees that are 150 feet away. All this is to say that I went out to check on my little ones.

I'm especially anxious because I took a loss a couple days ago. One of my 3 Neville's Haze descendants died. I'm not sure if it was dampening off or a bird flew into my greenhouse and landed on my seedling tray. I have to chase them out now and then. The freak phenos grow so slowly, they are vulnerable for a long time. So I'm looking at all those remaining beauties and I notice what might be a tiny insect on a leaf of Laos. I rub it out with my fingers. As is my habit, after I touch a plant, I smell my fingers. It was shocking how lemony and strong that leaf was. It was very sour citric and a touch of something else, maybe menthol or fuel-like.

Of course, I started rubbing a few other leaves. I do not recommend this. It would be so easy to tear a leaf in half. This would be like losing 25% of all leaf material for these seedlings. The only other one of note was the Gypsy Thai Stick x ... It smelled like the one I grew before, orange marmalade. The Kali Mist x ... from last summer was also like that.

Hunkering Down,



Well-known member
I have smoked Indica a long time ago that made everyone talk like the teacher in the show charley brown, everything was very slow motion yet a euphoric drunk feeling not couchlock at all. I have had very trippy experiences with sativa back in the day especially when paranoid which I grew too love. I believe commercial breeding destroyed what cannabis could be today but special effects can still be found.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
As to Rio, he makes good points though I think they have been made before here and certainly elsewhere. They have been explained or refuted before too.

He is not wrong but not entirely correct. There are certain strains or phenos among them that will trigger the trip and other less so or not at all. 'good herb' is not enough to do it, it must be a certain strain or pheno of a strain in my experience. If in a different setting or state of mind or stage of life, the trip will be somewhat different, true. My less trippy strains will never equal the trippier ones is all I am saying.

On trips, I have recently smoked 4 different phenos of my F13 and got 4 different effects. I should have allowed more time between smokes but what I got was the first one tripped me out with visual effects in the sides of my vision and time distortion or loss. The others did not do that though potent enough.

I never expect that for sure I will have an experience such as the one in '75 where it exceeded acid for altering reality. Stage of life, setting and such were so different. However I have had recent experiences which are in the same 'ballpark' of high. The F13 being one, Nanan Bouclou, Panama Red, Highland Guerrero x Blueberry. The Panama and Guerrero highs are very similar btw.

I had to look thru several Panama Red and Guerrero plants to find one that mimics shrooms. It can be quite a bit of work and time to get your trip at the highest level. I have not gotten to the level attained in '75 and I suppose never will but am having fun anyways and the effects of the trips last after the high, making for some perspective on life, or that is how I feel about it.


Well-known member
Hey, Rio, nice post with many valid points, indeed! I think this thread wins from people like you sharing this point of view.
Tripping is of course about the set and setting. And as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So true! My strongest experience on weed was from mediocre weed that I'd smoked many times before and after, the trick was in the situation. Not only the strength, but the type of experience, as well as the consumer's expectations also vary so much - for some people tripping is sensory distortions, for others - philosophic experience, and for others - only nervous tension.
If "tripping" for you is about the stroboscopic effects you mentioned, you don't even need weed in cold weather or anything at all, you can get these effects from simple hyperventilation.
If "tripping" for you is even remotely related to the train of thoughts, I wonder how you describe that you have vast experience with weed and still don't acknowledge that some strains of weed stimulate the mind better than others. They might not be as strong as to your standard of "trippy" but you've certainly tried weed that at some moments has stimulated your mind in a similar way to classic psychedelics taken in very small doses.
I personally see a lot of similarity in the effect of some sativas (like a proper Zamaldelica) and a small dose (30-50mcgr) of acid. I'm doing them both occasionally, so there's no sweet memories of past times involved here. The trip effect is here and now! If a small dose of LSD can be called trippy, then the right Zamal/Thai/Haze/etc. phenotype can also be called trippy.
But you cannot buy trip weed! Neither from the dispensaries in America, nor the coffeeshops in Amsterdam, nor anywhere you buy weed, including Africa! You might run into some, but the chance is so low, you can round it to zero. Assuming there's no trip weed because you haven't bought such is a false assumption. There is no market for trip weed but this doesn't mean there's no trip weed. There's no market because the average beetle is not willing to pay the price for proper tropical sativa instead of simply buying mushrooms or acid and microdose on these. It's only for "connoisseurs" who don't mind taking the efforts. Just like tasty tomatoes these days. Tasty tomatoes and trippy ganja still exist, here and there in small gardens, they are not a legend!


atomizing haze essence
I agree with yesum, it has to be special pheno more than certain variety. but in some varieties there is bigger chance to find it, once you have it, smokers will say its laced :D but no, its just trippy ganja... of course its not like LSD, mild psychedelic entheogen it is..

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