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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member
@Thaibliss. Below is a description of what i believed was a southeast asian plant and its effects. It looked exactly like bamboo which was plentiful where i found it. Didnt take a picture but the photo i attached with the long thin leaves (it crossed with swazi) is similar in looks to the original. I Also included the backstory for the plant. I posted the following previously in the maui wowie thread.

No idea what strain the Hilo backyard is. Heres the story behind it though. It was well camo'd in a small patch of bamboo when i first saw it. My future landlady was pointing out the boundary of the new place i was gonna rent and pointed right to it. I crossed my fingers hoping it would be there when i moved in a couple weeks later (it was the current tenants plant). It was about 8 feet tall in june. When i moved in, the plant had been cut and only about 8 inches of the main stem were left in the grow bag. Put chicken poo in and sure enough was able to clone it a couple weeks later. Plants regenerate and grow fast in Hilo. Crossed to my favorite Swazi strain twice to have it in seed form.

Based on the looks of the plant, the growth pattern and its effects my guess is southeast asian. I planted one of the clones (poked it in the ground) in the forest in upper puna in early august just to see if it would make it. The thing got enormous. It was easily 6 feet wide and. more than 12 feet tall by mid december when i finally pulled it. It was not ompletely done when harvested. It was just too cold, too wet and too far to hike for just one plant, when all the others had been harvested by the 3rd week of November.

Did finish small clones in the backyard in january or so. The high was crystal clear. In fact I'd go in phases between wondering if i was high or not and the minute i thought i wasn't i was reminded how high i really was. It wasn't quite as energetic as the Swazi, it just kind of put you in your own world, trying to figure out what reality really was. Very introspective and thought enhancing but not so trippy that it wasnt controllable. The best part was the comedown. There was none. It just cleanly faded and you were left grinning about what just happened. Sorry to ramble on.


Well-known member
@Thaibliss. Below (also from the maui wowie thread) is a description of the swazi plant.

The plant shown in Rocky Mtn Squids photo resembles a well known Swaziland variety grown in the islands in the 80s and 90s. It would grow 3 feet or so during short season and up to 8 feet long season. Grew it in upper and lower Puna and Hilo in the early 90s. Seeds were originally gotten from uncle who had grown it 10+ years on the big island. Plants had 2 phenotypes, one lime green the other darker green. Resembled a pure sativa with fluffy buds and thinner leaves. Small trichomes and resin looked more like ice than the current powdery sugar of modern buds. High was electric but could also produce a hangover the next morning if overdone. Ran my fastest 10 mile run ever from Richardsons through Hilo and back after smoking it. Last i heard friends and family still have it in Hawaii. Crossed a male to Red Congolese for my current go to variety.[/QUOTE]

Swazi has been my favorite because it really promotes activity and gets you up and going after the high settles in or i should say settles down. The first 30 to 45 minutes it can be a little overwhelming for some. Some people have mentioned that it made them paranoid before settling down. I would describe it more as hyperawareness, change in breathing, and a feeling of pulsations throughout the body and especially behind the eyes. Its almost like energy overload before settling down being able to focus the energy. It is not a nightime smoke as it can keep your mind racing even though your body is tired. I tend to think that this can cause a hangover the next morning. 25 years ago i would smoke it and go on long ocean swims, runs, paddling or surfing. Today, I still have the strain but no longer the ideal environment. I crossed it to several mostly sativa modern hybrids in order to adapt to my new conditions and the only one that retained most of the qualities was a cross to refermans red congolese. Even the nasty swazi taste and shwaggy appearance came through in most phenos. The initial onset is less intense but it still gets me off my butt and makes me want to be active. While energetic, it can also be thought provoking and break a rut. Plan to cross the pure swazi to the congo/ swazi hybrid.


VISC Burmese

VISC Burmese

Hi Guys, I just caught up on all 400 pages of this thread.

Some great information shared here - thanks guys.
(I am one of ACE Seeds newest customers - will be hitting Southern Star up next)

I am a sativa lover and have converted quite a few of my friends.

For 20 years I have been growing VISC Burmese. Every few years I do an open pollination - using about 20 females and a few selected males.

I have made seeds from select females many times.

Crosses never seem to be as good as the pure Burmese.

She also ripens mid-October here in the Sierra Nevadas

Both the flavor and quality of the high keep me coming back.

She is extremely aromatic with a pronounced menthol edge. Putting your nose in the jar you also get a wonderful cedar tone - but a squeezed bud is pure exotic fruit -a very complex sweetness of cherries and tropical fruit. Double Yum !!


Well-known member
Lolo - Thanks for the reports. Sounds nice. If you can get better pictures, please post them here.

Hi Guys, I just caught up on all 400 pages of this thread.

Some great information shared here - thanks guys.
(I am one of ACE Seeds newest customers - will be hitting Southern Star up next)

I am a sativa lover and have converted quite a few of my friends.

For 20 years I have been growing VISC Burmese. Every few years I do an open pollination - using about 20 females and a few selected males.

I have made seeds from select females many times.

Crosses never seem to be as good as the pure Burmese.

She also ripens mid-October here in the Sierra Nevadas

<a href="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=79410&pictureid=1931735" target="_blank">View Image

Both the flavor and quality of the high keep me coming back.

<a href="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=79410&pictureid=1931736" target="_blank">View Image

She is extremely aromatic with a pronounced menthol edge. Putting your nose in the jar you also get a wonderful cedar tone - but a squeezed bud is pure exotic fruit -a very complex sweetness of cherries and tropical fruit. Double Yum !!
Xerb - I'm glad someone is keeping Burmese going. As far as I'm concerned, I wish Afghani never made it to the Americas. We would have been better off only crossing sativas with Burmese, Bangi Haze, Durban Poison, and Nepalese. Hey, when you get 50 posts, PM me. LOL

Burmese has a great sativa high. I can see you really like the flavor and aromas. The first time I grew Burmese it was indoors, and I was trying to be stealthy. It started stinking so bad (good) that I was afraid someone would smell it driving by my house which was 200 yards from the public road. Hahaha. If you find a Nanan Bouclou like the one I found, you will love it. The buds aren't very aromatic, but when you taste the smoke... oh my!!!! Burmese is trippier though, at high doses, in my opinion. I never really pushed the limits with Nanan Bouclou, so I might be wrong.

If you are ordering from ACE, you might want to try Kali China. I think it might be related to Burmese, and the reports of the terpenes are exemplary. I'd like to read about your comparisons between them.

The crosses I made with Burmese were with plants that also have menthol aromas, Bangi Haze, and especially Trainwreck. It only gets stronger menthol as it cures. Bowls you over when you open a well cured bag. They are good. I also detected pine aromas in the Burmese and it's crosses. That is going to get amplified by the SAGE-ification. I wish you peeps could have smelled the Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed x SAGE male I used. Perhaps it was even stronger smelling than the original SAGE cutting. Here is a picture of one of the mature leaves. It looks far more sativa looking than either any of the recent ancestors:

All my seedlings in my greenhouse survived another day. I think the salt worked for the slugs. One of the Laos looks sickly. It might need some fertilizer. As soon as it dries out, I'll give it some. The SAGE-ified Bangi Wicked look nice. I can really see the SAGE influence. Wicked looking leaves with handle bar mustache twists. One looks very purple, but also more indica looking. It's early, we'll see how it develops. The more I think about it the more I lean towards using the male pictured above.

Romanoweed - As soon as the vegetative phase starts, the buds don't progress anymore and they start to die and turn brown. You want to harvest the moment you see green growth, or earlier if resins start to amber. This is why it would be better to start earlier than later. Leave some buds on the plant and learn for yourself how they behave when you leave them on too long. There is no substitute for experience. You can ask questions till you are blue in the face, you will never be more knowledgeable than from first hand experience. You have a reasonable plan. Go for it. Post your progress here. I'm fascinated. We are with you brother!



Active member
To those interested in burmese line. If you have not already, check out coastal seeds. They have a swazi x burmese, kalimist x burmese, and burmese ibl.


Old man's old seeds still viable

Old man's old seeds still viable

I recently got on a kick and started germinating my oldest seeds before they died. Several were unopened packs I picked up in Amsterdam in 1991.

I thought you guys would get a kick out of my results.
I started 4 NL#5 x Haze from Sensi Seeds - 3 germinated and grew. Harvested at 14 weeks - two had a more typical piney, lemony sweet smell, but the third was a nice surprise. Not sweet at all, total spice, black pepper and cedar, with just a touch of piney sharpness. The jar smells like the inside of a fine cedar hope chest. Initial smoking experience was lovely, an immediate calming effect, an hour later it settled into a great clear up high, I felt anything was possible in this state of increased mental sharpness.


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
The "Thai" in northern lights is actually Hawaiian according to the NL thread. Story is the worked landrace seeds were sent to Hawaii by Seattle Greg, then crossed with q local sativa, then seeds sent back, where they were backcrossed.

G `day BW

More details ; NL #5 was Greg`s Afghani IBL crossed to the Hawaiian then Greg got the hybrid seeds back and back crossed them .

Don`t ignore the recombination factor of that Ha sat . Its in the mix ... Did it have dominant or recessive genes that expressed when mixed with Haze ?

Now was the NL#5 used by Nevil initially in his crosses Greg`s NL #5 clone he smuggled into Holland ? Or was it Nevil`s NL #5 ?
Nevil`s NL #5 is not NL#5 . Its a cross named NL #5 . Just like his Hash plant was also a cross carrying the name of the cut it was bred from .

Nevil`s NL #5 was NL #5 x NL #1 and later NL #5 x NL #2 . Nevil `s HP = HP x NL#1 f2 / 3

All this talk about the heavy effects of NL #5 is misguided .
Most of us only know NL through Nevil or Sensi . So NL #5 x NL #1or NL #5 x NL #2 ...

Greg and his crew were searching for PTSD meds . The S1s from the Pez clone [ Lopez Island ] from Seattle area have an euphoric effect .

NL line from Seattle had crosses ranging from Indica x Indica to Indica x extreme NLD eg Indian , Durban and Thai .
NL #9 was the Affie x Thai . Nevil sold NL #9 in 1 catalog .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
OMG! Don't take this the wrong way EB, cause I appreciate your post. But I didn't even believe it when Sumatran bud had a high just like Thai Stick.
I seriously doubted the Thai high would come through in a 12.5% Thai formula, recombination or not.

It doesn't matter, if I feel it getting closer when I smoke it, that's the one that is my next mother. It's effect I'm breeding for, not the name of a strain.
Thanks, and Best,



Well-known member
I know it may not be interesting to most, but I remember when all plants I grew were sativa, and I know what they looked like. Please forgive my excitement about tiny sprouts. Here are the three most sativa looking sprouts so far:

1.) SAGE-ified

2.) Laos

3.) Zamaldelica

I'm thrilled!



Well-known member

Our wet season is not letting go yet. We are a few inches away from normal, which is not normal anymore. I have mixed feelings because my seedlings need more sun. I put a mirror behind them to get the most of early morning and late afternoon sun when it decides to pop out:

There are some plants that glow a bit from the yellow chloroplasts. The front right row is Goldmine. The back right is Laos. The middle front tray is all Gypsy Thai x Mullum x Neville's Haze:

The newest, smallest Gypsy... sprout is a bit golden. The very thinnest, delicate, and slow growing SAGE-ified is in the front left row. Despite how tiny and delicate it is, I think the first true leaves have 3 leaflets, usually a sign of great vigor, if somewhat delayed.



Well-known member
Hi Low,

I've never shopped for concentrate, and after screwing up the Wicked Weed test results I should try to avoid uninformed comment, I should just ask. Is that a low level of CBD for concentrates? If it is, and it seems really low, it is a theme of what I like in my selections.

I can't help but think back at your Johnny Blaze (the one that got away) and wish you had combined it with SAGE. Talk about the right terpenes and clean euphoria!
Good to hear from ya'



Well-known member
Purple Zacatecas throwback:

I may have been wrong about the slow growing SAGE-ified sprout. I thought it might have 3 leaflets on the first true set of leaves. I think it is possible it may have 5 leaflets. Too soon to tell:

If you look carefully, you can see a streak of purple on one of the small leaflets. I believe the father might have been a slow growing multi-leaflet first set of leaves plant. It was a sprout that looked like it had gotten dampening off on it's first set of leaves. It took a while for it to grow out of it, then it became vigorous and the most sativa looking offspring with long narrow leaves. I used it for breeding because I favor sativas in general, and rubbing it's stems gave off the most pungent sweet piney aroma. It may have smelled as strong or stronger than the original SAGE cut. Just looking at the picture of the father reminds me of that pungent tangy pine:

The rest of the Zamaldelicas sprouted. I have an even dozen now. I have a better chance of finding a Thai leaning phenotype.

The year of the Thai,



Well-known member

I'm seeing some differences in the Zamaldelica seedlings already. Some have proportionally much more short and fat leaves compared to the long leaved, skinny, and sativa looking sprouts.
Short and Fat Leaved:

Relatively Skinny and Long Leaved:

I have 12 seedlings. I will probably only grow three of the most Thai looking phenotypes till they can be confirmed to be female. All of my S.E. Asian related plants will be crossed with my most piney smelling early flowering SAGE-ified male.

The question is, should I cull a couple of the most fat leaved looking ones now?

I don't want any Malawi looking ones to compete for sun, C02, or oxygen. In addition, sooner they show gender the sooner I can reduce my plant count. There are two seedlings that I have the urge to cull now.

What do you think?



Active member
I usually wait until there's a good number of nodes, 6 or so, gives a good idea of structure, before culling, but that's my own style


Well-known member
I usually wait until I am smoking a cured sample to cull plants.

I am curious about how you have the confidence to begin selection so early?