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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member
To me it seems the surest way to select a Zamal leaning phenotype from Zamaldelica, is to watch for the following traits: last sprouting and slow start in general, but first to show preflowers and preflowers profusely afterwards; thin leaves. Great hybrid genetics with many good sides, not just the type of high.
I almost lost to russet mites my 2 clones of the great Zamaldelica grown last year. I took me some time to diagnose the problem, sprayed with a pyrethroid a few days ago and hoping the scorched small plants will survive. Planning to cross it with Jarilla de Sinaloa (hoping for a nice Jarilla male from 4 seeds) and also back-cross with the 9 seeds I got from it pollinated by a smelly Ace Mix male, most probably related to China Yunan. So hopefully I'll have Zam x Jarilla and Zam x (Zam x Ace) to test next year.
This Zamaldelica plant already has a cult status in my small circle and town because it blows everyone away with its potent speedy trip high. I had too much to harvest from the big plant, so I gave away many handfuls (literally) of untrimmed buds to friends, and a friend who grew the same plant on his balcony also gave away some of his harvest to other friends of him, so we have some feedback :) Like the story that it was proclaimed "Bud of 2018" by a guy who smokes lots of Amsterdam stuff and thinks he smokes good weed, but the really funny part of the story is that this guy has smoked only stems and leaves of Zam, because that's what my friend had left (from the handful I gave him) and rolled into a joint... he's a "weed pig" and smokes everything (after he smokes the buds). And so the leaves and stems of Zamaldelica were proclaimed the best bud of 2018, and the guy with pretentions couldn't believe that he had smoked only leaves and stems when my friend told him.


Well-known member
Yoss33 - Great post. I love the anecdotal evidence of the quality and potency. I look for pre-flowers. In my world of plant limits, I have to keenly watch for those to cull my numbers as soon as possible. I love that trait.

Breadwizard - What letter is the plant in the back right of your picture? That's the one I have my eye on.

It has been a cool late winter here. I have usually planted by now, but I'm holding off hoping for a stretch of predicted warmer than normal weather.



Active member
Thaibliss - that would be plant 'd' I've got my eye on that one too, it is right in the middle for vigor, but isn't as stretchy, and has the thinnest/longest second leafs.


Well-known member
Thai Bliss have you ever tested your strains for Cannbinoids, potency, and terpenes? I'm curious what the results would be. I have theories about which cannabinoids and terpenes cause what effects but they're just theories. Narrow leaf tropical drug types tend to be high THC with no other cannabinoids but I'm guessing too high of THC would be a negative factor. What goes up must come down, I'm thinking some of the burn out, sleepy effects are caused by the end of a trip. This can be mitigated by the stimulating caffeine type effect in some strains but I have no idea what would cause it.

When we were talking about 'groups' of cannabis earlier I was meant to mention the medium THC, low to medium CBD group. These are most likely the result of breeding Eurasian hemp into a drug strain. It's likely that many of the better ones have been crossed with equatorial drug strains. So it's (NLH x NLD). Many Central American strains, Nepalese, Lebanese, Moroccan, Nepalese, Turkish, Central Asian, Greek, would fall in this category.

I've noticed some of the recent Highland Thai, mountain Thai, Yunnan, type strains have noticeable and sometimes fairly large amounts of CBD. Makes me think they're not the same as the 1970s Thai Stick drug strains which have high THC and no CBD. Probably bred by tribes for hundreds of years as a multi-purpose drug/hemp strain, maybe descended from Chinese hemp varieties.

my bad.. Posted that in wrong thread bruddah Thai lol... Mullum is definitely trippy though, maybe its a sign.

I agree with Thai Bliss glad you made a mistake. I need to find the thread it was meant for. If that picture is an indication of what's going on there.

I'd like to see if they develop as I'm guessing.

I agree with your picks 100%. The back middle row individual certainly is wide down the middle for a NLD, Ace's Malawi tends to be wide leaved. Doesn't look Thai leaning to me at all. Normally I'd select a plant like that as a keeper, guess it could be a female using the 3 bears method. Not too tall, not too short, medium spacing between internodes, it's just right. Coming out of a group of tropical narrow leaf seedlings though, it's the outlier, the freak.

The tall one front right could be an exceptional individual or it could be a male. It could be a real trouble maker indoors, always growing up into the light and crowding out it's siblings and in the end be too leggy. A lot of selection comes down to the needs of your particular environment. One person's gem could be the first one culled by another. If I'm selecting for NLD Thai leaning I'd pick back row far right and tall front and center as the ones to watch.

(edit) hadn't read the comments on this page. Glad I didn't, we're all in agreement about back row right. Now I've got my hopes up for the big (hopefully not a) guy front and center. It's obvious it'll probably be too stretchy but there's some that are just big. Everything is the same as a normal plant except the leaves, stalks, branches, buds, are all super sized. I know growers who would immediately cull it but occasionally the giant freak will surprise. As an outdoor grower I like selecting for vigor when there's an opportunity.


Well-known member
Thai Bliss have you ever tested your strains for Cannbinoids, potency, and terpenes? I'm curious what the results would be. I have theories about which cannabinoids and terpenes cause what effects but they're just theories.
Hi Rev,

I can't read the pictures I took of the report very well, but these are the highlights I can see:

19 % THC
0.11 % CBN
0.06 % CBD
33.12 % CBG
0.24 % CBC

4.10 % Terpenes
Dominant Terpenes
1.09 % beta-Myrcene
1.00 % beta-Pinene
0.558% Selina-3,7(11)-diene
0.397 % Limonene

Here is a picture of a bud from the plant I tested:

This was a Wicked Weed plant before it was crossed to Bangi Haze. I'm not going back to this generation. I'm very happy with the choices I made to incorporate Bangi Haze. It has improved in several ways that seem to be fairly stable. I've destroyed the seeds and cuttings from that earlier Wicked Weed generation before Bangi Haze. I'm testing now with Kali Mist and SAGE to see if they bring improvements to the Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed generation also.

Here is the Wicked Weed Male and Bangi Haze female that are now codified:






Active member
Little progress update on the zams, here's the lot all lined up A-E in a row. D still is my favorite, I'm not sure what the mutant is up to, but it could be trifolate.


Upper view, D is middle right
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Well-known member
Thanks for those results. I'm guessing the 33.12% CBG is a typeo? High CBG is very rare, it's a precursor to CBD and THC that's not suppose to get you high. I've been curious about it, trying to understand how it works. I'm looking at wikipedia right now but their cannabis info isn't always accurate.

Okay it's a CB1 receptor antagonist. THCV is also a CB1 receptor antagonist. THC activates the CB1 receptor so I think that means it blocks some of THC's action, changes how it's absorbed.

It also has a high affinity with the α2-adrenergic receptor. Norepinephrine and epinephrine signal through the α2-adrenergic receptor.

I don't understand a lot of this stuff, biological chemistry isn't my strong suit. It seems like a lot of people including scientists don't understand this stuff as well as they might because it effects different people differently. I would think this stuff fluctuates throughout the day as well.

Most of the terpenes I'm familiar with but I don't know what Selina-3,7(11)-diene is. The other terpenes are common in cannabis I've grown and enjoyed, probably give a lot of the flavor and body. The actions on the body are still a bit mysterious.

Glad you're making progress towards your ideal, I enjoyed Bangi Haze. It's not the best I've grown but the taste and high were enjoyable. I noticed I still have a few seeds, might plant them this year.

Culling a line of seeds is difficult, glad you have the guts to wipe out a generation you weren't happy with. Always select the best, never settle for anything else.

Your Kali and Sage crosses sound exciting if nothing else it should be fun smoke. Whether it's an improvement time will tell. Improvement is hard to measure even crosses that sound like winners often fail to surpass the parents. Breeding isn't always easy or straightforward. I'm getting excited about this year! (Even though I still have a lot of last year's to play with)

The combination of Zamaldelica and Durban Punch produced what some might consider trip weed using currently available genetics. The DP amps up the psychedelic side that can be present in the right Zamal/Thai female and create a very intense ride.

I've still got some Durban Punch sitting in the fridge. Saved for an indoor grow because it might not finish in time outdoors. Can't wait to take it out for a spin!


Well-known member

Apparently, I'm once again going for the record of the longest post.

Breadwizard - Thanks again for the pictures. They are looking healthy. Good job. D looks good, but the mutant looks interesting also. My best plant last summer had a branch or two that mutated. I'd prefer not to have that in my line, but it smokes the best. E catches my attention in part because of Yoss33 giving us the heads up about a slow growing start. Judging by his grow from last summer, it appears the slow growing ones more than catch up.

I planted a bunch of Zamaldelica seeds, among others, yesterday. I'm right behind you Breadwizard! I planted a dozen. They are old seeds, so I hope they sprout.

Speaking of old seeds, I also planted a lot that I have been saving. I'm about to do a blizzard of new experiments. Here is the lineup:

Gypsy Nirvana Thai x Mullumbimby Madness x Neville's Haze
Baglung Nepali
Fett's 303

A word about Fett's 303: I tried sprouting a few last summer, but none came up. This is my last ditch effort. All seeds are in the soil. It is a cross of Papua New Guinea Gold. I believe it was crossed with Hawaiian or possibly another South Pacific Island strain, but I've also heard it might be crossed with White Widow. I'm not sure, but I do know that pictures I've seen of it make it look like 100% sativa, and it has a legendary reputation.

Speaking of legendary, Goldmine:
I grew a pack of Neville's Haze about 15 years ago. I think the seeds were much older. I was not impressed with any, except one. It was a freak pheno, way out of character with the rest of the pack. It was THE slowest growing seedling I have ever grown. It also had very skinny and long leaflets. It had a golden yellow color that glowed in the dark. When it got bigger and I could rub the stem, it smelled like Thai Stick. Long story, shorter than it could be, is that it was the best weed I've ever smoked. It had a character very much like Thai Stick from back in the day, but it was more blissful and trippier, and had orgasmic like rushes. I lost that cutting, but I crossed it with Hawaiian Haze and Burmese. I also back crossed it multiple times back to the original cutting in the hopes of getting more seed that could produce plants like the mama. I looked through scores of seeds and never found one even remotely like it. When my seeds dwindled down to a couple dozen, I started this thread to find something to breed with those remaining seeds in the hopes of reviving that high. This is the year because:

1.) I'm again proud of the line I've been working on.
2.) The seeds are so old that they may not sprout anymore.
3.) I have reason to believe that the Laos seeds I'm attempting to sprout might be related.

Gypsy Nirvana Thai x Mullumbimby Madness x Neville's Haze:
I grew this once before indoors. It never stopped pushing out large quantities of fresh pistils, and I flowered it for 9 months. I wish I had harvested it at 7 months or a little earlier because it started smelling like frankincense at that stage. The high it had when I did harvest was good quality, but the potency was unremarkable. After a very long cure it started smelling like Thai Stick, so much so that it blew my mind. I need to experiment with this more!

I have a very small quantity of seed, and I was extremely lucky to get them. I have a strong fear of a repeat of the Fett's situation. I soaked my seeds for 8 hours before planting. None of the Laos seeds sunk to the bottom of the container. They are big seeds, and might have needed more time, but I just planted them in soil anyway. I have so much hope that these are what I've been searching for, and I need these to sprout! Cannabis gods, I appeal to you. I make mistakes frequently, but oh lord, I have put in the time. LMAO!

Reports of these Laos seeds have been spectacular. I have seen these buds cured to a beautiful golden color. Others have noted that the Golden Thai of the old days was the best Thai. These seeds came from along the Mekong river near the source of the Golden Thai. I heard a story that Haze got crossed to Gold Thai and these seeds were disseminated to friends. I'm thinking it might be possible that the Neville's Haze freak pheno I experienced might have been a Golden Thai expression.

Spring brings so much hope! Hahaha

I was going to wait till seeds came up to post about planting time, but I had to login and clarify some things with The Rev, and I couldn't contain my excitement:
I'm guessing the 33.12% CBG is a typeo?
Not a typo. That plant had a massive amount of CBG.

High CBG is very rare, it's a precursor to CBD and THC that's not suppose to get you high. I've been curious about it, trying to understand how it works. I'm looking at wikipedia right now but their cannabis info isn't always accurate.

Okay it's a CB1 receptor antagonist. THCV is also a CB1 receptor antagonist. THC activates the CB1 receptor so I think that means it blocks some of THC's action, changes how it's absorbed.

It also has a high affinity with the α2-adrenergic receptor. Norepinephrine and epinephrine signal through the α2-adrenergic receptor.
I don't have this down, but my impression is that it may be responsible for the delayed onset of the high, the long lasting high, and the adrenaline rush at the beginning of the high. Thanks for doing that research for us.

What I do know is that a chemist who works for a company that is studying the "entourage effect" of the chemicals in cannabis was very interested in these genetics, enough to ask me for them. That much CBG in a strain is rare, and it caught the chemists eye. If I was playing poker, I would have folded right away.

Glad you're making progress towards your ideal, I enjoyed Bangi Haze. It's not the best I've grown but the taste and high were enjoyable. I noticed I still have a few seeds, might plant them this year.
As you know, I highly recommend looking through those. I forgot how many seeds I had, but I think I got lucky. I found two strong ones and two with a much milder high, but with extreme clarity and bliss. I preferred the clear ones because that high is so very rare, especially these days. The ones I remember that had this quality were a small wispy red bud back in the early 80s. I suspect it was Cambodian Red. Before that, I have to go back to early Mexican weed in the late 60s or early 70s. Very clear and happy weed was common before commercial Mexican weed went to shit, and Colombia became my source of exotic/artisan Cannabis.

Culling a line of seeds is difficult, glad you have the guts to wipe out a generation you weren't happy with.
I was very happy with the high CBG generation. Those expression were the result of Burmese and Train-wreck additions that I credited with bringing back my line to where I wanted it. It was strong and distinctly cerebral again after a bad cross. I made a mistake once, and wasn't able to recover to a previous generation. I stuck with the genetics and bred my way back to being proud of my work again.

I think I know what you meant, but I felt compelled to clarify your statement. It is just that the experiments of all the post Bangi Haze cross cousins all have tested well. It has stood the test of time. I've been lingering at this stage for about 5 years. I'm positive that I don't need to back cross to restore anything that I might be missing. I've been holding onto SAGE for more than 10 years to make sure I couldn't find better, and that the Bangi Haze addition wasn't a mistake. I learned my lesson from the previous mistake. LOL.

Your Kali and Sage crosses sound exciting if nothing else it should be fun smoke.

Thanks Rev. To your point, you never know about how a cross will pan out. See my Neville's Haze freak pheno story above.


Well-known member
Not a typo. That plant had a massive amount of CBG.

Sorry TB but that's clearly a typo or misrepresentation.

It's not possible to have 33% CBG by dry weight in the flowers alone. Especially with 19% THC in the same plant. That's well over 50% total cannabinoids by dry weight. Must be some trip weed for sure with those numbers!

Now you may well have a third of all your cannabinoids as CBG but just not 33% by dry weight of flowering tops.

Perhaps you had an extract analyzed?




Well-known member
Sorry TB but that's clearly a typo or misrepresentation.

It's not possible to have 33% CBG by dry weight in the flowers alone. Especially with 19% THC in the same plant. That's well over 50% total cannabinoids by dry weight. Must be some trip weed for sure with those numbers!

Now you may well have a third of all your cannabinoids as CBG but just not 33% by dry weight of flowering tops.

Perhaps you had an extract analyzed?



I think you are correct. My pictures of the report, posted in this thread sometime in the past, are hard to read. I think I got the percentage from something named "Cannabinoid Dosage Scale". The "Percent H20 Corrected" also starts with a "3", probably 3. something %. I spent time looking for the original paperwork so I can take better pictures, but I haven't found it yet.

Thanks for posting,



Well-known member
Smoke Report - Kali Mist x Bangi Wicked

Smoke Report - Kali Mist x Bangi Wicked


My initial judgment of the latest cross to Kali Mist was very positive. It has good kick, I feel it's effects almost immediately, and it lasts a long time. It is up and motivational.

Last night I went out to celebrate a friend's birthday. We started out smoking some of the Kali cross and eating dinner. We headed out to a local brewery to listen to some live music. I had a beer with dinner, and we did a couple of shots of whiskey before hitting the road. I had a couple of other beers before calling it a night. I've become somewhat of a lightweight and 5 drinks over a six hour period, for me, was a very heavy night of drinking. The intoxication I felt was entirely dominated by the 3 hits of the Kali Mist cross. I never really felt drunk, just high. In addition, we took a couple of hits of someone else's weed later that night. These hits did not seem to have an effect on my high. This says something about the potency of the Kali cross, in my opinion. The high from that weed supremely dominated how my intoxication felt throughout the night. Impressive.

On the flip side, the initial shine of my assessment of this weed has worn off a bit. It is strong, but the electric buzz/vibration of the Kali Mist high is lost in this generation of the cross with Bangi Wicked Weed. What is also lost to some extent, is the clarity of the Bangi Weed high. Neither of the distinctive traits of the parents showed themselves in the cross, and the high is more bland than either parent. The traits may show up in the next generation, but I'd like to look through some more sisters to see if there is variation with regard to these lost traits that I very much appreciate.

This summer, I'll be testing some Bangi Wicked Weed x SAGE x Bangi Wicked Weed. I'd like to compare these results with the Kali Mist x Bangi Wicked to see which cousins I'd like to move forward with.



Well-known member
Good Morning,

I just took a look at my seedling tray, and saw something amazing. In addition to the fresh seeds, Bangi Wicked x Bangi Wicked x SAGE coming up in droves, a handful of others are popping up. Three sprouts from six seeds of Goldmine have broken through the surface, one in each pot. These are the ones that I have been sitting on for about fifteen years. They must have felt me giving them respect. Perhaps they can sniff out a distant relative in the Laos (Golden Thai). One of the Baglung Nepali seeds also broke the surface. They are all still in danger until they get past the dampening off stage, but so far I'm thrilled. I can't believe the Goldmine seeds popped faster than most of the others.

You guys are in for a freak show. The Neville's Haze descendants have retained their gold/yellow coloring, picked up fat leaflets from Burmese, and have the buds of Hawaiian Haze. Most amazing of all, they are incredibly slow growing until they get a month or two old. At least that is how they behaved indoors. Wouldn't it be something if they just need the powerful sun to express the potency that the Neville's Haze had? I might let one grow in the big garden in case it can ripen before November. That way it will get maximum UV rays from the sun.

I should see more coming up by this evening. I planted these Friday night. Three days is usually average till most seeds break the surface. Holding my breath on the Fett's, Laos, and Zamaldelicas.

Off to the coalmine for the time being,



Hey I just wanted to say that I do not believe so much in doing the right cross to find the right plant but more grow numbers. I know it's both, you won't find trip weed in afghani land race seeds but most of the new seeds we have are not landrace and they basically are so diverge that you can find amazing rare phenos in the genepool. The more plants I grow from a variety the more amazed I am what I can find. Yes some are stabilized and bottlenecked but most arent. Surely the trip weed is associated with SE Asians. This is where trip weed comes from so this is where you should look.
I know many people look for this trip weed in faster and easier to grow strains but this is ultra rare and only the result of advanced breeding and probably not a stabilized variety, who knows even if it can be done. But if you don't mind growing pure sativas and running numbers I think it's all there...

Original Haze or Nevs Haze, 303, some Africans, Thai and Vietnamese and basically many SE Asian like Laos, they all carry the trip high that makes you pale and you have to walk it off because you are too high. I don't know why its a bit rarer to find this characteristics in cannabis they are probably recessive or something but if you run numbers from these plants and grow them properly they are all there.

The second part, growing them properly and dialing them is very very important to achieve proper buds. It's not only for the yield but the buds are different. When you grow the plant properly the trichomes achieve their maximum size and produce the full spectrum of terpenes and cannabinoids from the plant. I know for a fact the lower Nevs Haze buds smell and give a different high to the buds from the top. When examined closely under microscope, the lower buds have smaller trichomes than the bigger buds and the terpene profile is always more complex at the medium/top buds. It's not about top or bottom but its about properly grown plant with proper light intensity and spectrum.

I've seen trip weed clones grown badly and take too long to harvest that it was bland generic shit weed, which is another thing, you kinda have to finish these plants in one go. Not grow them for ages, by the time the first bud are ripe, lets say the buds start forming around day 30, these buds are ripe after around 40 days , so around 70 days you will have many ripe buds, usually around the middle of the plant but you will also have new buds forming that need another 70 days to finish ( top colas and lowest buds ), by the time you harvest at 140 days the early buds that were ripe at 70 days are now 70 overripe! These buds loose the trip weed high, I dont know why , at least it does with most of my strains, well its still trippy but not as much and for surely more narcotic and less electric/caffeine-like.

So I think sativas are best grown under 8/16 or 10/14 at most and basically killing the plant at the end by not watering and stripping nutrients. Flush->leave dry->Chop. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the ripeness of some top colas but it doesnt matter because you can have another harvest, it doesnt make sense to overripen most buds to get these top colas ready, since the plant is not producing as much buds at the end of its cycle.


1) I know 8/16 with compensated intensity does wonders ( instead of running 600w 12/12, run 1000w for 8/16 ).

2)Clones help tremendously.

3)Use many light sources, never grow pure tropical sativas with one light source, especially HPS, have many and spread them and do not put the super close to the plants.

4)Have at least 30% blue spectrum, this means at least a one 6500K MH to two HPS bulbs. This will help with chlorophyll production and stretch, as well as resin production and terpene profile ( MH has UV and 400-450nm peaks ).

5) Grow numbers! It's better to sprout 100 seeds under 10/14, take clones and keep the keeper than veg and grow monsters (plus males ) for ages only to find it's not what you looking for.

Having said that, of course you need the proper seed but I believe trip weed is more common if you know where to look than we tend to believe is (hidden somewhere in some magic seed.)
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Well-known member
Thanks Leet!

Lot's of great information in that post. I agree with most of it.

So far, one Fett's and one Super Laos have sprouted.
:woohoo::trampoline: :thank you: :gday:
If they survive the next week, they should be out of the woods when it comes to dampening off.

I'm worried about the Zamaldelicas. So far, they have the lowest germination rate. I got the seeds a few years back, and they were gifted to me, so they might be old stock. I hope so, actually. The earlier the version, the wilder the range of phenotypes, I think. If I don't get at least 6 to sprout, I'll plant another dozen to make sure I have enough to select from.



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ICMag Donor
One thing, the MH does not emit uv, that is shielded on most of the lights. I am glad to see leet and I are doing the short light schedule and 'early' chop. I am at 9 1/2 hours lights on and chop before I see amber resin or very close to it. Using 10,000 Kelvin fluorescent lights with a bit of uvb lizard light at the very end. I keep the light close to the plants though as it is only 110 watts.

I had already heard of growers harvesting in the summer for the better potency from the stronger sun.

The F13's are gonna be done in 7 weeks I think. I am at 4 weeks flower. Damn males are sterile so maybe cross the females with C99 or Haze x C99. A little Nevil's Haze in there too, 2 Hondurans, a OT Haze x Colombian Gold x Acapulco Gold x C99, some C99. Gotta be a good smoke out of those.


Well-known member

I think you are correct. My pictures of the report, posted in this thread sometime in the past, are hard to read. I think I got the percentage from something named "Cannabinoid Dosage Scale". The "Percent H20 Corrected" also starts with a "3", probably 3. something %. I spent time looking for the original paperwork so I can take better pictures, but I haven't found it yet.

Thanks for posting,


Yes around 3% CBG would still make it relatively high in CBG. I know Ace has a strain, possibly their Panama, with around 3% CBG.

On a side note after a two week abstinence I smoked a friends homegrown Sativa (and Pine terpene) dominant with a decent chunk of super-early harvest KaliChina scissor hash. The effects were terrorific and paranoia inducing indeed. Probably not what most are after but a trippy experience for sure.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to recreate the trip with a similar dosage so must be tolerance or setting related.

Keep up the good work TB and if you ever need someone to verify your trip weed I'd be happy to help. :biggrin:


Well-known member
Does anyone know if i could actually get plants to flower before 22 march when it is 12 hour day , and 12 hours night, and if they would flower by the 22 march, would these say stretchy sativas just build the already built lowers completely, and otherwise stretch(build more segregated little flowers) wih never flower fully, or would the full plant start to flower fully in summer..
Cause then an outdoorgrower could easily flower sativas without lightdeprivation... just get plant to flower (with even weak household lightbulbs) eventually, and full plant would niccely build strong resin from summer sun ..
Thanx for the Anwser
I opend a thread about somehow this thema:

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