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The Search for Trip Weed


Active member
IMO, when a strain isn't more stable than that, it isn't worth growing.


I think a lot is said about 'stability' on these forums but when I think back to how I found all my keepers, many times the BEST plant was sort of the one-off of the group.

Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
Not had a lot of experience with import seeds till last few years. Only recently thrown caution to the wind. But the strains from GHS didnt seem too bad to me. Had way worse over the years. They did at least seem to be what they said they were. Can take a bloody lifetime to work your way through trialling... especially with the outdoor guerilla single cropping limitations. Never mind the legal limiations! To be honest, I never ever found a single seed strain from round these parts over the years that bettered what I had. But its not like you can go out and advertise your intent and connect with a few serious simpatico growers. Pretty closed system over here - and for good reason! What I did discover is there's a lot of shite being grown. Lot of people don't know what good cannabis ought to be... or care. I still learn something new with every grow.

BTW, the Strawberry Haze aint too bad. Fast onset cerebral high that is not too long lasting. (I only vape now. Not a sucker for punishment these days and am happy to find my happy place). A little body afterwards but not too much. Around 2m and quite a pretty plant. Of the 6 strains I trialled, its a fave. Slighty delicate demeanour with smaller than average leaves. Nice hairy mid size heads. Lovely fruity fragrance. Came in first week of April from memory? Took a small insurance cut in March. Currently have a nice Sum x SH and a SH x ? underway. The first is heading off nicely. First impressions are those nice early Sum genes doing what I'd hoped. Best hobby in the world. Would post some pics, but it keeps asking for URL. Not sure how to nail that down. Anyone? Regards to all. Lj


Well-known member
Joose - Great post. So glad you are here. Welcome.

Reaper - The Nanan Bouclou I grew was not very trippy strong, but very energetic. I smoked at about 7 pm and couldn't fall asleep until 2 am. I'm old. I often fall asleep on the couch for an hour or two after dinner, then wake up and am sleeping again for the night at about 9 or 10 pm. When I smoke the Nanan, I feel good the next day. Maybe I got lucky, but others have reported more trippy sounding effects. I killed the cutting, but made a bunch of seeds due to the energetic/euphoric effects, early ripening, and fantastic flavor. I'll try some offspring in 2 years, and maybe some original F1s then also.

Remember, you can't judge seeds batches these days by a few individuals. Everything is crossed up so much, you never know what you are going to get. I've heard of so many fantastic sounding strains, but when I grow a few of them, 98% of the time they suck. I don't doubt that others have found good ones in those strains. It's a lottery. I'm just trying to discover good ones of any strain and breed plants with similar effects in the hopes that I start getting some consistency in effect. Every other trait is a distant 2nd place. Lineage is less important.

I'm such a liar. LOL! If it's good, and it has Thai, Sumatran, Laos, Burmese, or Cambodian in it's history, I value it significantly more. Hahahahaha

i hear you and for sure the flava is nice my oaxacan cross just fills the room with the most agggreeable aroma gave some to a couple of old heads that live in thailand and they said it was like thai they had out there ,,ive not had any thai taste like it myself tho,,,the uhkrul was collected close too burma border i believe


Well-known member
Remember, you can't judge seeds batches these days by a few individuals. Everything is crossed up so much, you never know what you are going to get. I've heard of so many fantastic sounding strains, but when I grow a few of them, 98% of the time they suck. I don't doubt that others have found good ones in those strains. It's a lottery. I'm just trying to discover good ones of any strain and breed plants with similar effects in the hopes that I start getting some consistency in effect. Every other trait is a distant 2nd place. Lineage is less important.

Well said and it drives me crazy because I'm an outdoor grower with plant limits and limited space. I have one shot a year. I don't have time to strain hunt through a couple packs of seeds to find a 'keeper'.

And it's a one off anyway. Every plant is unique. If it stands out I'll cross it with one of my best males and save it for the future. If not that's it. I'm not going to save my 'keeper' in clone form for mass production or grow it year after year. I'm looking for strains that pass good traits to their progeny, that breed well as oppose to being a 'keeper'.

I'm tempted to say it's bad breeding but that's not fair. The overall quality of everything is much higher then it was in the 90s. There aren't as many duds. When I was growing in the 90s the same bad traits kept showing in every few plants. Hermaphrodites, hair bud, rhubarb bud, stunted and slow growth. This is mostly eliminated now it's been years since I've seen a truly bad plant.

But it's also eliminated the variation. In the 90s there were far more extraordinary 'out there' plants. If you're searching for Trip Weed your search was a lot easier. You'd have to plant more seeds and be ruthless but there was a good chance of finding unique and special strains. Amazing purple sativas, fruity sweet Indicas, strains so potent you'd toke and head to the coffee shop in fear.

You'd be shaking as you handed the coffee handler their money. In some ways I miss it but I'm older and don't enjoy that feeling of having to 'control myself' as much as I used to. The danger of having a nervous breakdown in the middle of Tony's Coffee. Now I usually just want to smoke good medicine. That relaxes my body and makes me feel good.

But I think Thai Bliss is 10 or 20 years older then me. I missed the heyday of the tropical import market. I've never got to try Thai Stick or Columbian or even good Mexican. I'm sure I have but it was grown in the US or Canada by indoor growers. No one knew what lineage the plants had in the 90s. It was extremely rare to call plants by race as opposed to their nickname like Polio or Pez or Chemo or G13 or whatever.

By the time I was smoking the import stuff had dried up, it was trash, just garbage. We called it schwag, the only people who smoked it were Mexicans and rednecks. We were smoking The Kind, powerful frost covered mostly Indica hybrids. I'm sure I think of that stuff the way Thai Bliss thinks of the old SE Asian strains, the effects are what I consider 'getting high'. I know a lot of the older smokers would take an 18 hour nap on the stuff. I remember taking dozens of knife hits of cola tips of 'The Kind' in this guy's city apartment right next to I 5. Madness.

But back to the point. The best grower I know, always grows the best stuff, starts 5 to 10 times as may plants as he needs. If he has a 15 plant limit he'll start 75-150 seeds in the middle of March. By May he's down to 60-80, culling and giving them away. After sexing he's got 20-30. Out of those he selects the best 15. And of course he's selected his 10-15 best males and separated them.

I'm amazed how every one of his plants is awe inspiring. I always try to load up on his seeds they're consistently excellent. His breeding is better then 95% of the strains out there. He puts the seeds he buys through the same rigorous test. It annoys me because he's wasting 20 or 30 excellent plants that may be as good or maybe better then the 15 he picks. And cost $50-100 a pack. But I can't argue this is how you breed plants.

Selecting by smell, vigor, color, all the experience he's gained in 45 years of growing. To quote Luther Burbank select the best toss the rest. If a plant doesn't hit on all levels toss it. Be ruthless. I can't be that way, I value and enjoy each plant. It's hard for me to cull a plant that's a little slower then the others, I like to root for the underdog.

One other thing I'm sure you don't like Thai Bliss. When you get seeds now they've been heavily selected for traits other people like but you don't necessarily like. On the one hand they're hybridized but the strains the hybrids were selected from were very similar. Once again losing the 'outliers' has cost us. The commercial concerns, the 'right smell, right look, right density' outweigh everything else.

I don't like the move towards rock hard super dense cannabis. I like some of the lighter fluffier airy stuff but the consumers have spoken and they favor the 'indoor look' trimmed to the nib.

It's boring, I miss the regional differences. Southern Oregon was different from Southern Humboldt was different from Boonville area Mendocino. The Mendo had a real Mexican flavor I miss. Golden Navarro ganja from Mendo stole my heart many years ago and now it's gone.

Wow I just did a lot of typing but I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining. I'm happy with the cannabis I grow, I have beautiful strains. I'm much closer to my ideal then I was 5 years ago. I'm still a lifetime away from my breeding goals and I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

It's been a long wet winter. My great-grandma told me to plant my peas on President's Day and that's what I'm going to do I'm itching to get started. Hopefully I won't need her to wack me with her pea pole like she used to for motivation.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Well said and it drives me crazy because I'm an outdoor grower with plant limits and limited space. I have one shot a year. I don't have time to strain hunt through a couple packs of seeds to find a 'keeper'.

And it's a one off anyway. Every plant is unique. If it stands out I'll cross it with one of my best males and save it for the future. If not that's it. I'm not going to save my 'keeper' in clone form for mass production or grow it year after year. I'm looking for strains that pass good traits to their progeny, that breed well as oppose to being a 'keeper'.

I'm tempted to say it's bad breeding but that's not fair. The overall quality of everything is much higher then it was in the 90s. There aren't as many duds. When I was growing in the 90s the same bad traits kept showing in every few plants. Hermaphrodites, hair bud, rhubarb bud, stunted and slow growth. This is mostly eliminated now it's been years since I've seen a truly bad plant.

But it's also eliminated the variation. In the 90s there were far more extraordinary 'out there' plants. If you're searching for Trip Weed your search was a lot easier. You'd have to plant more seeds and be ruthless but there was a good chance of finding unique and special strains. Amazing purple sativas, fruity sweet Indicas, strains so potent you'd toke and head to the coffee shop in fear.

You'd be shaking as you handed the coffee handler their money. In some ways I miss it but I'm older and don't enjoy that feeling of having to 'control myself' as much as I used to. The danger of having a nervous breakdown in the middle of Tony's Coffee. Now I usually just want to smoke good medicine. That relaxes my body and makes me feel good.

But I think Thai Bliss is 10 or 20 years older then me. I missed the heyday of the tropical import market. I've never got to try Thai Stick or Columbian or even good Mexican. I'm sure I have but it was grown in the US or Canada by indoor growers. No one knew what lineage the plants had in the 90s. It was extremely rare to call plants by race as opposed to their nickname like Polio or Pez or Chemo or G13 or whatever.

By the time I was smoking the import stuff had dried up, it was trash, just garbage. We called it schwag, the only people who smoked it were Mexicans and rednecks. We were smoking The Kind, powerful frost covered mostly Indica hybrids. I'm sure I think of that stuff the way Thai Bliss thinks of the old SE Asian strains, the effects are what I consider 'getting high'. I know a lot of the older smokers would take an 18 hour nap on the stuff. I remember taking dozens of knife hits of cola tips of 'The Kind' in this guy's city apartment right next to I 5. Madness.

But back to the point. The best grower I know, always grows the best stuff, starts 5 to 10 times as may plants as he needs. If he has a 15 plant limit he'll start 75-150 seeds in the middle of March. By May he's down to 60-80, culling and giving them away. After sexing he's got 20-30. Out of those he selects the best 15. And of course he's selected his 10-15 best males and separated them.

I'm amazed how every one of his plants is awe inspiring. I always try to load up on his seeds they're consistently excellent. His breeding is better then 95% of the strains out there. He puts the seeds he buys through the same rigorous test. It annoys me because he's wasting 20 or 30 excellent plants that may be as good or maybe better then the 15 he picks. And cost $50-100 a pack. But I can't argue this is how you breed plants.

Selecting by smell, vigor, color, all the experience he's gained in 45 years of growing. To quote Luther Burbank select the best toss the rest. If a plant doesn't hit on all levels toss it. Be ruthless. I can't be that way, I value and enjoy each plant. It's hard for me to cull a plant that's a little slower then the others, I like to root for the underdog.

One other thing I'm sure you don't like Thai Bliss. When you get seeds now they've been heavily selected for traits other people like but you don't necessarily like. On the one hand they're hybridized but the strains the hybrids were selected from were very similar. Once again losing the 'outliers' has cost us. The commercial concerns, the 'right smell, right look, right density' outweigh everything else.

I don't like the move towards rock hard super dense cannabis. I like some of the lighter fluffier airy stuff but the consumers have spoken and they favor the 'indoor look' trimmed to the nib.

It's boring, I miss the regional differences. Southern Oregon was different from Southern Humboldt was different from Boonville area Mendocino. The Mendo had a real Mexican flavor I miss. Golden Navarro ganja from Mendo stole my heart many years ago and now it's gone.

Wow I just did a lot of typing but I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining. I'm happy with the cannabis I grow, I have beautiful strains. I'm much closer to my ideal then I was 5 years ago. I'm still a lifetime away from my breeding goals and I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

It's been a long wet winter. My great-grandma told me to plant my peas on President's Day and that's what I'm going to do I'm itching to get started. Hopefully I won't need her to wack me with her pea pole like she used to for motivation.

Great post man, and from all of you guys too ! :)

A great week end to all ! :tiphat:


Well-known member

Great post. I love it. You make me fell better since you are almost as long winded as I am. Hahaha You are a better writer, so it is very enjoyable. Excellent work. We also share some history, and it has brought back memories.

I grew up in the Midwestern U.S. I was lucky to have a great connection. We got fine artisan weed from all over the world, while most others were smoking crappy weed. I was so afraid of not having good weed when I went to California to go to college, I saved up my money and bought 2 pounds of Colombian Red before I moved. What a joke.

I arrived and in short order found that good smoke was much easier to find. Buds from all over the world were available. On top of that, the homegrown was world class! Everyone had weed. LOL. My friends didn't believe it until I visited and brought some choice samples with me. Back in the Midwest, the homegrown sucked. I tried growing almost every year, but tropical weed growing in temperate climes just doesn't work. I have found that all the way from Southern Oregon down to the Mexican border is capable of growing world class weed. The Mediterranean climate and the volcanic soils are perfect. I wound up selling most of that Colombian Red. It wasn't my favorite Colombian. It was quite powerful and tasty, but too narcotic for my tastes. I sold a lot of it to some guys from Africa that loved it. I used the money to buy all variations of trippy, clear, energetic, euphoric grass.

You are right about the variety. I arrived in '78. Thai sticks were still available. I believe I smoked Cambodian Red. Not nearly as strong as Thai, but super clean, clear, and euphoric. Good Mexican, which had long ago had become unavailable in the Midwest was still around. It might have been homegrown. Kush was the new thing. You could still find pure indica skunky/hashy plants that only grew 4 foot tall. I think I was smoking Haze that was growing in people's back yards. I actually miss pure indica a little sometimes. It was so different, better than sativa indica hybrids. Eventually, it all got homogenized, weaker, and boring.

I'm not sure the authorities were even clued in back then. We were growing in the back yards of brand new tiny lot tract houses with no big trees with 6 foot fences. The sativas were 10 feet tall. Every neighbor on the block could see from their backyards the plant sticking up higher than all other vegetation.

I'm encouraged by your take that seed stock is getting better. I'm so focused on a very specific kind of high that I may be missing the big picture. Finding this forum and becoming friends with people around the world has greatly increased my hope for the future for what I'm looking for.

Thanks to all you tripsters,


Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
You guys really are the business. Proper aficionados... and bugger me you can all string a sentence together! May have found the cerebral counterpart to my other 'happy place'. Grow nirvana for me would be a short harvest sativa with effects like the Thai stick of old. The benchmark. Seared into my memory forever. (We called then Buddha sticks here). Some of the stuff that came later didnt quite cut the mustard it has to be said. Commmerical imperitives and motives perhaps? Down the road maybe I can do a seed swap with some interested parties in this place? Otherwise Ace seems to be the go to for decent sativas... yes? FYI: Kiona farms in Washington State seem to be doing some good work with those old heirlooms. Good vid showing some stellar plants here and there. Good attitude too as far as I can tell. Here: http://kionathc.com/
So... how do I attach some pics to my posts? Lj


Well-known member
FYI: Kiona farms in Washington State seem to be doing some good work with those old heirlooms. Good vid showing some stellar plants here and there. Good attitude too as far as I can tell. Here: https://kionathc.com/

Nice call on Kiona I saw their strain listings and watched the guys video and had to try it. They have it at the local dispensary it's the real deal. Perfectly cured real tropical narrow leaf varieties, Indicas, and old school stuff. They use light dep. They grow stuff the right way. Their Mendocino Hashplant was excellent very close to what I remember from the 90s. Their Nigerian Haze was the real thing. Brief soaring Sativa high with no body effect at all. Their Canguru De Oaxaca was nice, has a spicy majoram/thyme/anise flavor. Slender elongated Sativa buds. If anyone reading this makes it to Washington check them out their stuff is all over in a lot of dispensaries.

You make me fell better since you are almost as long winded as I am.

I know I'm not sure how it happens. Cup of coffee and maybe a couple tokes and start writing and suddenly I've got a page worth. I try to edit it down but then I end up adding more. I'm not sure about being a better writer sometimes I write really dumb stuff. We're all our own worst critic sometimes I have trouble re-reading what I've written in the past. I turn a couple shades of pink, yellow, and red.

The hardest part of internet writing is humor, sarcasm, and criticism. It's not easy to know if the reader will understand your intent. Poe's law is a good one. It states

' "Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won't mistake for the genuine article"'

Of course this applies to everything, not just parodying Creationists. I never use winkys or smileys or LOL so I get myself in all kinds of trouble.

I'm encouraged by your take that seed stock is getting better.

I think the mass produced stuff for consumers is much better, at least on the West Coast then ever before. A few years back the worst grower I know, absolute fool who dries his stuff on his van's dashboard because 'it dries quicker', couldn't move his crop. No one would buy it no matter how low he tried to sell it.

No one is buying BC, wet, smushed nasty stuff. Everyone has to step it up, grow decent stuff or they're out. 'Legalization' and access to high quality clones and seeds at dispensaries has changed everything. Anyone can get excellent cannabis or grow excellent cannabis. There's no longer a lucky connected few.

But as one of the lucky connected few I don't feel the top end quality has improved. The old Kushes you remember, the real Indicas are so rare. I love those strains. Now it's big hybridized plants that are high quality but like you say they're boring. And you have it especially rough because the export market has disappeared. Unless you move to the tropics you aren't going to get or grow excellent Thai.

Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
Christ, you guys are light years ahead of us here down in Great South Pathetica. Good post Mr T. Lots of terrific info. Pleasure to read someone who puts a little effort in. If there's one thing the world seems overflowing with right at the minute... it's mediocrity. It feels like we could be on the cusp of something potentially good on the Planet. Some terrific people standing up to be counted. There's been way too many psychos running the shop in recent years. And I don't mean just in relation to good old long suffering Mary Jane. This old Hippie can hardly stand much more of insane people in charge. There's just too much work to get on with. We've been waiting for the penny to drop for decades. Fingers crossed.

Being as down here we dont get much to make comparisons with, am pleased we are simpatico regarding Kiona. They sound like my kind of people. Sharing good weed over the years, many times with complete strangers, have often been reminded of its real intrinsic value. Sometime, just sometimes, you get back what you put in. Namaste. Lj

Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
TheRev, could have easily written a reasonable caricature of most of what you posted. Mine was a stripped down slightly Antipoddean version and a few years earlier. My formative years were late sixties to early eighties. Halcyon days mid seventies. Have the same angst as you regarding ruthless culling... underdog man also! Cannot possibly test the quantity your friend works with. Ditto the one shot a year limitations. But it can be exhilerating can it not? Limitations can generate a certain frission. But I think if I had to choose, I'd go with a few truckloads more of freedom to move. Like fixing my old cars... the romance has gone. Enjoying this thread. So many erudite fellow travellers. Lj


Active member
Just popped a pack of zamaldelica regs, I'm super stoked about it. The males will pollinate what I'm about to set to flower, then the females will be pollinated by some bangi males. So I'll have the following pollen chucks:

Zamaldelica x bangi haze (and the opposite cross)
Zamaldelica x blue dream (Santa Cruz cut)
Zamaldelica x guava jelly (2:1 CBD:THC Afghan)

The last one is for shits and giggles, hoping for a slightly 1:1 ish med variety with a unique terp and cannabanoid profile, with a good amount of hybrid vigor.

Really looking forward to digging through the pollen chucks in future years for trip weed.


Well-known member
Just popped a pack of zamaldelica regs, I'm super stoked about it. The males will pollinate what I'm about to set to flower, then the females will be pollinated by some bangi males. So I'll have the following pollen chucks:

Zamaldelica x bangi haze (and the opposite cross)
Zamaldelica x blue dream (Santa Cruz cut)
Zamaldelica x guava jelly (2:1 CBD:THC Afghan)

The last one is for shits and giggles, hoping for a slightly 1:1 ish med variety with a unique terp and cannabanoid profile, with a good amount of hybrid vigor.

Really looking forward to digging through the pollen chucks in future years for trip weed.

Please post updates and pictures here. I'm sure everyone will be eager to see them. I'd even like to see the sprouts and seedlings. I will be sprouting a number of them, but I'll be culling most as I look for the ones with the most Thai looking traits. I want to see how yours look when young, and see how they transform as they become juveniles.

I'm loving your direction on this. I'm doing something very similar. I'll be popping some Zamaldelica as soon as the weather starts warming up, or by late March, whichever comes first. I'm stoked about it. I think Yoss33 believes he grew a great one last summer. He has been impressed by the average quality of them.


Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello guys ! :)

Still visiting this great thread quite often but not posting much anymore as i'm not growing anything new and, athough good enough for my cookies, all i run atm doesn't really qualifies as trippy...

It was also the case for that Bango 2 ((Agent Orange x Congo) x Bangi Haze) pheno i already reviewed here last year.


Well, i wanted to say i had a lovingly trippy high from that same pheno, harvested ten days too early after a seed run. The seeds were ripe, and the plants having already suffered from our usual weather, there was no reason to let them rot more while taking precious space...

Almost all the greens was given to friends who just loved the high... I'm on daily cookies diet and rarely smoke anymore due to a surgery gone wrong... Sometimes i do to sample something new... My friends kept asking me to give a try to that bud which was visibly doing great for them... ;) After crunching a crispy little bud ball inside the bowl i took a medium sized bong hit but felt nothing on expiration. The time to clean the bowl and reload for my friend the first surges were arriving and about 10 mn later the high was super electric in a very positive way, with sounds and visual distortions. It neatly cut through the cookie high but that surprisingly thrilling ride only lasted about 30 mn before returning to a more "normal" high... My friend have high tolerance but after the second bowl they cautiously spaced the "altitude control" bongs... :)

Really enjoying to read you guys ! A great week to all :)


Active member
Hey thaibliss, I'll certainly post pics once they get another week or so, they only popped above soil a few days ago, only just getting the first sets of true leaves out, so not much to see yet.

Only thing of interest is one of the seedlings have a mutation where one of the cotyledons came out double stacked. We'll see how that translates to the rest of the growth in a few weeks.


Please post updates and pictures here. I'm sure everyone will be eager to see them. I'd even like to see the sprouts and seedlings. I will be sprouting a number of them, but I'll be culling most as I look for the ones with the most Thai looking traits. I want to see how yours look when young, and see how they transform as they become juveniles.

I'm loving your direction on this. I'm doing something very similar. I'll be popping some Zamaldelica as soon as the weather starts warming up, or by late March, whichever comes first. I'm stoked about it. I think Yoss33 believes he grew a great one last summer. He has been impressed by the average quality of them.



Well-known member
Well, i wanted to say i had a lovingly trippy high from that same pheno, harvested ten days too early... the first surges were arriving and about 10 mn later the high was super electric in a very positive way, with sounds and visual distortions... surprisingly thrilling ride...
Hi Sticky,

Good to hear from you.

I'm not sure if everyone gets Bangi Haze. Due to Dubi's recommendation, I harvested a bit early if judging only by the number of white pistils. I also noticed that about 20% of the plants in my seed batch had ones with a strikingly clear, clean, energetic, and euphoric high. They were super blissful. Those are the same ones that had a distinct auditory enhancement. Also, even though the high diminished, it was hard to judge when I was not high anymore. It is sooooo clean and clear. I smoke early in the morning, and on a good Bangi Haze, it makes my entire day go really well. I'm in a fantastic mood even after a long day after smoking only once in the morning. I'm not that type guy who is easy going, happy, and fun normally. On a small dose of Bangi Haze, I'm almost tolerable. B.H. makes me love life long time. :biggrin:

I have come around to being more careful about judging harvest time. I look at resins more. If I see any amber resins, I think I waited too long. I like some cloudy, and lots of clear resin. All strains are different. Some get piss yellow clear resin. Those seem strong no matter when you harvest. Bangi Haze had an opaque yellow stage. I took a picture of when I harvested a good Bangi Haze. There are a touch of amber, but you can also find the occasional yellow opaque ones. I think it happens just before it turns amber:

Notice the spritzes of white pistils on the tips of the dreadlocks on the bud in the background:



Well-known member
... Some get piss yellow clear resin. Those seem strong no matter when you harvest. ...

we talked about this once a ways back
just thanking you for sharing what is very valuable info
saw 1 pheno like that, perfect description, quite strong

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hi Sticky,

Good to hear from you.

I'm not sure if everyone gets Bangi Haze. Due to Dubi's recommendation, I harvested a bit early if judging only by the number of white pistils. I also noticed that about 20% of the plants in my seed batch had ones with a strikingly clear, clean, energetic, and euphoric high. They were super blissful. Those are the same ones that had a distinct auditory enhancement. Also, even though the high diminished, it was hard to judge when I was not high anymore. It is sooooo clean and clear. I smoke early in the morning, and on a good Bangi Haze, it makes my entire day go really well. I'm in a fantastic mood even after a long day after smoking only once in the morning. I'm not that type guy who is easy going, happy, and fun normally. On a small dose of Bangi Haze, I'm almost tolerable. B.H. makes me love life long time. :biggrin:

I have come around to being more careful about judging harvest time. I look at resins more. If I see any amber resins, I think I waited too long. I like some cloudy, and lots of clear resin. All strains are different. Some get piss yellow clear resin. Those seem strong no matter when you harvest. Bangi Haze had an opaque yellow stage. I took a picture of when I harvested a good Bangi Haze. There are a touch of amber, but you can also find the occasional yellow opaque ones. I think it happens just before it turns amber:
View Image

Notice the spritzes of white pistils on the tips of the dreadlocks on the bud in the background:
View Image


Amen my friend, you said it all ! :)

For those loving clear uplifting mood enhancing highs, Bangi Haze is definitely a very interesting strain in itself and for breeding... Just wish i had a better weather to make it shine as it deserves :)

A great end of week to all :)
Last edited:


Active member
Seedling baby pictures! 6 zamaldelica regs popped, 5 broke ground in peat plugs, just transferred to 4" pots. Soil is Royal Gold King's mix (a light-ish peat/coco mix). Lighting is a cobbled together collection of LEDs of different color temps, and one blurple.

You can also see in the pic the guava jelly cbd clone from darkheart (worked landrace Afghan), and a seedsman's Jack Herer that is being grown as the rootstock plant to replace my old grafted mother/father plant that's getting long in the tooth.


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