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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member
Good Gosh,

That BLB Laos looks stunning. Nicely done Donald.

I suspect my definition of trippy is much more broad than most. To me, Thai Stick was trippy, though the electric speediness was dominant. It was felt in the face. Squinty eyes and sore cheeks from smiling so much and a reaction similar to sour citric but without the sour taste. You can just see the look on someone's face from Thai, wasted narrow bloodshot eyes, yet shit eating cheeky grin. Anything that makes my face flush, grin excessively, and cringe from the bright light is showing trippy traits to me. It is the exact opposite of the spent face sagging, nap inducing (most likely sprawled on a couch) effect I get from hashish plants.

Finest quality old school Mexican was more classic trippy, laughter inducing, phase shifting rushes, and significant time warping. Some really reminded me of a mild dose of psilocybin mushrooms. B.T.W., mushrooms made my cheeks sore from smiling so hard and the sour puss reaction.

Speaking of trippy weed, I think Zamaldelica has classic trippy-like traits. I'd like to know if Donald thinks Zamal is trippy. I'd also like to read a smoke report from him with comparisons and contrasts between Zamal and BLB Laos. Also, if he had to chose only one, which would it be and why? What have you tried lately that is more enjoyable than either?

Early genes: From what I'm reading, that Nepali sounds like the best early one to counter act the late ripening drift from all the tropical genes I can't help but introduce into my gene pool because of the superior effect. Nepali might be best due to the effect being described as cerebral and at least somewhat clear. It's not ideal, but contrary to popular belief, I think growing outside is better than indoors. I still haven't harvested the bulk of the Kali Mist cross and it has been foggy, drizzling occasionally, and no days over 70 degrees for almost 3 weeks. Sun comes out strongly and 70 degrees for a few hours a day at most.

Thanks for posting all the information and especially those gorgeous pictures of the Laos.



Well-known member
I have not looked at my plants for the last two weeks. I'm afraid I would not be patient and harvest too early, given the pressure from the weather and time of year, so I just stay away. I did go out and harvest my seed plants today. Lots of SAGE-ified (25%) Bangi x Wicked. The Nanan Bouclou did not produce a lot of seeds, but I had two plants just in case. I'm convinced this is the future branch of the genetic lines. I'm seeing the SAGE influence in the seed coloring. There are seeds with a lack of mottling on all the seed plants. Some seeds have no stripes at all which is typical of old school Mexican. Long live Purple Zacatecas genes, the "in the presence of God" strain. I love the trippy profundity I sometimes get when smoking well grown and well cured samples.

I went out and gave a good look at the Kali cross. It's still standing, for the most part:

The ripening has progressed despite the poor weather. No obvious mold on this plant, but I've found some on my other plants. Nice for these genetics! Some buds look ripe enough that if they all looked like this, I'd harvest this weekend. It is showing the violet glow that the mother cutting had when ripe last year. The SAGE that will get bred into it, if the high excels, will enhance this violet trait:

Most of the buds need another week. I'll be lucky to get it, but the forecast is good for this time of year. Rain tomorrow, but a few sunny days this week and the lowest temperature is 35 degrees, just above frost. I'll have to keep a close eye out for changes to the forecast:

Here is another picture that shows the exotic leaf shape:

It will be something if this makes it and turns out close to as good as the mom.

Best Vibes,


Donald Mallard

el duck
hey tb ,
there was quite a difference with the laos and the zamal ,
the zamal could be a bit trippy i guess ,
specially if tolerance was down and it was ones first toke of it ,

zamal compared to the laos is sows ear and silk purse stuff ,
that laos has such a smooth delicious taste and high ,
more complex all round to the zamal ,
id take the laos every day over the zamal to be honest ,

even though i didnt think the laos was tripping grass ,
its a much more developed and complex high ,
zamal hits hard , but doesnt have the legs of the laos ... imo ...


Well-known member
Donald - I have a few seeds of Laos I need to pop. I'm going to make seeds from it with a male that starts moving it to much earlier flowering. It may have to wait for testing to be done to find the best male to use. I want to see results of the children from the 50% SAGE male I've used for seeds this year and saved as a cut. I know the Laos won't be the same after crossing it with something else, but I hope it has a strong positive influence on the high of the gene pool I use. Chances will improve if I make sure the male I use makes children of consistently good quality with regard to the high. As described earlier, I'm testing the SAGE cross male with two different unrelated, but good quality, mothers. I was extremely fortunate for the Laos genetic opportunity, and I may have only one chance to do it right. I'm going to be very careful with it.

Thanks for the extra detail of the smoke report. In my experience, there is a strong correlation between the highs I like and highs that lasts a long time and/or there is a big delay between the time I smoke, and the peak of the high. The funny thing about the SAGE cutting I had is that the peak of the high is a good hour after smoking. Even though it does not hit exceptionally hard, the quality of the high of SAGE just keeps getting better as the experience moves along. I've made good progress in my gene pool recently, and I'm optimistic that giant leaps will be made in the coming years.

Thanks Buddy,



atomizing haze essence
beautiful plants ThaiBliss. I bet that Donald is used to some crazy trippy thais, so laos seems not much trippy to him :D maos6


Well-known member
beautiful plants ThaiBliss. I bet that Donald is used to some crazy trippy thais, so laos seems not much trippy to him :D maos6 View Image
Crap! I just spent 30 minutes writing and editing a reply to your post, about Hawaii, my visits there, scouting growing locations for my retirement, genetic migrations due to sailing routes, perfection of growing locations, genetic preservation, blah, blah, blah, apply, rinse, repeat... (like I often do). Then I lost it by clicking in the wrong couple of spots. You all have been spared that.
Now I'm tired and have to go. LOL. Bottom line... thanks for posting that beautiful picture of your Laos cross. Keep them coming and looking forward to a long winded (save often) smoke report.




atomizing haze essence
Crap! I just spent 30 minutes writing and editing a reply to your post, about Hawaii, my visits there, scouting growing locations for my retirement, genetic migrations due to sailing routes, perfection of growing locations, genetic preservation, blah, blah, blah, apply, rinse, repeat... (like I often do). Then I lost it by clicking in the wrong couple of spots. You all have been spared that.
Now I'm tired and have to go. LOL. Bottom line... thanks for posting that beautiful picture of your Laos cross. Keep them coming and looking forward to a long winded (save often) smoke report.



hehe :D thats a pity. I would read it with joy.. sure smoke report, I promise.. and by the way I notice that rare dankness seedbank has new cross composed of cambodia, neville´s and trainwreck. your favorite genetics.


Well-known member

It has been frosty this past week. My garden avoided the brunt of it because I live in a foggy spot. Good new/bad news. This morning there were spots on my property that had a hard frost. Official low temp was 27 degrees. Tomorrow morning is forecasted to be 25 degrees. One of my vehicles did not have frost on the window, but another parked 200 feet away needed to have the frost scraped off the window. I was afraid for my plants.

I took a couple of hours early off work so I could come home and do some harvesting if anything survived. The plants looked fine when I got home. A lot more buds looked ripe to me. I'm starting to find mold getting a foothold on some buds. The buds were ripening from the bottom up, so the buds at the top look to need another week or two. At the very least I got two harvest window samples.

Aroma at today's harvest was minty, lemony, and a touch of menthol. Very fresh smelling. It would make a good air freshener.
Late edit: I was thinking that the buds weren't very pungent, and they are not exceptionally so, but these minty, menthol aromas from the resin on my fingers are haunting. Also detected some of that Bangi Haze floral. Myrcene expressions have all but disappeared in the last couple of generations of my seed stock. If this plant is potent and high quality, I think I'll pay for another cannabinoid and terpene analysis. I'm also wondering if the exceptionally high CBG levels have survived in my selections.



Active member
I grew a cut of critical mass back in the day that was selected out of roughly 500 seeds . many of the girls were pretty trippy . a lot of people thought it was laced lol. Some,might remember her as Christmas buds .:tiphat:


Well-known member
I had a somewhat trippy experience recently with an 18-week Angel's Breathe F2 i grew that has an extreme haze expression. It's awesome weed, churchy lingering smell, really nice dreamy yet functional high. Extremely high calyx to leaf ratio and a main cola that looked like a bunch of dreadlocks. I had been toking on this stuff all day, a hit every couple hours. I had to leave at 3:00 am for a flight, and I decided to just stay up and get shit done and sleep on the plane. I took about 3 tokes before I left and it was kind of a thrilling ride to the airport. Definitely auditory hallucinations; the jazz I was listening to had drumming with brushes and a saxaphone, these started to sound like radio static and interference from another radio station. I also had mild visual hallucinations on the ride in. My lack of sleep and state of exhaustion probably played a role in my experience but this stuff is the trippiest weed I've had in more than 30 years.

I have a clone of this plant and intend to run it again next year, as well as sort through more of the sibling F2s and the F3s I made.


Well-known member
Good job saving a clone of the Angel's Breathe. I hope you find a few so you have a good breeding population.

I remember smoking a half a pin joint of Thai Stick with a friend on a trip to the San Francisco bay area to go see a football game. We smoked it before driving home as it was getting dark. Driving on the windy road as it snaked out of the bay and across the mountain pass towards the Big Valley was like a video game. The lights of the traffic looking like a few strings of pearls moving around towards us and with us. It was dizzying and very bright. LOL Smoking that much was very intense. We usually only took a few hits at most of the Thai Stick, but we didn't want to carry a pipe around. Of course, we didn't want to waste any either, so we smoked it up. Lot's of rush arresting deep breaths to keep from being overwhelmed. LOL That was a wild trip. Likewise, it having been a long day and a stressful drive added to the experience. It was a thrill, but it was also so beautiful.

Anyway, I wanted to add to the terpene observations from the Kali Mist harvesting yesterday. A few of the fingers on one of my hands had a lot of resin on them from holding the stems while I clipped off the buds with clippers in my other hand. I washed my hands a few times, and took a shower the next morning. This included washing my hair. Most of the resin was rubbed off, but my fingers still smelled. The aroma that stuck on them the longest was that earthy orange marmalade-like smell I described earlier on the buds. I was not smelling much of it with the strong mint, menthol, and lemon aromas at harvest. But I was smelling the earthy orange aroma all day at work the next day, today. It finally struck me that I had smelled this before. It smelled kind of leathery. I smelled this before in some Zamaldelica and possibly Golden Tiger. I don't remember if that leathery aroma was in both those strains. Anyway, despite not being especially pungent, the Kali Mist has some really interesting and cloying aromas.

It will be a while before those buds dry. It has been cold and I need another heater out in my shop to make good progress. The de-humidifier needs some warmth to work efficiently. It got down to a reported 24 degrees this morning, and barely 60 degrees as a high temp. I don't know if the plants look dead. I got home late, and it's dark already. It would be nice if it lived another week to test buds that get very ripe. No more days below 30 for the next 4 or 5 days.



Well-known member

I checked out the Kali Cross plant for frost damage. There was quite a bit, but some looked like it might be OK. I may harvest more next weekend if the weather holds. It may not be worth much effort, but it might be worth the experiment.

Some looks pretty bad:


Some of it looks like it might have survived.:

I wonder if it will progress a little more. Pushing the limits in the spirit of Yoss33, who grows almost all late ripening sativa in a northern climate.



Well-known member
Unfortunately, there are late flowering and then there are really late flowering strains :) The true equatorial sativas (Thai, Haze, Colombian) have no chance in a temperate climate with their December harvest, but many of the hybrids with selected parents and November harvest can yield some worthy flowers in a good season.
This Zamaldelica seems a bit too late even for the great warm season we are having, that will soon end:



Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
looking good TB......ya just need to get south for 'lil more time amigo......as always ...niiice garden.....

ganj on........