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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member
Looking Great Homebrewer. I'm aching to have something like that to smoke. Good job, and thanks for posting here on this thread. You made my day.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Although not as yummy, these Bangos are doing their best... ;)

Week 5 since they were let to flower. Seems the cross got the mother's exceptional earliness... :)




Cheers brothers ! :tiphat:


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Well-known member
Looking good Sticky...
I like the fox-tailing on that first picture. I also like the color in those pics. Keep them coming.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Many thanks for the kind words my friend ! :)
The first pic is from the most fox-tailing pheno but, although it's not really visible here, almost all Bango phenos are more or less doing so... :)


Howdy Thai

checkin in to let ya know I still follow your thread after retiring to da farm. I, like you now have a plant growin outside under the sun. The average UV index where da farm is, is a +9 and we had 12 days this summer that were +12

Tis the first time growin this cross I named it Fuc-N-Z it is my Colorado Thunderfuck X (Neverland X Zweed)

week 4 of flowering, showin bout 30% early amber :biggrin:

Looks like you are still chasin the dream my friend


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Well-known member

It's good to hear from you. I hope retirement is treating you well. Glad to see you are still doing the growing, breeding, and chasing the trip weed too. Every generation of seed is a new search.

Very nice looking buds. Are you noticing a big difference in the high with all that extra UV up there in the mountains? ...Colorado high... LOL. I always turned the station when I heard that John Denver song, but maybe there is more to it than I thought.

Thanks for saying "hi" and posting the pictures. I miss all your posts. You and Tangwena are doing the community a service with your out of the box posts on old school curing methods. I also adapted my soil amendment regiment based on your recommendations. Sulfur is released from composting, and I put 12 big dump truck loads of compost on my garden. I add Azomite also. I've been growing tastier and bigger plants ever since. LOL. I read a Richard Evans Schultz book that said the Thais grew their weed on the compost heap. More sulfur and less nitrogen! Everyone around these parts have mite problems. I had mite issues the year I put too much chicken feathers in my compost heaps. I backed off and have not had any problems since. Everyone else is in a cycle of super fertilization and mite treatment. My plants are as big as any I see, without all the work and contaminants.

All the Best to you Sir,



Well-known member

The Goo plant buds started really popping off the last few days. In the evening, the whiteness of fresh dense pistils were glowing in the dusk light. I couldn't help myself from taking some pictures:



Kali Mist cross aroma update:
The smell of the stems of this plant are changing. It's a little less citric, more floral, and a touch minty. Much more like the mother cutting when it was ripe. I did not see it morphing to this even having experienced the mother cutting previously.



Well-known member

Good news for the garden. The Kali Mist cross is starting to lay up resin. In addition, the weather forecast for Tuesday is for 90 degrees. I think that plant will make some significant progress this week. It has been so cool lately, I was starting to doubt.





Well-known member

The immediate weather forecast is for highs in the mid 90s. This is the climate that makes where I'm growing what some refer to as a sweet spot. This time of year there are typically starkly clear blue skies with very low humidity, high UV, cool nights and warm days. Historically, there has been 60 degrees difference between nighttime lows and daytime highs. Current predicted lows are in the low 50s, and highs in the mid 90s. Additionally, soils are high in magnesium (serpentine). This makes the area famous for growing mint, hops, Cannabis, and other herbs.

The Kali Mist cross is soaking it up:


Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello brothers ! :)

Last Bangos at week 4. Unfortunately, due to a very bad weather i had to harvest the previous batch a bit early to stop the mold spreading... At least most seeds were ripe... ;)



Cheers ! :tiphat:


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Active member
After reading through this whole thread, I am planning my own trip weed house strain! I'm thinking the beginning base may be zamaldelica x bangi haze. At least, after the cross scheduled next year, which is CBGs purple Mexican x Colombian gold (world of seeds) as the base for my everyday standard house strain.

Everything about this thread is amazing


Dread & Alive
last year I had the opportunity to grow a plant of delahaze, for my stupidity I underestimated giving less attention than it should, has proved an excellent weed, with a truly electric and trippy effect,if the opportunity will still happen to me I will certainly grow it ...


Boreal Curing

The immediate weather forecast is for highs in the mid 90s. This is the climate that makes where I'm growing what some refer to as a sweet spot. This time of year there are typically starkly clear blue skies with very low humidity, high UV, cool nights and warm days. Historically, there has been 60 degrees difference between nighttime lows and daytime highs. Current predicted lows are in the low 50s, and highs in the mid 90s. Additionally, soils are high in magnesium (serpentine). This makes the area famous for growing mint, hops, Cannabis, and other herbs.

The Kali Mist cross is soaking it up:
View Image

My Kali Mist were eaten by deer a week after I put them out. :( I'll try again next year.


Altruistic Hazeist
My Kali Mist were eaten by deer a week after I put them out. :( I'll try again next year.

Buff... feel your loss!! :huggg:

I'm drooling over the plants and effects described here. I'm still reading the thread, but it has already made a profound change in my perception of growing, for a "quest like" journey, it has made me start re-thinking my usual method for the indoor.

Read lasko mauritius thread yesterday, and it opened my eyes too.

Uff that Electric Bucksaw looks are unique... dangerr she screams

I will be popping as much of my seeds as can be safely taken care of, take a micro clone of each, flower the fem seedlings straight away, test smoke, then keep really unique ones, then flower clones into bigger plants paying more attention to her specific needs, and taking more attempts/variations.

I'm thinking on setting a greenhouse here... and trying any sativa autos ACE produce there too... loving growing outdoors.


Well-known member
Wow I'm jealous of your long season. All my breeding, males and pollen collecting ended last week. It's probably too late for me now. Having that extra good October weather makes a big difference in which plants you can select for. You're probably a week or two behind my latest plants. Which makes a big difference in wet cold late October.

This stretch of beautiful weather we have is a godsend, middle September was wet and windy. Still a lot of morning dew to cause boytritis but it burns off by 10.