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The Search for Trip Weed

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hey Nksv ! :)
I mainly use my O but almost everything i harvest goes in cookies anyway :)
I love the long lasting high and when the dosage is right you don't feel the landing... ;)


cool. I just made some canna oil with trim and popcorn from Panama/Zamaldelica/Apollo 11/Malawi and a ratio of about 4:1 - 4 being the canna! haha. I am actually a little scared of it. I'll definitely have to make some sativa cookies. Psychedelic tea time.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Excellent, it definitely helps the lungs ! ;)
Well, your strains look very sativa to me if you except the A11... I don't make oil cause you lose some "flying time" ;). I just decarb the buds, grind it extra fine and make the cookies with the whole powder. Taste and texture suck but i only need to eat about a 1/4 finger size piece... :)


Full recipe plz Sticky! Haha. Sounds awesome. I don't mind awful tastes, it's how i know I'm in for a good time.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hey brothers ! :)
Most important thing about cookies is to keep them out of reach of children or animals (lost 2 dogs and a cat like that years ago...). The second one seems too obvious to be said but be very careful about how much you eat and avoid driving or any activity where lack of concentration could involve danger.

I first freeze the dry buds for about 2 weeks than pre-decarb them in the oven at lowest temp with door slightly open. Doesn't need to be long as it's going to cook anyway. It's mostly to have the buds crispy enough to be able to make a very fine powder using a blender.
After that it's classic cooking. Here's my recipe but you can hide the flavor anyway you like and i'm sure there's thousands of better tasting recipes on the web.

1,5 cup bud powder
2,5 cup oil or butter
3,5 cup sugar
2 eggs
3,5 cup flour
3 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp 4 spices
4 tbsp cocoa kohler and/or Nutella.

Try cooking at lowest temp. Takes about 35 mn at 160°C.
Found out the high is a lot better and uplifting if you allow the cookies to sit for 2 weeks in the freezer before using them. Means you need to cook a new batch when you still have enough for 2 weeks... ;) I have a low tolerance but those who don't usually take 1/2 a finger size piece. Better take less than too much the first time...

When you've been eating cookies daily for years you don't need to take as much to take off, and it comes faster. It's like the brain recognize it and kicks at once. I used to smoke over the cookie to make it come faster but i found out that the landing from the smoke pulls the cookie high downward. My 2 cents... ;)
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Sticky Sat

Active member
Hey brothers :) !

28 days shots.

BH 1

BH 2

The O

Sticky Sat

Active member
Still 28 days

Sage 1

Sage 5

The girls club :) Thickest and tallest one in the middle is the Bangi Haze pheno 2


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hard rain

The Panama x Honduras is only euphoric makes me wonder what the straight Honduras is like.
I know its hard not to use it all the time its how I like to feel 24/7
I had thought about the Honduras. Panama has also been on my list and I might end up giving them a go. So many varieties to try.

Thanks to everyone else who replied and sent PM's. I haven't got the hang of multi quotes but am taking on board everyone's suggestions.:tiphat:


Well-known member
This is a cross between my Old Wicked Weed x Bangi Wicked:

This is the Old Wicked Weed (Old Wicked Weed x Bangi Nepal Jam). This one is going to be a monster. The last two years I've been growing big plants. Some of them topped out at 16 feet. I'm trying to grow a 20 footer. This one has a chance. It is 6 feet right now and has a head of steam. I've started out with seedlings (LOL) this big before, but I've never had one not get stunted a bit during the transplant into the ground. This one did not skip a beat:


Well-known member
This is SAGE x Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed. It still has not thrown a pistil, which is good because I want this to be a male. It has pre-flower structure that is ambiguous. I think it has a better than 50% chance of being male. I've been keeping it in a tiny pot in the hopes of stressing it and having it reveal itself. No luck. I'm giving up. It has been taking a beating because it dries out before I get back home from work and the wind then blows it over. It is getting over 90 degrees this week, so I'm going to cut it back and repot it in a bigger pot. We'll have to wait till fall. I need to come up with a backup plan in case it is female:


It's leaves are starting to look a bit Mexican and/or Hazey. The aromas are getting more complex. In addition to the sweet spicy gunpowder SAGE aromas, I'm detecting some woodiness and lemon. I'm also getting reminded of frankincense. The thought has occurred to me that the gunpowder aroma is a "dark roast" version of frankincense and frankincense is the "medium roast" version of sandalwood incense. I'm wondering what Big Herb thinks of that. I suspect he will find this post, as he is always searching for the frankincense term.

I hope everyone else's quest for trip weed is going well.


Sticky Sat

Active member
Hey TB ! :)
Good to see who you spend most of your time with... I hope...;)
Really beautiful plants my friend ! :) Perfectly healthy and promising to be huge girls ! ;)
I hope you'll have the male you want but in my humble experience this kind of reluctance to flower is often a female trait...
Can't wait to see the beauties they'll turn into... :)
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Sticky Sat

Active member
First 2 Bangos (Bangi Haze x O) at 3 weeks, a small step in the Search... :)

Bango 1

Bango 2

These 2 sprouted unnoticed from thrown away white seeds and had a difficult start...
The yellowing on bottom leaves isn't a N deficiency but more likely the result of stress from leaf miners, although i'm not excluding a virus vectored by anything from aphids to white flies and everything else in between... Have to spray milk every 3 days to somewhat slow down the relentless pests attacks.

Cheers ! :)


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Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello brothers !

Day 33...

Although we'll let the pollinated buds go on until seeds maturity, unusually heavy pests attacks might force us to harvest early if they don't slow down... Tropics are not always the paradise they're supposed to be... :)

Sage 1

Sage 3

Sage 4

Sage 5


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Sticky Sat

Active member
Sorry guys, always the compulsive pics poster... ;)

All at day 33 in flo

Sage 2

The Sweet Cindy, also pollinated by the Bangi Haze male

BH 1

BH 2


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Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello friends ! :)

Day 35. Tomorrow will be the shortest day of the year for us and that could explain why they seem to be changing by the hour...

Sage 1

Sage 2

Sage 5


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