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The Search for Trip Weed

Sticky Sat

Active member
A buggering threesome indeed ! ;) Seems they find the O trippy enough... :)
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Well-known member
Someone might easily ask of you, "ThaiBliss, if you want to trip balls why not just do --this substance--?"

What is it, for you, that makes the Cannabis trip, above all, different than other trips? And what would the holy grail cannabis trip achieve in effects?
The highest quality Cannabis is a wonderful thing to behold. It is much more controllable than other psychedelics. What I mean by that is that the experience is different when you smoke a half joint than when you smoke 3 hits. It is much harder to titrate more powerful psychedelics.

Each strain, even each plant, is different from the others. Part of what keeps me smoking, is the discovery of new and different trippy blissful highs. Each is a unique discovery and what you will feel cannot be conveyed precisely by someone else describing it. There are no words for all the subtleties of different highs. Even if I discovered a plant that gave me one of the best highs that I have ever had, I'd keep looking because it would be boring to smoke only one kind of weed.

In general, there as some traits that consistently look for:

A feeling that all is right in the world. Despite all the human follies, some that can be quite disturbing, on the whole, the world is as it should be and we should appreciate it.

An enhancement of the senses. Visually, colors are brighter and more vibrant. Sounds that I don't normally pay attention to are highlighted. Aromas are enjoyed.

I like the feeling that I am seeing the world in a different way. Rather than filtering experiences through my past and my prejudices, I look at things with the eyes of a child. Everything is new and worth exploring.

In my opinion, all the weed I smoke should be energetic. The mind should be active and I should want to get off the couch and DO SOMETHING. Life is too short to not to be out in our gardens (mother nature).


Well-known member
Smoke Report

Smoke Report


I did some testing last night. Here is what I found:

Old Wicked Weed x (Bangi Haze x Nepal Jam) - I was told that this stuff was getting people very high. I did not find this to be the case. This plant was grown by a friend, and I think the reports are due to my friend's gross exaggerations. It was good and tasty, but I found nothing exciting about it. Dodo bird. Bangi Haze x New Wicked Weed is clearly superior, in my opinion.

Miss Universe - I smoked this a few months ago and was not impressed. Now that it has been curing for 7 months, I found that significant changes have occurred. It is dramatically more clear. Earlier, I did not like the fogginess it seemed to have. It is also more potent. A friend and I smoked after we started to come down off of the previous strain we smoked that I reviewed above. Miss Universe cut right through the high we already had. Miss Universe is distinctly more cerebral and energetic. Despite it being stimulating to my mind, it was also relaxing to my body. It is in no way like couch lock or a feeling of having heavy limbs. It was more like a dreamy Colombian type of high, yet it was cerebral on the whole. I loved the taste of Miss Universe, but it left my throat feeling abused and sore. It smells like bananas, but tastes like mentholated pine.

I harvested Miss Universe near the end of October. That is the month that the weather and intensity of sunlight dramatically changes. October starts out cooler than summer, but still has intense sunlight. By the end of the month, it feels like winter has arrived. I have not had good results with plants harvested in late October. I wonder what Miss Universe would be like finished in a greenhouse, or finding one that ripens a week or two earlier.

I plan on seeing what a cross of Miss Universe and my Wicked Weed derivations would be like. I plan on making seeds. Here is my list, so far, of what I believe is the future in order of my most promising. I will use Wicked Weed as a shortcut for all my work I've done up to this point.

SAGE x Wicked Weed
Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed
Nanan Bouclou x Wicked Weed
Kali Mist x Wicked Weed
Miss Universe



Well-known member
I forgot to repost a couple of pictures of Miss Universe. I think a positive report deservers it:


I LOVE how this plant looks!

I wonder if this will improve even more after a few more months of curing.



Active member
great description of why we use the herb Thaibliss! I realize I am totally a sativa lover also, I only want indica for that last session before bed. In my travels I've found that drinkers and people that like alcohhol tend to like the heavy knock-out high of pure indicas. I've always liked the herb for outdoor sports, action sports like skiing and grueling ones like hiking & backpacking.

I just grew out Miss U X Harlequin from Dynasty and loved it, nice euphoric and clear-headed high. Seems like Professor P likes the sativas as well, the vast majority of his strains are on the sativa side. I ordered Moose & Lobsta, Starduster, and Ghetto Bird which are high-yielding sativas. I want to get a couple of his strains that utilize his Super Silver Haze male, he's got a few 11-12 weeks crosses of it that sound awesome....Megafauna is the one I"m thinking of.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I will add that smoking pot allows me to come down within a half hour to hour, or enough that I am not really out of it. The other drugs are several hours other than a couple I know of. DMT and salvia? I think those are quick but from what I have read, no real interest in something that radical.

Legally pot is ok here as well. If they want to they can charge felonies for some of the others or they used to.

LSD and shrooms are pretty much one thing, not a lot of variance in different lots. My experience anyways. Pot gives you strains and then phenos to pick and choose, so lots to explore.


Active member
The highest quality Cannabis is a wonderful thing to behold. It is much more controllable than other psychedelics. What I mean by that is that the experience is different when you smoke a half joint than when you smoke 3 hits. It is much harder to titrate more powerful psychedelics.

Each strain, even each plant, is different from the others. Part of what keeps me smoking, is the discovery of new and different trippy blissful highs. Each is a unique discovery and what you will feel cannot be conveyed precisely by someone else describing it. There are no words for all the subtleties of different highs. Even if I discovered a plant that gave me one of the best highs that I have ever had, I'd keep looking because it would be boring to smoke only one kind of weed.

In general, there as some traits that consistently look for:

A feeling that all is right in the world. Despite all the human follies, some that can be quite disturbing, on the whole, the world is as it should be and we should appreciate it.

An enhancement of the senses. Visually, colors are brighter and more vibrant. Sounds that I don't normally pay attention to are highlighted. Aromas are enjoyed.

I like the feeling that I am seeing the world in a different way. Rather than filtering experiences through my past and my prejudices, I look at things with the eyes of a child. Everything is new and worth exploring.

In my opinion, all the weed I smoke should be energetic. The mind should be active and I should want to get off the couch and DO SOMETHING. Life is too short to not to be out in our gardens (mother nature).

Beautifully stated.

It's like that energetic, newfound perspective, is like reexploring life, or even being reborn. Those powers-that-be can't justify the world experiencing this and laying down their arms to end their wars and live like a big human family.



Active member
[...] DMT and salvia? I think those are quick but from what I have read, no real interest in something that radical.

Salvia is a real kick in the head, for sure, and DMT can be as well, but it is more dose dependent. I have to say that a small amount on top of a bowl was one of the most beautiful, clear headed experiences I've ever had. Similar to mushrooms, but less pushy and alien, more organic feeling.


Dread & Alive
personally the only substance that I could compare to a good sativa is a light dose of mushrooms, some effects are similar, dmt is a substance in itself, and the poor sage has been so much commercialized that it is good that so many countries have prohibited it use, you must have respect for nature and native cultures .....


Active member
Thai bliss quote: A feeling that all is right in the world. Despite all the human follies, some that can be quite disturbing, on the whole, the world is as it should be and we should appreciate it."

On the whole, the world is as it should be? There is not a strain the world that could ever make me feel this way.
The reasons are that we have destroyed this planet and a third of it's population lives in poverty, 3 billion people. 1.3 billion live in abject poverty and 22,000 children die everyday due to poverty.
I live in the USA where more than half of all Americans -- 166 million people -- live in places where they are exposed to unhealthy levels of year-round particle and ozone pollution, according to the American Lung Association.
Across the U.S. and Canada, the vast majority of wetlands—about 85 percent—have been destroyed in the name of agricultural expansion.

United States deforestation has caused the destruction of virgin forests by 75% percent since 1600.

According to the World Resources Institute (WRI), more than 80 percent of the Earth’s natural forests already have been destroyed at the rate of 20,000 hectares per day and the main report Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 (FRA 2010) has examined the status and trends for more than 90 variables and all types of forests in 233 countries and areas, saying that the rate of deforestation shows signs of decreasing, but is still alarmingly high.
Water quality reports indicate that 45% of U.S. streams, 47 percent of lakes, and 32 percent of bays are polluted.
Forty percent of America’s rivers are too polluted for fishing, swimming or aquatic life. The lakes are even worse -- over 46% are too polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life.
Every year almost 25% of U.S. beaches are closed at least once because of water pollution.
The USA is, by no means, alone with these numbers, as we see with the deforestation of 80% of worlds' forests and pollution statistics in many countries are far worse; especially third world impoverished countries.
We won't get into all of the species and wildlife habitate destroyed.
The world is as it should be? I pray that I never smoke anything that makes me feel that way.


Active member
Thai bliss quote: A feeling that all is right in the world. Despite all the human follies, some that can be quite disturbing, on the whole, the world is as it should be and we should appreciate it."

On the whole, the world is as it should be? There is not a strain the world that could ever make me feel this way.
The reasons are that we have destroyed this planet and a third of it's population lives in poverty, 3 billion people. 1.3 billion live in abject poverty and 22,000 children die everyday due to poverty.
I live in the USA where more than half of all Americans -- 166 million people -- live in places where they are exposed to unhealthy levels of year-round particle and ozone pollution, according to the American Lung Association.
Across the U.S. and Canada, the vast majority of wetlands—about 85 percent—have been destroyed in the name of agricultural expansion.

United States deforestation has caused the destruction of virgin forests by 75% percent since 1600.

According to the World Resources Institute (WRI), more than 80 percent of the Earth’s natural forests already have been destroyed at the rate of 20,000 hectares per day and the main report Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 (FRA 2010) has examined the status and trends for more than 90 variables and all types of forests in 233 countries and areas, saying that the rate of deforestation shows signs of decreasing, but is still alarmingly high.
Water quality reports indicate that 45% of U.S. streams, 47 percent of lakes, and 32 percent of bays are polluted.
Forty percent of America’s rivers are too polluted for fishing, swimming or aquatic life. The lakes are even worse -- over 46% are too polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life.
Every year almost 25% of U.S. beaches are closed at least once because of water pollution.
The USA is, by no means, alone with these numbers, as we see with the deforestation of 80% of worlds' forests and pollution statistics in many countries are far worse; especially third world impoverished countries.
We won't get into all of the species and wildlife habitate destroyed.
The world is as it should be? I pray that I never smoke anything that makes me feel that way.

You hear that ThaiBliss!

Dirty lakes and hungry children!

How dare you enjoy your herb mate and contemplate solutions for yourself that extend outward from your inner soul into helping the entire planet.

Shame on all of us for believing the universe has a grander plan emerging from the social decay!

Cannabis holds the power to solve all of those worldly issues.

When was the last time he went out and planted pine cones and fed kids.

Babylon got numbers ruling his mind.

Lost in a SOG

I don't know how he got through typing that tbh,, I think I would have done myself in trying to get through so much melancholia, been there though..

Scientism, Aristotelian totalitarian uniformentalism and nihilism are bitches for our species right now lol.. Fact is the earth isn't screwed at all and brooding about it isn't going to help a soul.. Will it be screwed one day if humanity doesn't drop their cocks and pull up their socks? No probably not, life is beyond resilient and ubiquitous throughout the whole universe. I think our incapacity to hold back the complete centralisation of power on this planet will bring about the complete reshaping of our world as chattel of the state though, maybe after a little war or something. Till then I'd advise some Golden teachers (or any other S.american psilocybe) for mind fireworks and soul expansion, maybe extracted in wine and with hash oil in there :yummy:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You make the best of it and enjoy yourself some me time with the herb now and then.

No guilt here about tripping out or blissing out in moderation. The last major asteroid strike, now that is a environmental disaster! Poverty? See how they lived hundreds or thousands of years back.


Chemon 91
the trippiest weed ive smoked?

1979 went to san berdo so cal of e street and some run down 2 story apt buildings.

think it was late October and the deal was a quarter pound of purple Colombian for 150 bucks.

anyway after sifting these rock hard FULLY seeded purple and dark gold nugs there was 1 full once of seeds.

we hadnt even rolled a joint and felt ripped off.

so.. rolled a medium joint and started doing a rising shotgun and while starting to stand inhaling the rich thick spicy super expando smoke my head started getting super light and seeing pin points of light and i fell on the bed and saw flashes of light and spinning sensation...

COURSE WE FLUSHED EVERY SEED... cuz we didnt know what we know now. back then seeds were trash like the stems.

just got some fem neviile haze seeds...hhmm..


Active member
the trippiest weed ive smoked?

1979 went to san berdo so cal of e street and some run down 2 story apt buildings.

think it was late October and the deal was a quarter pound of purple Colombian for 150 bucks.

anyway after sifting these rock hard FULLY seeded purple and dark gold nugs there was 1 full once of seeds.

we hadnt even rolled a joint and felt ripped off.

so.. rolled a medium joint and started doing a rising shotgun and while starting to stand inhaling the rich thick spicy super expando smoke my head started getting super light and seeing pin points of light and i fell on the bed and saw flashes of light and spinning sensation...

COURSE WE FLUSHED EVERY SEED... cuz we didnt know what we know now. back then seeds were trash like the stems.

just got some fem neviile haze seeds...hhmm..

This makes me want to start a KickStarter to build a genetics preservation laboratory where ThaiBliss leads the pursuit to create the most psychedelic strains known to mankind.

Something like a 1.7M square feet (~0.5M square meters) facility with lighting physicists, biochemists, anti-gravity rooms,

On another note that sounds like my type of Sativa.

Maybe Cannabis Sativa has genetics to unlock to allow humans to levitate and telepathically communicate (some evidence to suggest this is true on the latter point)

One thing I know is in no way can we measure the potential effect of this plant in our human experiment.

NASA says Mars is just like the Chilean Alps.

So just add plants and water?

Back to seed preservation the more I think about it the more I realize seed preservation is the future and we must support our seed banks pooling breeders into a one-stop shop (i.e. Seedsman)

Look at the frozen seed bank in the antarctic housing millions of food seeds.

This is one thing I really respect about GHS mission is their seed preservation.

Cannabis, even with all it's phenos is a landrace of earth that will only improve without human support.

So even if a few IBL's land in a field of some poor farmers .. they use the IBLs to get 10x profit to help their kids and community and isn't that the point?

The nature of this plant is for it to defense itself to survive in it's region.

Generally: THC at Equator is going to make CB1 related THC. THC at 10K m will produce CB2 related THc.

This plant is defensing itself for survival so really we face losing IBL's first. Landraces never go anywhere. 98% of the Amazon is unexplored..

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Well-known member
Thai bliss quote: A feeling that all is right in the world. Despite all the human follies, some that can be quite disturbing, on the whole, the world is as it should be and we should appreciate it."

On the whole, the world is as it should be? There is not a strain the world that could ever make me feel this way.
The reasons are that we have destroyed this planet and a third of it's population lives in poverty, 3 billion people. 1.3 billion live in abject poverty and 22,000 children die everyday due to poverty.
I live in the USA where more than half of all Americans -- 166 million people -- live in places where they are exposed to unhealthy levels of year-round particle and ozone pollution, according to the American Lung Association.
Across the U.S. and Canada, the vast majority of wetlands—about 85 percent—have been destroyed in the name of agricultural expansion.

United States deforestation has caused the destruction of virgin forests by 75% percent since 1600.

According to the World Resources Institute (WRI), more than 80 percent of the Earth’s natural forests already have been destroyed at the rate of 20,000 hectares per day and the main report Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 (FRA 2010) has examined the status and trends for more than 90 variables and all types of forests in 233 countries and areas, saying that the rate of deforestation shows signs of decreasing, but is still alarmingly high.
Water quality reports indicate that 45% of U.S. streams, 47 percent of lakes, and 32 percent of bays are polluted.
Forty percent of America’s rivers are too polluted for fishing, swimming or aquatic life. The lakes are even worse -- over 46% are too polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life.
Every year almost 25% of U.S. beaches are closed at least once because of water pollution.
The USA is, by no means, alone with these numbers, as we see with the deforestation of 80% of worlds' forests and pollution statistics in many countries are far worse; especially third world impoverished countries.
We won't get into all of the species and wildlife habitate destroyed.
The world is as it should be? I pray that I never smoke anything that makes me feel that way.
After reading this, I have to go smoke some of my best!

Edit: I'd like to add that the trippiness I seek allows me to live in the moment. People meditate to try and achieve this. The stuff that is "as it should be" is right in front of my face, while I'm in my garden. The plants are glowing, the birds are singing, and the bees are buzzing. The stars are glowing. It is very important to take the time to enjoy this. Stop and smell the roses for god's sake. You are never as close to god as when you are in the garden. It is more rare for me to enjoy this than contemplating all the problems in the world that need addressing.

It is also important to take action to address the world's problems. I spend plenty of time addressing my family's, my community's, and the planet's needs. It feels really good to take action on these subjects also.


Active member
not to put words in anyone's mouth- but possibly the blissed out feeling TB describes is "the world as it ought to be"?

I don't want to derail this awesome thread too far- but this is one of those moments where the herb is a powerful teaching tool. I do see the good and bad in the world..but an interesting possible solution to the bad, starts by acknowledging this...

everything starts as a thought. then becomes word, then becomes physically manifest through action. that's why encouraging this blissful mind state is important. Because right speech follows. Then right action. Don't deny that evil exists in the world, but do tune your thoughts, words and deeds into the sympathetic wave of love. The world gets better or worse, one action at a time. Thought precedes all of action. Keep thought positive and kind, and affect the change you want to see.