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The Search for Trip Weed


Stems Analyst


Well-known member
the dry sieve hashish from my purple oldtimers haze (which made itself through my leaving the buds in low humidity in a garbage bag! - lazy man's hash method :D ) was one of the best highs i've had....

very trippy.... euphoria, giggles, waves of lovely warm feeling....

Made me want to only smoke hash, and sativa hash at that!




I love reading this thread.... thanks ThaiBliss and thanks everyne who posts their pictures and stories!

always a pleasure......
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Active member
What are the very most psychedelic strains?

Panama x malawi?
Green haze?
Colombian Gold?

Which strain has the most rocket boost into psychedelia that might be 1 i listed or might be another and make it a strain I can find on seedsman.com for example

All other effects aside.. the most psychadelic.. which is it? Any landrace thai? A specific pheno with a name?

Asking for a friend;)


Well-known member
The weeping willow and the smiling grower.

The weeping willow and the smiling grower.

This is a rare pheno from an f1 cross that i've made with a neville's haze male from mns and an ace's panama mother.
it's almost like dr.grinspoon in appearance. It smells earthy and like freshly wet organic soil with lemony-tea hints and it's taste is earthy..
The high is absolutely the best for daytime use.
It's really motivating weed. it's strong but not too trippy or anxiety inducing. The effect is more like small doses of mushrooms with a very pleasant feelling that makes you want to do things outside.
It took her 105 days to finish flowering.
is this a thai pheno i wonder?


Well-known member
What are the very most psychedelic strains?

Panama x malawi?
Green haze?
Colombian Gold?

Which strain has the most rocket boost into psychedelia that might be 1 i listed or might be another and make it a strain I can find on seedsman.com for example

All other effects aside.. the most psychadelic.. which is it? Any landrace thai? A specific pheno with a name?

Asking for a friend;)



Stems Analyst
This is a rare pheno from an f1 cross that i've made with a neville's haze male from mns and an ace's panama mother.
it's almost like dr.grinspoon in appearance. ...
forgot to previously mention, but cannabiogen's meao thai-based Destroyer will occasionally throw out these types of phenos. could be the thai side of both these strains that goes wild? one view is that dr. grinspoon is a rare nevilsHaze pheno. and some thing i've found with these wild phenos is that the energy level dials down a bit, and the more cerebral and feel-good aspects are enhanced.


Well-known member

To re-summarize for the following picture. An old friend I ran into had been holding a cut from Wicked Weed more than a decade old and many generations or outcrosses ago. I got it but lost it last summer before testing it. Another friend grew it and crossed it with a spicy/licorice pheno of Bangi Haze crossed to Nepal Jam. That Bangi Haze was nice and strong, but not as clean and clear as the Bangi Haze pheno I wound up breeding with. I grew many of those Bangi Haze Nepal Jam crosses, but abandoned the line when I did not find anything very good. In fact, I took a lot of crap from friends for growing it.

A plant from the old Wicked Weed x Bangi Haze Nepal Jam cross is getting rave reviews. My friend who grew it is afraid to smoke it anymore. He is also scared off any other Wicked Weed plants after his experience with it. It was too much for him. Others are saying it is way too easy to smoke too much. It sneaks up on them, and it tastes too good to stop in time. I pollinated that plant with my modern version of Bangi Haze (clear pheno) x Wicked Weed. That mother had a diesel fuel aroma in flower, but cured to a spicy/licorice smell like that Bangi Haze ancestor. I'm detecting the spicy/body odor/licorice from the stems of this offspring of that plant:

It just goes to show, you never know what is going to pop out from a cross. Sometimes 1 + 1 = 5.

Here is the SAGE x (Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed):

Finally, the Kali Mist x (Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed):



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Smoked some more of the Guerrero with Michoacan. This time more of a shroom effect, more hazy not so crystal clear?

Not the intense 'I am alive!' effect, more mellow and out of body. Very intense of course as shrooms are, just they have that soft effect too or do for me.

So what have I learned? The high can vary quite a bit even doing the same pot, same dose, same setting. I did smoke last night so a bit of tolerance I guess. This high is more in line with what I want.

Some people want that crystal clear zinging thing ( LSD?) where you are hyper aware. That can be nice in small doses but the shroom type high is softer and better for being comfortable. Me anyways. Some people say shrooms weird them out so that is personal.

I have dozens of other strains to run and will God willing, but I have already found a 'grail' so to speak. This does the trick very well but I look forward to different and maybe better strains and mixes. Getting good replica of LSD and shrooms in one is fantastic. Technically two strains but anyways. I have both of them revegging hehe.

Bob Green

Active member
Caught a good trippy case of vertigo deep on a mountainside trail a few weeks ago. Had smoked a few fat bowls of Mullum Thai and was at a lookout view that went on for hundreds of miles. I struggled to take a few pictures then had my dog lead me a few miles until the horizon was out of sight. She definitely has those subtle visual distortions going on. Potent in her own way too sometimes I have to talk myself into finishing a decent size joint. Mixing it with other buds seems to complement the effects and stretches the duration considerably. Beauty of a line if you find the right one.



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Sticky Sat

Active member
Hey guys ! Glad to have found this great thread and to see that many of the RUST II friends are also posting here :) Subbed on the spot ! :)

Sticky Sat

Active member
Batch of unsexed yet Sage F2s clones.

Bangi Haze clones. The very small ones were taken from the biggest ones stems without much hope but they all rooted...

Batch of O clones.

A few more Sage seedlings with older O clones.

Planning to make all the crosses i can with these... :)


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Well-known member
Sticky! Welcome and thanks for the good vibes. You have been killing it!

I have a story to tell, again, today. It is a story of my failure, but also a brag. I told a version of it recently, but I'll attempt brag again in a slightly different way and with some additional yarn.

Everyone knows my love for some phenos of Bangi Haze. I found a couple that had the very clear, clean, euphoric, and yes trippy effects. I ran with it and used one of them for my future seeds. It worked out pretty well, and I'm proud as a peacock of "my" Wicked Weed line with the recently added Bangi Haze genes.

An old friend comes along with some Wicked Weed cuttings that he has been holding onto for, I don't know, maybe 10 to15 years. I'm pretty flattered by this, and as I look them over, I see one that catches my eye. It looks like Thai to me. I've been throwing Thai related genetics at my Wicked Weed line for darn near 40 years now. I'm a sucker for anything that looks like Thai, smells like Thai, or is named Thai... anything. Golden Thai, Chocolate Thai, Highland Thai, just anything. If I saw a strain named Sewage Thai, I'd want to try it. Anyway, my friend calls the old Wicked Weed cutting that looks very vaguely like Thai "The Wire". I know why, but I ask anyway. He tells me because it is speedy.

That is just too much for me. It looks like Thai, it is electric, and he thinks enough of it that he kept it for all these years. Whack whack, and cuttings are in my grow cabinet. I dilly dally for the better part of a year. Then I have a cutting catastrophe. Most die due to degradation of the rock wool cubes I have them in. I lose most of my cuttings, including that old Thai looking Wicked Weed. SH*T!!!#%Fu3K!

But..., my friend grows it and pollinates it with a Bangi Haze x Nepal Jam. I grew a whole bunch of those Bangi Haze x Nepal Jam along with some pure Nepal Jam from a select mother I liked. It was pretty much of a disaster for me. I didn't like the results, and I was roundly ridiculed for growing that stuff. I abandoned all those genetics as a dead end.

Back to my Bangi Haze story. Aside from my selection of Bangi Haze with the beautiful high that I loved, there were some that I didn't like, but also a couple that were very strong, but not as clear. One of them tasted terrible. Another was O.K. tasting, strong, and had really nice buds. It was the most indica looking plant of all the Bangi Haze. It was the only one that had this spicy body odor aroma. It would be a stretch to call it licorice, but I could see it. I mention this because Dubi has stated that the anisette Bangi Haze was his favorite. Because it looked like indica, and wasn't so clean and clear, I culled it. It was, however, the mother of my failed Bangi Haze x Nepal Jam adventure.

Back to my friend. He also grew a bunch of those Bangi Haze x Nepal Jam plants. He used a male to pollinate "The Wire", which we now called "The Thai". I was not excited about it due to my failure with the Bangi Haze x Nepal Jam tests. He offered me seed and I declined. I lost the cutting, and it got pollinated with crap. Woe is me!

My friend grew a couple of those Thai (Wicked Weed) x Bangi Jam. One of them was very sativa like, with beautiful skinny leaves, and a hint of the Thai look to them. When it flowered, it got a strong medicinal menthol aroma to it. It really stood out from the other. I started to be interested again, and begged him to use pollen from my Wicked Weed x floral aroma Bangi Haze. After he dried the buds, a spicy aroma dominated, very similar to that indica looking powerful Bang Haze mother that I declined to breed with, after the Nepal Jam tests.

Over the course of the winter, reports started coming in about how good that Thai (old Wicked Weed) x spicy Bangi Haze x Nepal Jam was. My friend tried it, and it kicked his ass so bad that he is afraid to smoke it again. He said it was three hours before he as "able to handle it". Every one else he shared it with goes out of their way to tell stories about how it messes them up, and how easy it is to smoke too much.

Now, my friend is a stubborn old mule. I gave him some plants that I call Dick Weed. The buds are big, hard, and really easy to trim. It is also pretty good for indica. It is very mold resistant, and has a lemon citric aroma. OMG, lemon. Like Thai! Hehe, I had to try it. Anyway, it is also fairly euphoric. Not bad, but frankly, it doesn't hold a candle to my Wicked Weed. My friend grows some of that every year, and when I see it I tell him to cull that crap. It kills me. Breed the best, and forget the rest! It is an eyesore to me. Yes, it looks nice, but my Wicked Weed is clearly superior in quality and potency. I yell at him every time. LOL. I'm stubborn also. Hehe.

He is also growing something that is popular around here. It's called Yeager Meister. It's not bad, looks awesome in a bag, and has an interesting aroma. But, my Wicked Weed... LOL. Screw that fat leaved indica bullsh***. Again, I harass him every time about it.

So this year, he grows a bunch of starts. Lots of Yeager, a bunch of Dick Weed, and a scattering of Thai (old Wicked Weed x Bangi Jam) and a couple of Thai (old Wicked Weed x Bangi Jam) x (my new and improved Wicked Weed x floral clean Bangi Haze). He planted his starts in the ground yesterday. Since he started his plants a few months ago, he has kept getting stories about the Thai x Spicy Bangi Nepal Jam. Every time his friends see him they tell new stories about it. They can't stop talking about it. So, he plants almost all Thai x Bangi Jam and Thai x (my new and improved Wicked Weed x floral clean Bangi Haze). He finally culled almost all of the Dick Weed and Yeager.

He gave me one of his starts. To be clear, it is Old Wicked Weed my friend save for many years, the Thai looking one x spicy/body odor/licorice Bangi Haze x Nepal Jam. Here she is:


I see a bit of the Nepal Jam in this one. A trait of all of these Thai (old Wicked Weed) are very long calyxes. We'll see how she turns out. I'm definitely pollinating her.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Thanks a lot for welcoming me with such kind words and for sharing your experiences with us ThaiBliss :)

This girl is a beauty ! Just fell in love ! Again... ;)

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