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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I can see the individual Haitians' POV: If you can get a free meal, lodging, money, transportation, medical care... why the fuck not? I most ricky-tick would.

THAT AIN'T THE PROBLEM, HempKat. It would be OK if America was infinitely rich and infinitely communist.

"Going to fundamentally change America..." <-- Remember that one? I do. And America IS being changed.

REMEMBER ALSO: "Come to America, we will welcome all of you." <-- Same speaker, no? See the crowds?

When an illegal foreigner walks -- or is flown across our border (along with tens of thousands of others) and is put up in buildings that veterans are no longer eligible for... and they receive actual money to spend**

**4X more than a dinged-helmet vet receives for injury in his service. There is a basic, basic, BASIC problem.
I agree completely when you are talking about illegal aliens. The problem is in the case of the Haitians being discussed, they're not illegal. The legality of an immigrant isn't based on whether or not all citizens like them. Hell I've seen citizens that don't like Puerto Ricans even though Puerto Ricans are legal citizens being that Puerto Rico is a US Territory.

I'm not in favor of the nonsense started by DeSantis and Abbott of sending illegals deeper into the country because they don't want to deal with them. If I had my preference any illegal caught would be sent packing back to their country of origin imediately, do not pass go, collect nothing. I wouldn't send them deeper into the country to await taking them to court for entering illegally and only then send them packing. Nor would I advocate them getting any handouts just because we insisted on keeping them here until we could take them to court. There are well defined requirements in order for people to get government benefits and I've yet to see one that says if you enter the country illegally and have done absolutely nothing to contribute to society then you're entitled to anything.
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Right back at you, if I'm some programmed acolyte of some cult then you're just some programmed acolyte of a different cult. Just because you say there are liars on both sides means nothing. You act like that is something that isn't common knowledge and that only you are enlightened. You mistake is thinking I'm trying to sway you, I've identified long ago that the most vocal on this thread are unswayable. Fortunately there are still a few more quiet ones that are reachable and likely just keep mostly quiet so as to not become the target of riddicule from the more vocal ones.
go back to bed.....


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I agree completely when you are talking about illegal aliens. The problem is in the case of the Haitians being discussed, they're not illegal. The legality of an immigrant isn't based on whether or not all citizens like them. Hell I've seen citizens that don't like Puerto Ricans even though Puerto Ricans are legal citizens being that Puerto Rico is a US Territory.

I'm not in favor of the nonsense started by DeSantis and Abbott of sending illegals deeper into the country because they don't want to deal with them. If I had my preference any illegal caught would be sent packing back to their country of origin imediately, do not pass go, collect nothing. I wouldn't send then deeper into the country to await taking them to court for entering illegally and only then send them packing. Nor would I advocate them getting any handouts just because we insisted on keeping them here until we could take them to court. There are well defined requirements in order for people to get government benefits and I've yet to see one that says if you enter the country illegally and have done absolutely nothing to contribute to society then you're entitled to anything.
You bring everyone so much joy when you leave the room.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
When I use to grow outdoors, during the transplant process, I would take a fork and run it down the sides of the root ball to rough it up a bit. We called it tickling the roots. The root system did seem to be more fibrous. With no ill effects. That's why we did it. We would start seeds in 4" ctn, transplant to a gal pot, then to the ground at each transplant stage a light tickling of the roots was done.

I don't seem to do it indoors, not sure why not.
It's not really a necessity, especially if you allow a plant to have enough time to fill the container with roots. Where I would say it would work best is if you were trying to cut down on veg time in order to get them into flower a bit quicker, then that sudden burst of growth you get might be a bit more advantagous.
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Well-known member
Right back at you, if I'm some programmed acolyte of some cult then you're just some programmed acolyte of a different cult. Just because you say there are liars on both sides means nothing. You act like that is something that isn't common knowledge and that only you are enlightened. Your mistake is thinking I'm trying to sway you, I've identified long ago that the most vocal on this thread are unswayable. Fortunately there are still a few more quiet ones that are reachable and likely just keep mostly quiet so as to not become the target of riddicule from the more vocal ones.
Good job parroting back to me. Reading your words of ‘wisdom’ is like watching CNN. I see what I see and don’t need to be told a narrative to understand it.