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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I’m done for the day old man. I have three racks full so far. Gotta pick up my granddaughter from track practice and take her to Wendy’s for a frosty and fries later. Hope your day is going well.
Who are you Sub to the grandchildren, are you grandma, nanna or?

My day is fine, thur. is my busy day with laundry and bed making etc.

My grandchildren live a 12 hour drive from here, it's unfortunate.


Cabana’s bitch
I wish you had someone there to help you boo 😒
That would be nice Seby, but I don’t see it happening. After Linda died my life changed completely. I pretty much stay at home for the most part unless I’ve got to go to another damn doctor and get raped… I had an ultrasound the month ago and I just got a bill for it saying the insurance company doesn’t cover them. What a crock of shit Medicare is… when I had TRICARE there wasn’t anything they didn’t want to give me and never charged me… just now the wind started kicking up and I’m watching the trees all over the place flopping around. The bamboo is stronger than the trees cause it bends.


Cabana’s bitch
I wish you had someone there to help you boo 😒
That would be nice Seby, but I don’t see it happening. After Linda died my life changed completely. I pretty much stay at home for the most part unless I’ve got to go to another damn doctor and get raped… I had an ultrasound the month ago and I just got a bill for it saying the insurance company doesn’t cover them. What a crock of shit Medicare is… when I had TRICARE there wasn’t anything they didn’t want to give me and never charged me… just now the wind started kicking up and I’m watching the trees all over the place flopping around. The bamboo is stronger than the trees cause it bends.


Well-known member
Rainy today but Zig still needs a walk. Todays ‘Walks with Zig’.

Note:no trees were harmed on today’s walk. It was knocked over when Zig got there…


Well-known member
That would be nice Seby, but I don’t see it happening. After Linda died my life changed completely. I pretty much stay at home for the most part unless I’ve got to go to another damn doctor and get raped… I had an ultrasound the month ago and I just got a bill for it saying the insurance company doesn’t cover them. What a crock of shit Medicare is… when I had TRICARE there wasn’t anything they didn’t want to give me and never charged me… just now the wind started kicking up and I’m watching the trees all over the place flopping around. The bamboo is stronger than the trees cause it bends.
I had an ultrasound of my gall bladder earlier this year. It was covered. You should call them and ask if the dipshit in billing coded it correctly.


Well-known member
That would be nice Seby, but I don’t see it happening. After Linda died my life changed completely. I pretty much stay at home for the most part unless I’ve got to go to another damn doctor and get raped… I had an ultrasound the month ago and I just got a bill for it saying the insurance company doesn’t cover them. What a crock of shit Medicare is… when I had TRICARE there wasn’t anything they didn’t want to give me and never charged me… just now the wind started kicking up and I’m watching the trees all over the place flopping around. The bamboo is stronger than the trees cause it bends.
My wife is on Eliquis. When she was 64 it was mostly covered by insurance and what wasn't was subsidized by the manufacturer. Turn 65 and get on Medicare, no longer qualify for subsidize and now $200 per month.


Well-known member
Premium user
That would be nice Seby, but I don’t see it happening. After Linda died my life changed completely. I pretty much stay at home for the most part unless I’ve got to go to another damn doctor and get raped… I had an ultrasound the month ago and I just got a bill for it saying the insurance company doesn’t cover them. What a crock of shit Medicare is… when I had TRICARE there wasn’t anything they didn’t want to give me and never charged me… just now the wind started kicking up and I’m watching the trees all over the place flopping around. The bamboo is stronger than the trees cause it bends.
If I were closer I could at least wash the doggos. 💕


Cabana’s bitch
The Doggo’s have been washed and I’m heading into the shower to wash the soap off of me… Dutch has never liked his toenails trimmed or being washed. I’m not worrying about the toenails, but I gave him a scrubbing from nose to asshole today… he wasn’t cooperative so I had to get a little physical with him and then that calmed him down. Ivan wants a bath so bad he can’t stand it. He is such a wonderful boy and every aspect other than other animals in his yard… he is truly a raptor


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
that is almost funny

now this is funny , the Haitians were brought in for economic reasons , take the jobs that the Americans wouldn’t take

and using YouTube videos as a reliable source of news is pathetic

for the record , I enjoy a robust but respectful debate

no need for name calling and personal attacks/insults which violate the TOU

we ALL need to be occasionally challenged about our individual beliefs , it makes us stronger in my view

View attachment 19073310
There is nothig wrong with using a YouTube video for information if the video is of the person you seek info from doing the talking. The problem only comes in when you watch a media source that doesn't show you what a person actually said but instead tells you what someone said and then goes on to explain what they meant as well. Of course I realize it wouldn't matter what source I gave, if it didn't match what you believe you would just find some way to dismiss it or discredit it. For example if I showed you a video of Trump saying something you didn't like you would likely dismiss it as an AI fake or you would just say Trump was being sarcastic or something like that. Which is why I rarely post links to stories or videos trying to prove what I am saying. I know I'll never get you to see things differently. Now you would probably say to that something like if I'm not trying to change your mind then why do I even bother saying anything? To which my reply would be that my comment isn't meant for you but rather for some other more open minded person who might read it. I'm just using your post as a means of getting that information out there since I have no idea in advance who will be open minded enough on any given subject. I could name several in here that have demonstrated the ability to be open minded and maybe even do some research on their own but I think you know who they are already and they might not want me to shine a light on the possibility they aren't necessarily conforming to the group think.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Saying someone is a republican or democrat doesn’t sway me at all. There are scumbag liars on both sides of the aisle. The permanent state has been gaslighting Americans to get us into wars for decades(coming to a country you live in soon). You are believing what you are told to believe(probably because it is easier to go along to get along than realize your elected officials are in it for money and power not the citizens they represent). You know who the ‘sharp rise in property values’ has benefited? The mayor of Springfield who owns a rental property company that is making bank on the influx of Haitians. I’m not going to try to enlighten you any more. You are an acolyte of the ruling cult. A lifetime of programming cannot be undone on a forum.
Right back at you, if I'm some programmed acolyte of some cult then you're just some programmed acolyte of a different cult. Just because you say there are liars on both sides means nothing. You act like that is something that isn't common knowledge and that only you are enlightened. Your mistake is thinking I'm trying to sway you, I've identified long ago that the most vocal on this thread are unswayable. Fortunately there are still a few more quiet ones that are reachable and likely just keep mostly quiet so as to not become the target of riddicule from the more vocal ones.
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Well-known member
been using them for decades...soak them in fresh water and hey should be good to go...if you left the bag open they may be dried out beyond rescuing them...
I want to start propagating again, last time got to be quite proficient at it.
But it's been 15 or so years, was using wool plugs at the time.
I think I had the first mister that came out but it ended up over the hill and far far away.
To hard to control water temp and ph fluctuations from the submerged motor.
With zero success.
Then went to.heat, plugs, cloning solution, cheap 18" flouro fixtures, and hormone, success at last