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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Start your own thread and let’s see how it does. Just think of all the wisdom you can share. I’m just an old hippie looking for peace. You are a fly. In the ointment.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If you have such a superior mind, why don’t you start your thread and see who follows you? this is a pretty peaceful place until you shit right in the middle of our lunchbox.
See that's where your idiocy really shines, you think that just because I said something you and two or three others didn't agree with, that I'm shitting in everyone's lunchbox. I count at least a half dozen people that were able to move past the point your little feelings got hurt and have gone on to interact with me in a very civil manner about things far more approriate for this thread. What's truely hilarious is for as much as you try to make a big fuss about this thread not being political. It was you who introduced the political topic, I just didn't agree with it and you haven't shut up about it since.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
See that's where your idiocy really shines, you think that just because I said something you andd two or three others didn't agree with, that I'm shtting in everyone's lunchbox. I count at leasst a half dozen people that were able to move past the point your little feelings got hurt and have gone on to interact with me in a very civil manner about things fsar more approriate for this thread. What's truely hilarious is for as much as you try to make a big fuss about this thread not being political. It was you who introduced the political topic, I just didn't agree with it and you haven't shut up about it since.
I don’t rants…..never have. Going to dinner. You’re just gonna have to wait for the next insult, son! I’ll be thinking of a great name for your thread.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don’t rants…..never have. Going to dinner. You’re just gonna have to wait for the next insult, son! I’ll be thinking of a great name for your thread.
Wow, so you're going to let me live rent free in your head while you eat dinner? Nice, in a pathetic sort of way.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Wow, so you're going to let me live rent free in your head while you eat dinner? Nice, in a pathetic sort of way.
No….It’s cause I have more in my life than playing verbal volley ball with you…..enjoy trolling the thread while I am having dinner out. Something you probably can’t afford.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I agree completely when you are talking about illegal aliens. The problem is in the case of the Haitians being discussed, they're not illegal. The legality of an immigrant isn't based on whether or not all citizens like them. Hell I've seen citizens that don't like Puerto Ricans even though Puerto Ricans are legal citizens being that Puerto Rico is a US Territory.

I'm not in favor of the nonsense started by DeSantis and Abbott of sending illegals deeper into the country because they don't want to deal with them. If I had my preference any illegal caught would be sent packing back to their country of origin imediately, do not pass go, collect nothing. I wouldn't send them deeper into the country to await taking them to court for entering illegally and only then send them packing. Nor would I advocate them getting any handouts just because we insisted on keeping them here until we could take them to court. There are well defined requirements in order for people to get government benefits and I've yet to see one that says if you enter the country illegally and have done absolutely nothing to contribute to society then you're entitled to anything.

thanks for clearing that up

just because something is legal does not mean it is the right thing to do

same as something that is illegal may be the right thing to do

for example , killing unborn children in the womb is legal

but it is not right

possession of cannabis in some states is illegal

but that is not right

it is my belief that the current immigration policies , though they may be legal , are not right

a country with no borders is no longer a country

psssst , I am trying to overcome my cognitive dissonance 🤓



Remember when the government said this was evil and dangerous?