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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
This thread has literally gone to the birds.

I knew you were into turkey porn. I have these films you will be very interested in!


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Maybe some tea leaves too?
Augur the chicken entrails?
Ten rounds at once like a spray?
yeah fogey needs that nice and quiet too.
No, it is a single shot and shot them one at a time.

The final factory quality test was ten rounds from a bench rest and the test target came with the rifle.



Excellent price for a very good vaporizer with everything you need from a reputable maker.......I use one myself.
Then you can start building shit and buying bongs as well.
I think I know what I am gonna do with my new free time.


Well-known member

The Bowl of Chili​

A young cowboy walks into a seedy cafe in Western Oklahoma. He sits at the counter and notices an old cowboy with his arms folded staring blankly at a full bowl of chili. After fifteen minutes of just sitting there staring at it, the young cowboy bravely asks the old cowpoke, 'If you ain't gonna eat that, mind if I do?' The older cowboy slowly turns his head toward the young wrangler and in his best Okie manner says, 'Nah, go ahead.' Eagerly, the young cowboy reaches over and slides the bowl over to his place and starts spooning it in with delight. He gets nearly down to the bottom and notices a dead mouse in the chili. The sight was shocking and he immediately barfs up the chili into the bowl. The old cowboy quietly says, 'Yep, that's as far as I got, too'.
That is just so wrong.
16 not bad. I usually get about 20, one was at least 25. She peed in the toilet. Used litter box for number two. Such a good puddy.

Our first Cat (male) was a toilet pisser on command.
Sneak up and place that on the turkey's tail. (better then Salt)

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Or just build it big enough for several and then pick the one you want after they're caged. Consider a covered pen................
That'd work... but it would be the last time turkeys came around.

A single .22 shot will do it. Folks do not react to one shot.

Although... there is an arrow for bow or crossbow that has sumpin called a "Bullhead" instead of a point. It decapitates the bird without bothering birds right next to it.


Lookit this video at the 3:44 mark. The Boss turkey had an interesting reaction: Decided to kick the shit outa the headless dude.

It's a tad too sexy for me. I shoot center mass. It does not really hurt the meat.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
A buddy of mine who is a seasoned hunter said turkeys are harder to kill than one would think and that you need to shoot them in the head since their feathers provide pretty good ‘armor’ against a shotgun. Any input on where I should aim a crossbow at the diseased hen would be appreciated.
@oldfogey8 -- If you use a crossbow, aim center mass. The feathers mean absolutely zerio to a crossbow bolt as far as "armor" is concerned.

A crossbow will shoot through Kevlar. <-- TINS

MOAR: To practice with a crossbow, you CANNOT use an archery backstop. Won't even slow the crossbow arrow down.

My target thingy is a sort of liquified fudge inside a block. The liquid grabs and stops to arrow, then relaxes and releases it so you can pull the arrow out with your fingertips. It is good for 450 feet per second bolts.

To compare with even the biggest bows:

"On average, a recurve bow will shoot arrows at around 140 to 200 fps, and compound bows will shoot arrows at 230 to 280 fps." <-- Meh. Feh. Peh.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
A buddy of mine who is a seasoned hunter said turkeys are harder to kill than one would think and that you need to shoot them in the head since their feathers provide pretty good ‘armor’ against a shotgun. Any input on where I should aim a crossbow at the diseased hen would be appreciated.
@oldfogey8 -- If you use a crossbow, aim center mass. The feathers mean absolutely zerio to a crossbow bolt as far as "armor" is concerned.

A crossbow will shoot through Kevlar. <-- TINS

MOAR: To practice with a crossbow, you CANNOT use an archery backstop. Won't even slow the crossbow arrow down.

My target thingy is a sort of liquified fudge inside a block. The liquid grabs and stops to arrow, then relaxes and releases it so you can pull the arrow out with your fingertips.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
The whole flock is pretty tolerant of be. 2 of the toms and a few hens let me get with in an arms length but the diseased hen and the rest of her flock are more wary of me though I can get 10-15 ft from them. They know I am the sunflower seed guy.
(*snork*) I gots two peacocks that were born in my yard 15 years ago. They are wild, but tame.

I gotta push them outa the fargin way to put black oil seeds down (their fave).


Well-known member
@oldfogey8 -- If you use a crossbow, aim center mass. The feathers mean absolutely zerio to a crossbow bolt as far as "armor" is concerned.

A crossbow will shoot through Kevlar. <-- TINS

MOAR: To practice with a crossbow, you CANNOT use an archery backstop. Won't even slow the crossbow arrow down.

My target thingy is a sort of liquified fudge inside a block. The liquid grabs and stops to arrow, then relaxes and releases it so you can pull the arrow out with your fingertips. It is good for 450 feet per second bolts.
View attachment 18970067
To compare with even the biggest bows:

"On average, a recurve bow will shoot arrows at around 140 to 200 fps, and compound bows will shoot arrows at 230 to 280 fps." <-- Meh. Feh. Peh.
I have a hay bale that has been sitting out in the yard. Right now it is pretty soaked with water and thus very dense. That is(maybe was) my intended target stand. The center of mass option would be my preference as I don’t anticipate being a crack shot out of the gate. I’m going to call around today to see if the Fish and Game folks want to take a gander(kind of a fowl pun) at the diseased bird.


Well-known member
(*snork*) I gots two peacocks that were born in my yard 15 years ago. They are wild, but tame.

I gotta push them outa the fargin way to put black oil seeds down (their fave).
Yep. Black oil sunflower seed is my go-to feeder filler. I bought 600 lbs last fall. Down to 4 bags(160 lbs) at this point. I have enough seed husks piled up under the feeders I could use it as mulch. Seeing some migratory birds returning so my usage will be going up. I go thru 40 lbs about every week and a half in the warmer months which are early this year.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
That'd work... but it would be the last time turkeys came around.

A single .22 shot will do it. Folks do not react to one shot.

Although... there is an arrow for bow or crossbow that has sumpin called a "Bullhead" instead of a point. It decapitates the bird without bothering birds right next to it.

View attachment 18970054 View attachment 18970055

Lookit this video at the 3:44 mark. The Boss turkey had an interesting reaction: Decided to kick the shit outa the headless dude.

It's a tad too sexy for me. I shoot center mass. It does not really hurt the meat.

Au contraire. The wild Turkeys regularly visiting my daughters place in Louisiana are wily but dumb. They even shoot them in the back yard with a 12 ga and they still come back. If the pen is baited regularly, by the time Thanksgiving rolls around again, $100 says that they will have forgotten about it.

A gamble as the neighbors may or may not respond to a single gunshot. If you do decide to use a 22, I suggest a short or long, vis a vis a long rifle, as the long rifle is supersonic and produces a sonic crack.

Point of fact, I fired a long rifle in my side yard to dispense a squirrel that had a broken back from being hit by a car and had crawled into a rock pile, only to have a neighbor come out to see what was going on.
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Well-known member