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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I was a pretty geeky kid. Finished them all the first time by the end of 6th grade. Some of it is a bit of a grind but nothing like Stephen King who can go on paragraph after paragraph describing details that bore the crap out of me. The trilogy movies are pretty darn good at sticking to the books(though a few scenes go off on tangents). The Hobbit movies were disappointing for the geek in me. They needed embellishment to stretch the story to 3 movies. I guess I am pretty geeky as an old fogey too…😂
I can relate to your experience with Stephen King and find his writings highly over rated.


ICMag Donor
Don't know where Gypsy was but in Sydney we got amazing purple sunsets for months after the eruption. Light up a joint and enjoy the colours.

I can’t leave that unanswered …


Well-known member
I listen to my body.... don't wait..,.it will only get worse. Mrs Pute has breast cancer 6 years ago. She felt a small lump and immediately went to the doctor.

The caught it at stage 1.....she still has both breasts today!
Leah caught hers 15 years ago and unfortunately she had to go through a double mastectomy as well as a full hysterectomy.

It's been a rough road for us to say the least. I used to feel bad for saying this but couples therapy taught me not to..I miss titties:cry:


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
View attachment 18956028 Here now - sitting in the waiting room - at the cardiology nurse station - waiting to be seen to - St Thomas's Hospital is just across the Thames from the Houses of Parliament - so I popped out for a toke on the vape pen - and took a picture - 📸

looks as magnificent as it did when I was there in ‘83

dd they really play a call to worship over the loudspeakers in London Town?….is there Sharia Law?….just curious to hear a boots on the ground report instead of the fake news….



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If folks wish to engage in some trivia reading about a woman of noteworthy history here in the Interior of Alaska, look into Irene Sherman, dubbed 'the Queen of Fairbanks.'

Quite a character.

One of 7 children, who was not aware of her siblings other than by word of mouth for the most part.

She survived a house fire at age 5 that left her permanently disfigured, and was known as Fairbanks' (and Healy, Alaska's) own bag-lady.

She lived on mines, sometimes on the streets, pedaled her bicycle around town, almost always wearing heavy overcoats regardless of weather, nearly always with a rope around her waist with a beer mug dangling from it, could make miners and bartenders blush with her verbiage, and was often taken care of by well-known town families.

To say she was eccentric was an understatement.

Fairbanks is looking to erect a statue for her. I have my own cynical views on that, but also believe she deserves her honorary status, and my cynicism is more aimed at the population than Irene.

The communities she lived in share many tales of her wisdom and humor.

One day in Healy, Alaska, in 1938, she was observed to be burying a huge rock outside her home, which was near the railroad tracks. Any time a person of suspect mind engages in 'unique' behavior, some will talk about it. So it was that day, when a local person asked her what she was doing.

She told them that each night the train came by the engineers and others would try to hit that rock with stones they'd throw, and sometimes the stones bounced in through her open window. She said it was better she buried the rock than someone else.

There's more detailed reading about Irene (especially at the local paper, which has a paywall, though in the spirit of Irene Sherman, I can copy and paste their article here if anyone's interested).

The community took care of Irene when she struggled, one prominent family repeatedly paying for the things she 'shoplifted', when everyone including the store was aware of her 'shoplifting', and it was a sort of warm-hearted joke.
She sounds perfect we should invite her🙄😊