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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
If folks wish to engage in some trivia reading about a woman of noteworthy history here in the Interior of Alaska, look into Irene Sherman, dubbed 'the Queen of Fairbanks.'

Quite a character.

One of 7 children, who was not aware of her siblings other than by word of mouth for the most part.

She survived a house fire at age 5 that left her permanently disfigured, and was known as Fairbanks' (and Healy, Alaska's) own bag-lady.

She lived on mines, sometimes on the streets, pedaled her bicycle around town, almost always wearing heavy overcoats regardless of weather, nearly always with a rope around her waist with a beer mug dangling from it, could make miners and bartenders blush with her verbiage, and was often taken care of by well-known town families.

To say she was eccentric was an understatement.

Fairbanks is looking to erect a statue for her. I have my own cynical views on that, but also believe she deserves her honorary status, and my cynicism is more aimed at the population than Irene.

The communities she lived in share many tales of her wisdom and humor.

One day in Healy, Alaska, in 1938, she was observed to be burying a huge rock outside her home, which was near the railroad tracks. Any time a person of suspect mind engages in 'unique' behavior, some will talk about it. So it was that day, when a local person asked her what she was doing.

She told them that each night the train came by the engineers and others would try to hit that rock with stones they'd throw, and sometimes the stones bounced in through her open window. She said it was better she buried the rock than someone else.

There's more detailed reading about Irene (especially at the local paper, which has a paywall, though in the spirit of Irene Sherman, I can copy and paste their article here if anyone's interested).

The community took care of Irene when she struggled, one prominent family repeatedly paying for the things she 'shoplifted', when everyone including the store was aware of her 'shoplifting', and it was a sort of warm-hearted joke.

reminds me of the story of Pearl De Vere up in Cripple Creek….i lived seven miles away over by Victor and there were so many stories about Pearl and her Girls..

i believe these are the genealogical lines of our goodnight Irene…😁



Well-known member
I assume you're talking about an epidural, buzz?

Get a Doc who hasn't had too much coffee, with steady hands.

And get his home address. :)

Best of luck, buzz.
Yes that's what it was all right. I had a double today. He's treated me 4 or 5 times and he is very good. I lie very still and let him do his thing. "There's going to be a pinch and a burn", is how it all begins.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
my apologies

but this really pisses me off to no end

in NYC , the budget to help “ migrants” is twice as much as the budget to help American veterans….i mean , WTF!..

this ain’t Ireland is it?..

View attachment 18956347
Don't apologize; it isn't controversial. It just is not our America anymore.

The last of our GI heroes were WWII. They had a parade.

Now our GI's get genuine thanks from strangers (it is heartwarming to receive them) and the finger from the government.

Now we are just a problem.

moose eater

Well-known member
Like senior citizens, veterans have been used up and cast aside for decades.

Mark Twain wrote about the fanfare of war, with balloons and bands, followed by the reality down the road.

Over 30% of homeless people in the US were veterans the last I checked; many of them with psychological, drug, and/or alcohol problems.


Cabana’s bitch
How about the Venezuelan gang members beating up a NY City Cop! Who is in charge of this outfit.
I am pretty close to approaching my witts end with the insanity of what is going on in this country. What bothers me the most is our governments insistence on forcing this to happen even though the outcome is obvious. I fear my last nerve is about to approach the surface, and I will more than likely end up doing something I will probably regret… I don’t think I will regret the action, but I will the repercussion…


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I am pretty close to approaching my witts end with the insanity of what is going on in this country. What bothers me the most is our governments insistence on forcing this to happen even though the outcome is obvious. I fear my last nerve is about to approach the surface, and I will more than likely end up doing something I will probably regret… I don’t think I will regret the action, but I will the repercussion…
There in lies the problem....the district attorney there would love to give you 10 years for spitting on the sidewalk. Those gang members would still be walking the street if they hadn't flipped the bird to all of America.


Well-known member
View attachment 18956028 Here now - sitting in the waiting room - at the cardiology nurse station - waiting to be seen to - St Thomas's Hospital is just across the Thames from the Houses of Parliament - so I popped out for a toke on the vape pen - and took a picture - 📸
I still remember going over Tower Bridge @ About 4am(heading back to base) and pulling a ton. I hooked up with some bikers & patch holder from the Tutting Bec. Fond memories...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My dad's a really old fart, aged 87. He has been anti cannabis his whole life. After about 45 years of him harassing me about my cannabis use he has just become a medical cannabis user to combat back pain and PHN (a painful consequence of shingles). :dance013:

Doc told him cannabis was safer than his 600mg of Lyrica and handfuls of opiates. Who'd have thunk?
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