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Cabana’s bitch
Smoking a joint in celebration for @Boo and the great news.
Cheers my man!
I’m doing the same all snuggled up in my comforter and sitting in front of the fireplace with the boys. I think I ate one too many slices of pizza on the way home and now I feel like a beached whale but the rest of my week is free, so I’m just going to enjoy the moment. Thank you for all the kind words, my friends. I love you all…

Unca Walt

Well-known member
dosent hurt Unc!
The problem with intelligence is that it is hardwired into our lizard/ape brains.

We are genuinely entertained by war movies and the like. It feeds an inner lust of the planet's absolute apex predator.

We go lion hunting... and have to buy a license to kill the lion. Why? Because otherwise, we can and would wipe out that once formidable, now thoroughly beaten foe in days.

We are wired to kill -- that has never changed. Therefore, the ONLY worthy opponent for Mankind is... Mankind.

In the time I have been alive, we have changed from the clumsy weapons of WWII -- which could only kill millions -- to the ability to kill all of us.

Vaxx -- developed by our super brains hooked to our lizard/ape predatory thinking. Changed the DNA of billions. And the change is hereditary.

Nuclear -- No longer the clumsy little pops seen in Japan. Nope, we brilliantly designed a veritable rain of never-miss THERMONUKES to every cave on the globe.

It does hurt.


Well-known member
Premium user
I’m doing the same all snuggled up in my comforter and sitting in front of the fireplace with the boys. I think I ate one too many slices of pizza on the way home and now I feel like a beached whale but the rest of my week is free, so I’m just going to enjoy the moment. Thank you for all the kind words, my friends. I love you all…
So glad to hear good news boo. I’m full of pizza too and about ready to join yall in a buzz-hug.

moose eater

Well-known member
The problem with intelligence is that it is hardwired into our lizard/ape brains.

We are genuinely entertained by war movies and the like. It feeds an inner lust of the planet's absolute apex predator.

We go lion hunting... and have to buy a license to kill the lion. Why? Because otherwise, we can and would wipe out that once formidable, now thoroughly beaten foe in days.

We are wired to kill -- that has never changed. Therefore, the ONLY worthy opponent for Mankind is... Mankind.

In the time I have been alive, we have changed from the clumsy weapons of WWII -- which could only kill millions -- to the ability to kill all of us.

Vaxx -- developed by our super brains hooked to our lizard/ape predatory thinking. Changed the DNA of billions. And the change is hereditary.

Nuclear -- No longer the clumsy little pops seen in Japan. Nope, we brilliantly designed a veritable rain of never-miss THERMONUKES to every cave on the globe.

It does hurt.
Technology advanced, spiritual evolution, not as much, but greed, and the ability to rationalize gained ground.


Well-known member
Premium user
The problem with intelligence is that it is hardwired into our lizard/ape brains.

We are genuinely entertained by war movies and the like. It feeds an inner lust of the planet's absolute apex predator.

We go lion hunting... and have to buy a license to kill the lion. Why? Because otherwise, we can and would wipe out that once formidable, now thoroughly beaten foe in days.

We are wired to kill -- that has never changed. Therefore, the ONLY worthy opponent for Mankind is... Mankind.

In the time I have been alive, we have changed from the clumsy weapons of WWII -- which could only kill millions -- to the ability to kill all of us.

Vaxx -- developed by our super brains hooked to our lizard/ape predatory thinking. Changed the DNA of billions. And the change is hereditary.

Nuclear -- No longer the clumsy little pops seen in Japan. Nope, we brilliantly designed a veritable rain of never-miss THERMONUKES to every cave on the globe.

It does hurt.
Not for everyone Brother .
I never bought into that bullshit.
I have fallen off of ladders and not gotten up and started running like on tv.
IMHO one needs to be smart enough to be able to discern what you see.
If you work with your body you know what happens ,not the bull shit on tv.
Not smart is a curse ,even worse is not knowing you may not know.
Making dum decisions will kill you quicker than my ex wifes cooking
Hurts more in the long run to be dum.


Well-known member
Premium user
I’m doing the same all snuggled up in my comforter and sitting in front of the fireplace with the boys. I think I ate one too many slices of pizza on the way home and now I feel like a beached whale but the rest of my week is free, so I’m just going to enjoy the moment. Thank you for all the kind words, my friends. I love you all…
I will give you a hour to settle in ,!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
just got home from the oncologyst, another victory for this old man...cancer free again...got an eddie and sams pizza on the way home, ate all of it while driving...a homeless guy at a corner I was at got a slice, he seemed really happy about the meal he was handed...
Whoop, whoop, ahwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Good news brother!
That's why I became a sojer instead of a cop. They'da been notches on my notch stick.
I became a soldier because of the draft.

moose eater

Well-known member
nope. there have been many examples of actual intersex humans with indeterminate sex organs/characteristics. but i don't expect anyone to believe me. you COULD try Google if actually curious/open to new things...
Estimated to be as much as 2% of the population, though that number is debated by some..

And take a peek at search engine results for 'phthalates and genetic influence'.

And phthalates are in so many products on the market, from containers to contents, that it's difficult to NOT encounter them.

Edit: Or do a search for 'phthalates and influence on gender and genetics'. LOTS of somewhat dry reading, with some eye-opening moments.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Skip to the abstract and conclusion if this has a Sominex effect on you.

And this is only ONE article that discusses this controversial issue.

Another one or 2.

But it's beneficial to the bottom line for corporations/manufacturers, right?


Well-known member
nope. there have been many examples of actual intersex humans with indeterminate sex organs/characteristics. but i don't expect anyone to believe me. you COULD try Google if actually curious/open to new things...
There have been unusual/atypical humans throughout history. Minuscule fractions of a percent. The human race evolved from there being two sexes. Without the two and only two sexes, we would not be having this debate nor this aberration in history(since they do not procreate, their lineage ends with them). The atypical humans of history have shaped history for sure be it Einstein, Ghandi or even Hitler. A man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man are not going to be a crux in our history. On the contrary, they will merely be a footnote in a textbook on mental disorders. As I said, people are free to believe what they want to believe. You believe what you do and I will know what I know.

moose eater

Well-known member
Tried Keto bagels with no gluten. A good bagel has to have gluten, in my opinion. Otherwise, it often feels like a disintegrated soda cracker in your mouth, like a paste texture once chewed up. It has to have chewiness to be rewarding and to really be a bagel, in my opinion..

Thus begins another hunt, Keto bagels WITH gluten.

So far, the difference is 0 to 2 grams of carb without gluten and about 7 grams of carb (+/-) with gluten.

I think that extra 5 grams of carb is worthy of a more dense, chewy bagel.

"That's my story, and I'm sticking to it."

Edit: Well, the search for a tasty high-quality bagel with few carbs, and still containing gluten... is a disappointment thus far. Not going to spend $25 to $35 for a half-dozen to a dozen bagels. Then there'd be freight.

Oh well, another pipedream shot to hell. :)
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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
nope. there have been many examples of actual intersex humans with indeterminate sex organs/characteristics. but i don't expect anyone to believe me. you COULD try Google if actually curious/open to new things...

intersex among humans is a complex topic , misunderstood , and was never mentioned in sex-Ed , at least the high school level

there is a study out there that says about 1.7 % of the population classifies as intersex humans

it does not take much research to find out that it is indeed a fact that some humans are born with ambiguous genitalia

The child with ambiguous genitalia​

W H Hendren, J D Crawford
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Before addressing this criticism, misunderstandings of “intersex” should be avoided.

First, intersex individuals are not asexual, but have clear sex biomarkers that makes their sex epistemically uncertain.

The biological constitution of intersex individuals involves at least some typically male/female biological sex features in their genotype, phenotype, et cetera.

Should we place biomarkers aside, it would not be clear what sex could mean.

Second, intersex individuals are not hermaphrodites.

There are two misunderstandings to be warded off, the first in terms of there being no cases of hermaphroditism in the sense of individuals who are fully biological males and females, and the second in terms of embryonic development.

Beginning with the former, the reason why “hermaphroditism” is no longer used in medical nomenclature is that there are, simply speaking, no hermaphrodites. While having both XX and XY chromosomes is possible, this is not identical to hermaphroditism—for reasons we shall see later in the discussion of the definition of “sex.” 2 With respect to the latter, Orr's (2020) quotation of Intersex Genital Mutilations: Human Rights Violations of Persons with Variations of Sex Anatomy (2016), the NGO report to the 7th periodic report of France on the Convention Against Torture (CAT). In it, we find the following:

Everybody started out as a hermaphrodite: Until the 7th week of gestation, every fetus has “indeterminate” genitals, two sets of basic reproductive duct structures, and bipotential gonads. Only after the 7th week of gestation, fetuses undergo sexual differentiation mostly resulting in typically male or female sex anatomy and reproductive organs. (p. 32).



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Shrinkflation and Girl Scout Cookies…

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