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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Don't you have your medical record online somewhere?

During my last hospital stay - a nurse helped me to sign up for - https://mychart.gstt.nhs.uk/GSTT/Home

Now I have all my tests - medical history - medicines and appointments up there - where I can access them - and doctors can too - If needs be - makes it all alot easier -
I'm not sure if it's the same thing but my local hospital here in the US in MD, uses an online patient portal system called MyChart and it has made dealing with the hospital, the doctors there and staying up on any test results done thru the hospitsl so much easier. Not only does it give me access to any lab work done going back several years now, but it also keeps a record of my prescriptions that i can easily print off (for new doctor visits), it also keeps me updated on appointments with reminders a day or two in advance. Additionally there is a message system that allows me to communicate with any of my doctors (from the hospital) at anytime if I have questions. There are also other features but the ones mentioned are the ones most useful to me.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
More than I can possibly eat. Bad thing about zukes is nobody will take them. Neighbors and daughter gladly take every thing else but not zukes. So, we get creative.....squash bread and Mrs Pute has a cook book dedicated to zukes. I like to grill them. Cut them up and grill with onions, peppers and potatoes.

Just go in from culling the beans....I itch all over. Should have worn jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

Have carrots crowning like crazy.....should pull a bunch....farg it....tomorrow.
Have you tried leaving them on the doorstep and running?
Bella signora, sei divertente
You shameless sweet talker you! You are such a romantic!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
well,i dont think i need to go to the ER but ive felt the same for about 5 days.usually when i dont drink for this long i start to feel better. but i still feel bad. throwing up a little. my blood pressure is high. my head is still not right.im a really bad alcoholic.i thought about drinking to feel better but im trying my best to fight it.im gonna do my best to not to drink. sorry if this is vague
If you don't feel like it's an emergency then chances are you don't need to go to an ER but given your test numbers and persistent sypmtoms for the past 5 days i would say a consult with your liver doctor is in order.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i have to check it but i know its high.just took my last blood pressure pill. hopefully that will help. no i wish my doctor did
It's worth mentioning that alcohol withdraw if your alcoholism is bad enough is the only known withdraw that can lead to death. Opiate withdraw is the next worst but it will only make you feel like you're dying but won't kill you. Given your persistent symptoms (vomiting and high blood pressure) combined with you saying quiting is not having the same effect/result it usually does, I'd have to say there is sufficient things for you to be concerned about. If you're ready to quit drinking for good you might want to consider checking into some sort of detox program that will monitor you to make sure it doesn't become deadly.


Well-known member
well,i dont think i need to go to the ER but ive felt the same for about 5 days.usually when i dont drink for this long i start to feel better. but i still feel bad. throwing up a little. my blood pressure is high. my head is still not right.im a really bad alcoholic.i thought about drinking to feel better but im trying my best to fight it.im gonna do my best to not to drink. sorry if this is vague
Alcohol withdrawal since you were a heavy drinker to start with then quit cold turkey
I've heard of people dieing this way


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
yeah well you didnt watch the vid or your saying Dick van dyke is wrong. you dont know me or my thoughts. did i say i didnt want to quit drinking? now your just putting words in my mouth. i had adults pouring jack daniels down my throat when i was 13. you dont know as much about alcolhism as much as you think you know so stop being a fucking dick.if i didnt want help i wouldnt be in this thread. im outta here then fucking prick
Try to understand where he's coming from he watched his father die way too early because of alcoholism so it's understandable he would cultivate a zero tolerance attitude. As bad as he may be coming across to you Dogzter is just trying to give you tough love. Don't let his personal feelings towards alcoholism drive you off. You're right to be worried and like I said, withdraw from alcohol can be fatal but so can continued alcohol use. The only real question mark here is the lab numbers they gave you. Which is because that number seems impossibly high. If it's accurate though then you're in a critical situation and your life may be in jeapordy. Given everything you've been telling us you need to take decisive action, NOW.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Glad you like going to the game….I’m all played out on going. College football tonight for me…but I will watch from my couch. I have found the beer is cheaper, I can smoke as well and the bathroom is right down the hall.
Plus there is no seat anywhere in a stadium that can beat the view from a camera played on a big screen HD TV. Seeing a game live is great for the excitement you get from being there part of the crowd but that's about it.


I'm not sure if it's the same thing but my local hospital here in the US in MD, uses an online patient portal system called MyChart and it has made dealing with the hospital, the doctors there and staying up on any test results done thru the hospitsl so much easier. Not only does it give me access to any lab work done going back several years now, but it also keeps a record of my prescriptions that i can easily print off (for new doctor visits), it also keeps me updated on appointments with reminders a day or two in advance. Additionally there is a message system that allows me to communicate with any of my doctors (from the hospital) at anytime if I have questions. There are also other features but the ones mentioned are the ones most useful to me.
We use the mychart here as well and it is very handy.
Also do some visits via telephone if face to face isn't mandatory for me.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
My original Gray Wolf avatar on this site!

Dog Buds.jpg


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Plus there is no seat anywhere in a stadium that can beat the view from a camera played on a big screen HD TV. Seeing a game live is great for the excitement you get from being there part of the crowd but that's about it.
Especially when you consider where the price of these tickets have gone. Tonight Colorado plays here in Boulder at 6:00. Cheapest seat available is $90 and that is barely in the stadium. I have heard some tickets go for well over $400.....scalpers get more.

I am not gonna pay that. Like I said it is more comfortable at home.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Especially when you consider where the price of these tickets have gone. Tonight Colorado plays here in Boulder at 6:00. Cheapest seat available is $90 and that is barely in the stadium. I have heard some tickets go for well over $400.....scalpers get more.

I am not gonna pay that. Like I said it is more comfortable at home.
Yeah ticket prices, the prices of food and drink, the traffic jams when it's time to leave, there are just too many negatives these days seeing a game live. That being said everyone that enjoys the sport should see a game live at least once for the experience.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


Well-known member
I found a baggie at the back of the fridge with 7 seeds in earlier and "DURBAN" written on the bag.

They went for a soak in some pots of coir. :greenstars:
Hello, have you grown Durban before, I am working up to a seed order and have considered Durban for a daytime medical use. I mostly use cannabis in the evening but at times during the day I like to get busy, get happy and look for a strain that gives me a physical boost, calm on the mind and good for moderate pain that I experience during day hours. Evening hours and my pain levels skyrocket.