No, because HPS and the Sun also emitt an electromagnetic field. The suns EMF, the heliosphere, stretches out as far as 120x the distance between the sun and earth. And sunlight contains X-ray, micro waves, gamma rays, deep uv and lots of other harmfull stuff. It is only the earths magnetic yield and ozone layer which protects us from that. Infact if you were able to place a plant in space or another without protection it would also fry.The EMF debate is bougs ? lol why because Rocket Soul said so ?
Grow your plants under microwave light, no problem, but as a led builder you are ignoring facts that don't suit you (ofcourse they don't, it hurts your sells haha)
You led builders found a new way of making money because the hid game is so cheap.
you won't let this cash cow off so easy we know haha, no matter how lame and harmful the product you are selling is.
Money money money
No; the suns "method" for creating light is not the same as HPS; the sun uses fusion which creates photon when two hydrogen atoms fuse under great heat and pressure and a neutron is destroyed and converted to energy, e=mc², all that einsteiny thing. And no, a HPS does not work on the passing of a magnetic field thru a gas, its based on passing a current thru gas. Did you ever see your HPS bulb attract nails or coins to it? Didnt think so. So strike 2 on being wrong. If you have arguments for what your saying other than what you described id happily look at them but for now they all just seems faith based, like flat earth conspiracy.
The plant does not care how light was created, only the light it receives. By your statement I understand you have your whole house lit by HPS, since anything else is dangerous? Come up with something decent for whatever bad results youve had fron leds and lets have a normal rational talk about it.
I do not sell leds i develop and buy them in order to improve our midsized grow. We can already get great yields of better quality bud than we got after 7 years with HPS, but since we are in a very competitive market it makes sense to grow the best quality you can get. I have nothing for sale, nor the funding to set up a company, maybe someday in the future but definitely not now. And in any case why would that disqualify me as biased? Its free to speak and reality also has a say: majority of both grows and cup winners are led, and ill happily admit that some of the best weed ive seen was grown under hps+led.Lol, as always with Ca++, a lot of words, no facts, haha HIDs don't emitt EMF, check the facts before you replay sounding all smart but you are most definitely NOT.
@Rocket Soul
You are a led salesman, you have no say in this debate, I'm sorry.
But, I'll answer you as you are again wrong and that's surprising coming from someone that build led kits but don't know nothing about them
HIDs don't emitt EMF, sorry.
HIDs use the same principles of the sun when making light (magnetic current passing through gas)
Leds use a chemical reaction between alloys.
Get your facts and science straight, not to offend you but I wouldn't buy anything from you after reading all the mumbo jumbo you write and claim to know.
Again, you can argue all you want, you are biased.
These are the cold hard facts, take it or leave it.
Infact the work i do with leds was somewhat based around what youre describing: with standard shitty leds there is something in the quality that is missing; that volatile smell some people people call volatile sulfur compounds, some call it fuel. And guess what, if you tweak your leds the right way you get it back! Theres nothing about the leds intrinsicly that causes yield loss, only the trend in led lighting manufacturers of today: to allways go for absolute highest efficiency even if hortiscience dont back that up really. You need a balanced led spectrum to do that, taking into account chloro a and b, phytochrome action spectrum and the correctly designed uv supplement. Just cause no (or very few) manufacturers does it right doesnt prove that its impossible or the leds fault.
Your intensity argument is also bogus, it can be measured, both in lux and ppfd: leds are more intense if you use enough watts. Unless youre talking about a secret 10000w hps you have but cannot show cause its a secret....
Developing leds would definitely give me a leg up in the conversation based on experience cause it means you can manipulate the light, target specific genetic expressions cause you have much more control since mono leds are very narrow in their spectrum. Unless you have a secret HPS factory you could just take the L and accept that you got less experience in how different light will affect the plant. But then again if youre producing HPS bulbs youre as biased as me, no?
Also please note my reply: HPS works fine in some environments and can be preferable if you grow mainly in a cold climate. Am i really that biased?
I take your doubts as a compliment and a proof that youve not been able to grow a good crop under leds: if youve only been using shitty leds i feel sorry for you missing out but you cant cure an anti-rational mindset.Best Light Quality = 400V HPS
Best Spread Quality = LEDs
Beaten HPS quality ? I doubt that very much sir, you can't beat natural light (sun, hids) with harmful EMF induced light (leds)
Yes, theres lots of words here aswell but they are backed up by an argument and not silly ideas based on your beliefs with no proof