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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Doober is about to piss his pants......waiting and waiting.....
We will just have to hope DB does not blow a fuse before tomorrow gets here.

I recently forgot to send my grandkids a birthday card and some $. Now I will have to wait until Mon. When the wife can go into town and go to the Credit Union.

My memory leaves something to be desired. But what is funny I have not forgot DB's birthday:)

Unca Walt

Well-known member
And a pilot that can pass their airman physical.
Hey just a minnit, here. Mebbe when I wuz a kid, the Army Air Force had yellow and blue biplanes.

But I still gots my Driver's License. And I know the Fargin Sekrit**

**Fargin Sekrit: It is easier to fly a plane than drive a car.

There. I let it out.

When you are flying, you can let go of the steering wheel if you feel like it... and your plane will chug along happily, all trimmed out.

I matters not where you are, you can NOT turn loose of your steering wheel as your car goes along at 110MPH. Nor can you relax, because unlike the pilot who has the whole fargin sky to use... you gotta do a Tao Fabe with all the other on the road both ways passing mere feet from each at top speed.

Another thing: Odd People Fly East. <-- That means anyone flying easterly will fly at an odd-numbered altitude. So nobody goes head on.

Cars of course, use the Everybody Coming At You From Every Direction technique.

You guys buy steal the plane. I'll fly the sumbitch.

LATE PS: Unless it is made by Boeing Boeing Boeing.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Good morning everyone. Today is our 33rd anniversary. Just have a plan of goofing off and made a reservation at our favorite “nice” place for dinner. Dogs are pestering us for a walk so I guess we will get that done first. Hope y’all have a swell day 🥰✌️
Well, Gawd luv yer bones, chile. You two have hit the Third Of A Century mark. May you catch up to me (we're 65 yrs married... so far, not sure it's gonna last).

Unca Walt

Well-known member
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Shaking the buds for the Kief / Hash
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Action station
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Usual haul
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MMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy hash capsules. Melt in your mouth goodness. 65mg each.

My current condition is going to play havoc on my normal routine. Aug 1st is one of the red-letter days where I kill the yard lights and start flower, take cuts off all the still veg stage plants and fill the cloner with them.

I'll need to spray for mildew and start my BT spraying on the 1st as well as the caterpillars are not far behind, and the moths can smell the cannabis in flower from the get-go. Little bastards if you let the first of them get established, they are in too deep for subsequent weekly treatments to reach and they don't consume any treated leaf.

I'll find out who my real friends are when I call in some favors as I'm in no shape to crawl under the plants looking for the buried name tags of the strains. I can likely do the actual inserting of the cuts into the rockwool cubes but much of the rest I'll need help with. Damn sure not up to mixing the BT and spraying the plants nor taking the cuts and such.

The spring harvest was small enough I'll not make hash from it, and I'll combine it with this summer run and pray come late Oct I'm fully recovered and up for my usual round of making hash and caps.
Holy smokes.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
We will just have to hope DB does not blow a fuse before tomorrow gets here.

I recently forgot to send my grandkids a birthday card and some $. Now I will have to wait until Mon. When the wife can go into town and go to the Credit Union.

My memory leaves something to be desired. But what is funny I have not forgot DB's birthday:)
This will be the most celebrated birthday I've ever seen. I'd like to shake his hand. And give him some kief

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
We will just have to hope DB does not blow a fuse before tomorrow gets here.

I recently forgot to send my grandkids a birthday card and some $. Now I will have to wait until Mon. When the wife can go into town and go to the Credit Union.

My memory leaves something to be desired. But what is funny I have not forgot DB's birthday:)
Surely you have a birthday also? When might that be?🧐 It's going to be great tomorrow


Hello dogzter, I use to work for a friend who got contracts with the Forestry Dept. the work was called traversing. Before a logging block was logged and after it was logged we would go in with what they called a chain & compass and we would mark out the area with ribbons. We did other types of work for Forestry as well. It was a good paying work and I love being out in nature.

Now they use satellites.
I have hugged a million trees doing location work and tying ribbon to them.
One of my favorite jobs to do out deep in the woods no people to bug me..........and they paid me for it.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
So what is your impression of edibles now DB?
They really work. I like them. Was high as heck for a few hours then took a great nap for 2 hours and woke up nice and refreshed.
Hoping the ex shows up at coffee tomorrow, I'll find out about my kid. With some other woman or if she had one. I put the party thing on Twitter and Facebook. I hope people come.
Mom is making a huge breakfast at my place while I'm on my walk. French toast, oj, sausages, strawberry, whipped cream, bagels, cream cheese. It's all in my fridge. She said better not touch it. Hopefully I can get a gram of ice hash relatively early in the day tomorrow. Going to bed soon. Good night everyone ❤️


Well-known member
I have hugged a million trees doing location work and tying ribbon to them.
One of my favorite jobs to do out deep in the woods no people to bug me..........and they paid me for it.
I have a few memorable times working in the forest but my favorite is...we were contracted to do an inventory of trees in a high elevation area. As we started our grid system I began to notice a difference in my environment. We were working an area that had never been logged, mined or disrupted in any way. This was an unique experience, everything was noticeably big and there was this spiritual feeling of being in a place that had never been disturbed by human hand. It's hard for me to describe something so ethereal and different to my life I was overwhelmed by the intangible nature of the place. I still feel the strength of that experience many many years later.