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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
6.24am - here in what once was Great Britain 🇬🇧 - someone needs to make it great again - lol 😆

Forecast to be 30C today - I think that's around mid 80'sF - without having to look at the conversion chart - so should be the hottest day of the year so far - got me shorts on anyway - was up twice last night briefly to pee - and once because my son woke me up for snoring - so I turned over on the sofa - and wasn't snoring no more 😑 -

Looks like the 2 in a pot Zamaldelica's are just coming into flower 🌼 - can see tiny white hairs on them - on my little balcony - gym day today - and have arranged to meet my new friend John in the swimming pool there - who is 87 years old and used to play drums for Matt Monro - who was a famous singer back in the 60's - then John got into music publishing and made a mint - John is also a Karate Sensei (teacher) - and I've been teaching him some aqua exercises in the pool using a flotation noodle/woggle - he has a wealth of interesting history and stories from his past - so do I - and we engage in hours of telling them to each other - on the phone and in the pool - I seem to find older people much more interesting to talk to than the youngsters -
Here is one of Matt Monro's biggest hits - 'Born Free' - which was the theme tune to a great movie about Lions in Africa in 1966 -

I remember that movie very well.

It seems you have a knack for meeting
groovy people along the path of life.

Perhaps I should begin going to the gym.
I'd like to meet an interesting old codger
(or 2 :D ) to share stories with.

Good Morn all you groovy TOOFC peoples :dance:


Well-known member
What's her name and #...I have 50 years of junk....
If you are serious about off loading excess and like myself;
don't want to mess with listing it on line or having some type
of 'yard' sale...

Make an acct. at; freecycle dot org.
It is a 501c (?) non profit, give away for free site and the acct. is free also.
Pretty sure it is nation wide and will have at least 1 chapter in your area I would think.

Of course if you're looking for some free stuff...
I found an awesome area rug 14x20 on there recently and it was a block away to pick up.
I wanted a good sized rug for my attic but wasn't about to pay the crazy costs for a new
one just to put in the attic.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Good morning

moar coffee and golf than a human needs!




Well-known member
Premium user
No, not at all, if anything they can be dry. You do not want to overcook grouse. That's why I like the breast meat for a stir fry.

Growing up with my grandparents eating goose at Christmas was the usual. I like goose more so than duck.
If I was to cook a goose I would poke many holes into the flesh to allow the fats an out. Otherwise it can be too greasy. Turkey seems to be the dominant poultry available these days.
Good Morning Old Man .
I was speaking to the rep of the chicken union and he said that was a common misconception.
He said we lose some many chickens every day of the year.
" So many chickens ,in so little time" : unknown advocate for chickens


Well-known member
60F @ 89% RH wind is under 3 mph.
Feels pretty cold after all the high heat + humidity as of recently.

Will be a good day to finally get some yard work
done now that I also feel a bit more motivated.

Heading up to the attic first though, as it's cool
enough to work up there plus; one must allow
the dew to dissipate prior to mowing :)

Pretty slow here in TOF so... guess that means
no more lollygaggin' and time to get me arse on the move.

Best day to y'all :)


Well-known member
Premium user
My son trains and sells horses.
They nave the big indoor arena and grandstands, concession stand and full facilities for shows.
I have been pushing him to do the hobbyhorse shit cuz I see some serious dollar signs attached to all that tardulate.
Nothing but wealthy,deluded white people the absolutely dumbest humans alive.
For Fuks Sak ! Tardulate ☝️ What a word ❤️
I already have a program running in the background of my old 286 brain on ways to use the new word and soon after screening incorporate it into my mainstream flow of words I use in a day.
thank you.


Well-known member
So the scuttlebutt this morning is they're actually going to move me today. I'll believe it when I see it, but I'll keep my fingers crossed. My legs crossed my unmentionables crossed. Dealing with new people all around Oliver at the VA. Brandy here at Keck medical. Between them they seem to have gotten some action going and all we're waiting for now is securing transport for me since it has to be ambulance grade or better. 23 days I've been in here. I've dropped 20 lb that I really couldn't afford to lose.

Their menu computer crashed so they just sent up food for breakfast. One tiny little pancake two very tasteless and skinny sausage patties coffee which I haven't had a cup of since 1975 oatmeal which I probably had last in 1976. Mixed fruit cup which I don't think I've ever had. And 1% milk. Heavy cream, half and half sure 1% milk ?. That's just colored water.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
In comparison to the open heart surgery - I had back in April - it should be a cake walk - in and out on the same day probably - unless there is some odd complication - then I have to sport the pee bag for 4 or 5 days - and it's done - no need for any regular meds either - basically the inside of my prostate will get a jet-wash - then they will syphon off any crud that brings - and the size of my prostate should go back to normal - enabling me not to have to get up 2-3 or 4 times in the night for a tinkle -

- There are other methods/surgeries and meds that the doctors and surgeons offer - but all of the other methods/meds would affect my libido - which I cherish - and I definitely don't want to lose that - because it would erode my quality of life - 😉
If the ablation does the trick that should effect your libido too, but in a good way. :biggrin: