They were our own strains, developed by a community of growers who would exchange seeds with each other. Some were world travellers who would look for strains that could be acclimatized to our region. I had a couple of strains that I favored. My favorite was a variety that origins in Pakistan then crossed with a local strain. When I moved from Ontario to BC I brought seeds with me that came from a block of hash. They took very well to the mountains in BC and were early to bloom with good flavor and potent. People at that time didn't even realize you could grow that kind of bud here. You could tell them it came from anywhere in the world and most had no idea it was grown locally. Eventually people with contacts in California fetched a premium dollar for this smoke. There were many draft dodgers who took up residence in the area where I lived.I am curious , what strains were they?…
gotta be fast finishers to beat the cold eh..
When I applied for a medical cannabis licence around 2010, I wasn't sure what was going to happen. I got rid of anything that was cannabis related, all my seeds, photos any literature. The only thing I kept was a pipe a friend carved who was from Oregon.