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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
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found problem.jpeg


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If the INFLATION REDUCTION ACT WAS SUPPOSED TO REDUCE INFLATION ....why is our national debt increasing by a trillion dollars every 100 days. That is over 8 billion dollars a day! That is after the cost of the New Green Deal and Inflation Reduction Act. Which was approximately 3 trillion.

Just saying
Apples and oranges, almost all of that is just interest on the 31 Trillion that existed well before the recent 3 Trillion you mentioned. Inflation has nothing to do with interest and vice versa.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Never ever had a chicken fried steak, am I missing out?
If you ask someone from the South, here in the US the answer would definitely be yes, you are missing out. It's basically cubed (tenderized) beef covered with a flour and spice batter and then pan fried and topped with cream gravy. It's good comfort food but I think most could live their entire life without it and not feel deprived.
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Got a neighbor across the street who thinks he knows more than anybody on any subject. No matter what he knows more, is faster, quicker and better no matter what.

In the business I worked in we cal that a KNOW IT ALL KNOW NOTHING.

I think he does it to be popular unfortunately nobody likes or will have nothing to do with him.

I actually feel sorry for him....but at the end of the day he is just an azzhole.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Huh .. This 20 year old kid was described by several of his high classmates as being: "Definitely Conservative".
And: Public Records show he formally registered to vote as a Republican, when doing so in September, 2021.
Best to base broad based assumptions on fact, rather than how you want, or would like them, to be perceived.

Personally I think politics had very little to do with his actions. I'm more inclined to believe he was looking for suicide by cop and he picked a target pretty much guarenteed to give him that. That's just my personal opinion though and not based on anything that can be verified.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Got a neighbor across the street who thinks he knows more than anybody on any subject. No matter what he knows more, is faster, quicker and better no matter what.

In the business I worked in we cal that a KNOW IT ALL KNOW NOTHING.

I think he does it to be popular unfortunately nobody likes or will have nothing to do with him.

I actually feel sorry for him....but at the end of the day he is just an azzhole.
Ironically the people that dislike him the most are almost guarenteed to be the people he actually does know more then.


Well-known member
If you ask someone from the South, here in the UD the answer would definitely be yes, you are missing out. It'd bsdicsll cubed beef covered with a flour and spice batter and then pan fried and topped with cream gravy. It's good comfort food but I think most could live their entire life without it and not feel deprived.
Hello Hempkat, ah, cubed beef, I have never been a fan of cube steaks, love steak but not cube steak. Chicken would be good. Cream gravy is good. Comfort food is good,

Food is one of those very subjective wants.

Hope your day goes smoothly.


Well-known member
Premium user
I like blueberries. Watermelon. Strawberries. Pineapple.
Well there’s a start. I’ll bet you will try a few more that you like. The cauliflower pizza crust is not bad. I’ve made it at home. It tastes really good home made. You prolly need to stay away from carbs to bring your weight down which will also help your numbers just eating healthier. Are you still having chest pressure?


Well-known member
Good day OF, As I sit here typing, I am percolating sweat. The humidity is only 26%. Must be my coffee making me hot. But there is always this concept, I am just a hot old man.

In Bob Dylan's words: "Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet."

Hope your day has some happiness to it. I think some unknown electrician said that, or was it a plumber🧰