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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Used to watch those lads getting real silly - on the telly box - back in the 60's - they did have some very catchy songs - here they are 30 years after they were a boy band - on Jokermans favourite hotties show (Rosie O'Donnel) - back in 1996 -

There is an antenna tv channel here named "Catchy" (I think).
They play all the 'old timey' television programs I grew up with.
One weekend while channel surfing, I happened to catch a
weekend Monkees marathon.

I soon realized that as a child, I am now certain a great
many of the content was lost to me. Now as an adult...
I thought... this really was not a kids show haha.
It was a blast watching some of those old episodes.

Back when, 'they' sold big squares of bubble gum
that contained trading cards (for a Nickle!).
My gf's and I collected all the Monkees ones.
The gum was GROSS so I pawned mine off to younger siblings lol.
It was those cards that were the gold :)

All my gf's just LOVED Davey Jones.
Myself... I simply adored Peter Tork (the dork haha).

Wish I had some of that old crap I'd collected as a kid.
Especially my then awesome 45/ LP collection, sigh.

I may have posted this somewhere along the line.
Still my very favorite Monkees song...

Also... a very fine good morning to all TOOFC members :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Classified documents case is dropped..........expect more violence.
Actually expect the Special Prosecuter to appeal it to the 11th Circuit and watch it get reopened and Judge Cannon removed from the case. Then if Trump tries to file the same motion in DC his motion will be denied creating a situation for the matter of Special Prosecuter appointments to go straight to the Supreme Court. Seeing as how Special Prosecutors have been an accepted thing for the Attorney General to appoint since the 1870's and it's something that has been ruled as constitutional many times, even by the Supreme Court in the past. The appeal to the Supreme Court will likely come down in favor of the Special Prosecutor.

Not that it matters because it accomplished the real goal of making sure it doesn't happen until after the election. At that point what happens depends on who wins the election. There will not be any violence though.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah - let's stop the political stuff on this thread from now on - I understand that people including myself might like to comment on a particularly heinous political event - such as we saw over the weekend - but to let it seep constantly into this thread will just toxify it - and just about all of us don't really want that 😀 - correct?
It's been steadily seeping into this thread for months, it's just that if nobody says anything in response then everyone acts like it isn't happening but if someone says anything against the popular position then all hell breaks loose. Funny thing about it is those who keep saying to not bring it into this thread are the ones who bring it in the most.

Now most likely I'll be the one accused of bringing it in and told to take it somewhere else even though I'm just responding to your post. For the record, I have no problem with keeping it out of this thread but I'll be expecting everyone else and I mean everyone, to do the same.
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Well-known member
Early morning up and out for annual labs and a procedure.

About halfway to my destination... my mind broke through
the sadness cloud as lyric from a Frank Zappa tune came
"... and it's tittie squeezing time!".
That caused a much needed and welcome smile.

From that... most of ya should be able to figure out which
yearly procedure I was on my way to have done :)


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Early morning up and out for annual labs and a procedure.

About halfway to my destination... my mind broke through
the sadness cloud as lyric from a Frank Zappa tune came
"... and it's tittie squeezing time!".
That caused a much needed and welcome smile.

From that... most of ya should be able to figure out which
yearly procedure I was on my way to have done :)
Good luck.....I know where you are going...

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Before I catch up any further... I gotta respond to the above. oldman: You have never had your taste buds feel as good as possible without having a batch of fried clams.

View attachment 19033444


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes I've got good seeds and an LED light just need to get it going.
Off pizza and burgers and chips. Eating fruit and veggies. Sucks so bad.
Oh come on, it can't be all that bad, surely there are fruits and Veggies you like. My favorite for a sweet tooth is a nice, chilled, ripe Mango. For veggies that's a bit tougher but I've been known to make a filling snack out of a bowl of mixed vegetables. As for the burger, maybe you could try that impossible beef stuff it looks, smells and tastes just like ground beef when it's cooked and yet it's made entirely from plants. Unfortunately I got no suggestions for Pizza, what the real problem there is the cheese, they have cheese like substitutes that are supposed to be healthy for you but I've not tried one yet that didn't taste horrible. For the sauce, well that's all vegetable and for the crust they have pizza crust made with cauliflower. I've not tried that yet but I know people that have who claim they can't tell the difference. Also there are toppings like onions, green peppers, olives, mushrooms, pineapple, etc. to make it more interesting.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Bangers and Mash with fried onions in gravy - Mmmm - now that's a classic British meal - used to get it served up to us at school dinners -

* Splodgy - I've managed to keep my weight around 15 to 15 and a half stone for 2 and a half years now - and feel much better for it - once you've lost 3 stone - you never want to go back I've found - so I snack less - and do the intermittent fasting on gym days - 3-4times per week -

Oww - 1 stone = 14lbs (that's how we measure bodyweight in the UK) -
What is the origins of that measurement? I mean it just seems odd to break things up in to 14's but I guess it goes nicely with fortnights. :biggrin:


Well-known member
Oh come on, it can't be all that bad, surely there are fruits and Veggies you like. My favorite for a sweet tooth is a nice, chilled, ripe Mango. For veggies that's a bit tougher but I've been known to make a filling snack out of a bowl of mixed vegetables. As for the burger, maybe you could try that impossible beef stuff it looks, smells and tastes just like ground beef when it's cooked and yet it's made entirely from plants. Unfortunately I got no suggestions for Pizza, what the real problem there is the cheese, that have cheese like substitutes that are supposed to be health for you but I've not tried one yet that didn't taste horrible. For the sauce, well that's all vegetable and for the crust they have pizza crust made with cauliflower. I've not tried that yet but I know people that have who claim they can't tell the difference. Also there are toppings like onions, green peppers, olives, mushrooms, pineapple, etc. to make it more interesting.
Brussell Sprouts I like.

Slice them up with a mandolin very very fine, butter and olive oil in a large hot pan, sling them in and fry for 20/30 seconds at most, then splash of water in the pan, off the heat and cover with a lid.

I had a Michelin starred chef show me that one once, after he made me eat a raw sprout. I never knew they tasted so sweet when fresh and uncooked.
Now I am a sprout fan and have the rear end wind to prove it. :greenstars:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ooh, coincidentally... (apologies for this newsite, it's terrible with the ads and stuff)


"Car firm boss fined £26,000 for coughing in employee's face​

The judge ordered the woman receive a payout of £26,438.84 - with Cawdor Cars handing her £18,000 in damages for injury to feelings and Mr Davies paying £3,841.94 for unfair dismissal and £4,596.90 in interest accumulated."

That's nothing, there is a well known political figure over here that essentially got fine around 95 million for basically calling a woman a liar.
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Ooh, coincidentally... (apologies for this newsite, it's terrible with the ads and stuff)


"Car firm boss fined £26,000 for coughing in employee's face​

The judge ordered the woman receive a payout of £26,438.84 - with Cawdor Cars handing her £18,000 in damages for injury to feelings and Mr Davies paying £3,841.94 for unfair dismissal and £4,596.90 in interest accumulated."



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
naw man
im no germ o phobe but that is straight up rude, tantamount to spitting in someone face
if someone got in my face and started coughing/ spit shouting what do you think i would do
i would kindly take a step back and tell them politely to f' off and their next move dictates what happens next
even before social distancing i did not like to be too close to people i dont know
i also have this thing about how i dont want to smell your stink, if you are close enough to me that i can smell your funky body odour or bad breath you need to back up please

/edited for clarity
Yeah it seems like nobody understands the concept of personal space anymore. I mean I get it in places like China and India where there are so many people that it's hard to not be all up in someone's face but in the rest of the world there really isn't an excuse.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Oh come on, it can't be all that bad, surely there are fruits and Veggies you like. My favorite for a sweet tooth is a nice, chilled, ripe Mango. For veggies that's a bit tougher but I've been known to make a filling snack out of a bowl of mixed vegetables. As for the burger, maybe you could try that impossible beef stuff it looks, smells and tastes just like ground beef when it's cooked and yet it's made entirely from plants. Unfortunately I got no suggestions for Pizza, what the real problem there is the cheese, that have cheese like substitutes that are supposed to be health for you but I've not tried one yet that didn't taste horrible. For the sauce, well that's all vegetable and for the crust they have pizza crust made with cauliflower. I've not tried that yet but I know people that have who claim they can't tell the difference. Also there are toppings like onions, green peppers, olives, mushrooms, pineapple, etc. to make it more interesting.
I like blueberries. Watermelon. Strawberries. Pineapple.

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