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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
Good morning, gypsy, I trust that the new ticker is doing well and it appears from your post that you were on top of the world lately. Congratulations on making it through to the other side…Subbie, if it weren’t for the amount of ice packs that I keep in the freezer I wouldn’t be able to walk. It seems like my trainer is pushing me harder and harder every day yet I am able to do the exercises, but I’m not good with the discomfort the following two days. My sleep has been very sporadic and I’m not getting rested. Top shelf marijuana doesn’t seem to be doing to me anymore, I just don’t get a sound sleep for more than a few hours.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My calfs are tight this morning. I finished the shutter painting yesterday but think I did too much tippy toe action reaching the tops with my short ladder. Trying to stretch them out so I don’t look like an old lady today walking the dogs…
‘Hope you get to feeling better soon with that ice.🥰
Mine are a bit tight too - after doing 4 sets of 350lb calf raises - on the leg press machine at the gym yesterday Subby - so we can both console each other - over our sore calves - 😆

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Not everyone stayed fit during the pandemic, but the good news for you sisters is that Chippendales is still in business:


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good morning, gypsy, I trust that the new ticker is doing well and it appears from your post that you were on top of the world lately. Congratulations on making it through to the other side…Subbie, if it weren’t for the amount of ice packs that I keep in the freezer I wouldn’t be able to walk. It seems like my trainer is pushing me harder and harder every day yet I am able to do the exercises, but I’m not good with the discomfort the following two days. My sleep has been very sporadic and I’m not getting rested. Top shelf marijuana doesn’t seem to be doing to me anymore, I just don’t get a sound sleep for more than a few hours.
Yeah man - it's like having a new lease on life - after a year of waiting for the surgery with Mitral Regurgitation - making me feel like I was gonna faint and smack my head on the floor - every time I bent over 🙃 - feeding the cats became a dangerous sport - lol

Even my sleep patern is much better now - although I still get woken up by this dodgy prostate - but not so often as before amazingly - now the hospital calls me today to tell me that they are gonna do this Prostate Ablation surgery end of August - and once done - should be able to go 7-8 hours without having to yank the old fella out - to take a piss - instead of the 2-3 hours currently 😊



Like here they claim the perception of the medical people is the issue not the morbid obesity.
The same people who screamed trust the science and demanded forced shots,masks,social distancing and firing people who declined a experimental shot..........same exact people who call you and I conspiracy theorists the same exact people who are quoted by the left as the experts when arguing their propaganda points.


New member
I'm calling BS on that 'report'.

They got someone to 'SAY' he was conservative, when both of his parents were democrats. Apples don't fall far from the tree....

Registered Republican to vote against Trump in the primary seems to be the prevalent theme for his town.

There also exists the possibility that there were more than 1 shooter. It was odd that people reported to police the guy was up on the roof 30 minutes BEFORE the shooting and nothing was done... That shows ineptness, or at the least complicity in the event.

Another 'oddity' is his secret service detail were all temporary (newbies) hires. Apparently, Jill got the lion's share of SS detail for her piddly event...? It was like watching a Keystone Kops movie.

Yet another is a cop went up the ladder to 'see for himself' and the perp pointed his rifle at him, he backed down and then what? Did he make the call? Did that visit panic him and he started shooting early??

Then there was the two anti-snipers behind Trump. I heard they were looking for perimeter shooters further out. The one rifle on a tripod was horizontal as if to shoot further away. It ended up being pointed down 30° to take out the perp.

So many questions remain. Perp was an experienced computer techie type who built computers, but had NO social media presence?

That alone speaks of coverup. Controlling the information (like Joe said: "Let the FBI investigate...")... yeah right.

It reminds me of the raid on P. Diddy's home. Was that an FBI 'raid' to disclose information, or an FBI raid to find and conceal videos and photos?? Has anyone seen, or heard anything from that story??

One thing is clear... nobody is talking about Joes impaired mental capacity any more....
Is this untrue because it doesn’t fit your agenda

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor

Like here they claim the perception of the medical people is the issue not the morbid obesity.
The same people who screamed trust the science and demanded forced shots,masks,social distancing and firing people who declined a experimental shot..........same exact people who call you and I conspiracy theorists the same exact people who are quoted by the left as the experts when arguing their propaganda points.

The resident expert talking heads......................................................


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
No not just because of that,although obviously it makes a difference,polling sources come into play as well,is there an honest poll? Especially now that Trump was shot at ,all candidates should receive it ,it's just the right thing to do.
Actually, in case you haven't heard, because of the attempt made on Trump RFK Jr as well as the new Republican VP pick JD Vance will now be getting that Secret Service protection.


Well-known member
We just had a wicked rain that was so bad the storm sewers couldn't keep up. The water backed up and flooded our building and the township stopped in and said the water is 2 feet on the road in town and they've had hundreds of calls of flooding basements. Now it's 32 out with 100 % humidity ,just brutal.


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