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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I believe maybe my parents coulda voted for a Democratic president when I was growing up. I really don't know, and I never once asked. Today I don't bother with or waste my time with any of that branding. Ever. Life is too short.
Both parties are far away from their roots.They have all the money so an independent can never win even though that is what is needed.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You go get'em!
I mean you KNOW the truth about all of it already the rest of us are just catching up.
And of course the government never lies.........you have any idea how you sound especially on a weed site?
No different then you sound, nobody says the government never lies, but every time someone reports a fact that doesn't agree with your narrative you accuse them of lying, whether it's the Federal government, the State Government, The local government. Yet amazingly when they say something that fits your narrative then hallifuckingluja they must be preaching the gospel truth. You might be a bit more believable if you ever admitted that everyone lies now and then rather then just one side always does it all the time accept when they agree with you.


Well-known member
Premium user
It’s been a long day. I normally come here to catch a buzz but it’s crazy in this thread tonight. I couldn’t help myself from trying to hear anything on the news channels today as well as the internet to get a better understanding on how this happened. My head is swimming in it now. I hate that this has happened in our USA and also that we can’t be more civil to each other just talking about it. I’m gonna try and find a leave it to beaver rerun and catch the rest of my buzz without yall tonight. Hopefully this is just a bad night. 🥰✌️


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
No different then you sound, no body says the government lies but every time someone reports a fact that doesn't agree with your narrative you accuse them of lying, whether it's the Federal government, the State Government, The local government. Yet amazingly when they say something that fits your narrative then hallifuckingluja they must be preaching the gospel truth. You might be a bit more believable if you ever admitted that everyone lies now and then rather then just one side always does it all the time accept when they agree with you.

we probably have more in common than what we disagree with

my current view summed up in memes






Well-known member
No different then you sound, nobody says the government never lies, but every time someone reports a fact that doesn't agree with your narrative you accuse them of lying, whether it's the Federal government, the State Government, The local government. Yet amazingly when they say something that fits your narrative then hallifuckingluja they must be preaching the gospel truth. You might be a bit more believable if you ever admitted that everyone lies now and then rather then just one side always does it all the time accept when they agree with you.
They never tell the truth period. They would self incriminate if they did,most are lawyers before they go into politics and lawyers lie for a living,we hire them to lie for us.


Well-known member
It’s been a long day. I normally come here to catch a buzz but it’s crazy in this thread tonight. I couldn’t help myself from trying to hear anything on the news channels today as well as the internet to get a better understanding on how this happened. My head is swimming in it now. I hate that this has happened in our USA and also that we can’t be more civil to each other just talking about it. I’m gonna try and find a leave it to beaver rerun and catch the rest of my buzz without yall tonight. Hopefully this is just a bad night. 🥰✌️
I hope Eddie Haskel is on.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Can you explain your support for a president with dementia and explain how that is the logical choice?
Sure nobody has proven he has dementia and yet the guy has been hammering that into people's heads even before he won the 2020 election. Such that one debate, he underperforms likely because his prep team prepped him on the likely questions he would be asked rather then prepped him for the firehose of verifiable lies his opponant spewed every time he spoke. I mean I'm thinking what people are calling him being slack jawed with dementia was really him thinking, "My god, how can this guy lie so much so fast and how can I possibly counter all that and still have enough time to answer the question I was asked?"

Rather then looking at the debate I look at if he accomplished the things he claimed he was going to do, which he did with the republicans fighting him tooth and nail the whole way and then turn around when the bills they fought bring jobs and money to the states they represent.

Besides, the Presidency isn't just about the one many with the title, he sets the agenda but it's his administration that does the heavy lifting and then brngs it to him for his approval. I could ask you a similar question, when he was running for office Trump criticized how much time Obama played golf while in Office which was a total of 333 times over 8 years. Trump campaigned saying he would be so busy working he would have no time for golf. Yet Trump racked up 308 games during his 4 years in office. Which is almost twice as much as Obama or about the same amount in half the time. So how can you support a candidate that lies constantly and doesn't keep his commitments? I would also ask how is he any less in the throws of dementia when he's been caught on video having brain farts as much or even more then Biden?
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