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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
It’s common knowledge that the CIA took out JFK and also his cousin RFK. I have no doubt in my mind. It was the alphabet organizations that were involved in this. Joe came out in public said that he had a secret service entourage, but he never said it was diminished by 50%. Another fact they didn’t mention is they didn’t have anybody up on any rooftops which is totally against protocol in a situation like this… the CIA has a history of doing things like this, and I have no doubt in my mind they were involved in this one way or the other


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
One thing is certain:: This 20 year old punk wasn't a good shot.
Did plenty of plinking when I was a kid, and that part is certain.
And, the guy either had a shitty gun, or never ever trained with it.
Speaks to me of a low life, bored with life, with loose nuts & bolts.
That line in bold is the most accurate statement I've seen on the shooter yet and even that is based on assumptions made comparing his results to your own experiences with a gun. Like it or not, not everyone that buys a gun is instantly a marksman, even when they have a gun designed for precision which his was not. So far there doesn't appear to be any planning or training, for all we know he never even adjusted his sites from the day he bought the gun. Everything that happens suggest this was an impulse move on his part and the fact that he didn't kill Trump but came extremely close supports that conclusion.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
false narratives like Aussies being rounded up and placed in Covid camps

false narratives like Colin Powelmwarning us of weapons of mass destruction

brother , the list of lies goes on and on

this current government is not looking out for the peace and safty of americans

View attachment 19032754
How about you stick with current day facts rather then using years old facts and facts from other countries to fit the narrative you're trying to push. "Oh the government lied in the past so they just got to be doing it now." Give me a freaking brake.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Who made you the fact checker or the arbiter of what is or is not acceptable to say on this subject?
I never claimed to be the fact checker or arbiter of what nonsense you spot is acceptable. That doesn't mean I'm not going to call you on it when you post unsupported bullshit with your only supporting evidence being stuff from year or even decades in the past or things that happened in other countries.



I never claimed to be the fact checker or arbiter of what nonsense you spot is acceptable. That doesn't mean I'm not going to call you on it when you post unsupported bullshit with your only supporting evidence being stuff from year or even decades in the past or things that happened in other countries.
You go get'em!
I mean you KNOW the truth about all of it already the rest of us are just catching up.
And of course the government never lies.........you have any idea how you sound especially on a weed site?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It’s common knowledge that the CIA took out JFK and also his cousin RFK. I have no doubt in my mind. It was the alphabet organizations that were involved in this. Joe came out in public said that he had a secret service entourage, but he never said it was diminished by 50%. Another fact they didn’t mention is they didn’t have anybody up on any rooftops which is totally against protocol in a situation like this… the CIA has a history of doing things like this, and I have no doubt in my mind they were involved in this one way or the other
What you are talking about is a failure of Trump's Secret Service team. Joe didn't mention it was deminished by 50% because it is know established fact that former Presidents have a smaller secret service detail then sitting Presidents. I too would like to know why the nearby rooftops weren't secure, that's one of the first things Secret Service does when securing a site in advance. And no disrespect meant to you Boo but just because you have no doubt in your mind, that's still just something in your mind. It doesn't make it fact.


Well-known member
I don't know haven't thought it through but shot in the ear? That's an intentional shot I think.

Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 5.51.38 PM.png

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Well-known member
What you are talking about is a failure of Trump's Secret Service team.
for all the armchair QB's

Check this infuriating about Secret Service incompetence:
-Trump had temporary USSS agents for the PA rally
-would normally have 3 sniper teams but only had 1
-sniper team only had 1 day to prep (usually need multiple)
-more USSS resources were diverted to Jill Biden

My latest compilation of reporting: GOP Was Investigating Secret Service Before Assassination Attempt | RealClearPolitics​

unrolled because it's bigger than just a post
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Maybe every bullet missed and the ear could have been clipped by hitting the edge of the podium while the suits all huddled around him on the ground? I really though an AR15 at 138(?) metres would do a lot more damage. I know nothing about guns.

Does the shooter hate Republicans and Trump then? Not seen that anywhere. I have seen it was his fathers AR15 and the dude had maybe a bomb in the car?

It's all still dripping out still, the info is.
It actually did qute a bit of damage, almost killed a former president, kill on nearby innocent by-stander with a head shot, critically wounded two other nearby bystanders all with just 7 shots before the shooter himself was killed. You've not heard the shooter say he hates Trumps or all Republicans because the only thing saying that is a video slapped together in less then 24 hours featuring someone that sort of looks like the shooter but clearly isn't the shooter saying those words all after he was shot dead on the scene. The evidence, what little there is, is out there you just got to look for it rather then depend on sites filled with people making fake evidence to support whatever they want to believe.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
How about you stick with current day facts rather then using years old facts and facts from other countries to fit the narrative you're trying to push. "Oh the government lied in the past so they just got to be doing it now." Give me a freaking brake.


we will never change one another’s mind

current day facts eh

how about the cia coup to set up Zelenski and the consequent 15-25,000 civilians murdered in the Donbas region of Russia

more than 13 years of relentless terror by the azov nazi regime who runs and controls Ukraine

there was no “invasion” of ukraine by russia

there was a liberation of Ukraine from nazism , corruption , and Burisma bullshit , all by Vladdy

here is a shocker……..Russia is becoming what we hoped America would be and America is turning into what we’re we’re afraid Russia was

Please check your cognitive dissonance at the door.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Whatever happened - it's now a goldmine for what so many people call conspiracy theorists - (I've regularly been called one) -
Clearly true as evidenced by some of the wild speculation on display here in this thread. Rather then just making shit up to fit what people want to believe we should be waiting for verifiable evidence. It's that very kind of wild speculation that brought us to this point where some 20 year old kid threw his life away trying to take Trump out Seems like people want this fantasy of a civil war to come true, except if it every really happens most of them are not going to care for how it actually turns out.

I'm sure that in the first civil war people were shocked by how that one actually played out as well.


Well-known member
And a fine and jolly good day to you too old man 👴 - England made it into the final of the European Football Cup - and will face Spain 🇪🇸 on Sunday - after beating the Dutch in the semi-finals - in the last minute of the game - so I'm feeling hopeful for their success - last time we kicked arse against the Spanish was in 1588 -
View attachment 19031446
View attachment 19031447
...There were no major storms over Berlin tonight, and instead of repeating the result of 1588, it was more like the second leg game of 1589...


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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Clearly true as evidenced by some of the wild speculation on display here in this thread. Rather then just making shit up to fit what people want to believe we should be waiting for verifiable evidence. It's that very kind of wild speculation that brought us to this point where some 20 year old kid threw his life away trying to take Trump out Seems like people want this fantasy of a civil war to come true, except if it every really happens most of them are not going to care for how it actually turns out.

I'm sure that in the first civil war people were shocked by how that one actually played out as well.

verifiable evidence like the Warren Report and the 9-11 Commission to name a few?

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