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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Both parties are far away from their roots.They have all the money so an independent can never win even though that is what is needed.
Actually it's not what is needed unless you can also get enough independents elected to the house and senate to get anything done otherwise Congress just wouldn't pass anything the President tried to do.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That stacks the deck,eliminating opponents. I think the 20% is 30 straight days but I'm not sure. They are obligated to protect major presidential and vice presidential candidates,congress decides with a 5 person panel. Now major is a term that isn't really defined and that's why congress decides..
Well you could look at it as 20% is how they define major.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What positive things has he accomplished that made your life better?
He's lowered gas prices, he's driven inflation down, he kept the country from going into a recession when everyone was sure it was going to go into a recession. He significantly reduced the costs of medications. I could go on but you probably won't believe me because you're even asking. All his accomplishments are well known and well documented. So for you to ask me what has he done that effects me personally you're likely counting on things like I'm on disability so I don't benefit from historically low unemployment, also since I'm on disability and stated here in the past I don't have money left over at the end of the month you know I don't benefit from a stock market that's been setting records for weeks now. Also being on disability I don't benefit by a rise in salary averages. I don't live in the states where the CHIPS act is bringing electronic manufacturing back to the state. I do live in a state that has a lot of new infrastructure being built which I gather is because of the historic investment in Infrastructure which I believe was in the inflation reduction bill. Need I go on? How about you dazlle me with Trumps legislative achievements? As far as I know his only on is the tax cut for the wealthy lower them to 8% while most other taxpayers are about 3 times that much. Oh and that achievement added 8 trillion to the deficet over 10 years whereas everything Biden has done only adds about half that over the same time priod.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes i got that part but the panel can vote for it regardless and since kennedys have a way of being shot and there aren't very many running for the presidency,it's not all that expensive.
Oh so you think RFK Jr is going to get shot just because his Father and Uncle were shot? I don't think that's enough to sway the panel. Also while they might be able to change the qualification percentage why should they? Maybe they feel that's a fair number? I can't think of anyone who ever got elected with lss then 20%. Ross Perot was probably the closest and he was at 23% I think?


No different then you sound, nobody says the government never lies, but every time someone reports a fact that doesn't agree with your narrative you accuse them of lying, whether it's the Federal government, the State Government, The local government. Yet amazingly when they say something that fits your narrative then hallifuckingluja they must be preaching the gospel truth. You might be a bit more believable if you ever admitted that everyone lies now and then rather then just one side always does it all the time accept when they agree with you.
Show me where I do this.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Accept everything you just said is fake news talking points from Fox news and the right wing political machine.

First of all he didn't give billions to Ukraine he gave them billions worth of weapons. The actual billions went to American defense contractors and weapons manufacturers. Second Ukraine is not a Nazi backed regime, there is a small party that represent less then 1% of the Ukrainian population whose only connection to the nazis is they like to wear swastikas on their uniforms.

The withdrawl from Afghanistan was arranged by Trump in a private meeting with the Taliban, held at Camp David and from which the Afghan government was excluded. Still Biden did keep Trump's promise and got us out in the agreed upon time which totally telegraphed the whole thing (something Trump criticized Obama for doing in Iraq) and the equipment left behind was meant for the Afghan security forces we trained but since the Taliban was prepared for precisely when to attack they caught the Afghan forces off guard, most of whom turned tail and ran. The troops that were killed were trying to save all the A

Biden is currently position to go down as the most effective President since the 60's.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Show me where I do this.
You know that's virtually impossible to do as I would have to go over your entire post history and I don't got time for that. Plus you know that's what you do but you'll never admit to it even if I could somehow go thru your post history and show you.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
If you stick to the verifiable facts of the case in question you don't need to establish credibility. Credibility is only needed for that which you can't fully prove.

how much AI chat , like gpt , do you use?
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You know that's virtually impossible to do as I would have to go over your ntire post history and I don't got time for that. Plus you know that's what you do but you'll never admit to it even if I could somehow go thru your post history and show you.
You can just admit you're making it up as you go if you'd like it will look less pathetic on your part.
You cannot bite the hand that feeds you at least you're a compliant slave.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Not in the mood go away
You first you started this bull shit with me, just like you Dogster, BigSur51 and others ganged up on me last time the thread went political. It all fine until someone says something that you all don't agree with from the information silo you are all stuck in. I might have paid attention to your mood and honored your request but you already admitted your FIL death wasn't really a problem for you and that what was really bothering you is what happened to Trump. But hey I get it, you were the one who suggested it's okay if you just imply political views rather then just come straight out with it.


Well-known member
Oh so you think RFK Jr is going to get shot just because his Father and Uncle were shot? I don't think that's enough to sway the panel. Also while they might be able to change the qualification percentage why should they? Maybe they feel that's a fair number? I can't think of anyone who ever got elected with lss then 20%. Ross Perot was probably the closest and he was at 23% I think?
No not just because of that,although obviously it makes a difference,polling sources come into play as well,is there an honest poll? Especially now that Trump was shot at ,all candidates should receive it ,it's just the right thing to do.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You can just admit you're making it up as you go if you'd like it will look less pathetic on your part.
You cannot bite the hand that feeds you at least you're a compliant slave.
One problem there brianiac, I'm not making it up. You're just too pathetic to admit it's the truth because you're so in love with a convicted felon for candidate, that wants to be a dictator and terminate the constitution. You actually think I'm worried about how I look to the likes of you? :ROFLMAO:
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
One problem there braniac, I'm nt making it up. You just to pathetic to admit it[s the truth because you're so in love with a convicted felon for candidate, that wants to be a dictator and terminate the constitution. You actually think I'm worried about how I look to the likes of you? :ROFLMAO:
good then leave. You are not welcome .....our president just got shot by one of you

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